Luma Selections

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t I Names of the persons by whom the Kitdb al-

Lumcf was transmitted to the anonymous editor.

Doxology. The author s preface.

r. i CHAPTERS I IX. The relation of Sufism to Islam.

Traditionists, jurists, and Sufis. Peculiar charac

teristics of the Sufis. Their doctrine derived from
the Koran and the Traditions of the Prophet.

rr-r. CHAPTERS X XL Origin of the name Sufi .

TA r^ CHAPTERS XII XIV. Sufism the esoteric science

of Islam. Its nature, meaning, and derivation.

U-TA CHAPTERS XV XVIII. Unification (taw/nd)a.n&

Gnosis (mcfrifat).

Vr-i \ CHAPTERS XIX XXXVII. The mystical stations

(maqdmdt) and states (ahwdl).
tr-Yr CHAPTERS XXXVIII XLVI. The hidden mean
ings of the Koran and how they are interpreted
by the Sufis.

\-i 1^ CHAPTERS XL VII L. Imitation of the Prophet.

His character and virtues.

Mt-\.o CHAPTERS LI LV. The Sufistic method of in

terpretation of the Koran and the Traditions,

with examples.

\i\-\U CHAPTERS LVI LXII. The Companions of the

Prophet regarded as patterns of the mystic life.

Abu Bakr,
c c
Umar, Uthman,
Ali, the Ahl al-Suffat
and the other Companions.
r \\-\i\ CHAPTERS LXIII LXXXVIII. The manners
(dddb) of the Sufis : in their ablutions, in prayer,

almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimage, social intercourse,

mystical discussions, meals and entertainments,

ecstasy, dress, travelling, begging, earning a live

lihood, marriage, sitting alone or in company,
hunger, and sickness; the manners of Sheykhs,
disciples, and hermits their manners in friend

ship and in the hour of death.

\ CHAPTER LXXXIX. The different answers given

by Sufis on many points of mystical doctrine.

CHAPTER XC. Letters, or parts of letters, written

by Sufis to one another.

fit CHAPTER XCI. Specimens of the introductions

(sudur) of Sufistic epistles.

Toy fil CHAPTER XCII. Specimens of Sufistic poetry.

CHAPTER XCIII. Prayers and invocations to God.

CHAPTER XCIV. The precepts (wasdyd) given

by Sufis to one another.

.. r"\Y
CHAPTERS XCV CVI. Audition (samd ).

CHAPTERS CVII CXII. Ecstasy (wajd).

CHAPTERS CXIII CXVIII. Miracles (kardmdt).

CHAPTERS CXIX CXX. Explanation of Sufistic

technical terms.

CHAPTERS CXXI CXXXII. Explanation of the

ecstatic expressions (shathiyydt) used by Sufis.


erroneous doctrines held by certain Sufis.

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