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2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and

European Control Conference (CDC-ECC)

Orlando, FL, USA, December 12-15, 2011

Robust Pointwise Min-Norm Control of Distributed Systems with Fluid

José M. Igreja, João M. Lemos and Sérgio J. Costa

Abstract— This paper reports a Pointwise Min-Norm control Function (CLF) techniques for adaptive control of hyperbolic
(PWMN) general result for a class of distributed systems that systems are described in [16].
include transport phenomena associated with fluid flow in pipes Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) for lumped
and open pool canals. The main goal is to find a numerical
control scheme that ultimately can be embedded in a more systems is a well understood control methodology and its
general Nonlinear Model Predictive Control formulation as an main results can be found in [10] and [27]. For a survey
alternative to ensure closed-loop stability, for moderate values see [28]. Predictive control of hyperbolic PDE systems,
of the receding horizon without increasing dramatically the namely transport-reaction processes, was studied in [8]
computational effort. In fact the PWMN control can be viewed and [29] for SISO cases. In the former the controller is
as the NMPC limit stabilizing solution when the predictive
horizon value goes to zero. A tubular system with finite escape based on a predictive model developed using the method
traveling time is used to illustrate the control performance. An of characteristics and does not consider constraints. In the
application to a canal pool modeled by Saint-Venant’s equations latter finite differences for space discretization and a space
is also given. Canals are formed by a sequence of pools sep- distributed actuator were used with good results.
arated by gates. Water distribution canals provide interesting Adaptive predictive control was obtained via Orthogonal
examples of distributed parameter plants for nonlinear control
application. Collocation reduced modeling, for SISO hyperbolic tubular
transport-reaction processes, can be found in [13] and [14].
I. INTRODUCTION A successful application, for a distributed uncertain solar
power plant, where NMPC was combined with Feedback
This paper describes a Robust Pointwise Min-Norm (RP- Linearizing is presented in [18] and with Lyapunov Adap-
WMN) control general result for a class of distributed tation in [15]. A wide bibliography on water distribution
systems with fluid flow, heat transfer and (bio)reactions pro- in open canals control is available. For a selection of the
cesses modeled by a set of hyperbolic and/or parabolic PDE controller structure combined with robust design methods
equations including convective and dispersive phenomena. in order to achieve a compromise between water resources
This broad class of models arises from physical conservation management and disturbance rejection see [23]. Predictive
principles by balances of mass, energy and linear momentum control with adaptation is considered in [11] and [21] and
and can describe the temperature and (bio)chemical species also in [17] for a multivariate NMPC application to a water
distribution on moving fluids through pipes [2], [24] and also canal pool.
fluids hydraulics in open pool channels at atmospheric pres- In this paper the main goal is to establish a numerical
sure, predicting velocity and mass, space and time behavior PWMN control scheme that ultimately can be combined in
[6]. a more general NMPC design as a way to ensure closed-
Pointwise Control for nonlinear finite dimensional systems loop stability, for moderate values of the prediction horizon,
can be found on several seminal nonlinear control text books and without increasing dramatically the computational effort
[30], [9]. For the control of infinite dimensional see [4] or massive off-line computation. In fact, the PWMN control
and [5]. The first introduces linear control theory for infinite can be viewed as the NMPC limit stabilizing solution when
dimensional systems using semigroups in a mathematical the horizon value goes to zero. The rest of the paper is orga-
background. In the second robust control methodologies to nized as follows: Section 2 introduces the class of systems
deal with hyperbolic and parabolic distributed systems are under study. Section 3 states the main result for RPWMN
developed and a prototype system closely related with the control and discuss its use as a stabilizing limit solution for
present class of systems is introduced. continuous NMPC formulation. Section 4 presents a detailed
In the last decade the use of a PWMN stability condition example for a tubular system with finite escape traveling time
for predictive control was studied in [26] and [12] using and section 5 is dedicated to a canal pool modeled by Saint-
a slightly different approach. Similar Control Lyapunov Venant equations application to illustrate by simulation the
proposed control scheme. Section 6 draws conclusions.
Part of this work was performed in the framework of project AQUANET,
supported by FCT under contract PTDC/EEA-CRO/102102/2008. II. MODELS
J. M. Igreja is with ISEL, Rua Cons. Emı́dio Navarro, 1, 1959-007 Lisboa,
Portugal. Consider the following class of PDE models:
J. M. Lemos is with INESC-ID/IST, Rua Alves Redol, 9, 1000-029 ∂ x(z,t)
Lisboa, Portugal. + L (x(z,t), u(t); θ ) = s(x(z,t), u(t); θ ) (1)
S. J. Costa is with ISEL, Rua Cons. Emı́dio Navarro, 1, 1959-007 Lisboa, ∂t
Portugal. M (x(z,t), u; θ ) = 0

978-1-61284-801-3/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 2662

yk (t) = bk (z) hk (x(z,t)) dz (k = 1, ..., p) (2) where 01 q(z) dz = 1, with q(z) positive definite.
0 Using Lyapunov stability arguments [22]: any e(z,t) so-
where (z,t) ∈ [0, 1] × R≥0 , the state trajectories x(.,t) ∈ X ,a lution, originating in a bounded region, will asymptotically
n-dimensional-like vector of smooth functions defined on the tend to the included invariant region parameterized by φ as
space interval [0, 1], the manipulated input u(t) ∈ U ⊂ Rm t → ∞, if V̇ < 0 (∀ e = 0).
and is bounded and where the output y(t) ∈ Y ⊂ R p and In this case, the time derivative of (5) yields:
is also bounded. The operator L (., u; θ ) is a quasi-linear  1
1 ∂  T 
matrix space operator. Boundary conditions are given by the V̇ = e (z,t) q(z) e(z,t) dz (6)
2 0 ∂t
nonlinear space operator M (., u; θ ). Vector functions s(x, d),
h(x) are smooth vectors of nonlinear functions, s(x, d) : Rn × using (1):
Rm → Rn , h(x) : Rn → R . The space weight bk (z) > 0 :  1
[ 0, 1] → R+ satisfies 01 bk (z) dz = 1. V̇ = (s(x, u; θ ) − L (x, u; θ )T q(z)e(z,t) dz (7)
The column vector θ ∈ Θ ⊂ Rq denotes the uncertain
and the robust optimization condition, for the class of sys-
parameters or additive disturbances that lies within a known
tems under study, is given by:
open convex set Θ = {θ : θ < θ < θ }.  1 
The L operator must include convection terms v ∂∂(.) z and max (s(x, u; θ ) − L (x, u; θ ))T q(z)e(z,t) dz
will depend on the manipulated variable(s) when u ≡ v. If θ 0

the manipulated variable is space weighted additive in the α 0 T
production term then: +
e q(z)e dz < 0 (8)
2 1
s(x, u; θ ) = sx (x; θ ) + sx (x; θ ) w(z) u (3) Remark that one of the following conditions must hold a
priori in relation to the manner how the inputs appear in (1).
In both cases the manipulated variable(s) is explicit on If the corrected condition does not hold then the candidate
equation (1) and it will be implicit when it only appears in V is not a RCLF and a different candidate or method must
the boundary condition. 
be used. Condition 01 ( ∂∂ xz )T Av q(z)e dz = 0, where Av is a
These prototype configurations allow the study of a wide
diagonal matrix with one or zero in the main diagonal, must
variety of processes with transport phenomena, see for in-
hold if the corresponding

state is related with the manipulated
stance [2], including tubular reactors [20], bio-reactors [7],
velocity. Or 01 (sx (x; θ ) w(z) u)T q(z)e dz = 0 iff u = 0 if u
heat exchangers, solar fields [3], and fluid flow in water
is related with the production term. Finally M (x, u, θ ) = 0
distribution canals. This class of distributed nonlinear sys-
iff u = 0 if u is implicit through boundary conditions. If
tems may exhibit complex dynamical behavior, with strong
these conditions do not hold then controllability from u to
space dependency, such as unstable dynamics [1], unstable
the ’output’ ≡ V is lost. Remark also that these conditions
with traveling finite escape time, non minimum-phase behav-
depend on q(z) for finding V .
ior [25], hot spots characteristics [20] and fluid flow traveling
The above results can be summarized in the following
waves and oscillation [24].
III. POINTWISE MIN-NORM CONTROL Proposition 1: Consider the class of distributed systems
An implicit stabilizing controller may be design obtained ΣΔ = (L , M , s,U, Θ,Y, R) with solutions x(z,t) defined
using the following optimization statement: if V (e) > φ then by (1), then the function V given by (5) is a RCLF for ΣΔ
if and only if exists scalars φ , α ∈ R+ such that:
min uT u (4)
u∈U min max{V̇ (e; θ )} + α V (e) < 0
u∈U θ ∈Θ
s. t. (1) and max{V̇ (e; θ )} + α V (e) < 0
θ ∈Θ
whenever V (e) > φ .
where V (e) : X → R≥0 is a continuously differentiable, pos- Proposition 2: The u ∈ U referred in proposition 1 can
itive definite and radially unbounded function in respect to be obtained by the optimization statement (4) when feasible,
the L2 norm of e, see [5], and e(z,t) = x(z,t)−xr (z; θ0 ) is the meaning that the set U ⊃ u is large enough.
difference between the actual state and a steady state profile Feasibility in the last proposition rises only from the fact
along space length, where xr ∈ X, obtained for parameter that in general unstable systems cannot be stabilized globally
nominal value θ0 . In other words, V (e) is simply a robust when input constrains are present. Without feasibility there
CLF candidate whose derivative maximum can be made is no guarantee for global stability.
less than −α V (e) pointwise by the choice of control values An important PWMN control feature is evident from the
outside a small region around the origin. This region can remark that it can be viewed as the NMPC limit stabilizing
be made arbitrarily small by picking φ sufficiently small. solution when the horizon value goes to zero. Consider the
Small control property, see [30], and numerical issues can following NMPC formulation:
be avoided in this way. The parameter α relax convergence.  t+T
The most obvious choice for the CLF candidate is: min (V (e(z, τ )) + ρ uT u)d τ (9)
 u∈U t
1 1 T
V (e) = e q(z)e dz (5) s. t. (1) and max{V̇ (e; θ )} + α V (e) < 0
2 0 θ ∈Θ

Consider what happens as the horizon T tends to zero: where γ = θuL . Denoting x(0,t) = xin for the boundary
 condition, then the solution for the stationary state profile
1 t+T
min lim (V (e(z, τ )) + ρ uT u)d τ is:
u T →0 T t xin
xr (z) = (14)
= min {V (e(z, τ )) + ρ uT u} ⇔ min uT u (10) 1 − γr xin z
u u
Remark that dividing (9) by T has no effect on the opti- With the output set-point xr (1,t) = r, and using (14) it
mization problem and also that when T goes to zero there follows:
is no need to include the term V (e) because it is not affected xin θ rxin
r= and ur = , (15)
by u and so forth constant. Hence this simple observation, 1 − γr xin r − xin
stated in [26], indicates that as T goes to zero receding with ur > 0 which implies r > xin . Substituting (15) in (14)
horizon controllers loses the ability to maintain acceptable it yields:
performance just by minimizing input energy. Performance rxin
xr = (16)
degradation can lead in general to closed-loop instability if r − rz + xin z
the RPWMN condition or some other equivalent mechanism for xr (0) = xin and xr (1) = r.
is not included to assure stability. Remark also that the Stabilizing around the stationary profile, using the candi-
constraint requires V to be a RCLF for any receding horizon date Lyapunov function:
value and by that closed-loop stability is guaranteed.  1
2 0
Consider a possibly uncertain distributed hyperbolic sys- with e = x − xr . Differentiating (17) with respect to time:
 1  1
tem with finite traveling escape time, is given by: u ∂x
V̇ = − e dz + e θ x2 dz (18)
∂ x u(t) ∂ x L 0 ∂z 0
+ = θ x2 (11)
∂t L ∂z The feasible optimization problem can be written as:
with parameter θ > θ > θ > 0, solving for x(0,t) = 0 it
min u2 (19)
yields: u>0
1 ∂x u ∂x
x(z,t) = (12) s. t. + = θ x2
ϕ (z, 0) − θ t ∂t L ∂z
where ϕ (z, 0) = x−1 (z, 0). Clearly for constant velocity u > u 1 ∂x 1 1 2
− e dz + max θ e x dz + α
e dz < 0
θ L to stabilize the system around x(z,t) = 0 if x(z, 0) = 1, L 0 ∂z θ 0 2 0
see Fig. 1.
yielding the following dynamical bound max{V̇ } + α V < 0.
In this case, an analytical solution can be found for (19):
Θ̌ e x2 dz + α V
3 u= 0
1 ∂x
L (20)
0 e ∂ z dz
where Θ̌ switches from θ to θ with sign( 01 e x2 dz). Remark

1 that u is well-defined because 01 e ∂∂ xz dz = 0 outside the
curve level V (e) = φ and the space operators converge
0 exponentially to zero as e(z,t) → 0. In fact this can be shown
observing that the PDE solution x(z,t) = (xin − θ zL/u(t))−1 ,
along characteristic curve ż = u(t)/L, implies ∂∂ xt > 0 and
0.8 e(z,t) = 0 for any z = 0, outside the invariant region.
0.6 Remark also that equation (20) coincides with the control
0.8 law obtained through feedback linearization with y ≡ V with
0.2 0.4
Length [m] 0 0.2 a characteristic index equal to one outside the invariant
Time [s] region [4].
Figs. 2 and 3 show x(z,t) and u(t) when the set-point
Fig. 1. Numerical solution, by 200 finite differences, for u=2.5 m/s, θ = 2 suddenly changes from 3 to 2 at t = 5 s. This simulation
and x(z, 0) = 1. results were obtained solving (19) for 200 space finite
∂x differences. Figs. 4 and 5 show x(z,t) and u(t) when the
The space stationary profile, defined by ∂t ≡ 0, can be
set-point changes from 3 to 2 at t = 5 s, and from 2 to 3
obtained from:
dx(z) again at t = 10 s for bounded uncertain θ . Remark that in
= γ x2 (13) both cases ur is unknown.




2 2

1.5 1.5 1

1 0.5 1 0.5
0 2 0
4 6 5 z
8 0 10
10 z 15 0
t [s] 20
t [s]

Fig. 2. State x(z,t) transition, for θ = 2, α = 2 and φ = 0.0001. Fig. 4. Robust state x(z,t) transition, for θ ∈ [1.8 2.2], α = 2 and φ =


3.7 3.8

u [m/s]

u [m/s]


3.4 3.4


3.1 3

0 2 4 6 8 10 2.8
t [s] 0 5 10 15 20
t [s]

Fig. 3. Manipulated velocity u [m/s].

Fig. 5. Manipulated velocity u [m/s].

V. WATER DISTRIBUTION CANAL POOL mass and momentum conservation.

Saint-Venant equations for a single pool model without
Water distribution canals provide interesting examples of infiltration are given by:
distributed parameter plants for which nonlinear control may  −1
be applied. Canals are formed by a sequence of pools sepa- ∂h v ∂h da a(h) ∂ v
+ + =0
rated by gates. Output variables are the pool level at certain ∂t L ∂z dh L ∂z
points, manipulated variables are the position of the gates ∂v v ∂h g ∂v
and disturbances are the outlet water flows for agricultural + + + g(I (h, v) − J ) = 0 (21)
∂t L ∂z L ∂z
use. The operation of this system is subject to a number of
where h(z,t) and v(z,t) are respectively level and water
constraints. These are the minimum and maximum positions
velocity distributions along space (z ∈ [0, 1]) and time, wet
of the gates, gate slew-rate and the minimum and maximum
surface a(h) and friction I (h, v) are nonlinear functions, g
water level. The objective considered in this application is to
is the gravity acceleration, J is the constant canal slope and
drive the canal pool level to track a reference in the presence
L is the pool length. Boundary conditions are given by flow
of disturbances. The pool level is a function of both time and
at upstream and downstream gates:
space that satisfies the Saint-Venant equations. These are a

set of hyperbolic partial differential equations that embody v(0,t) = cd Ad (u) (2g(Hu (t) − h(0,t)))/a(h(0,t)) (22)


Parameter Value Units

Gravitational constant g 9.8 ms−1
Manning coefficient n 1.0 m−1 s−3
Discharge coefficient cd 0.6 − 1.7

Discharge area Ad (u) 0.49 u m2

h(z,t) [m]
Bottom width b 0.15 m 1.6
Trapezoid slope d 0.15 −
Canal slope J 2 × 10−3 − 1.5
Upstream elevation Hu 2.0 m
Downstream elevation Hd 1.0 m


v(1,t) = cd Ad (u) (2g(h(1,t) − Hd (t)))/a(h(1,t)) (23) z

10 t [s]
0 0
In this paper a single trapezoidal reach with two pools, two
moving gates (upstream ends) and a fixed gate at the down-
stream end is considered. The water elevation immediately Fig. 7. Water elevation h(z,t) [m].
before and after the reach, Hu (t) and Hd (t) respectively, are
assumed known. See table I for physical parameters values, 0.35
the canal pool is depicted in Fig. 6.


u [m]




   0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
t [s]

Fig. 6. Canal pool schematic. Fig. 8. Upstream gate opening u [m].

Using PWMN optimization statement (20) a water eleva-

tion control was developed using the upstream gate position
as control signal. The error signal was obtained by consid-
ering a water level measure and the corresponding reference
at some fixed distance from the gate, velocity distribution
was not included in the optimiztion process to keep low
h(z,t) [m]

computational effort. 1.6

Figs. 7 and 8 show respectively water elevation and gate 1.5
manoeuver for RPWMN level control at 1.7 m, upstream,
when downstream gate opens from 0 to 0.1 m at t = 0 s. The 1.4

pool was initially at rest with 1.5 m at z = 0.5. Numerical 1

results were obtained with 200 space finite differences, more
0.6 40
details about model space reduction can be found in [17]. z 30
Controller parameters values: α = 0.5 and φ = 1 × 10−5 . 0.2
t [s]
Figs. 9 and 10 show the same experiment when down- 0
stream gate opens from 0 to 0.1 m at t = 10 s. Remark that
in the first experiment the wave back propagation effect on
gate opening is very small causing only a small overshoot. In Fig. 9. Water elevation h(z,t) [m].

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