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Ten Teases
Learn How to Build Attraction Using Teasing

Show her you are a

You aren’t playing it
safe, and this means
that you are not too
attached. A big
element of attraction
is the lack of
attachment. You
acting like you are
willing to lose her is
what makes her work
for you.

Make her laugh.

Teases are supposed
to be funny. Humor is
tough, teasing isn’t.
My 10 Best Situational Teases Make her laugh, she
feels good, she enjoys
Well done man, you have in front of you some truly badass being in your
company. Easy.
I’ve gone out and approached thousands of women, and by women I usually Spike her emotions
mean young, beautiful, and very “hard-to-get” women. At ?irst I didn’t get Along with the laugh,
anywhere, but over time I became quite devastating. But how does my there is also the little
bragging help you? Well, jab. A little bit of
now it’s time for me to playful banter and
turn over my secrets. con?lict. Making her
feel different
In this guide, you are emotions is essential.
going to ?ind out once and
for all how to Tease her all Connect
the way to the bedroom. Who normally teases
There is no $297 product this super beautiful
for you to buy at the end girl? Her best friends
of this, and you can feel and her boyfriends.
free to send it to your Bam! Just like that
friends (if you don’t view you are in the elite
them as competition, that inner circle - you
is). Let’s get right down made it. Congrats.
to it.


Why Teasing Gets

You Laid
Just like in most cases, it really
helps to understand things from
the perspective of your dream girl,
so why not right now try to imagine
what kind of dumb shit she has
coming her way:
‣ Compliments on obvious
stuff. When and who to tease
‣ Offers of dinners and drinks
You shouldn’t tease every girl in every situation.
and even trips.
‣ Boring conversations about Think of it like the bomb that you can use in a
what she does. computer game to clear the screen. You don’t
‣ Hearing “me too” a lot. use it on any old enemy, you save it for the big
‣ Being asked loads of the boss. Well, it’s similar with teasing. The girl
usual questions. who already likes you? Don’t need to tease. The
virgin who is super innocent and just looking for
“Most guys play it safe, most guys
are predictable. love? Don’t need to tease. The super model
Start off in the usual way, then that every guy is after – PERFECT. The harder
drop in a tease. Boom! You just the girl, the more you MUST tease. It goes from
stood our from every other guy” something optional to something essential. So
-Richard La Ruina yeah, save it and use it on those ‘end of level
boss’ girls.


You meet the perfect girl – super smart, super beautiful, super interesting. The
tease will turn her into a:
‣ Pervert.
‣ Promiscuous party girl.
‣ Dumbass.
‣ Messy person, with bad hygiene and manners.
‣ Girl from the countryside.

You get the point, but…*BIG WARNING* do not tease girls on things
that they might be sensitive about. The fat girl should not be teased
about being fat. The girl who got ?ired shouldn’t be teased about
being penniless and a failure. Be kind. Tease girls on the opposites –
tall girl is too short, goody-goody is shoplifter by trade, genius girl is
struggling to get through Harry Potter. The opposite of a strength is
funny because it is obviously not true.


The Ten Teases

If you have taken everything on board so far, then you can probably come up with your own teases,
but here are the promised ten to help you on your way:


Setup: You are talking about movies. She recently watched a movie that isn’t too smart.
Like what? Fast and Furious, any of the 20 Marvel movies out this year, definitely any Adam
Sandler movie. You ask her with a serious face:
“Did you understand it?”
Her: “Yes of course”,
You: “No, no, I don’t think you did, you see The Avengers were chilling and then this
bad guy came from another planet, he was more powerful, but they found this
secret weapon, used it, and saved the day…so do you understand now?”
By the end you are breaking into a smile and she is too.


Setup: If she says her job is something smart like a lawyer, you say,
“Come on now, you don’t need to lie to impress me, what do you really do?”
Her: “No really I’m a lawyer.”
You: “Look, it’s cool if you work in McDonalds, you seem really sweet, I am sure
you’ll make Assistant Manager soon enough (pat shoulder)”.
You must be laughing. She might show you her business card, you say it’s fake
from the card printer machine in the mall. Keep it playful and smile!


Setup: Her phone buzzes or lights up.

You: “Is that Tinder or Bumble?” “Come on don’t be shy, who’s the lucky guy?”
This can repeat every time her phone has any activity – give a wink and a knowing
look. She laughs, hits you on the arm. If she shows you that she is texting
“Sarah” or “Mom” then accuse her of changing the names of all the men in
her phone just to prepare for this exact moment with you. She can’t win, it’s



You: “What’s happening in Keeping up with the Kardashians?”

Her: “I don’t watch it”
You: “No come on, I mean it’s not my thing, but it’s only fair if we spend some time
talking about stuff you are into too…You don’t have to pretend to be
interested in smart stuff, what’s going on with Kasey these days?”
Her: “Kasey isn’t a Kardashian!”
You: “Haha, okay sorry I defer to the expert, tell me more ”


Setup: Get her to say absolutely anything about her exes. Maybe ask if she is friends with
her exes, she says “yes”, you say:
“What all of them?” to insinuate that there are shitloads of them.
Her: “There weren’t that many!”
You: “Okay I am just joking, I’m sure we are not talking quadruple digits at least”.
Finally say that you know she is a good girl and you are only teasing, then one last
tease, “But seriously, how many guys in this bar have you dated?” and
before she has time to answer “What’s that guy’s name?”


When there are weird drunk guys around, tell her you found a man for her. Pretend
to leave her with him or slowly push her towards him, or take her arm and
move it towards his ass as if you are trying to make her grab it.


If you are on the dancefloor, take her belt hooks and make her move from side to
side in a stupid way, tell her she is the worst dancer, possibly of all time.
Then move behind her, not to grind her, instead take her arms at the wrists
and move them Saturday Night Fever style and do other silly dance moves.



Walking down the road with her, put your arm around her and bend her arm at the
elbow so that it jerks up like a wave. Time it when some guy walks by then
tell her not to flirt with other men when she is with you. Playfully of course.


Tell stories and make them more and more ridiculous until she finally realizes it’s
bullshit. E.g., you are about to introduce her to your friends. Tell her one is
minor royalty from Austria, he is very humble but she should still curtsy. Be
dead serious and show her how. Tell her your other friend is wonderful…
except that he sometimes just flips and starts smashing things, so she
shouldn’t make eye contact with him or mention rhubarb, pogo sticks, or
Eskimos because those are his trigger words. As the ridiculousness
increases she will figure out that it’s a joke. Then you tease her for being


If your zipper is undone slightly, point at it with a shocked expression, “This was
your work!! But how did you manage without me noticing! You are a
baaaaad girl!” If your zipper is rarely unzipped, then you can even unzip it
slightly just to do this.


Keep your phone by your crotch and turn it on so it lights up for a second, she
looks down, “Oh no, hang on a second, you can’t just look at me like that,
we just met, that’s pretty perverted to be honest!”

…Writing these, I just realized I could come up with 500 more. That’s not only
because I am a seduction genius though ;-) It’s also through practice and
having the framework etched in my mind! Go out and start using these 10


and you’ll then start to surprise yourself with the cool teases that you come up

What Response Are You Looking For?

Oh, before I go, how do you know if it’s working? Well she should smile, look shocked with
a kind of “I can’t believe you just said that!” face and maybe hit you on the shoulder. Then you
know you are on to a winner.

Remember to Keep Balance

Just be careful not to go too far, it’s so fun to tease that you might just turn into a guy that is
plain mean. Keep it balanced by adding other elements into your behaviour. Be a gentleman,
connect with her when she is talking about serious things. If you for example tease her
mercilessly but then give her a genuine compliment and say it sincerely, it’s worth so much
more than if you had been the usual boring agreeable guy until that point.

The End

Thanks for reading guys, let me know what you think by mailing me
at, and as always, best of luck out there

Your Friendly Neighborhood Seduction Guru,

Richard La Ruina

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