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This paper is made to accomplish the final project of Syntax course

Conducted by:

Rosyi Zakaria 15320159/B





I. Introduction

Dialect may be seen Concerning illustration something which different

mankind's from different animals. It comprises of a situated principle identifies
with sound, grammatical form, Furthermore significance. Clinched alongside
addition, dialect need elementary work Previously, human being’s life. It may be
used to send open messages something like that that mankind's might connect one
another. In this time, there would no exact hypotheses which might evidence how
dialect originated. However, exactly hypotheses bring been suggested on provide
for a short see of this body of evidence. For instance, charles darwin sight that
really human bring recently created musical capacity former What's more would
consuming it to draw in one another. Besides, the divine sourball principle
clarifies that dialect is god’s giving. Whatsoever adam known as each living
animal in this world, that might have been the name thereof. Whereas, Previously,
hindu tradition, dialect goes from Sarasvati, wife from claiming Brahma, maker of
the universe. Those Emulating theory, the common callous sourball cases that
promptly mankind's by and large attempt on mirror the heartless that they listen
from nature and use it on allude something. This hypothesis additionally
recommends In the first resonances from claiming dialect Presumably have got
from characteristic cries about feeling for example, such that pain, resentment
Also bliss. On the different case, those characteristic trademark from claiming
human Likewise An social creature heads them on would coordination same time
cooperating. Thus, they create a set of hums, grunts, groans and condemnations
that are utilized when they are lifting Also carrying vast odds about trees or
motionless furry mammoths. Discussing language, unesco lets that there would six
thousands dialects exist in the reality On 2009. Whereas, english will be those A
large portion mainstream dialect for 360 millions speakers Also continuously
official dialect Previously, 60 sovereign nations. Those dialect crew from claiming
english may be Germanic Also latin. It may be firstly spoken before all else of the
center age. Furthermore, english principal develops done old English saxon
kingdom Furthermore spreads through those universe by britain government.
Every expressions for english is constructed by those littlest unit known as
Likewise morphem. For addition, for the most part english expressions would
sorted under a few sorts in grammatical form. The individuals would Noun,
Articles, Pronouns, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Conjunction, and Preposition. Then,
expressions that could a chance to be set up together need aid orchestrated should
yield An sentence. In this case, the basic design of the sentence will be comprising
for no less than subject Furthermore predicate.

II. Findings and Discussions

Modification may be those grammatical tie that exists, to example, between a

modifier also its noun, or a verb what is more it is verb modifier. However,
structural diagrams might additionally demonstrate plainly what we instinctively
feel the point when we build sentences that adjectives here, and there change
entire expressions which themselves hold numerous other adjectives, that adverbs
now and then change entire clauses, that expressions frequently change other
expressions alternately entire clauses, that clauses at times change different
clauses, or that some expressions we don't regularly consider likewise adjectives
alternately adverbs now and again perform the grammatical capacity from
claiming modification. Over dissecting structures of modification, it will be
Frequently handy to discuss the "head" of a development. The leader of a
development will be the absolute expression that "gets modified," those statement
that might toward itself stand for the entirety development in the sentence
structure of the sentence. It is the expressions in the development that every last
one of modifying components "depend with respect to.". On diagramming, we
demonstrate those grammatical tie for change toward method for an pointed stone
that focuses from those modifier to whatever is changed. Every last bit of the
arrowheads for a outline of a structure of change perspective to the mind of the
development. That all the general explanation of modification and lets go to my
analysis from the journal entitled “effective bilingual education: from theory to
academic achievement in a two-way bilingual program” and most of the sentences
I take are very long and when analyzing it I was having trouble because it is not in
a row.
The subject from the first number is “In a Two-Way Bilingual Education (TWBE)
program, a balanced group of native majority language speakers and native
minority language speakers”. It becomes a subject because The subject of a
sentence it can be person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being something
and you can find the subject of a sentence if you can find the verb. The verb from
number one is “are integrated” and that is in passive but according to my
understanding that is still a verb. For the next number until the last sentence that I
analized almost the subjects are before the verb, but there are also some subjects
located after verb. Number two, the subject is “most TWBE programs” and then
followed by predicate. Why called predication?, we have to know about
predication. Predication is the relationship between a subject (with its modifiers)
and a verb (with it is complements and modifiers). That is, predication is the tie
between what is often called the "complete subject" of a clause and the "complete
predicate" of a clause.

The next number is number five, the subject is located before the verb “are” with
the same explanation in previous number. The same position of subject until
number nine.
In modification, there are also head and modifier. he head of a phrase is the word
that determines the syntactic category of that phrase. For example, the head of the
noun phrase “native English speakers (number 14) is “speakers”. Analogously, the
head of a compound is the stem that determines the semantic category of that
compound. Modifier is an optional element in phrase structure or clause structure.
A modifier is so called because it is said to modify (change the meaning of)
another element in the structure, on which it is dependent. Typically the modifier
can be removed without affecting the grammar of the sentence. For example, in
the English sentence “There are no additional criteria for native English speakers”,
the “no additional criteria” and native English” are modifier, “no additional
criteria” is modifying “there” and “native English” is modifying “speakers”. So, in
one sentence there are two modifiers but it can be one modifier “no additional
criteria for native English speakers” which is modifying “are” and from “are no
additional criteria for native English speakers” is modifying “There”.
I will show the head and modifier from each number :
1. “A balanced group of native majority language” is modifying “speakers” and
“native minority language” is modifying “speakers”.
2. “Most TWBE” is modifying “program” and “implemented at the elementary
level with Spanish as the minority language’ is modifying “are”, then “are” is
modifying “most TWBE program”.
3. “A TWBE program is modified by “aims” and “aims” is modified by whole
sentence after “aims”.
4. “The TWBE” is modifying “program” then, “discussed” is modified by “in
this article is located at the Barbieri School in Framingham, Massachusetts”.
5. “The largest language” is modifying “groups”. “Spanish and Brazilian
Portuguese” is modifying “speakers”.
6. “Native English” is modifying “speakers” and the “Hispanic” is modifying
“students” then, “come together and integrate” is modified by “for social and
academic purposes”.
7. “The Barbieri two-way bilingual” is modifying “program” and “has been” is
modified by “in existence for 10 years”.
8. “A program” is modified by “with a kindergarten” and “a first grade” is
modified by “was proposed in 1990 as a strand within the school after two
years of planning and professional development”.
9. “Students” as the head which is modified by “continue their Spanish language
development at high school with a TWBE Spanish Language and Literature
10. “The Framingham elementary program” is modifying “strives” and “to
achieve” modified by “the following academic, linguistic, and sociocultural
11. “Whenever there are more applicants than available” is modifying “slots”,
“students” is head and it modified by “are assigned by lottery”.
12. “Few” is modifying “students” and “kindergarten” modified by “are added
after due to a lack of adequate language proficiency levels in either Spanish or
13. “The oral Language Assessment Scale in English and Spanish for five 6 year-
old” is modifying “students” and “program” modified by “determines
participation for non-native speakers of English”.
14. “There are no additional criteria for native English” is modifying word
15. “The Barbieri TWBE program” is modifying “design” then, “differentiated”
modified by “best described as a TWBE program”.
16. “Table 1” is modified by. “Shows” modified by “the program design for each
grade level” for the “Spanish” is modifying “speakers” and “the English”
modifying “speakers” and then, “how each language is used for the different”
is modifying “subjects”.
17. “Unshaded” is modifying “areas”. “represent” is modified by “times that
students are grouped by language group”.
18. “Barbieri English-speaking” is modifying word “students” and “development”
is modified by “for initial literacy which are not immersed in Spanish ”.
19. “An increased number of English-dominant Hispanic” is modifying
“students”. “program” is modified by “the Barbieri”, and “students” also
modified by “speak a language other than English at home”.
20. “do not switch languages while teaching” is explaining the “Teachers”
21. “The selection of each unit is primarily based on the availability of” and “in
Spanish” are modified or explain “materials”.
22. “The ESL and SSL” is modifying “classes”. “are taught” is modified by “as
content-based language classes where authentic literature is used extensively”.
23. “The ESL/SSL” is modified “teachers” and “use” can be used to express “the
same approach to literacy as the TWBE bilingual classroom teachers” and
“the guided reading library in a similar fashion”.
24. “pairs” is head and modified by “almost all the interactions between the
native/non-native speaker during Spanish math time were in English”.
25. Such findings imply that the integrated setting does not necessarily support the
“extended” can be modified by “use of Spanish to negotiate” and “develop”
can be modified by “academic language”. “the native Spanish” is modifying
26. “The next” modified “question”. “Translates” explans the “approach into
expected performance levels” for “both groups of” is modified “students”.
27. “This section explores the achievement patterns for the TWBE” is modifying
28. This means that “the Spanish” is modifying “speakers” are able to maintain
their native language and “English” is modifying “speakers” develop their
“appropriate” can be modified with “Spanish levels as measured by the
29. The MCAS is a norm-referenced assessment, which aims to measure the
content and skills outlined in the Massachusetts Curriculum Content
Frameworks. “This sentence is explaining about the MCAS”.
30. In short, the Barbieri TWBE program uses achievement data to reflect on
practices and how these practices relate to theory and outcomes. Program is
the head which is modified by the Barbieri and then data is modified by
achievement. “On practice and how these practices relate to theory and
outcomes” is modifying “reflect”, and reflect itself modified then data
modified ‘program”.
31. Teachers use data to reflect on the effectiveness of their practices and have
particularly focused on the quality of LI literacy instruction for the Spanish
speakers, the transfer of language skills from LI to L2, and the effectiveness of
the second language component. Almost the same with number 30 that data as
head or main which sentence after “reflect” is modified “reflect” and “reflect”
modified the “data”.

32. The purpose of this program evaluation is not to prove that the TWBE
program is better than other programs. Whole sentence is describe the purpose
of the program.
III. Conclusion

Modification is a syntactic construction in which one grammatical element is

accompanied by another. The first grammatical element is called the head. The
accompanying element is called a modifier. Modifiers that appear before the
headword are called premodifiers. Modifiers that appear after the headword are
called postmodifiers. In morphology, modification is a process of change in a root
or stem. Modification] is an 'optional' syntactic function accomplished within
phrases and clauses. If an element is not required in order to complete the thought
expressed by a phrase or clause, it is probably a modifier. You might think of
modification as a 'macro-function' in that it covers a very wide range of possible
semantic notions, from various kinds of adverbial functions to nominal
modification Modifiers can be quite large and complex, and they need not occur
immediately next to their heads. The term is also used in morphology to refer to a
process of change within the root or stem of a form, as in the vowel changes
between the singular and plural of some nouns in English, or in cases of
suppletion. In this, and related senses, the term is also found in historical

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