Abstract Schedule

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33rd Annual Convention & Exhibition 2004

Geology for Geo-Resources

Management and Regional Planning

Convention Bandung 2004 (CB-2004)

The 33rd Annual Convention and Exhibition 2004
Plenary Session and Technical Program Schedule
1st Day
Main Auditorium Plenary Session
7.30-8.30 Registration
8.30-9.00 Open Ceremony Master Ceremony : Ms. Lala
9.00-9.30 Keynote-Speech :
1). M. Lobo Balia (Direktor of tekMIRA)
2). Lambok M. Hutasoit (Chairman of IAGI West Java and Banten)

9.30-10.00 Coffee Break

10.00-12.30 Panel & Topics : Master Ceremony : Ms. Lala

1). Rovicky d Putrohari (Murphi Oil) Moderator : Adang Bachtiar or A. Djumarma Wirakusumah or Djadjang Sukarna
2). Ismail Hasyim (West Java office of Mines and Energy) Notulen : Surono (GRDC) and Eko Edi Susanto (GRDC)
3). Richard Claproth (BIN)
4). Karsani Aulia ( BOB PT Bumi Siak Pusako-Pertamina)

12.30-13.30 Lunch

Oral Presentasion/Technical Paper

Room-2 (Moderator : Wartono Rahardjo and Bukin Daulay) Room-3 (Moderator : Dwikorita Karnawati and Herryadi Rachmat)
Time Code Room-1 (Moderator : Nana Sulaksana and Yahdi Zaim) Notulen : U. Hartono Time Code Time
Notulen : Dikdik Kosasih Notulen : Sutikno Bronto (GRDC)
Earthquake Hazard and Risk
Penegasan dan Penataan Batas A. Soehaimi, A. Djuhanda, I.
PPPTMGB Zonations of The Sumatra Active
13.30-13.55 OP-06GS Zona Sesar Cimandiri - Baribis Iyan Haryanyo Unpad 13.30-13.55 OP-08GEM Pengelolaan Pantai Sebagai Syaefudin 13.30-13.55 OP-13GEH Effendi, I. Haryanto, Ismawan, GRDC
”Lemigas” Fault (Segment Sianok) Bukittinggi
Optimalisasi Peran Propinsi Y. Fikri
and Sourronding Areas
Rembang-Madura-Kangean (RMK)
Fault Zone, East Java Basin: The Awang H. Satyana, C. Prinsip Geologi Sebagai Kerangka PPPTMGB Danny H. Natawidjaja, Djedi
13.55-14.20 OP-07GS BP Migas, UPN 13.55-14.20 OP-02GEM Djoko Sunaryanto, M. Husen 13.55-14.20 OP-07GEH The Lembang Fault LIPI
Nature and Origin of a Geologic Prasetyadi Pemikiran Manajemen Strategi ”Lemigas” S. Widarto
Peran Geologi Dalam Optimalisasi
Analisis Stuktur dan Tektonika Agus Guntoro, Denny Djohor, Seismic Hazard Assessment in the
Penguasaan Pasar Kalsium Handoko Teguh Wibowo, Agus PT. Supersonic,
14.20-14.45 OP-07GS Daerah Garba Dan Sekitarnya, Arista M., Bayu N., Tazar I., Trisakti 14.20-14.45 OP-05GEM 14.20-14.45 OP-11GEH Cace Study of Minesite Area, Engkon Kertapati GRDC
Karbonat (CaCo3) Melalui Hendratno UGM
Sumatera Selatan Aditya A. Central Kalimantan
Pengendalian Mutu Produk

14.45-15.15 Coffee Break

Recent Ostracoda (Microcrustacea) Marine Geological

Sistem Akuifer Keterkaitannya
Institute, Marine Biology Tungsten Gold Mineralization in the Directorate of
from a Banda- to- Timor Sea Depth K.T. Dewi, P.Frenzel , A. antara Morfologi dan Keterdapan
15.15-15.40 OP-04GS Dept., UFZ GERMANT, 15.15-15.40 OP-07GR Latuppa Area, Luwu District, South Bambang Nugroho Widi Mineral 15.15-15.40 OP-02GEH Robi S. Hidayat DTLGKP
Traverse: Implications for Muller, D. van Harten Dept. of Geology,
Air Tanah di Daerah Pekanbaru,
Sulawesi Resources
Paleobathymetric Studies Netherlands Pelaihari dan Bengkalis
Djadjang Sukarna, Brent I. A.
Penemuan Fossil Rahang Bawah Thermal Histories of Indonesian
Mcinnes, Noreen J. Evans,
Elephas di Kampung Julianty, T. Suwarti, S. R. Porphyry Cu-Au Deposits
15.40-16.05 OP-11GS GRDC 15.40-16.05 OP-02GR Sam Permanadewi, Steve GRDC 15.40-16.05 OP-19GEH Groundwater Potency in Indonesia Haryadi Tirtomihardjo DTLGKP
Rancamalang, Kabupaten Sinung Baskoro Determined by U-Pb-He and K-Ar
Gerwin, Elena Belasouva, Bill
Bandung Methods
Griffin, Frank Fu
Pentarihan Jejak Belah Terhadap Salt Water Intrusion Model and
Directorate of
Batuan Terobosan di Daerah G. H. Utoyo, I. Saefudin, H. Z. Fluid Inclusions Study of the System Imaging by Using 2D T. A. Sanny, Denny Juanda Institute Technology
16.05-16.30 OP-10GS GRDC 16.05-16.30 OP-07GR M. F. Rosana, B. N. Widi Mineral 16.05-16.30 OP-10GEH
Miing, Batulicin, Kalimantan Abidin Cikidang Gold Bearing Quartz Vein Geophysical Inversion Technology : P. Bandung (ITB)
Selatan Case study of Tangerang area

2nd Day
Oral Presentasion/Technical Paper

Room-2 (Moderator : Bambang Priyadi, Ildrem Safri, Room-3 (Moderator : Untung Sudarsono, Surono-DV, Denny
Time Code Room-1 (Moderator : Benyamin Sapiie, Surono-P3G, Binarko and Agus-Trisakti) Time Code Time Code
Hermes Pangabean and Eddy P.Utomo) Djuanda and Kris Budiono)

Struktur Pada Batuan Serpentinit Di Experimental Study on Localization

UPN, Veteran, S. Azis, Suminto, S. Bachri,
Sepanjang Sempadan Jalur Jatmika Setiawan, Ibrahim Potensi Intan Plaser di Lembah of Deformation (Shear Zone) on
08.15-08.40 OP-01GS Universitas 08.15-08.40 OP-06GR Ipranta, B. G. Permana, F. GRDC, UNPAD 08.15-08.40 OP-09GEH Muhammad Wafid A. N. DTLGKP
Tengah dan Jalur Barat Adullah, Zaiton Harun Cempaka, Kalimantan Selatan Saturated Sandy Soil in Ring Shear
Kebangsaan Malaysia Agustin
Semenanjung Malaysia Test
Lateral Continuity Prediction of
Prelimenary Study of Petrography Laterite Nickel Deposit Between Gerakan Tanah di Daerah
Sri Indarto, Iskandar Asran Ilyas, Adi Tonggiroh, Eko Soebowo, Herryal Z.
08.40-09.05 OP-11GS for the Rocks in Pasaman and LIPI 08.40-09.05 OP-03GR Two Drill by Using Geological and UNHAS 08.40-09.05 OP-01GEH Kabupaten Kebumen Jawa tengah LIPI, UGM
Zulkarnain, Sudarsono Agustinus T. Anwar, Dwikorita Karnawati
Surounding Area, West Sumatra Stastical Approach at Sorowako Bagian Selatan
Area, South Sulawesi Province

Studi Petrologi Basal Sebagai S. Bronto , R. Ciochon , Y. Analisa mikrotremor untuk penen
tuan konfigurasi basemen di Bencana Alam Gerakan Tanah di
Indikasi Volkanisme di Daerah Zaim , R. Larick, A. Wulff , Y. GRDC, Lowe
09.05-09.30 OP-09GS 09.05-09.30 OP-01GR daerah Tokachi, Pulau Hokaido Amul Agan, T.A Sanny ITB 09.05-09.30 OP-16GEH Daerah Cililin, Kabupaten Bandung Herry Purnomo DVMBG
Grumbulpring, Sangiran – Rizal, S. Carpenter, A. Bettis, University
Jepang dan Rencana Relokasinya
Jawa Tengah R. Morley, Sudijono, Suminto

Crystal Size Distribution (CSD) and

Subaerial Hydrothermal Identification of Pyroclastic
Petrological Evolution of Plinian DVMBG, Hananto Kurnio, Ulrich
Mineralization on Tabuan Island PPGL, BGR- Deposits Types (Flows, Surges and
09.30-09.55 OP-13GS and Vulcanian from Merapi S. Andreastuti, B. Voight Pennysilvania State 09.30-09.55 OP-11GR Schwarz-Schampera, Michael 09.30-09.55 OP-03GEH Supriyati D. Andreastuti BPPTK
Semangko Bay, South Sumatera, Germany Falls) at Merapi Volcano and
Volcano, Java : a comparative University Wiedicke
Indonesia Factors Influence Their Distribution

09.55 - 10.25 Coffee Break

Tinjauan Aspek Geologi pada Asnawir Nasution, Akira

The Caldera Rinjani of Lombok,
Sand Box Modelling of the Rift Benyamin Safii, Ivan Nugraha, Pengelolaan Stuktur Tua Berbasis Sigit Rahardjo, Totok Takada, Ryuka Furukawa,
10.25 -10.50 OP-15GS ITB 10.25.-10.50 OP-07GEM 10.25.-10.50 OP-14GEH Indonesia : During the last ten DVMBG
Depositional System Sayentika Manajemen Kerakyatan di Blok Parafianto Rosgandika Mulyana, Roni
thousand years
Cepu Faturachman

Premonowati, R. P.
The Evolution of Satonda Volcano
Fasies Karbonat Formasi Paciran Koesoemadinata, Harsono Indonesian Coal Resources : Herryadi Rachmat, Mujitahid IAGI - PENGDA
10.50-11.15 OP-08GS UPN, ITB, LIPi 10.50-11.15 OP-04GEM Fatimah DIM 10.50-11.15 OP-18GEH Island, West Nusa Tenggara
dan Model Terumbu Pringgoprawiro, Wahyoe Problem in calculation Iqbal, Didi Agusta W. Nusa Tenggara
Soepri Hantoro

Pengukuran Fluks SO2 dengan

Studi Fasies Batugamping di Potency of Agrominerals in DOAS (Differential Optical
Praptisih, Safei siregar, Hanik Humaida, Yustinus
11.15-11.40 OP-05GS Daerah Tasikmalaya dan LIPI 11.15-11.40 OP-06GEM Indonesia : An alternative to Umi Kuntjara 11.15-11.40 OP-12GEH Absorption Spectroscopy) dan BPPTK
Kamtono Sulistiyo
Sekitarnya, Jawa Barat substitute fertilizer Aplikasinya pada G. Bromo Juni

The Impacts of Merapi

The Tidal Flat Environment of the
Kajian Pengembangan Bahan Edwin A. Daranin, M. Arifin, Volcaniclastic Depositions into Sri Mulyaningsih, Sampurno,
11.40-12.05 OP-03GS Ngrayong Sandstone in the MAC Endarto GRDC 11.40-12.05 OP-02GEM tekMIRA 11.40-12.05 OP-04GEH ITB
Galian Industri di Indonesia Darsa Permana Yogyakarta Environment Yahdi Zaim, D. J. Puradimaja
Western Part of Madura Island

12.05-13.05 Lunch

Pendekatan Geologi bagi

Ichonological Characteristics in the Pengembangan Kawasan Tujuan
Ery Arifullah, Andang Bachtiar, Mineral Conservation and its R. Hutamadi, B. Tjahjono S.,
13.05-13.30 OP-02GS Modern Mahakam Delta, East ITB 13.05-13.30 OP-03GEM DIM 13.05-13.30 OP-10GEH Wisata di Gunung Batu, Yudi Satria Purnama ITB
Djuhaeni Problem Rudy Gunadi
Kalimantan Kecamatan Lembang, Kabupaten
Hydraulic Conductivity Behavioral
Hydrocarbon Source Rock Potential Development on Artificial
Karakteristik Endapan Travertin di
of the Eocene - Oligocene Keruh Vegetation Substrates Made by
Daerah Cisolok Jawa Barat R. Heryanto, N. suwarna, H.
13.30-13.55 OP-05GR M. F. Rosana, A. D. Haryanto UNPAD 13.30-13.55 OP-04GR Formation in the Southwestern GRDC 13.30-13.55 OP-21GEH Coal Fly Ash, Gravel G5 and Clay Anggoro Trimursito
Kemungkinan Adanya Mineralisasi Panggabean
Margin of the Central Sumatra for the Coal Mining Reclamation
Emas Dibawahnya
Basin Project Gkb-Bergbau Gmbh
Koflach Austria

Penemuan Sumber Baru

Mineralisasi di Daerah Cipunagara, S. Bronto, Achnan K., H. Organic Petrology of Selected Binarko Santosa, Bukin The Role of Environmental Geology Rudy Suhendar, Ruswanto,
13.55-14.20 OP-10GR GRDC 13.55-14.20 OP-12GR tekMIRA 13.55-14.20 OP-17GEH DTLGKP
Kecamatan Cisalak, Kabupaten Utoyo Tertiary Kalimantan Coal Daulay in Karst Region Managemet Guntarto
Subang, Jawa Barat

Karakteristik Tekstur Urat Kuarsa Evaluation of the Mataloko

Epitermal di Daerah Sooko dan Mochamad Azis, Emmy Geothermal Field after Drilling and Air Tanah pada Kars dan
14.20-14.45 OP-16GR ITB 14.20-14.45 OP-14GR Rina Wahyuningsih DIM 14.20-14.45 OP-08GEH Djaendi DTLGKP
sekitarnya, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Suparka, Totok Dariyanto Flow Test of the MT-3 and MT-4 Perlindungannya
Jawa Timur Wells

14.45-15.15 Coffee Break

Stuktur Mikroskopik dan Mineralogi Kandungan Mineral Berat pada

Proses Pendangkalan Selat Y. Darian, Agus Setya Budhi,
15.15-15.40 OP-22GEH Glazur Keramik Hasil Percobaan Sudarsono, Eko Tri Sumamadi LIPI 15.15-15.40 OP-08GR Sedimen di Perairan Selat Batam Denny Setiadi PPGL 15.15-15.40 OP-15GEH PPGL
Madura, Jawa Timur Asep Faturachman
dengan Formula Ga dan Gz dan Bintan, Kepulauan Riau
JOB-Pertamina, Petrology and Geochemistry of the
Eko Widianto, Djoko santosa, Suspension and Sediment
West Java Basin Deliniation Using Conoco Phillips Klabat Granite at Bukit Muntai,
15.40-16.05 OP-16GS iwan Tachjudin Taib, Wawan 15.40-16.05 OP-09GR H. Z. Abidin, B. H. Harahap GRDC 15.40-16.05 OP-05GEH Surrounding of Northern Part Water Helfinalis LIPI
2-D Gravity Method (Sakakemang) Ltd, South Bangka, Indonesia :
Gunawan, Abdul Kadir of North Sulawesi
ITB Implication for tin mineralization
Mineral Resources Assessment of
Zaenuddin, Supriyati A., Isa
Debris Avalanche of Mojosongo, is Porphiry Copper Deposits in Memantau Sebaran Sedimen Afiat Anugrahadi, Nani
16.05-16.30 OP-17GS Numusanto, Dewi Sayudi, DVMBG, UGM 16.05-16.30 OP-13GR Bambang T. Setyadi DIM 16.05 - 16.30 OP-06GEH Trisakti
it Related to a Large Erution ? Indonesia Using the USGS 3 Part Terlarut dengan Citra Modis Aqua Hendiarti
Wartono Rahardjo
Assessment Method

16.30 Closing Ceremony


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