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Planning & Reflection Document

Last Name: _Sharma______________ First Name: ___Ravi________________

Negotiation: _Three Rivers Hospital__________________ Role: _NSIM_______________________

What issues are most important to you? (list in order of importance)

1. Salary of Doctors
2. Number of offices
3. Non-Compete duration
4. Control of Operations
5. Assets Pricing
6. Main Location

What is your BATNA?

Continuing with the independent practice under the umbrella of NSIM

What is your Resistance Point?

The resistance point is any of the possible combinations which accumulate to 1000 points

What is your Target Point?

Best case scenario should be the target point which is $1.3mn asset pricing, 5 years contract duration,
230 K salary, 1-year non-compete, option 3 for control of operations, 1 office, Allegheny as location.

What is your Starting Point?

A starting point would be Target point plus a higher figure for assets pricing, salary and longer contract
duration to gauge the position in areas where we can go above the target point

What are your sources of power or leverage?

The shortage of physicians at three rivers hospital and established patient base of the current practice

What issues are most important to your counterpart? (list in order of importance)

1. Salary of Doctors
2. Number of offices
3. Non-Compete duration
4. Control of Operations
5. Assets Pricing
6. Main Location
What is your counterpart’s BATNA?

Continuing with the current practice and keep looking for other merger possibilities

Resistance Point?

I think my target point is the resistance point for Three Rivers Hospital

Target Point?

$900K asset pricing, 3 years contract duration, $190K in salary, 2 years in Non compete option 1 for
control of operations, 3 offices and Crafton as main location

What are your counterpart’s sources of power or leverage?

Their capacity to handle complex processes related to insurances and health care regulations

What is your opening move / first strategy?

To try and break the deal into different pieces as I have different areas which clearly has different
weightage for me and try to understand where is the counter party open to compromise and adjust

What are the important questions to ask?

How many physicians currently work at hospital?

How many times have non compete been used by the hospital in past?

How many open positions Hospital currently have and what is the future direction the hospital has
envisaged for growing?

Other important information / considerations

Please reflect on your last negotiation exercise.

What things did you do well, and what things would you like to change for the upcoming exercise?

I could have used my leverage point more efficiently while bargaining. I did used it initially but then got
lost in balancing the various option that I had. I need to maintain my focus and keep pushing why the
counterparty is on the table for the deal in the first place.

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