Engineering Physics-Important Questions: Shorts UNIT - 1 (Units and Dimensions)

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UNIT – 1 (Units and Dimensions)
1. Write the base and supplementary units of SI system along with their symbols.
2. Write any 3 advantages of SI units.
3. Define dimensions and dimensional formula. Give one example for each.
4. Define Dimensional constants and Dimensionless Quantities with two examples each.
5. Write the applications of dimensional analysis.
6. State the limitations of dimensional analysis.
7. Write the dimensional formulae of the following physical quantities.
(1) Velocity (2) acceleration/acceleration due to gravity (3) frequency (4)momentum
(5) Density (6) force (7) work/energy/torque (8) power (9) impulse
(10) pressure/stress/modulus of elasticity (11) gas constant (12) latent heat
(13) Universal gas constant (14) universal gravitational constant (15) surface tension
(16) Coefficient of friction (17) coefficient of viscosity (18) angular velocity
UNIT – 2 (Elements of vectors)
1. Define scalars and vectors. Write two examples of each.
2. Define (i) unit vector (ii) null vector (iii) position vector
3. Explain work done as an example of dot product.
4. Explain linear velocity as an example of cross product.
UNIT – 3 (Kinematics)
1. Define acceleration due to gravity. Write its SI unit and dimensional formula.
2. Write the characteristics of ‘g’.
3. Define projectile. Give two examples.
4. Write the equations of motion for a freely falling body.
5. Show that time of ascent is equal to time of descent in case of a vertically projected
UNIT – 6 (Simple harmonic motion)
1. Define the following terms.
(i) Ideal simple pendulum (ii) seconds pendulum (iii) amplitude (iv) time period
(v) Frequency
2. Define SHM and give two examples. Write the conditions of SHM.
3. State the laws of simple pendulum.
4. Calculate the length of the second’s pendulum.
UNIT – 7 (Heat and thermodynamics)
1. State gas laws.
2. Define absolute zero temperature and write the relation between absolute temperature
and centigrade temperature.
3. Distinguish between gas constant(r) and universal gas constant(R).
4. Calculate the value of universal gas constant.
5. State first and second laws of thermodynamics.
6. Define molar specific heats of a gas.
UNIT – 8 (Sound)
1. Distinguish between musical sound and noise.
2. Define beats. State 4 applications of beats.
3. What is Doppler effect? Write any 4 applications.
4. Define reverberation and reverberation time.
5. Define echo. Write the methods of minimizing echoes and applications.
6. Write the Sabine’s formula for reverberation time and explain the terms.
UNIT – 9 (Properties of matter)
1. Define stress, strain and mention their SI units.
2. State Hook’s law.
3. Define surface tension. Write its SI unit and give two examples.
4. Define angle of contact and capillarity. Give two examples of each.
5. Write the formula for surface tension based on capillarity and name the terms.
6. Define viscosity and give two examples.
7. Derive the Newton’s formula for viscous force.
8. Define coefficient of viscosity and write its SI unit and dimension formula.
9. Write the Poiseuille’s equation for the coefficient of viscosity.
10. Explain the effect of temperature on viscosity of liquids and gases.
UNIT – 10 (Electricity and Magnetism)
1. State and explain ohm’s law.
2. State the Kirchhoff’s laws.
3. State and explain coulomb’s inverse square law of magnetism.
4. Define magnetic field and magnetic lines of force.
5. Define magnetic moment and magnetic induction field strength. Write their SI units.
6. Write the characteristics (properties) of magnetic lines of force.
UNIT – 11 (Modern physics)
1. Define photo electric effect. Write its applications.
2. State the laws of photo electric effect.
3. Write short note on photo electric cell.
4. Define refraction, critical angle and total internal reflection.
5. What is optical fiber? Name the types and write the applications.
6. What are super conductors? Write 3 properties.
7. State the applications of super conductivity.
UNIT – 2 (Elements of vectors)
1. State the parallelogram law of vectors. Derive the expressions for magnitude and
direction of resultant vector.
2. State and explain triangle and polygon law of vectors.
3. Define dot (scalar) product and write its properties.
4. Define cross (vector) product and write its properties.

UNIT – 3 (Kinematics)
1. Show that the path of a horizontally projected body is parabola.
2. Show that the path of a projectile is parabola in oblique projection.
3. Derive the expressions for maximum height, time of ascent, time of descent and time of
flight of a body projected vertically upwards.
4. Derive the expression for the height of a tower, when a body is projected vertically
upwards from the top of a tower.

UNIT – 4 (Friction)
1. (a)Define friction and give two examples.
(b)State the laws of friction.
2. (a)Write any 4 advantages and disadvantages of friction.
(b)Explain the methods of reducing friction.
3. (a)Write short note on normal reaction.
(b)Define angle of friction and angle of repose.
4. Derive the expression for acceleration of a body moving up/sliding down on a rough
inclined plane.
5. Derive the expression for acceleration of a body moving up/sliding down on a smooth
inclined plane.

UNIT – 5 (Work, power and energy)

1. Define work, power and energy. Write their SI units and dimensional formulae.
2. Define P.E and K.E. give 2 examples. Derive the expressions for P.E and K.E.
3. (a)State and prove work energy theorem.
(b)Derive the relation between K.E and momentum.
4. (a)State law of conservation of energy. Give 2 examples.
(b)Prove the law of conservation of energy in the case of a freely falling body.

UNIT – 6 (Simple harmonic motion)

1. Explain that the projection of uniform circular motion of a particle on any diameter of a
circle is simple harmonic.
2. Derive the expressions for Displacement, velocity, acceleration of a body in SHM.
3. Derive the expression for time period of a simple pendulum.
UNIT – 7 (Heat and thermodynamics)
1. Define Ideal gas. Derive the Ideal gas equation PV = nRT.
2. Distinguish between Isothermal and Adiabatic process.
3. Prove that 𝒄𝒑 -𝒄𝒗 = R (or) Obtain the relation between molar specific heats of a gas.

UNIT – 8 (Sound)
1. (a)Define noise pollution. Write its SI unit.
(b)Explain the causes, effects and controlling methods of noise pollution.

UNIT – 10 (Electricity and Magnetism)

1. Describe how the specific resistance of a given wire can be determined using meter
2. Derive the balancing condition of wheat stone’s bridge with neat circuit diagram.
3. Derive the expression for the moment of couple acting on a bar magnet in a uniform
magnetic field.
4. Derive the expression for the magnetic induction field strength at a point on the axial
line of a bar magnet.
5. Derive the expression for the magnetic induction field strength at a point on the
equatorial line of a bar magnet.

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