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Invisible Man
For a team spelling game, draw two stick figures on the board. Each figure should have the same
number of parts. The goal is to make your team’s stick man invisible before the other team does.
Give each team a word to spell. If they spell it correctly, erase one piece of the stick figure. If
they do not spell the word correctly, leave the stick figure unchanged. Then repeat with two new
words. The first team to make his man invisible wins!
Erase a Word
Divide students into two teams. Write two lists of unit words on the board (one for each member
of each team). Each team forms a line leading to the board. When given the signal, the first child
on each team goes up to the board, points at the first word in the team’s column, and reads aloud
that word. If the student reads the word correctly, he or she erases that word. The student then
moves to the back of his or her team’s line. The first team to erase all the words on their list
Blind fold board race
Is to put a blindfolded student in front of the board with a pen and ask their classmates to shout
instructions for how they should move the pen to help them do a homophone exercise on a board.
This can br done with any of the usual boring textbook homophones exercises, example: Circle
the option that is a homophone, cirlcle the odd one out, circle the two homophones in the big list,
find the homophone in a word search, or join the homophones with a line
Choose your luck!
Divide the class into two groups, the groups will di rock, paper and scissors, the winner will play
the game first and the category a to e and 200 to 1000 points. This games is all about
Sink and Spell
Sink and spell is just like the game Battleship. It is a fun spelling game that is played with a
partner to help reinforce spelling words.Pair students together with a partner and give each
student a sheet of paper. Have students draw a grid with letters on the top and numbers on the
side. Then have students write about five of their spelling words in boxes on the grid they made.
Students take turns calling out boxes. If they call out a box and a letter isn’t there then that is
considered a miss. The goal of the game is to find the spelling words. The first one to find all of
the words wins.

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