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: Oeeeteenvens LAB 3: THREE POINT BEND Objectives ‘+ Experimentally determine the Youngs modulus of 3 metallie materials using load de- flection data obtained from a three point bend tes, ‘+ Develop an understanding ofthe influence of erose-soctional geometry on beam bend- ing. Background Stress-Strain Relationship AA londed specimen wil initially deform such that the stross developed is directly propor ‘ional to strain. "This initial Iinoar portion of the steso strain relationship i called the elastic region. ‘The clastic region extends up to a point, call the yield strength, ay, beyond which the material will begin to permanently deform (called plastic deformation). Beyond the yield strength, ductile materials, such as structural stel, aluminium, et., undergo signif ‘ant plastic deformation (which eannot be roversed by removing the load) prior ta failure, Brittle materials, such as cast iran, glass, et., on the other hand, undergo very little plas tic deformation prior to failure. Some ductile materials, such a low carbon stot, have a ‘very well defined yield point wich allows the yield strength to he easily identified from the stress-strain curve. In general, tho yield point isnot so well defied and the yield strength ‘is determined ty intersecting the strese-strain curvo with a line parallel tothe elastic region, offset by a strain of ¢= 0.002 (0.2%), as abown in Figure 10. pure wt + 0.26 offer Figure 10: Determination of Yield Stress Using 0.256 Offset for a Untaxally Loaded Specimen Uniacial stress ig defined as a state of strose wherein normal stress develope only in one direction, x, and is zero in the remaining directions, y and z. For a specimen in this condition, undergoing elastic deformation, the stress, 0, is related to the strain, ¢, by a constant of proportionality called Youngs Modulus, B. o=Ke @ ‘The value of Youngs Modulus fora particular material is found experimentally by computing ‘the slope of the linear portion of the moasured stress-strain curve. In the ease of the three point Lending test, the measured quantities are the magnitude of the applod load ox the resulting besm deflection, In order to use Haquation 9 to solve for B, load and deflection ‘ust fst be related to stress an strain, This relationship is derived ia the next section for the case ofthe 8 point bend. ‘Three Point Bend ‘Consider Jong slender beam subject to transverse loading, Ifthe loading is applied along the symmetry axis of the cross-section, then the beam will be in pure bending and planes parallel to the cross-section will remain plane after deformation. ‘The result that the beam ill become curved, and there will be an axis passing through the centroid ofthe beam eroas- section which remains unstrained when loaded. At any point, x, along the beam axis the ‘curved beam will have a radius of curvature, p, from the instantaneous centre of curvature to the neutral axis, as sean in Figure 11. a ae 8 ee aN Sent ~ Ene t (ot Longa venta ction Teer wei ai tn Figure 11: Deformed Beam Section {It can be shown that the strain along the # diteetion is directly proportional to distance ‘rom th noutral axis, y, and is inversely proportional to the radius of curvature * a9) If only small displacements are considered, the radius of curvature at a particular loestica, an be approximated by the socond derivative of the deletion, 1: 1_@ 1g ay In the bonding of slender beams, only normal stress in the x direction, 7, and shear stress in the 2 —y plane, ty, develop. For pure bending, the normal stress is also proportional to v Me) a (a) Where, 7 is the second moment of area for the particular cross-section and M(z) ie the ‘bending moment distribution. Por beams in pure bending, the state of sires is uniaxial and #0 Equation 9 applias and 0, becomes related ta was follows: ordeal so pogo 25 of ara i)

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