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1. The system will have one input and one output. The input switch called
SW1 and port pin P2.1. A LED is used as output (RED) connected to
P3.1. The specifications are summarized in the following table.

Switch Input LED Output

When SW1 switch is pressed The LED should be not glow

When SW1 switch is released The LED should glow

2. The system will have two inputs and two outputs. The inputs are
switches called SW1 and SW2, which are connected port pin P2.0 and
P2.1 respectively. Two LEDs namely GREEN, RED are connected to
P3.1, P3.2 respectively. The system behavior is summarized in the
following table.

Switch Input LED Output

When SW1 switch is pressed The red LED should glow

When SW2 switch is pressed The green LED should glow

Neither SW1 or SW2 is pressed The LEDs should be off

3. The system will have two inputs and three outputs. The inputs are
switches called SW1 and SW2, which are connected port pin P2.0 and
P2.1 respectively. Three LEDs namely GREEN, RED and YELLOW are
connected to P3.1, P3.2 and P3.3 respectively. The system behavior is
summarized in the following table.
Switch Input LED Output

Both switches SW1 and SW2 are The LED should be blue

When just SW1 switch is pressed The red LED should glow

When just SW2 switch is pressed The green LED should glow

Neither SW1 or SW2 is pressed The LEDs should be off

4. Design a system that will have only one output. A LED is used as
output (BLUE) connected to P3.1. Toggle the LED after every 500ms.

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