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Choose the best answer for each question by crossing a, b, c, or d

Text for number 1-3

Beckham’s Family

Beckham and Victoria live in England. Beckham is a policeman and Victoria is a nurse. They
have two children, Brooke and Sinclair. Brooke is eleven years old and Sinclair is five years

1. How old is Brooke?

a. He is 5 years old c. He is naughty
b. He is 11 years old d. He is clever
2. Where does Beckham’s family live?
a. Europe b. Asia c. England d. America
3. Is Victoria a nurse?
a. No, he is not c. No, she is not
b. Yes, he is d. Yes, she is
Where can you find the notice above?
a. hotel b. classroom c. park d. kitchen
5. What does Junaedi do?
a. He played a ball c. He playing a ball
b. He plays a ball d. He play a ball
6. I’m tired, …………..
a. turn off the TV, please c. bring me a glass of water, please
b. turn on the TV, please d. bring me a box, please
7. Susi and Linda play dolls
What is the negative form of this sentence ?
a. Susi and Linda does not play dolls c. Susi and Linda are not play dolls
b. Susi and Linda do not play dolls d. Susi and Linda did not play dolls
8. Ina ……………… a magazine everyday
a. reads b. read c. reading d. readed
9. Shopkeeper : Can I help you miss?
Vivi : Yes I want to buy a T-shirt
Shopkeeper :What size do you want?
Vivi : Actually M size
Shopkeeper : Here you are
Vivi : Okay, thanks
What does Vivi want to buy?
a. shirt b. blouse c. T-shirt d. jacket
10. Tono is 12 years old. His weight is 70 kgs. He is handsome
Which one is right description?
a. Tono is handsome fat old boy
b. Tono is an old handsome fat boy
c. Tono is young and fat
d. Tono is an interesting unique boy
11. My mother goes to the market everyday. She will make a cake. She…… eggs, flavor and
a. buys b. buy c. buying d. bought

Text for number 12-15

Vanessa Mae

Vanessa Mae Vanakorn Nicholsom is a famous musician. She is sixteen years old, but she is
a world famous violinist.When she plays classical violin concertos on electric violin,the
world listens.

12. Who is Vanessa Mae?

a. a composer b. a musician c. a singer d. a drummer
13. What musical instrument does she play?
a. a guitar b. a drum c. a saxophone d. a violin
14. The word violinist means ……..
a. someone who expert in playing drum
b. someone who expert in playing violin
c. someone who expert in playing music
d. someone who expert in singing a song
15. Is she famous?
a. Yes, she is c. Yes, she does
b. No, she is not d. No, she does not
16. Cow and buffaloes are ……. but tigers and lion are carnivorous.
a. reptiles b. microbes c. herbivorous d. viruses
17. Bob : “Let’s go to the canteen!’
Lina : “…….. I am hungry”
a. It’s a good idea c. I disagree
b. It’s not good idea d. I hate it
18. My school ….. an excursion once a year.
a. took b. takes c. taking d. taken
19. It's a big animal with a very thick skin and one or two horns on its nose. What animal is
it ?
a. elephant b. rhinoceros c. dolphin d. fish
20. Teacher : Come here Rendi. Where’s your homework?
Rendi : …………………… , Sir. I left it at home.
Teacher : Promise to submit it tomorrow, okay?
Rendi : Yes, Sir. I’ll do.
a. I am sorry c. That’s good idea
b. It’s too bad d. Excuse me
21. Santi : Hi Tasya. How’s life?
Tasya : Very well, thanks. Who is with You, Santi?
Santi : Meet my new friend. She’s Nisa. She is my classmate
Tasya : Hello Nisa. Glad to see you
Nisa : Glad to see you too, Tasya.
What is the dialogue about?
a. Telling someone c. Greeting someone
b. Describing someone d. Introducing someone
22. Shanti : Would you like to buy some sugar for me, please?
Santo : .......................... I can't. I'm in a hurry.
Shanti : It is O.K then. I will buy it myself.
a. Of course c. I’m sure
b. I’m really sorry d. I don’t know
23. The following are expressing to ask for opinion, except ………
a. Do I look good in this? c. What do you mean by this?
b. What do you think about this? d. Does this suit me?
24. “What would you like to drink” belongs to ……………
a. offering something c. asking for something
b. asking for help d. offering help

From item 33 to 35 complete the dialogue below!

Mrs. Haris : Excuse _______(25).

Librarian : Sure. What can I do for you?
Mrs. Haris : I forget to return the book today.
Librarian : OK, don’t ________(26) to return it tomorrow.
Mrs. Haris : Sure I promise.
Librarian : It’s okay.
Mrs. Haris : _________(27) very much
25. a. me b. I c. you d. we
26. a. forgetting b. forgot c. forget d. forgetful
27. a. okay b. sure c. thank you d. all right
28. Kucing sedang tidur di bawah meja.
a. The cat is sleeping under the table
b. The cat slept under the table
c. The cat sleep under the table
d. The cat sleeps the table
29. The woman is a teacher. The plural form of the sentence is....
a. The womans are teachers
b. The woman is a teacher
c. The women are teachers
d. The women are teacher
30. sitting on a beach.
a. A men b. A man c. Man d. Men
31. The boys ... reading.
a. is b. am c. are d. have
32. Something you can find in your classroom is a ....
a. radio b. pillow c. stove d. blackboard
33. Sigit : I have to go now. Nice to meet you, Sri.
Sri : ........... , Sigit.
a. Bye
b. How do you do?
c. Nice to meet you, too
d. Pleased to meet you
34. Nicky : I’m going to sleep now.
Stuart : Okay, …….
a. Good night b. Goody bye c. Bye d. Good evening
35. I don’t have ...... sugar.
a. some b. any c. and d. the
36. Is there ..... book in your bag?
a. some b. and c. but d. a
37. Do you have ....... papers?
a. some b. any c. and d. the
38. We buy flower at…..
a. bookstore b. fruit seller c. florist d. greengrocery
39. A : What do you think of our new teacher ?
B : Well,…..She is a nice person
a. really b. I think c. do you like d. I don’t think so
40. A : Do you think Lady Gaga will come to Indonesia?
B :…………because the police doesn’t give permittion
a. really b. I think c. do you like d. I don’t think so


An English Class
This period is an English class for VII-1, Mrs. Nurbaiti is standing in front of the class.
She is asking the students some questions.
Mrs. Nurbaiti : Who is absent, today ?
Lendy : Henny and Rendy, Mam.
Mrs. Nurbaiti : Are there any letters from their parents ?
Lendy : Yes, there is. It is from Siti’s father, but no letter from Budi’s parents.
Mrs. Nurbaiti : Well, bring it here, Lena.
Lendy : Yes, Mam. Here you are.
Mrs. Nurbaiti : Thank you. Now turn to page 21 for our English class. Repeat after me,
please “He is in the laboratory”
Students : He is in the laboratory.
1. What’s the name of their teacher ?
2. How many students are talking to their teacher ?
3. Who is absent in the class?
4. What page do they want to study?
5. What sentence does the students repeat?

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