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w. e. f. June 2013.

Ordinances pertaining to admission, registration of students pursuing research leading to award of degree of
Doctor of Philosophy and rules and regulations for recognition as supervisor of doctoral research for a
“teacher” working in Department or any affiliated college of the Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University,
Ph. D. Ordinances
O. Ph. D. 1 General
1.1 Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan, awards the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in all faculties, to a candidate who has
successfully completed the stipulated programme of research.
1.2 A candidate to be awarded Ph. D. degree has to submit a thesis in English
except for research in languages like Gujarati, Hindi, Sanskrit etc. embodying
the findings of his/her original research carried out under this programme.
Further, provided that, if any student is carrying out his/her research in
Gujarati, Hindi or Sanskrit language or literature, he/she has to submit his
thesis in the respective language. The thesis should make an original
contribution of high quality to the advancement of scientific knowledge as
judged by experts in the relevant area.
1.3 Before submitting final thesis, the student has to submit his/her synopsis in
English or in the concerned language. In case the candidate submits his/her
thesis in any language other than English, he/she has to submit the
abstract/summary of the thesis in the English language.
1.4 A candidate becomes eligible for the award of the Ph. D. degree after fulfilling
all the academic requirements prescribed by the University.
1.5 The Ph. D. degree shall be awarded in the discipline of the Faculty in which
the student is registered for the Ph. D. programme. The title of the Ph. D.
thesis and subject shall be mentioned in the notification.
O. Ph.D. 2
A candidate shall be registered for Ph. D. degree in the Faculty in which
he/she has obtained Master’s Degree with at least 55% from
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan, or any other University
recognized by the U.G.C. Relaxation of 5% shall be granted to the candidates
from SC/ST categories.
Provided further that :
(a) a candidate in the Faculty of either Arts, Education, Science, Commerce,
Rural Studies or Social Studies, who has taken his Master’s degree in
Economics or Statistics, may be registered for the Ph. D. degree, in the
respective faculty,

(b) a candidate who has obtained the degree of Master of Engineering with
Electronics and Telecommunication as one of the subjects of this University or
of any other University recognized as equivalent thereto, may be registered for
Ph. D. degree in the Science Faculty in the same subject. The final decision
of registration of such candidate shall be decided by the equivalence
committee constituted by the university from time to time.
(c) Bachelor degree holders who have passed the final examination of the institute
of Chartered Accountants of India may be registered for the Ph. D. degree in
commerce (Accountancy) / Management.
(d) A person holding a second class Master’s Degree of this University with at
least 10 (ten) years teaching experience in an educational institution within the
state of Gujarat may be considered eligible for registration for Ph. D. Degree
by the Executive Council on recommendation of B.U.T.R. after fulfilling the
entrance test norms etc.
Provided further, the BUTR on behalf of Executive Council may be authorized
to take decision in the matter of granting permission to change the faculty
other than the one in which the candidate has obtained his Master’s degree
and, granting registration to such student for the Ph. D. degree in the
respective or corresponding subject under the respective faculty.
O. Ph. D. 3 Procedure for Admission
3.1 A candidate shall be admitted as a doctoral student through an entrance test
conducted by the University.
3.2 (a) Those students who have cleared UGC, CSIR (JRF) examination,
NET/SET and those who have cleared M. Phil. Programme after
December, 2009, are exempted from the Ph. D. entrance test maximally
for a period of three years. Thereafter, they have to appear for the
entrance test.
3.2(b) Candidates who have qualified NET/SET or passed M. Phil. (exempted from
the entrance test) shall be given priority for admission to Ph.D Programme.
3.3 Students who are appearing in the final semester university examination will
be allowed to sit in the Ph. D. entrance examination.
3.4 For allotment of students and identifying proper guides (depending upon the
expertise of the guides and areas of interest of students) there shall be a four

member committee chaired by the heads of the university department of the
concerned subjects. Decision of the committee shall be final in this matter.
3.5 The reservation for various categories will be as per the State Government
policy implemented from time to time.

3.6 Admission through entrance will be given once in a year. Normally entrance
shall be conducted before 30th June every year if there are enough number of
vacancy in respective faculty.

3.7 The number of seats (subject-wise) for Ph. D. shall be decided well in advance
and notified with the subject on the University web site or by an advertisement
for the entrance test.

3.8 The university shall also notify the list of supervisors and their respective area
of interest/expertise.

3.9 The University shall inform the successful (Entrance + Merit) candidates to
fulfill the other formalities.

3.10 In case of a teacher having a major research project from UGC, DST, ICAR
MoEF, CSIR etc. or any other Government agency in which a project fellow is
to be appointed as per the guidelines of the funding agency, the project fellow
shall be allowed to register for his/her Ph. D. if he/she has minimum 60% of
the aggregate of B.Sc. & M. Sc. marks. SC/ST candidates require the
aggregate of 55% for registration. These students shall be treated as super
numeric Ph. D. students to the concerned teacher and would be allowed to
register at the time he/she is joining the project. However they will have to
clear the entrance test as and when conducted by the university.
O. Ph. D. 4 Entrance Test

The entrance test shall be of Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ) only. The MCQ
test structure shall consist of two sections:
In First Section, 50 MCQs of 100 marks will be asked, each question will carry
02 marks. The syllabus of this section will be as per prescribed syllabus.
In Second Section, 50 MCQs of 100 marks will be asked from concerned
subjects. Syllabus for this section will be notified on the University web site
well in advance. Passing standard of the written entrance examination shall be
40% aggregate of both sections.
Candidates having cleared the written entrance test ( First and second
sections ) will be required to take an oral viva-voce of 100 marks
conducted by the concerned university department. It will be compulsory
for all candidates ( including the candidates who have cleared Net/Set

etc. or passed M.Phil. with entrance tests after 2009) to take oral viva-
voce and clear the same ,separately, with a minimum of 40% marks.
4(a) Entrance Examination/Admission Committee:
All Heads of the various departments of the university and the
chairpersons of the Boards of Studies of subjects of which there is no
university department established so far will be the members of the

4(b) Course Work: After clearing the entrance test a student has to undergo a course
work which is to be conducted by the respective departments of the university.
Head of the university department of a concerned discipline/subject will
coordinate the course work. For the disciplines/subjects which do not have
departments in the university concerned dean of faculty will coordinate the
course. Respective chairpersons of the various boards of studies of concerned
disciplines will be members of the coordination committee under the chair of
the dean of the concerned faculty. Student will have to study and clear a
prescribed course on research methodology which includes minimum of 72
contact hours within EIGHT weeks of time as per the time table published by
the University. He/She has to submit the assignments and also has to give
seminars, tutorials assigned by the course coordinator/supervisor. After the
completion of course work an examination of 100 marks would be conducted
by the university comprising 50 marks of MCQ type question paper pertaining
to research methodology course and 50 marks of question paper from the
subject on which he/she is doing research. The passing standard would be
50%. The registration would be processed after clearance of the course work
exam. If any student fails to clear the course work exam his/her research
cannot be proceeded and his/her registration would not be processed. This is
applicable to all candidates registered for Ph. D. The University will issue a
certificate for successful completion of the course work.
O. Ph. D. 5 Procedure of Registration
5.1 Successful candidates shall have to propose the name of supervisors in priority
under whom he/she would like to carry out his dissertation. If there is no
vacancy with the proposed supervisor, the student will be registered with
another supervisor available, provided the supervisor gives consent for the
same as per his/her expertise in particular subject. There shall be no waiting

list for any supervisor. If a student is unable to get a seat, he/she shall have to
reappear for the test as and when declared, He/she shall be considered
waiting candidate maximum for a period of six months from the date of
declaration of the results of entrance test. After six months the wait list shall
stand cancelled automatically.

5.2 Successful candidates shall have to apply for registration in the prescribed
format with the research proposal prepared in consultation with the proposed
supervisor. The Ph. D. Screening Committee(5.4) will recommend registration
of a candidate for the Ph. D. Degree after screening the proposal.
5.3 The applicant shall be registered on such conditions and on such topics as
may be suggested by the Ph. D. Committee and on payment of requisite fee
and fulfilling other formalities.
5.4 The Research proposal shall be evaluated by the Ph. D. Screening Committee
consisting of :
(a) Dean of the concerned faculty (Convener)
(b) Chairman of Board of Studies of the subject concerned
(c) Head of the Department concerned
(d) Ph. D. guides of the subject concerned (not more than three,
nominated by the Vice Chancellor)
(e) Not more than two Subject Expert from other University , nominated by
the Vice Chancellor.

O. Ph. D. 6 Fees Payable by the Research Scholars

The students declared eligible for admission will be admitted on
payment of the fees prescribed by the Executive Council from time
to time.
O. Ph. D. 7 Categories of Ph. D.
There shall be TWO types of students in Ph. D. Programme
Regular Students : This include the UGC-CSIR JRF scholars or those who
pursue research on regular basis working full time as per the time table of the
Part time Student : This is applicable to persons who are working in the
University, colleges or other institutions/organizations. A No Objection
Certificate (NOC) and, a certificate for providing infrastructural and laboratory
facilities or other required facilities for his/her research from the Head of the
University Department/ college/ Institution or organization where the candidate
is employed must be enclosed at the time of final registration. If the student

fails to submit such NOC from his/her employer his/her registration will not be
O. Ph. D. 8 Duration of Course

I. Regular Students : Four Terms (TWO YEARS)

II. Part Time Students : Six Terms (THREE YEARS)

O. Ph. D. 9 Recognition of Ph. D. Guide


9.1 Professor (including Professor CAS) and Associate Professor become guides
by virtue of their position. They need to apply in writing for the same.
9.2 The Executive Council on recommendation of BUTR shall recognize any
teacher other than Professor/Associate Professor of the University Department
or an affiliated college or recognized/approved institutions of the
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University as a Ph. D. guide. Following
qualifications are required to be qualified as a Ph. D. guide.
(a) Ph. D. Degree in the subject or in a related discipline of a recognized
(b) He/She should have at least FIVE years of P.G. teaching/ research/ industrial
research experience.
(c) Five research papers in the subject concerned published in a refereed journal
of National/International standing. Out of these five at least two papers must
be published after getting Ph. D. degree.
9.3 University shall constitute research committee with at least two subject experts
on it to look into the fulfillment of the above criteria before giving recognition to
Ph.D. supervisors.
9.4 The Executive council on recommendation of BUTR shall recognize as Ph.D.
guide, any eminent scholar or eminent educationist who has given his/her
valuable contribution in his/her field.
O. Ph.D. 10 Intake
10. A Ph.D. guide shall not have, at any given time, more than the following
number of Ph.D. scholars (Including student from other Universities)

Professor / Principal : 08
Associate Professor : 07
Assistant Professor : 06
A teacher has to inform the Registrar of this university if he/she has recognition
from any other university along with the number of students registered in that
university. If the teacher does not inform the university, within one month of
acquiring recognition, his/her recognition as Ph.D. guide shall be cancelled
from this university.
O. Ph.D. 11. Cancellation of Registration:
The Ph. D. registration of a student is liable to be cancelled for any of the
following reasons.
(a) Consistent lack of progress in research.
(b) Violation of discipline and rules of the Institute / Department.
(c) Non-submission of the thesis within the stipulated period.
(See O. Ph.D. 16).
(d) Non-conformity with the regulations of the programme.
(e) Giving false information at the time of application / admission.
O. Ph.D. 12 Joint/Co-Guide:
In the event of a scholar pursuing a research programme on a topic with
ramifications stretching to two or more disciplines, he/she may apply to work
under the supervision of two guides not from the same discipline. The Ph. D.
Committee (after scrutinizing the research proposal submitted by the
candidate) will take the final decision. The scholars pursuing research
programme in an institution outside this University shall have to take a Joint
Guide if necessary from the list of recognized Ph.D. research guides of this
O. Ph.D. 13 Outside Guide:

A candidate desiring to work for the Ph. D. Degree in a subject in which there
are less than 3 teachers recognized for guiding Ph.D., student shall select a
teacher as his/her guide for consultation from outside the University area and
submit his name with NOC of the employer of the proposed guide for the
approval of the University authorities at the time of seeking registration. On
approval of the name of the guide, the candidate shall be registered as a post-
graduate student for the Ph.D. degree.
O. Ph.D. 14 Guidance for Doctor of Philosophy

14.1 (a) A candidate for the degree of Ph.D. must have worked for stipulated
term after qualifying himself/herself for the Master's degree in the Faculty
concerned under the guidance of a University teacher duly
recognized for guiding research for Ph.D. degree.
(b) It shall not be obligatory for a candidate registered for the Ph.D. degree to
reside in the same town where his teacher resides or works, unless the
research work of the candidate concerned involves laboratory and / or field
work. Provided that in the research work involving no laboratory and or field
work the candidates concerned will be required to keep in close touch with
his/her teacher and, he/she shall have to discuss his research problem at least
twice in a term.
14.2 For the purpose of fulfilling the conditions of keeping academic terms required
as per O. Ph.D. 16.1, the first term of the said stipulated terms, shall be
counted as under:
(a) If the topic of the thesis for Ph.D. is recommended by the Ph.D. Committee,
and the same is approved by the University on any date during the first half of
an academic term, that term shall be counted as the first term.
(b) If the topic of the thesis for Ph.D. is approved by the Hemchandracharya North
Gujarat University on any date during the second half of an academic term, the
term following the said academic term shall be counted as the first term.
14.3 Attendance and Library and/or Laboratory or Field Work.
Full-time research scholars shall attend their respective departments and/or
laboratories according to the prearranged time-tables and the records of their
attendance shall be maintained by the supervisor concerned and monitored by
Principal/Head of Department.
O. Ph.D.15 Constitution of Ph.D. Committee:
There shall be the following members on the Ph. D. Committee:
(a) Dean of the concerned faculty - Chairman
(b) Head of the concerned Dept.- Member. (A subject expert nominated by the
Vice Chancellor in case there is no HOD).
(c) One subject expert nominated by the Vice Chancellor from outside the
University Area.
(d) Guide(s) - Member.
The Ph.D. Committee will recommend to the B.U.T.R. in the matter mentioned
(a) Provisional Registration
(b) Final Registration

(c) Panel of Examiners
The Ph.D. Committee will normally meet within 30 days of the last date of
admission to the Ph. D. Programme.
O. Ph.D. 16 Period of Research Work

16.1 A regular scholar registered for Ph.D. degree may submit the thesis after the
completion of 2 (two) years i.e four terms of research work from the date of
registration, but not later than 5 (five) years. A part time research scholar can
submit the thesis only after 3 (three) years i.e. six terms but not later than
5(five) years of research work from the date of registration.
16.2 However, if a scholar fails to submit the thesis within 5 (five) years from the
date of registration, he/she may be allowed with the permission of Vice
Chancellor, an extension of one year which will be effective after the
completion of the 5th year of registration, this may be followed by one more
year (i.e. total 7 years). Thereafter, the candidate shall have to reappear in the
entrance test and will be treated as fresh candidate.
16.3 For each extension of one year the scholar shall be required to submit an
application through the Guide(s) justifying the need thereof by paying requisite
extension fee. The same procedure will be operative for the subsequent
extension in which case the candidate will be required to pay another
installment of extension fee at the prescribed rate.
O. Ph.D. 17 Progress Review
Term fees shall not be accepted unless it is accompanied with progress report
of respective guide.
O. Ph.D. 18 Submission of Thesis
18.1 Before submitting the thesis, the candidate shall forward it to the Registrar,
through his guiding teacher, a statement giving the title and a synopsis of
his/her thesis along with prescribed fee.
The thesis maybe submitted at any time during the year and shall be
forwarded by the candidate through his/her guiding teacher but not later than
six months of submission of synopsis. In case a candidate could not submit
the thesis within six months of submission of synopsis, he/she shall have to
pay the examination fee again.
18.2 The scholar shall submit Four copies (Five copies in case of joint guides) of
his/ her thesis. The thesis should embody the result of research and show

evidence of originality, that is a declaration by the candidate that he has not
practiced plagiarism for preparing the thesis. The thesis must also contain a
declaration from the scholar to the effect that the thesis or part thereof was not
submitted by him/her for any research degree to this University or any other
University/Institution. The scholar shall also submit a soft copy in CD in PDF
18.3 A soft copy of the thesis (PDF format) must be forwarded to INFLIBNET and
the same PDF format in CD must be forwarded to the UGC New Delhi. If the
language used in the thesis is other than English, a summary in English must
be submitted along with the thesis and the same must be forwarded to the
18.4 The thesis must contain a certificate from the guide(s) stating that:
(i) The scholar has fulfilled all requirements under above rules.
(ii) The thesis is the result of the scholar’s own investigation.
O. Ph.D. 19. Evaluation of Ph.D. Thesis
Every thesis shall be examined by three referees to be appointed in the
manner indicated here below:
On recommendation of the Board of University Teaching and Research
(BUTR), the Executive Council shall appoint a panel of three Examiners, one
of whom shall be an internal referee; the University teacher guiding the
candidate's work, and the other two must be external ones, i.e. from outside
the Gujarat state. For this purpose the Board of University Teaching and
Research shall recommend a panel of at least 7 (seven) names of examiners
in the subject besides the guide (s).
(a) External examiner shall mean any examiner other than guide(s), not in the
University service/not belonging to institution of the candidate and the guide(s).
(b) From the panel finalized as above the Vice-Chancellor shall select the Board of
Examiners and the Registrar will take necessary steps for the evaluation of the
thesis. In case of joint guides, either a combined report or two separate reports
may be obtained.
(c) All the examiners appointed to evaluate the thesis shall be requested to send
along with the report on the thesis, questions to be put to the scholar during
the Viva-Voce and or practical examination.

(d) If the thesis is not recommended for the Ph.D. degree by any two examiners or
suggested for resubmission after revision by the third examiner, the thesis will
be referred to another external examiner (i.e. 4th examiner) from the panel
already approved by the Executive Council as per selection to be made by the
Vice-Chancellor. The assessment of the 4th examiner shall be final.

If the 4th examiner suggests re-submission after revision, the scholar will be
allowed to re-submit the thesis after necessary revision in the light of the
comments of the 4th examiner within one year on payment of half of the
prescribed examination fees (the revised thesis will be sent only to the 4th
examiner). If the 4th examiner recommends the thesis, the report of the
recommendation will be considered along with the other reports already
received and will be processed.
(f) If the thesis is suggested for re-submission after revision by any two examiners,
the scholar will be allowed to re-submit the thesis after revision in the light of
the comments of the examiners within one year on payment of half of the
prescribed examination fees and the revised thesis will be sent to only those
examiners who have suggested revision. If the revised thesis is recommended,
the reports and the recommendations will be considered along with the other
report already received and will be processed under clause below.
(g) If the thesis is rejected by any two examiners, it shall be rejected.
(h) In special circumstances, if there is a need to change the referee, the Vice-
Chancellor shall be the final authority.
O. Ph.D. 20 Viva-Voce and/or Practical Examination

(a) There shall be a viva-voce examination of a candidate-submitting thesis for the

degree of Ph.D. It shall be held at the University head quarter in person only.
If the examiner is unable to travel then the second examiner is to be called for
the viva-voce examination. If both the examiners are unable to conduct the
viva-voce, a third examiner shall be appointed by the vice-chancellor who
would conduct the viva-voce.
(b) If a candidate does not satisfy the Examiners at the viva-voce examination
only, he shall be re examined after a period of not less than three months, the
candidate shall not be declared eligible for the degree unless all the Examiners
unanimously declare him eligible for the degree.
(c) In the event of re-examination of candidate at the viva-voce examination only
who had failed to satisfy the examiner at the viva-voce examination, he shall

be required to send his examination form along with the payment of half of the
original fee through his supervisor(s).
O. Ph.D. 21 Award of the Doctorate (Ph.D.) Degree

If the thesis is recommended for the award of Ph. D. degree after successful
Viva- Voce, the Registrar with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor shall
declare the result.
A Certificate under the seal of the University and signed by the Registrar will
be issued to each successful candidate.
For all other matters not covered above, the decision of the BUTR shall be
final and binding.
O. Ph. D. 22 Rules for the recognition of an Institute / college / centre / laboratory /
library / museum for Ph. D. research

22.1 The Institute/College/Centre/Laboratory/Library/ Museum etc. should apply to

the Registrar in triplicate with an application fee at the prescribed rate which is
non-refundable, before 31st August every year together with three copies of
report containing information as in the rule. The BUTR may also consider the
applications from out side the territorial jurisdiction of the University. In such
cases the applying authority will have to bear the total cost of T.A. /D.A. etc. in
connection with the inspection in addition to the application fee.
22.2 A team consisting of at least two experts will visit the Institute /College/ Centre/
Laboratory/Library/Museum etc. and shall inspect the facilities for their
satisfaction in the following aspects (where applicable):
a. A library with adequate number of books (about two thousand) and journals
(about 10) of National and International standard on the subject and allied
fields of study.
b. A full time qualified Librarian with supporting staff.
c. Adequate reading room facilities.
d. A Laboratory with adequate equipment and space (where
e. Adequate staff facilities for fabrication of specialized equipments
needed for research (where applicable).
f. Adequate staff for running and maintenance of the range of
equipments needed for research (where applicable).

g. Manuscript of Microfilming may be accepted as an alternative (wherever
h. At least one person who has been recognized as Guide of the
subject/discipline for which Ph. D. recognition is sought.
i. Details regarding land and building.

(i) Areas of land stating whether permanent and belonging to the Institute.
(ii) Nature and type of building.
(iii) Number of rooms with space in which the concerned Institute/College/
Centre/ Laboratory/Library/Museum is situated.
j. Details of financial sources of the concerned Institute/ College/Centre/
Laboratory/ Library/ Museum etc.
(i) Recurring grant, received during the year previous to the visit and in
the visit year (if available.)
(ii) Non-recurring grant/grants received during the year previous to the visit
and in the visit year (if available.)
(iii) Any other financial sources (with details of magnitude and nature)
including interest from fixed deposits, if any.
k. A whole time executive in charge of administration of the Institute/
College/Centre/ Laboratory/Library/ Museum etc.
22.3 The committee will submit its report to the University with full details covering
the above aspects along with its critical observations & recommendation, which
will be submitted to the BUTR for further course of action. The recommendation
of the BUTR will be placed in the Executive Council through Academic Council
for approval.
22.4 The matter regarding recognition will be subject to renewal on the basis of
report submitted by the team consisting of at least two experts will visit the
Institute / College / Centre / Laboratory / Library / Museum etc. and after a
period inspection, if necessary after every two years.
22.5 Recognition will be accorded for a period of three years subject to
renewal on the basis of report on activities to be submitted along with a
non-refundable renewal fee at the prescribed rate.


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