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Affirmative Active Voice Passive Voice

The farmer Carrots

grows are grown
Simple Present
carrots by the farmer
every year. every year.

Right now, Right now,

Present the farmer carrots
Progressive is growing are being grown
carrots. by the farmer.

Since 1990, Since 1990,

the farmer many carrots
Present Perfect
has grown have been grown
many carrots. by the farmer.

Last year, Last year,

the farmer carrots
Simple Past
grew were grown
carrots. by the farmer.

Last year at this time, Last year at this time,

Past the farmer carrots
Progressive was growing were being grown
carrots. by the farmer.

Before he came to Arizona, Before he came to Arizona,

the farmer carrots
Past Perfect had grown had been grown
carrots by the farmer
in California. in California.

Next year, Next year,

Simple Future the farmer carrots
will grow will be grown
carrots. by the farmer.

Next year, Next year,

the farmer carrots
Be Going To
is going to grow are going to be grown
carrots. by the farmer.

By the time he retires, By the time he retires,

Future Perfect the farmer thousands of carrots
will have grown will have been grown
thousands of carrots. by the farmer.
Negative Active Voice Passive Voice

The farmer Carrots

does not grow are not grown
Simple Present
carrots by the farmer
every year. every year.

Right now, Right now,

Present the farmer carrots
Progressive is not growing are not being grown
carrots. by the farmer.

Since 1990, Since 1990,

the farmer many carrots
Present Perfect
has not grown have not been grown
many carrots. by the farmer.

Last year, Last year,

the farmer carrots
Simple Past
did not grow were not grown
carrots. by the farmer.

Last year at this time, Last year at this time,

the farmer carrots
Past Progressive
was not growing were not being grown
any carrots. by the farmer.

Before 1940,
Many carrots
the farmer
Past Perfect had not been grown
had not grown
by the farmer before 1940.
many carrots.

Next year, Next year,

the farmer carrots
Simple Future
will not grow will not be grown
any carrots. by the farmer.

Next year, Next year,

the farmer carrots
Be Going To
is not going to grow are not going to be grown
carrots. by the farmer.

By 2020, By 2020,
Future Perfect the farmer thousands of carrots
will not have grown will not have been grown
thousands of carrots. by the farmer
Interrogative Active Voice Passive Voice
Does Are
that farmer carrots
Simple Present grow grown
carrots by that farmer
every year? every year?
Is Are
that farmer carrots
growing being grown
carrots by that farmer
right now? right now?
Has Have
Present Perfect that farmer many carrots
grown been grown
many carrots by that farmer
since 1990? since 1990?
Did Were
Simple Past that farmer carrots
grow grown
carrots by that farmer
last year? last year?
Was Were
Past that farmer carrots
Progressive growing being grown
carrots by that farmer
last year at this time? last year at this time?
Had Had
Past Perfect that farmer carrots
grown been grown
carrots by that farmer
before he came to Arizona? before he came to Arizona?
Will Will
Simple Future that farmer carrots
grow be grown
carrots by that farmer
next year? next year?
Is Are
Be Going To that farmer carrots
going to grow going to be grown
carrots by that farmer
next year? next year?
Future Perfect Will Will
that farmer thousands of carrots
have grown have been grown
thousands of carrots by that farmer
by the time he retires? by the time he retires?

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