"The Budding Off A New and Very Different Daughter Species From A Semi-Isolated Peripheral Population of The Ancestral Species". Drosophila

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4. Quantum Speciation. It is the rapid and abrupt mode of species fonnation. Grant
(1971) defined quantum speciation "the budding off a new and very different daughter
species from a semi-isolated peripheral population of the ancestral species". This type of
speciation is based on the observation of H.L. Carson on Drosophila inhabiting Hawaii
The quantum speciation is a sudden and rapid speciation. It does not produce subspecies
or intermediate stage. Genetic drift or chance plays a major role in quantum speciation.
Factors lnfiuencing Speciation. Following factors influence the speciation : (i) Muta-
tion (ii) Recombination (iii) Natural selection (iv) Hybridization (v) Genetic drift (vi) Poly-
ploidy (to be described) and (vii) Isolation.

Differences between Allopatric Speciation and Sympatrlc Speciation

Allopatric Speciation Sympatric Speciation

l. It occurs in a spatially, isolated population. l. It occurs from a segment within a population.
2. 11te barrier is physical. 2. The barrier is ecological and genetic.
3. There are chances of breakdown of isolating 3. Chances of breakdown of isolating
mechanism. mechanism are rare.
4. Speciation is slow. 4. Speciation is rapid.
S. Barriers to interspecific crossings are fewer. 5. Barriers to interspecific crossings are more

Increase in number of chromo- TRITICUM AESTIVUM
somes or chromosome sets is called
polyploidy. Polyploidy does not occur
commonly in animals. The additional TRITICUM
chromosomes in animals are mostly AEGILOPS
lethal. However, polyploidy occurs
commonly in plants. Polyploidy has
played an important role in plant evo-
lution. There are many common poly-
ploid plants. Tobacco is a polyploid
that evolved by the hybridization of
two smaller species. In wheat, there
are species with 14, 28 and 42 chro-
mosomes (Fig. 7.57). Different vari-
eties of wheat have been obtained by

Biological Evolution
Biological evolution in cellular
forms of life would have started when
they originated on earth. Accordin to
natural selection the rate of appear- Fig. 7.57. Different types of wheat which have
ance of new fonm is linked to the life developed through polyploidy. The diploid number of
span. MicroorgaDisms divide very fast chromosome is given m the square.

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