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(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University Chennai)

A TATA Consultancy Services Accredited Institution
Department of Mechanical Engineering


Year / SEM: 2ND / 4th Date: 06-04-2019

Time: 3 HRS Marks 100

PART – A (10X2=20)

CO Level

2 1. State Hume Rothery’s rules for formation of substitutional solid solutions.

2 2. State Gibb’s phase rule?

2 3. Why carbon solubility is more in an austenite?

2 4. What is hardenability?

1 5. What is “critical cooling rate” in hardening of steels?

4 6. Name and explain any one subcritical case hardening treatment.

1 7. What is meant by PSZ?

1 8. What are sialons? State their applications

1 9. What are bakelites? Also state their applications.

2 10. List the typical applications of PTFE?

PART – B (5X13=65)

3 2 11. a.(i) How are solid solution classified? (3)

(ii) Give two examples for each solid solution in detail ? (10)

2 b.Draw iron –carbon equilibrium diagram and label all the phases. Also
enumerate the properties of the following phase.
2 (i) Solid phase involved in Iron carbon diagram (6)
(ii) Invariant reactions taking place in the iron carbon diagram .(7)
3 12. a.What are the micro-constituents of iron-carbide alloys? Explain the general
2 characteristics of any four (8)
(ii) Two metal A and B have melting points 800°C and 600°C respectively.
(i)Draw a phase diagram between A and B if they exhibit unlimited solid
(ii)Draw a phase diagram between A and B if a eutectic reactions occurs at
composition 40%B and at temperature 400°C. Assume that the maximum
solid solubility in either case is 5% and the room temperature solubility in
either case is 1%. (5)
2 b.(i) Define Annealing.(2)
(ii) Explain the various type of annealing process in heat treatment process
3 2 a.(i)Describe the tempering process with its types (5)
2 (ii) Determining Hardenability of Jominey End – Quench Test with neat
sketch and explain the uses of hardenability curves.(8)

2 b. (i) Draw isothermal transformation & Time-Temperature-Transformation

(T-T-T) diagram and label all the phases. Also enumerate any four
objectives of heat treatment of steel.(8)
(ii) Write short notes on nitriding surface hardening operations with neat
sketch (5)

3 1 14. a.(i) What is polymerization? (3)

2 (ii) Describe in detail about the addition polymerization and condensation
2 b.(i) How do thermoplastics differ from thermosetting materials?(5)
(ii) Describe the molecular structures, properties and applications of the
following thermoplastics polymer (8)
1.polystyrene 2. Polytetrafluoro 3. PMMA 4. Polycarbonate
3 2
15 a.Describe the molecular structures, properties and applications of
thermosetting polymer (13)
1. Phenolics 2. EP 3. PUR

b.(i)What are the different types of engineering ceramics? (5)
2 (ii)Give any four ceramics , their properties and applications (8)

PART – C (1X15=15)
3 2 16 a(i) Name the different types of matrix and reinforcement materials used
(ii)Explain in different types of matrix materials and reinforcement
materials used to make fibre –reinforcement composites (10)
b.(i) Explain the fibre-reinforced composites strength mechanism?
2 (ii) List the advantages, limitations and applications of composite materials?
a. Sialons b. PSZ c. Silicon carbide

CO1: Understanding the Alloys and Phase diagrams

CO2 : Understanding the various heat treatment process
CO4: Learning the various non metallic materials .


Prepared By Verified By Approved by

Subject In-charge Batch Coordinator DEAN/HOD

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