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Memory and tolerance museum

Ruben Arturo Hernandez Aguilar 4QBT3

Upon entering the building, which is a very beautiful and very splendid architectural
work, I had to train to buy the tickets, after having gone through a large area like
Customs in which I underwent strict reviews about what I was wearing, what which I
thought was great because I knew that inside I would be safe, what led me to think,
will there be people who try to attack that place because of the ideologies it
manages? The visit to this museum was very interesting, because with the
information it provides, in my opinion, it makes you think, because although it is not
what is happening now, it makes you think about what is happening, and that in one
way or another, we are participating in it, in that intolerance towards others, in that
violence, in not doing anything to defend our rights, in not raising our voices, in letting
us control ourselves more than they already do , to remain mediocre and not to try
harder, to humiliate our neighbor with prejudice, to discriminate, by not changing
ourselves; in short, to let things continue to happen similar to those of the past and
not to make that situation change.

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