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Brand Endorsement - Impact of celebrity

endorsement on consumer buying behavior

* Required

Q. Gender *
o Female
o Male
o Others
Q. Age *
o Under 18
o 18 - 24 Years Old
o 25 - 34 Years Old
o 35 - 44 Years Old
o 44 - 54 Years Old
o Over 55 Years Old
Q. Occupation *
o Student
o Housemaker
o Employee
o Business Personal
o Professional
o Retired
o Other:

Q. What makes you notice a brand? *

o Quality
o Price
o Endorsing Celebrity
o Brand Name
o Other:

Q. What means of advertisement persuades you the most to purchase a product? *

o Television
o Radio
o Social Media
o Newspaper
o Magazines
o Other:
Q. What type of advertisement attracts you more? *
o Celebrity Endorsement
o Non Celebrity Endorsement
Q. How frequently do you come across advertisements using celebrity endorsement? *
o Often
o Occasionally
o Rarely
o Never
Q. Have you ever been influenced or felt influenced by a celebrity in connection with
a certain product? *
o Yes
o No
o Maybe
Q. What type of celebrity endorsement persuades you personally to purchase a
product? *
o Film Stars
o Sportsperson
o Famous Personality
o Common Man as Brand Ambassador
Q. Which characteristics do you consider important for a celebrity to possess before
you would consider purchasing their endorsed product? *
o Intelligence
o Trustworthiness
o Popularity
o Experience
o Physical Attraction
o Other:

Q. Do you believe products specifically advertised by the celebrity are of good

quality? *
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
Q. Would you pay a higher price if the product is endorsed by your favorite
Celebrity? *
o Yes
o No
o Maybe
Q. Would you switch from your regular product to a new product that is endorsed by
your favorite celebrity? *
o Yes
o No
o Maybe
Q. Why do you think companies choose celebrities for promotion of their product? *
o Easy Recognition
o To increase sales and profit
o To compete strongly
o Cannot generate new ideas

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