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Journal of Services Marketing

Editorial: recognizing the academic publishing service ecosystem

Steve Baron,
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Editorial: recognizing the academic publishing
service ecosystem
Steve Baron
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK

Purpose – This paper aims to provide a personal view of the institutions underpinning the academic publishing service ecosystem as a basis for a
discussion of change and innovation.
Design/methodology/approach – A 25-year comparison of the norms, rules, practices, meanings and symbols in the service ecosystem is made.

Findings – Eleven institutional states have been identified, which represent the good, and not so good, changes that have occurred over the period.
Originality/value – This editorial represents an approach, using service ecosystem concepts, to gain an understanding of service innovation
possibilities in the academic publishing domain.
Keywords Conferences, Service ecosystem, Institutions, Journal rankings, Journal article, Review process
Paper type Viewpoint

Introduction [CABS]), libraries/databases, external business/organizational

contacts, social media, academic conferences and friends/
This feels quite strange to me. Since becoming co-editor of this family. Indeed, it is a complex system, and all the actors above
journal, Rebekah Russell-Bennett and I have co-written ten may have a direct or indirect effect on a potential academic
editorials (Vol. 29, Issues 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7; Vol. 30, Issues 1, 3, 5 publication. For the purpose of this editorial, I will concentrate
and 7; and Vol. 31, Issues 3, 6). However, now, given that I am on the “shared institutional arrangements”, several of which
stepping down from my co-editor role, Rebekah has offered the can only become apparent after many years’ operation within
whole stage for me to provide some reflections. I have pondered such a service ecosystem.
how to make best use of this opportunity. I went to my first By institutions, I mean the norms, rules, practices, meanings
service(s) conference (Frontiers in Service) in 1992, so I guess and symbols which are the mechanisms that tie the actors
that I have 25 years of experience of the service(s) research together, and by institutional arrangements, I will regard them
community. I think that what has changed most over those as “interdependent assemblages of institutions” (Vargo and
years is the pressure on researchers, especially early career Lusch, 2016, p. 6). I am convinced that the identification and
researchers, to publish their work – and in the “top” journals. examination of the (sometimes overlapping) institutions
Thinking more about this, I have tried to examine the changes provides a fruitful starting point for a service ecosystem study
in the academic publishing service ecosystem over the years: and have evidence to support this view (Baron et al., 2018). I
which changes appear to be for the better, which appear to be also know that a rigorous approach to institutions involves
for the worse and what might be done for the benefit of the many months of qualitative data collection involving all the key
academic service research community? actors and thorough analysis. So what follows now is
Service ecosystem research is topical, so why not see if it admittedly a shortcut: a personal account of institutional
throws any light on our own working lives? According to Vargo comparisons over the 25-year period, based solely on my own
and Lusch (2016, pp. 11-12), a service ecosystem is defined as experience with the resource-integrating actors, and it is largely
“[. . .]a relatively self-contained, self-adjusting system of a UK perspective. Nevertheless, I hope that it might ring bells
resource-integrating actors connected by shared institutional with many of you and provide a basis for discussion and,
arrangements and mutual value creation through service possibly, change. On the other hand, some of the observations
exchange”. For academic authors in our field, the system of may be seen as controversial and disputed. Still, what better
resource-integrating actors will consist of, at least: co-authors, time for controversy!.
supervisors/colleagues, business or management school,
university, journals, journal editors/reviewers, publishers, The academic publishing service ecosystem
international service(s) research community, associations (e.g.
I will limit “academic publishing” to publishing in peer-
AMA Servsig, chartered association of business schools
reviewed outlets: academic journals, conference papers and
scholarly books. My understanding of the institutions now
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on follows.
Emerald Insight at:

Journal of Services Marketing

32/3 (2018) 249–255
© Emerald Publishing Limited [ISSN 0887-6045] Received 10 October 2017
[DOI 10.1108/JSM-10-2017-0341] Accepted 10 October 2017

Academic publishing service ecosystem Journal of Services Marketing
Steve Baron Volume 32 · Number 3 · 2018 · 249–255

Norms Review process

What behaviors and attitudes do the ecosystem actors share? To ensure journal article quality, a double-blind, peer-review
system is adopted by marketing academic journals as a norm.
Article purpose, structure, style and content
Elements, however, have changed. Online submission and
As we know, a journal article is expected to conform to an agreed
communication is now the norm, which can contribute to a
style. It is intended, by and large, to be read by fellow academic
faster turnaround time for articles and speedier access through
scholars. Its purpose is the furtherance of knowledge and
facilities such as “online first” or “early cite”. The volume of
understanding. It is judged according to its originality,
submissions is rising each year from my experience. The
significance and rigor. For most journals, the language is
number of reviewers for each article is normally three rather
English, and any article has to satisfy grammatical requirements.
than two. Many journals use associate or regional editors to
Articles have to demonstrate the authors’ knowledge of previous
help manage the quantity of journal submissions and maintain
academic contributions to the chosen research field. Convincing
the quality. Reviewers are the mainstay of article quality

evidence is required to support any opinions or conclusions put

management, and they mostly carry out their important role as
forward in the manuscript. In these respects, I believe that little
an extra to their normal workload. In my conversations with the
has changed between the early 1990s and now. Nor do I believe
many able reviewers I work with, or meet at conferences, there
that there should be changes.
is a common observation that they get little recognition or
In the 1990s, there was a shared belief that articles which
allowance from their university for their efforts. For all their
presented the outcomes of quantitative research were the ones
time and effort, it can often only result in an extra line or so in
that were more likely to get published. There were huge
the CV, which is scant reward. The start-up of Publons (an
numbers of statistically based analyses of sample data to be seen
online system for recording journal reviews through the
in both service(s) and marketing journals. As a graduate of
collation of those “thank-you emails” from journals) goes some
mathematics and statistics, I took an interest in that
way to providing an online metric system that is independent
phenomenon and thought it would have a limited effect.
evidence of the review service by individual academics and
However, I still see, even now, many submissions to this journal
institutions (
which follow the same lines. The only difference is that, now,
There is little doubt that the whole academic publishing
most quantitative analyses take the form of structural equation
ecosystem depends crucially on the willingness of scholars to
modeling (SEM). SEM, it seems, has become central to many
act as reviewers. They are the gums that ensure a healthy set of
research methods programs, and is seen as the mantra for
teeth. I have met some scholars who undertake 12 or more
publication success. I was taken aback, and really depressed, to
reviews for various journals in a year – a hugely significant
hear from a candidate for a position at my university, that their
voluntary workload. Also, the Associate Editors for this journal
research strategy for the future was to only take on SEM
all point out how difficult it often is to get three scholars in a
studies. This led me to write a commentary on the use of
topic area to agree to carry out a review. Goodwill and
statistics in marketing research (Baron, 2010). My main point
collegiality play major parts. On the flip side, there are keen
is that statistical methods should be seen as enablers of
early career researchers who have described the benefits of the
service(s) research not the drivers. Technical expertise is a
experience of reviewing.
necessary, not sufficient requirement for an academic article. I
I have begun to wonder whether the review process is under
am afraid that some submissions remind me of a soccer game,
pressure and is taken for granted. Indeed, Lehmann and Winer
where all players demonstrate excellent ball control but only
(2017), in their comprehensive overview of the review system,
ever pass the ball sideways or backwards. Something important
argue that it is under duress. At the very least, there is a case for
is missing – significance? originality? relevance to the research
a more formal recognition of reviewer duties by business and
management schools. The current norm is unfair and
I have detected, especially in the past five years, a change in
potentially unsustainable.
the purpose behind service(s) research studies. There used to
be an implicit understanding that the research should provide
the means to improve organizational effectiveness and
Rules, similar to norms, are embedded in service ecosystem
profitability. I remember vividly reviewer comments on
protocols. They are, however, backed by sanctions in the event
research I was engaged in, at the time, on customer-to-
of violation (Edvardsson et al., 2014).
customer interactions, which indicated that the ideas were
interesting, but did not have any relevance to management. Article requirements
(This was prior to social media!). Recently, there has been, On journal websites, there are “guidelines for authors”. They
through the move toward transformative service research, a lay out the rules, which authors must follow, for the article to be
focus on improving citizen well-being, which has enthusiastic even considered. Failure to follow the guidelines can result in
support from leading scholars (e.g. Fisk et al., 2016). This, in articles being “unsubmitted” (with authors given another
turn, has resulted in research projects that have sought to chance to comply) or desk-rejected. An issue here is that
address large-scale problems rather than those mainly journals, even in a similar field of study, have different
concerned with customer satisfaction (Webster and Lusch, guidelines on, for example, word limits, referencing styles,
2013). For me, this change in the purpose norm is to be presentation and abstract content. It would be nice if the
applauded. It opens up new fields of study for service(s) guidelines were the same for all journals, but this is unlikely to
researchers and provides challenges for new methodological happen, and so authors need to follow specific guidelines
approaches. religiously. I am not the only editor who can easily spot when an

Academic publishing service ecosystem Journal of Services Marketing
Steve Baron Volume 32 · Number 3 · 2018 · 249–255

article has been submitted to another journal prior to my own. large increase in submissions from UK academics. When it
This is not a sin. We have all had articles rejected, and looked went down from 3* to 2*, there was a corresponding fall.
for another outlet. However, the lack of attention to the specific During this whole period, there was no reason to believe that
rules of the journal can raise some doubts. the quality of individual articles published in the journal was
Thankfully, there are some rules which are common to all any different. Indeed, the impact factor had actually been
journals in our field. Anonymity must be maintained on the increasing. With the impact factor near 2.0 of this journal, an
main manuscript which is sent to reviewers. The article must be outcome that makes the journal comparative with 3* journals,
written according to academic language and style. There must it is hoped that the ranking will return to 3* and the UK
be evidence that the authors are familiar with the appropriate submissions will once again return. In the 1990s, I remember
literature, and the topic must have relevance for the journal the enjoyment of undertaking research and the excitement of
readership. On this latter point, there can be confusion. The getting it published in a peer-reviewed journal that served the
service sector is very wide, including, for example, health, appropriate research community. I think that, now, my

education, banking, hospitality, retailing, IT, insurance, sport enthusiasm would soon be quashed by the stern shake of the
and leisure. There is a mistaken view that any research head of a superior for not abiding the rule that it is 4* or 3* or
undertaken in the context of any of the services above will be nothing. This is a great shame. The joy of research for many is
appropriate to readers of this journal. This is not the case. We being dulled by the grind of having to demonstrate quality
have taken the view that readers of the journal would wish to see through publication in a relatively small number of journals
a contribution to services marketing theory and/or practice in that are deemed “top” by non-elected academic
the published articles, rather than an account of a familiar representatives.
concept tested in a slightly different context. I know I am not Throughout my time as a service(s) marketing researcher, I
alone in making this point. It has been a recurring theme in have been struck by the strength and friendliness of the
conference “meet the editors” sessions in which I have taken community. So many of the pioneers of service(s) research
part over the years. The thousandth Servqual paper, in willingly contribute to the community through, for example,
whatever service context, is likely to receive the ultimate running conferences, attending doctoral colloquia, editing
sanction, desk rejection. journal special issues and dispensing advice informally over
Business and management school pressures coffee or wine. They demonstrate that the academic role goes
In the Introduction, I mentioned the pressures on academic beyond top journal publications. They are selfless. One of the
scholars to publish in the “top” journals (Gruber, 2014). This ramifications of the rewards for publications in “top” journals is
insistence, often articulated by deans and departmental heads, the emergence of a minority of selfish scholars who focus
is taking on a rule-like status for many business schools. I will entirely on attaining these publications to the exclusion of all
briefly explain why this is the case in the UK. Every five to seven other facets of academic contributions. Armed with 4*
years, UK universities must contribute to the Research publications, they seek high salaries wherever they can get
Excellence Framework (REF), formerly known as the Research them, irrespective of the compatibility of their research, the
Assessment Exercise. As a result of REF, league tables are need for capacity building of junior staff, or the teaching or
produced purporting to demonstrate the relative strengths of other requirements of their employment. They are often
universities regarding business and management research successful in their quests. It will not be long before they use
(within which all service(s)-related research resides). A agents on their behalf and potentially leave a trail of wreckage
significant proportion (currently 65 per cent) of the evidence of behind of them as they move from business school to business
research on which the REF panel makes judgments is “research school carrying their CV as the weapon of choice.
output”, i.e. publications. In the business and management I contend that the aforementioned issues arise through the
area, it is predominantly publications in peer-reviewed worship of journal ranking lists. The CABS list has its
journals. Journal articles are ranked, by the REF panel, on a counterparts elsewhere (e.g. the Australian Business Deans
scale of 0 to 4 (4 being the highest). It is no coincidence that, Council [ABDC] list and the German VHB-Jourqual). They
some years ago, the CABS began to publish a list of journal are useful as reference points, but can be harmful if they result
rankings, and that they rated journals on a scale of 1* to 4*. The in rules that drive business school strategies, create stress and
CABS list became a reference point for journal quality, and anxiety amongst scholars and students and a factory
journals rated 4* or 3* took on the status of top journals. production-line approach to intellectual contribution. The lists
Scholars were encouraged strongly to only aim for 4*- or soon become dated – the latest CABS list at the time of writing
3*-rated journals. Those without the equivalent of three or four was compiled in 2014 – and may not be any more helpful than
publications at that level were excluded from REF submissions, citation metrics, such as impact factors or citecounts[1].
and this has a negative effect on career aspirations. While I see Although REF panels and universities maintain that each
merit in researchers aiming high, in terms of outlet for article is judged on its merit, there is little doubt that the journal
publication, there are some negative consequences associated rank, according to published lists, is “the elephant in the
with these rigid “rules of the game”. room”.
Apart from the obvious point that there are only a finite
number of slots for articles in the 4*/3* journals, there is an Practices
understandable reluctance for scholars to submit articles to Service ecosystem actors engage in practices, activities and
journals ranked 2* or less. We have evidence, from this journal, routines that represent work efficiencies. Practices can change
of such an effect. When it moved from 2* to 3*, there was a or mutate over time.

Academic publishing service ecosystem Journal of Services Marketing
Steve Baron Volume 32 · Number 3 · 2018 · 249–255

Academic conference practices Journal article practices

Attendance at academic conferences is rightly seen as a proper As mentioned earlier, most journal articles are submitted
activity for researchers at all levels. For service(s) researchers, electronically. In parallel, electronic access to published papers
there are specifically focused conferences – Frontiers in Service, has increased significantly in recent years. One practice, which
QUIS, AMA Servsig and La-Londe International Service appears to have developed as a result, is that the number of
Conference – and more general marketing conferences (e.g. references per article has shot up dramatically.
AMA Winter/Summer Educators, EMAC, Academy of At the time of writing, Issue 3 of Volume 31 has just been
Marketing, ANZMAC, and Academy of Marketing Science). published. The number of references in the seven full articles
There are also focused workshops, such as Let’s Talk about varies between 55 and 169, with a mean of 94.5 references per
Service (LTAS). article. In 1992, in Issue 3 of Volume 6, the number of
The formats of the conferences are similar. There are plenary references in full articles varied between 6 and 20, with a mean
sessions with keynote speakers or panels of experts. There are of 13.4. A look at other issues in Volume 31 confirms that the

multiple parallel sessions, where speakers are normally allowed inclusion of more than 100 references in an article is not
15-20 min to give their PowerPoint presentations, with 5-10 uncommon. A further look at numbers of references in Issues 3
min set aside for Q&A. There are some topic-related “special shows the following – Volume 11, mean 31.3; Volume 16,
sessions” and “meet the editors” sessions. There are coffee/tea/ mean 37.8; Volume 21, mean 61.2; and Volume 26, mean
lunch breaks built in to the program, and conference dinners 57.4. (None of the articles was dedicated review papers.) A
with awards and other social events, in the evenings. I have seen steady rise, with one exception, is seen up until 2012, after
conferences through the eyes of a host university conference which there is a steep rise. We are now seeing articles with
chairperson and through the eyes of a regular conference around six pages of references (up to one-third of the paper). Is
attendee, and fully appreciate the reasons for the current this necessary or even desirable? One might even question the
practices. Stepping back, however, I see conference practices as originality of an article that cites over 100 previous studies.
being rather like the practice of having sports news, always on It seems highly unlikely that a seven-fold increase in the
the back pages of newspapers: something that is rarely mean number of references per article has resulted in a
challenged. Should current conference practices be challenged? corresponding seven-fold increase in article quality between
Let us explore. 1992 and 2017. My view is that the practice of including more
For host universities organizing conferences, two major and more references per article will continue to increase. Article
considerations determine the way a program is designed. First, downloads are available to most academics. Google Scholar
there is a limited amount of time to fit everything in. Normally, enables wide-ranging focused literature searches. Authors are
conferences are expected to last for two to three days. Second, increasingly engaging with social networking sites such as
there must be enough conference delegates to break-even ResearchGate and to share academic papers.
financially. The employment of parallel sessions is the accepted Journal editors encourage authors to send electronic copies of
practice which ensures that these considerations are met. recently published articles to other scholars with interests in the
Parallel sessions provide opportunities for large numbers of research topic. Social media sites, especially Facebook and
delegates to present their research to peers. However, all is not Twitter, are regularly used to share good news about
totally well. I have recently chaired a parallel session where the publications. Unwittingly, researchers are being drowned in
only attendees were myself, the presenter and the student room publications that may have some relevance to their work. Better
technician. Admittedly, that was an extreme situation, but cite them, just in case!
there are many occasions where parallel sessions have single Another practice related to numbers is the emergence of
figure attendances, much to the disappointment of researchers papers with multiple authors. Through the initiatives of various
who have spent days preparing the presentation, hours on service-related research centers, scholars from different parts of
airline travel and pounds/euro/dollars to get there. Also, from the world have been brought together specifically to share their
my experience, there are many of these presentations where the expertise on a current service(s) research hot topics and to
Q&A is only a token gesture, offering little feedback to a jointly write articles that represent latest thinking on the topics.
presenter. Therefore, we are seeing several published conceptual papers
At an AMA Servsig conference in Singapore, the late Bob with six to ten authors. We have evidence of this practice in this
Johnston advised me to always set myself three tasks at journal (Vol. 69, Issues 6/7; Vol. 31, Issue 2), and similar
conferences. Devoting all efforts to the presentation often papers can be seen in Journal of Service Research, Journal of
results in disappointment. He firmly believed that tasks Business Research and Journal of Service Management. To me,
completed under the banner of networking were often more this represents a healthy recent practice, as it encourages shared
rewarding. Plans to meet and talk to fellow delegates would knowledge between schools of thought and produces
result in the greater benefits, especially with research projects in challenging and helpful conceptualizations. I would like to see
mind. In many respects, the time outside the lecture theatres this practice extended to encourage multi-disciplinary
and seminar rooms is the most valuable conference time. collaboration to address large-scale problems; something that is
Overall, current conference practices work pretty well and high on the agenda for future service research (Anderson and
have remained more or less the same over the past 25 years. Ostrom, 2015).
However, are there ways of increasing delegate benefits through
changes to established formats, bearing in mind the time and Meanings and symbols
money considerations which must be met by the organizers? It Meanings are taken to represent how actors in a service
could be time to take some initiatives. ecosystem collectively make sense of words, concepts or

Academic publishing service ecosystem Journal of Services Marketing
Steve Baron Volume 32 · Number 3 · 2018 · 249–255

actions. Symbols are seen as regulators of behaviors in research. Only a minority of chosen case studies involved
ecosystems (Akaka et al., 2014). retailing, marketing or service.
It can be argued that the symbolic importance of an
Service and life
academic discipline is demonstrated through its suffix. We have
My own academic interests moved from mathematics/statistics
the “-ics”, such as economics and mathematics, the “-ology”,
to services marketing via retail marketing. While I was able to
as in psychology and ecology and the “ing”, as in marketing and
find satisfaction in the study and teaching of statistics, I realized
engineering. The move toward “service science” is a
that I was coasting along, happy to have found my level and not
recognition that, like computer science, service(s) research
inclined to stretch myself. The switch over to services needs a title that resonates with outsiders. However, it is not
marketing energized me. Why was that? universally recognized, and service(s) researchers face
I was surprised and delighted that scholars were addressing
difficulties in explaining their research domain to people
issues that were relevant to my everyday life. Furthermore, I outside their academic community, even though there is a long-

detected a general desire among the community to make things standing belief by many that service is a research area in its own
better. In the early days, the focus was on service encounters right (Edvardsson et al., 2005).
and service quality, with an implication that if organizations I do not think, for one moment, that introducing the terms
could make improvements in these areas, we would all benefit “services” or “servicology” will be an answer, but I feel that
as customers. As I began to teach services marketing, I realized the community needs to look outward to communicate the
how popular the subject was with undergraduate and MBA excellent ideas emanating from service(s) research to both the
students. The recognition that service(s) could and should be more general academic community, and the world outside. In
made better was shared among tutors and students. I contend this respect, excellent work is being done by the few major
that those of us actively involved in service(s) research have a centers for service research across the world, where their
shared sense that the research really matters, and that it is that existence and funding is dependent on their outward-looking
which motivates us to move the discipline forward. approaches. With the possible exception of service-dominant
It used to intrigue me that keynote speakers at service-related logic (SDL), it is difficult to see the fundamentals of service(s)
conferences would often start a presentation with an anecdote research infiltrating the more generic management journals. It
of one of their own service experiences – what happened on the would be an important shared meaning for our community if
way to the conference venue, or in the hotel in which they were service research is seen as relevant and important for the
staying. It demonstrated the connection between academia and development of organization and management research more
everyday life[2]. For a long time, however, such connections generally.
were restricted to life in developed economies, where resources In other disciplines, a sign of their maturity is that they
were available and choices between service offers could be acknowledge a critical stream. We have critical marketing,
made. In more recent times, the genuine desire by service(s) critical economics and critical psychology. For a time, SDL
academics to improve life has resulted in moving beyond may have taken on this role, but, arguably, it is now
service encounters and service quality to a focus on mainstream.
understanding of citizen well-being (under the transformative
service research label) and a recognition of citizens at the base Journal article status
of the pyramid. It is very instructive to talk to scholars in different disciplines. A
friend of mine is emeritus professor of politics. In his discipline,
Recognition of service(s) research a sole-authored book or monograph is the principal symbol of
My experience of business and management schools is that academic esteem[3]. In contrast, it is difficult to find business
there is a symbolic hierarchy of disciplines within business and and management colleagues who have the aim to present their
management. The first time I encountered this was when a research findings in the form of a book or monograph. For us, a
group of colleagues was putting forward a proposal for an journal article, published in a “top journal”, is the road toward
undergraduate degree in Retail Marketing at my previous peer recognition.
university. Economists, accountants and organizational There is no reason to downplay the importance of a journal
theorists alike poured scorn on the proposal: Is it a degree in article publication. However, there could, and possibly
supermarket shelf stacking? What the hell is visual should, be other forms of research publications which are
merchandizing? It also became apparent when I was interested meaningful to the community, and which are recognized as
in the topic of service in unsettled times (Baron et al., 2014). At being of high quality. There is a history of service(s)
that time the UK had experienced what was dramatically researchers producing edited books. For example, my early
termed the “big freeze”. Many services were unavailable enthusiasm for services marketing was reinforced through
because of adverse weather conditions and the economy was reading a compilation on the service encounter (Czepiel et al.,
suffering. The UK government’s response was to consult 1985). More recently, Gummerus and von Koskull (2015)
“expert” economists and transport engineers to try to avoid have used a similar format to portray the latest findings of the
future disruptions on the same scale. No service researchers Nordic School, and there are examples of books on topical
were contacted. Why not? More recently, I have been involved issues, such as SDL (Lusch and Vargo, 2014) and B2B
with the communication of the impact of research outside services (Kowalkowski and Ulaga, 2017). There are also fine
academia. In the aforementioned REF, business and examples of journal special issues.
management schools had to demonstrate such impact through In other disciplines, book or monograph series, edited by
case studies which stressed the reach and significance of the prominent scholars, provide the means for publishing high-

Academic publishing service ecosystem Journal of Services Marketing
Steve Baron Volume 32 · Number 3 · 2018 · 249–255

quality research. Can we, as service(s) researchers, move Institutions and innovation
beyond journal special issues and single edited books, to
create book or monograph series to offer additional Why spend so much of this editorial on institutions, i.e. norms,
opportunities for scholars to publish original research rules, practices, meanings and symbols? The principal reason is
findings? Of course, other actors in the service ecosystem, for that there is an emerging view that institutional patterns of
example, publishers, would need to co-create such initiatives. resource integration can feed either momentum or resistance to
Some steps in that direction have been taken by publishers service innovation (Lusch et al., 2016; Vargo and Lusch, 2017).
“Business Expert Press”. Under the guidance of senior service It seems right and proper for the service(s) research community
figures, they have produced short books on topics such as to consider innovations in the academic publishing service
“profiting from services and solutions”, “service and service ecosystem. So, with this in mind, I present, in Table I, a version
systems”, “service innovation” and “sustainable service”. of the institutional state of the service ecosystem, stemming
There is some doubt, however, as to whether they carry the from the preceding discussion.

same academic status as blind-reviewed journal articles on Is this what the community wants? Should change be
the same topics. desirable? Is there scope for positive innovation? Clearly, my

Table I A personal view of the institutional states of the academic publishing service ecosystem
Institutional state Comment
A focus on citizen well-being There are several signs that service(s) marketing research has moved beyond customer satisfaction
studies that are undertaken to improve firm profitability and efficiency
This has opened up the opportunity for a greater scope: original research on large-scale problems
Survey-based questionnaire studies are the Despite the availability of “big data” sources, many journal article submissions involve survey-based
most popular means for collecting data which data, normally analyzed through some form of SEM. SEM, and other forms of statistical analyses,
are then analyzed through statistical methods make up a major part of PhD programs, and are seen as a popular way to ensure publications
Journal article quality depends on the Good reviews are essential for maintaining journal quality. The reviewing process is extremely time-
availability and goodwill of reviewers consuming. The current reliance on good will is likely to be unsustainable. More timetabling
recognition for reviewing is required. As Lehmann and Winer (2017, p. 6) put it, “As authors we
expect to receive fair, helpful reviews from readers who pay careful attention to our work. As
reviewers, we are obliged to provide nothing less than that”. It is a huge current challenge to
maintain these ideals
Guidelines for authors vary between journals This is not a major problem as long as authors carefully read the guidelines and submit accordingly.
There is scope for service(s) journals to minimize differences between guidelines and offer advice to
authors which applies across the board
A widespread tendency to worship published While journal rankings provide information for potential authors, their use in performance
journal rankings management can have negative effects and place undue pressure on researchers. Where recognition
is only given to publications in a limited number of “top journals”, there is a danger that scholarly
activity is measured in a very limited way, which can encourage selfish rather than selfless motives
Conference formats vary very little Academic conferences are a very important mechanism for sharing research insights and networking
with like-minded scholars. The current conference programs, which are dominated by parallel
sessions, have some negative, as well as many positive aspects. A challenge is to incorporate the
opportunities for informal learning and discussions
The number of references per journal article is As access and awareness to published work is made easier, and as the number of academic journals
increasing is steadily increasing, authors have responded by citing very large numbers of papers in their
submissions. In some cases, the references can take up one-third of an empirical or conceptual paper
The number of authors per article is increasing In my early years as a service(s) marketing researcher, the published papers normally had one to
three authors. More recently, there is a trend for papers featuring five or more authors. One reason
for this is the initiatives that bring together international researchers to workshops with the express
aim of obtaining multiple insights on current topics. This could be extended to respond calls for more
multi-disciplinary research
Service is about life A feature of service(s) research, which I find is shared by many scholars, is that both the motivation
for the research and the potential outcomes from it, relate to everyday life. This has an influence on
enhancing the community identity of service(s) scholars and ensures the relevance of the work to
students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels
Service does not have the presence associated Compared to many disciplines, service(s) research is in its infancy. With some notable exceptions, it
with many other disciplines does not tend to resonate fully with scholars in other university departments/schools or with the
outside world. The intent is there, as demonstrated by the “dream with a deadline” expressed in Fisk
et al. (2016, p. 44)
The journal article is the predominant method Most service(s) researchers seek to publish journal articles, especially in the most highly regarded
for disseminating service(s) research journals. Less attention is given to other modes of dissemination such as research book or
monograph series

Academic publishing service ecosystem Journal of Services Marketing
Steve Baron Volume 32 · Number 3 · 2018 · 249–255

personal experiences may be biased, and some conclusions innovative food waste reduction”, Journal of Service Research
might be plain wrong, but I hope Table I presents food for (in press).
thought. Czepiel, J., Solomon, M.R. and Surprenant, C.F. (1985), The
Service Encounter, Lexington Books, New York, NY.
And finally Edvardsson, B., Gustafsson, A. and Roos, I. (2005), “Service
portraits in service research: a critical review”, International
As I move slowly into final retirement, I must thank the many Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 16 No. 1,
people who have made my academic life so meaningful and pp. 107-121.
enjoyable. They include all my work colleagues at Manchester Edvardsson, B., Kleinaltenkamp, M., Tronvoll, B., McHugh,
Metropolitan University and University of Liverpool, my co- P. and Windahl, C. (2014), “Institutional logics matter when
authors of articles, conference papers, books, and book
coordinating resource integration”, Marketing Theory,
chapters (some 54 people from 13 countries!), the Associate
Vol. 14 No. 4, pp. 1-19.

Editors and Reviewers for this journal, the editors of other

Fisk, R.P., Anderson, L., Bowen, D.E., Gruber, T., Ostrom,
service journals, the organizers of conferences and workshops I
A.L., Patricio, L., Reynoso, J. and Sebastiani, R. (2016),
have attended and the contacts at Emerald publishing. Special
“Billions of impoverished people deserve to be better served:
thanks go to Rebekah Russell-Bennett whose inspiration and
a call for action for the service research community”, Journal
friendship have made journal co-editorship so rewarding.
of Service Management, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 43-55.
Gruber, T. (2014), “Academic sell-out: how an obsession with
Notes metrics and rankings is damaging academia”, Journal of
Marketing for Higher Education, Vol. 24 No. 2, pp. 165-177.
1 Of course, impact factors do not tell the whole story as Gummerus, J. and Von Koskull, C. (Eds) (2015), The Nordic
they are sensitive to particular articles which attract above School: Service Marketing and Management for the Future,
average citations in the period covered. CERS, Hanken, Helsinki.
2 This is still the case. For example, Kowalkowski, C. and Ulaga, W. (2017), “Service strategy in
wordpress/2016/08/service-failure-handling-at-united/ action: a practical guide for growing your B2B service and
solutions business”, ISBN 069281910X.
3 The book or monograph must display original research.
Lehmann, D.R. and Winer, R.S. (2017), “The role and impact
Textbooks are different, although they do seem to induce
of reviewers on the marketing system”, Journal of the
respect from students!
Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 45 No. 5, pp. 587-592.
Lusch, R.F. and Vargo, S.L. (2014), Service-Dominant Logic:
Premises, Perspectives, Possibilities, Blackwells, Cambridge.
Lusch, R.F., Vargo, S.L. and Gustafsson, A. (2016),
Akaka, M.A., Corsaro, D., Kelleher, C., Maglio, P.P., Seo, “Fostering a trans-disciplinary perspective of service
Y., Lusch, R.F. and Vargo, S.L. (2014), “The role of ecosystems”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 69 No. 8,
symbols in value cocreation”, Marketing Theory, Vol. 14 pp. 2957-2963.
No. 3, pp. 311-326. Vargo, S.L. and Lusch, R.F. (2016), “Institutions and axioms:
Anderson, L. and Ostrom, A. (2015), “Transformative an extension and update of service-dominant logic”, Journal
service research: advancing our knowledge about service of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 44 No. 1, pp. 5-23.
and well-being”, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 18 No. 3, Vargo, S.L. and Lusch, R.F. (2017), “Service-dominant logic
pp. 243-249. 2025”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 34
Baron, S. (2010), “Commentary: statistics in marketing and No. 1, pp. 46-67.
consumer research”, Journal of Customer Behaviour, Vol. 9 Webster, F.E., Jr and Lusch, R.F. (2013), “Elevating
No. 3, pp. 229-242. marketing: marketing is dead! long live marketing!”,
Baron, S., Hunter-Jones, P. and Warnaby, G. (2014), Service Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 41 No. 4,
and Service Systems; Provider Challenges and Directions in pp. 389-399.
Unsettled Times, Business Expert Press, New York, NY.
Baron, S., Patterson, A., Maull, R. and Warnaby, G. (2018), Corresponding author
“Feed people first: a service ecosystem perspective on Steve Baron can be contacted at:

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