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£1.20 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 ISSUE 231

First News supports children’s charities

Working with


Wiis and Montana’s The world’s

X Factor and Emily Disease largest
Doctor Who games 15 14 Osment crisis 2 chocolate bar! 18

A BABY boom may have saved the giant panda
– but only in captivity.
After years of experiments
in China, scientists seem to by editor Nicky Cox
have worked out how to
breed the animals. This year yet. When they tried before,
alone 19 cubs have been a five year-old captive
born in the country’s two panda was found killed by
main research centres. wild pandas.
Now there are more than “We don’t know how to
300 pandas in captivity – a do it,” said Professor Liu.
goal that was set to save the Pandas raised in captivity
panda as a species. don’t know how to feed
The next challenge is themselves in the wild and
getting the panda back into they don’t know how to
its natural habitat where behave like wild animals.
there are only 1,600 left in
the wild. To protect them,
the Chinese Government
has created 40 panda
Panda scientist Professor
Liu Yuliang said they hadn’t
had any success releasing Breeders playing with panda
bred pandas into the wild cubs at the centre

Pandas are born with
wit h clo sed eye s
fur and
2 ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010



Cholera No 10 gifts

DAVID Cameron has plans
to open a No10 gift shop
in a bid to raise money.
Gifts and souvenirs are already
sold in Downing Street for staff
members only, but Mr Cameron
is in talks to make the shop a

hits Haiti
public business.
All items sold in the gift
shop will be marked with the
Downing Street crest and could
be available online.
The Queen has a gift shop
at Buckingham Palace and the
American President has an
MORE than 250 people have died from an outbreak of Cholera that has swept through central Haiti as the country online shop.
still struggles to cope with the aftermath of January’s earthquake.
The government of Haiti have asked for
emergency Cholera treatment centres to
by Serena Lacey within days.
An estimated 300,000 people died Christmas
be set up in the capital, Port-au-Prince.
There are fears the epidemic could spread
the region, 80km from Port-au-Prince.
The disease is spread through dirty water
because of the earthquake in January and
thousands of people are still homeless after Pot Noodle
and affect the 1.3 million homeless people in or food and causes diarrhoea, fever and the devastation. Haiti is one of the poorest
the capital. sickness, leading to dehydration and death. countries in the world, which has made it hard THIS week a special
As First News went to press it was confirmed It is the first cholera epidemic in the to rebuild the country after the quake. Christmas dinner-
that 253 people so far have died from the country for a century. Health authorities said Lots of other countries around the world flavoured Pot Noodle
disease with another 3,015 confirmed cases in they hoped to have the outbreak stabilised have pledged money to help Haiti. has been launched.
The “Pot Noëldle” is being
tipped as Christmas in a pot

Teen drinkers Take drinks on

and has been launched after
trials with troops abroad. Two
pence from each pot sold will

rising rapidly planes again

go to the RAF Association’s
Wings Appeal, which helps
members of the Armed Forces
phone home at Christmas.

THE number of teenage patients admitted to hospital

because of alcohol-related problems is rapidly increasing, BRITISH scientists have developed an airport scanner that
can tell the difference between water and liquid explosives.
Washed away at
according to a new report.
Around 36 teen patients are being The security scanners have been explosives being carried onto Washaway Beach
admitted to hospitals on a daily basis approved by the EU and can be planes in drinks bottles.
as a result of drinking, and more used at European airports now. A FAMILY who bought a
than half of those are girls. The huge It is hoped the X-ray machines Security staff scan log cabin on Washaway
numbers are putting pressure on will be in place by April 2011, bags for dangerous Beach in Oregon have
the NHS. which could mean that travellers objects and liquids. watched it really get
Survey results show that 630,000 will be able to take drinks on washed away.
people aged 11-17 drink alcohol at board planes again. Heavy rain across the US
least twice a week. The scanners will be able to tell caused the cabin to tip into
The shocking figures come from what is in the bottles and whether the Pacific Ocean, despite the
Alcohol Concern’s report Right Time, the ingredients have been family moving it to higher
Right Place: Alcohol-harm Reduction tampered with. ground. They have said losing
Strategies with Children and Young The liquid ban has been in the cabin was like losing a
People. In London alone in 2009-2010, place for travellers since August loved one. Check out the video
2,200 alcohol call-outs were made to 2006 when authorities uncovered online at
under 18s. terrorist plans which involved
ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010
www. 3


Space runway opens The clocks go back EDITOR’S
THE first spaceport runway has opened in New Mexico,
IT’S that time of year again when British
Summertime ends and our clocks go back an hour.
bringing the reality SUCH happy news that it seems
This means mornings
of space tourism one are lighter and evenings that pandas have been saved from
step closer. are darker. However, this becoming extinct.
The runway dedication year could be the last time But sad to think
ceremony was marked with a the clocks are changed that, eventually,
flypast by an aircraft carrying this way as an energy and these beautiful
Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShip Two. climate change committee animals may only
Sir Richard Branson, head is proposing a new system. live in captivity.
of Virgin Galactic, said: “Today The system, known as So, while I think
is very personal as our dream double summertime, we have reason
becomes more real. People are would mean later sunsets The clocks go back an hour to celebrate
beginning to believe now. I think in midsummer (around at 2am on 31 October successful
the drop flight two weeks ago, Editor Nicky Cox MBE
10pm) but later sunrises in breeding
which went beautifully, made winter, around 10am in some parts of Scotland. plans, this has to go hand-in-hand with
people sit up and realise this is There have been calls to change our time system for protecting animals in the wild.
really reality.” many years but Scottish politicians claim these changes Pandas are not the only animals in
It is hoped that the first would mean mornings are too dark for farmers and children danger. Experts say that tigers face
passenger flights into space could walking to school north of the border. extinction within 12 years. Marie von Zeipel
take place in 18 months. There The benefit of the changes is longer summer days, from the World Wide Fund for Animals
are already more than 300 people which could help boost tourism. says there are only 3,200 tigers left in the
who have signed up to make the Sir Richard Branson and
Governor Richardson in front
What do you think? Would you be happy with darker wild, down a whopping 97% in 100 years.
three hour flights to the edge of of Spaceport America mornings and longer summer days? Email us at Her organisation is leading a campaign to
space at a cost of £128,000 each. double the wild tiger population by 2022.
We need to protect their habitat and to
prevent poaching of tigers and their prey.
In November, Russian prime minister,
Vladimir Putin is holding a four-day summit
with experts from the 13 countries where
tigers are still found in the wild, to hatch a
rescue plan. About time!

On 29 October 1999, a massive cyclone
swept through the state of Orissa in eastern
India, killing an unknown number of people
and leaving thousands homeless.


School skipped The Exmoor

A big red stag, believed to be the

for holidays
largest wild animal in the UK, has been
found shot dead in Devon. He was
believed to weigh more than 135kg.

ALMOST four million school days were missed by pupils last spring and autumn because they were taken out
of school to go on holiday with their parents. WEEK FOR...
Figures released by the Department for secondary pupils skipping classes has vulnerable to falling behind.
Education show that 0.51% of half-days fallen. “The Government is committed Apple
were missed because of family holidays The problem is not a new one. Many to tackling the underlying causes of Apple iPods,
during the autumn and spring terms in parents take advantage of cheap holidays absenteeism, raising academic standards iPhones and
2009. In total, 24% of these absences during term time, a problem that worries and ensuring every child can meet their iPads are the top
were not authorised by staff. education experts, potential.” three must-haves
The number of primary students Schools Minister Nick Gibb says: “It is What do you think? Have you skipped on Christmas
missing school without permission has crucial that children are not missing out school to go on holiday? Answer our poll lists this year.
risen slightly, although the number of on valuable lessons that could leave them online at The results came
from a survey run by Duracell.
4 ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www.

NOTTINGHAM, ENGLAND: Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick
Clegg enjoy lunch with pupils at Welbeck Primary School.

NEW YORK, USA: Sissy the Norfolk Terrier takes part in the 20th Annual Halloween Dog
Parade. Her costume was inspired by the film Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

SUAO, TAIWAN: This giant hole in
the road was caused by flooding,
following Typhoon Megi. The
typhoon’s torrential rains caused 25 OCTOBER
landslides killing at least seven people. QUEENSTOWN, NEW ZEALAND:
Fans of The Hobbit staged a rally
protesting against the film being
made outside of New Zealand.

A girl joins protests
against government
spending cuts.
Protesters gathered
across the country 20 OCTOBER
to speak out against WASHINGTON, USA: US First
the public sector Lady Michelle Obama takes
cuts unveiled by the part in the White House Kitchen
Chancellor George Garden Fall Harvest, collecting
Osborne last week. pumpkins with school children.
ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www. 5

SPECIAL REPORT by Pardeep Mattu for the

National Governors’ Association
For more information visit

SCHOOLS should be places where you are learning as much as you
can, to prepare you for life when you leave school. And you deserve
the best, so that you can improve your knowledge and feel happy
when you’re at school. School governors are there to help your
head teacher make sure that this is happening!

make. Should they spend money

Who are school governors? on new books for the library or
School governors can be staff who work at the school, refurbish the toilets that pupils
parents of children who attend the school, people who are unhappy about? This is an
make a big difference in the local area or people with example of the kind of decisions that
particular business experience. But they will all have one governors need to take; all the time
thing in common – they care about the pupils who go to remembering that they should be
the school and want them to learn and achieve effectively. doing what is best for the pupils at
Your school will have between eight and 16 governors, the school.
called a ‘governing body’. They look at, and decide on, You will have governors at your
the rules that will protect both students and teachers, school – ask and find out who they
how money is spent by the school, improving the school are. Some schools involve pupils
building, the subjects you are learning and whether exam directly in what the governing
results from pupils at the school are improving as much as body do. Your school might have
they should be every year. a student council or something
Governors should always be looking at how to improve a similar. Join in – make sure that what
school. Sometimes, when money is tight for schools, which you and your friends think about
it is at the moment, a school will have tough decisions to your school is understood by both
the student council and the
You can tell your governing body, so that
school’s governors they can help do something
what you think about about it. They want to know
everything in your school governors think and feel is understood by the Government
what you think!
and those that make the major decisions that affect schools
and education. We work with other education organisations
National Governors’ Association and provide information and advice for school governors.
The National Governors’ Association (NGA) is The NGA gives governors the information they need to
the only independent organisation for school do their jobs well. This information includes our magazine,
governors in England. There are more than 300,000 Matters Arising, a weekly e-newsletter, and we also hold
governors; one of the largest volunteer groups in regular events for school governors.
the UK. As volunteers, governors are not paid for
their efforts to improve schools. The future
The NGA supports and promotes improvement
for all schools and has members, who are The Government is now giving governors more freedom
governing bodies and local associations than ever before to run their schools the way they think is
of governing bodies (groups of people from best for their pupils. So having good school governors is
governing bodies at different schools, in particular now more important than ever, to make sure that pupils are
areas of the country). We ensure that what getting the best education they can.
6 ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www.
Chuca is being raised by the mother sloth

pet cat
A CAT from Reno in the US
has been named the longest
domestic cat in the world by
Guinness World Records.
Stewie, a Maine Coon cat, measures
an impressive 1m 23cm long, while
an average domestic cat is around
45.7cm long.
His owner, Robin Hendrikson,
decided to apply for the record after
friends commented on how long
Stewie is. He beat the previous record
owner by 1.27cm.
Maine Coons, like the one pictured,
are one of the oldest natural breeds
of cat in North America. They are

Seeing double
known for being gentle giants.

TWIN baby two-toed sloths have been born in captivity for the first time.
What do
The cute (and hairy) twins were born at
Loro Parque in Tenerife earlier this autumn.
which she has called Luca. The baby spends
all day clinging to the front of Kirsten’s
spots mean?
Twin two-toed sloths are very rare as the T-shirt and sleeps in a special cot next to
mothers can only care for one baby. To make Kirsten’s bed at night with a soft gorilla
sure both babies had the best chance of for comfort.
survival, keepers stepped in and decided to The other twin, Chuca, is being raised by
hand-raise one of the sloths themselves. Bimba, the mother sloth. When both sloths
Kirsten, a staff member at Loro Parque, has are bigger and able to care for themselves
become surrogate mum to one of the sloths, they will be reunited. Luca is being raised by keeper Kirsten

Spooky snacks
Oil problems
THE effects of the BP oil spill may
affect marine animals like the manta
THE patterns on a leopard or
rays of the Gulf of Mexico for many
tiger are always individual,
years, according to experts.
There is so little known about the
but researchers now think
mysterious Gulf mantas that the long-term that they are also linked to
damage caused by the oil spill may be fatal. where the animal lives.
Manta rays feed by sucking in seawater and A team from the UK has examined
filtering plankton and other tiny animals out, the markings on 37 species of wild
before rejecting the rest of the water through cat, trying to work out what their
their gills. Before the water is rejected, patterns mean. Their findings show
filaments in their gills take oxygen from the A THEME park in Devon has given its meerkats a Hallowe’en treat! that animals that live in trees and are
water, which is how they breathe. These Rogan the meerkat, who lives at Woodlands them to search for treats, like they would active during times when light is low,
filaments are very delicate and any toxins in Family Theme Park in Devon, has been given search for food in the wild. are more likely to have complicated
the water may lead to fatal damage. As so pumpkins stuffedfull of tasty treats. Check out patterns on their fur to help them
little is known about these mantas, experts Pumpkins are being used as a festive to see lots of pictures of animals from around blend into the background.
are very concerned about the damage the oil enrichment for the animals to encourage the world enjoying Hallowe’en treats. The findings are being published in
may have caused. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.


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As part of the Animal Action Club your name, age and county may appear on some of our regular animal action features such as ‘Members
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**We need your child’s date of birth to fulfil their membership. PLEASE ALLOW 28 DAYS FOR DELIVERY. AAFN10
8 ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www.

Home News
THE Worcestershire
WEEK’S Child workers
WEATHER Seven children have been taken
into police protection after they
with Jonathan Powell were found working in a field. The
Romanian kids were discovered
From Friday 29 October 2010 picking spring onions in near
to Thursday 4 November 2010
Wales Isle of Skye Hull freezing conditions in Kempsey.
WEEK IN GENERAL The children, aged between nine
Graveyard tour and 15, were amoung adults
Sunshine and showers for Holiday hot spot Cool school working in the fields but were not
most areas.
Two funeral directors have Skye has been voted one of Endike Primary School in North dressed properly to be in such
FRIDAY 29 OCTOBER started a new heritage trail, Europe’s top island holiday spots. Hull is set to undergo a £6 million cold conditions. The children are
Scotland/N Ireland highlighting historic figures The Misty Isle came eighth in transformation. Designs for the now in care.
– Scattered showers. buried at Treorchy cemetery, the Top 10 European Islands new school involve all kinds of
Day 11c/52f Night 6c/43f. Brisk Rhondda. Tour creators Ian and category of the Conde Nast quirky features including seating
England/Wales – Scattered
James Reynolds were told about Traveller’s Readers’ Choice based on fairground rides and a Norfolk
some of the 70,000 graves at awards, beating sunnier Sicily and giant slide between floors. It will
showers. Day 12c/54f Night 7c/45f. the cemetery by their father
Brisk southwesterly.
Croatia’s Hvar. also have a glass roof and multi- Travelling cat
who worked there for 65 years. coloured letters on the front. The
SATURDAY 30 OCTOBER Sights seen on the graveyard new school will open in 2012. The RSPCA in Norfolk are trying
Scotland/N Ireland tour, which is aimed at schools to trace the owners of a cat who
– Rain, overcast. Day and family historians, include the snuck into a delivery van and
11c/52f Night 7c/45f. Brisk graves of a footballer, war hero went on a 50 mile trip. Van driver
southwesterly. and MP. Sean Dick discovered the ginger
England/Wales cat behind his passenger seat
– Showers, sunny spells. last week after he’d dropped
Day 13c/55f Night 8c/46f. Brisk parcels at more than 50 places.
southwesterly. The RSPCA have renamed the
adventurous moggy Walter,
SUNDAY31 OCTOBER after famous explorer Sir Walter
Scotland/N Ireland Raleigh, but can’t find his owners
– Scattered showers. as he’s not microchipped.
Day 12c/54f Night 7c/45f. Light .
England/Wales – Scattered Warminster
showers. Day 14c/57f Night 9c/48f.
Light southwesterly.
Settling down somewhat.

Paperboy prize Dog poo painters wanted
Fifteen-year-old paperboy Sam Green-Jeffries A community group in Warminster
from Bromsgrove has won an award after caring is looking for volunteers to spray-
BST comes to an end at 2 am on for a terminally ill customer on his delivery paint dog poo. The scheme, which
Sunday 31 October. round. Sam carried out chores and delivered will paint the dog mess a bright
The idea of putting the clocks shopping to bedridden David Bishop before colour, is to highlight the problem
forward and back, was first he died last year. The teen’s good deeds were of owners not picking up after
suggested by Benjamin Franklin recognised when he was named a winner their pets and will hopefully shock
in 1784. of the National Deliverer Merit Award. them into cleaning up.


240 skaters an hour 260,000 pounds was the
surprise amount left in cat lover Dolores
13 tonnes of carrots are used
every week by ZSL London Zoo to
will be able to enjoy the ice
rink at Alexandra Gardens, Valentino Oszward’s will to STARescue feed their 16,000 animals, like Dirk
Windsor, when it opens again animal charity in Hampshire. pictured left!
in December.
4.6 metres is the height of a statue
2.4 million pounds is
planned to improve Caenarfon
of a child’s hand holding a car, which
is set to take pride of place in London’s
visited Weston Super Mare’s
refurbished pier the weekend it
Mayfair. The sculpture called ‘Vroom
town centre in Wales. Vroom’ will sit on Park Lane. reopened after a £39m refit.
ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www. 9

WIN! Calling all 10 to 11-year-olds!

YOU could win £300 for yourself and £500 for your school in this cool FREE competition.
You could also win a free trip to the Houses of Parliament CO-Gas Safety is an independent registered charity and
with your parents/guardians, all reasonable expenses paid. is running a schools poster competition for a fourth year,
All you need to do to enter is to learn exactly how to avoid to highlight the dangers of CO and other dangers from
death or injury from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and using any fuel that burns. Company number 3084435, Winner of South England, Scarlett Pugsley,
then DESIGN A POSTER with IMPACT! Your poster can be Charity number 104370. Website: Courthouse Junior School, Maidenhead, with Theresa
drawn, painted or even photographed. Email: offi May MP, now Home Secretary and Minister for Women
The competition closes on 31 July 2011, and all details and Equality
can be found at
html. There is a downloadable PowerPoint presentation,
a parent giving a talk to a school and a booklet with
funny and colourful pictures, kindly drawn free for us by
illustrator and CO victim, John O’Leary.
There are two regions, North England and South
England, so there will be two winners, plus possibly an
overall winner. Prizes are at least £300 for each winning
pupil and at least £500 for each winning school!
Lily Bolsover, winner of North England with
her parents and teacher Sarah Groomfield,
You could learn how to save your life or the life of a loved one. Sheffield High School


One-way ticket to Mars
Did you
The length of a day on
? A simple
could help
to reduce
from cows

Mars would be quite

familiar for astronauts. A
Mars day is just 39mins
The poo pollution
35secs longer than a 24hr
Earth day. problem solved?

Mars is the most likely destination

for a new human colony THE major problem of pollution
in UK rivers could be massively
TWO scientists have suggested that human colonisation of other worlds should start with a one-way trip to Mars. reduced by an ancient solution,
In the current issue of the Journal of by Ian Eddy of the dangers of space travel. However, according to researchers.
Cosmology, Paul Davies and Dirk Schulze- the report’s authors claim that their surveys Since Britain is already breaking
Makuch say that it makes sense to send would help to start a human colony on Mars, show that many people would be willing to European regulations for the cleanliness
astronauts to stay on Mars. This is because possibly using the planet’s large ice caves. volunteer for the trip, for reasons of “scientific of our rivers, scientists have been
space travel is enormously expensive, and the A trip to Mars with today’s technology curiosity” and a “spirit of adventure”. looking at solutions. They found that one
largest cost for a journey to Mars would be the would take around six months. Astronauts Would you go on a one-way trip to Mars? of the best is to simply put fences up
return trip. The researchers also say that this would face a reduced life expectancy because Take part in our poll at! beside rivers to stop cows from pooing
too close to them. Because of these

Grandpa galaxy
fences, the concentration of harmful E.
coli bacteria on fenced streams is more
than 58% lower than in those without.
This also means that river bank areas
become overgrown, which helps to filter
out even more pollution before it can
ASTRONOMERS have reported their discovery of the most distant enter the river.
Farm animals are the main source
galaxy ever seen. of poo in our rivers, which is known as
Researchers say the galaxy is so far Telescope. More accurate measurements faecal pollution. Apart from making the
away that the light coming from it was of its age were taken by using the Very waterways a health hazard to canoeists
M. Alvarez

given off when the universe was only Large Telescope in Chile. and other river users, the pollution
600 million years old. Since the universe Since a ‘fog’ of hydrogen covered the also empties out at the sea and causes
now is about 13.7 billion years old, you universe 600 million years ago, experts pollution of our beaches and oceans.
can see that this galaxy is pretty old! think that there must be more galaxies Human sewage can also be a major
The galaxy, known as UDFy-38135539, near this one that helped to clear the fog A clip from a simulation showing the state of problem, but usually only when heavy
the early universe around 600 million years ago
was first spotted by the Hubble Space enough for light to pass through. rains cause overspill from sewers.
10 ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www.

Toxic fumes given off by a
repaired supermarket floor have
put 39 people in hospital in
Greenland. Health offi cials have
closed the store for tests.
World News
Spain France Austria
Hooligan hunters
Hunters taking shots at power
line insulators have caused the
electricity to 19 towns to be cut
off. The lights went off in the
Snooze success Not dead at all Miracle man killed homes of almost 20,000 people
USA An unemployed security guard has A 60-year-old cancer patient who The first man to be able to drive
in the Irkutsk region, where
temperatures were below zero.
won Madrid’s siesta competition. was declared “certainly clinically with a thought-controlled robotic
Wallet wally 62-year-old Pedro Lopez fell asleep dead” woke up 14 hours later. arm has died in a car crash. Christian
A 20-year-old Gallatin man for 17 minutes to win the £900 first Lydie Paillard was taken to another Kandlbauer lost both his arms after
accused of stealing a pair of jeans prize. Although one contestant hospital after her sons refused to receiving a massive electric shock,
has been caught after leaving slept for a minute longer, Lopez’s switch off her life support system. but was able to drive again thanks
a rather obvious clue. Dustin deafening snore earned him bonus Paillard passed out after getting an to scientists. It is unclear whether
Matthew Marshall tried on the points from the judges. injection before a chemotherapy the crash had anything to do with
jeans in Walmart and walked out session in Bordeaux. Kandlbauer’s prosthetic arms.
without paying – but he left his
wallet and ID in his old trousers in
the changing rooms!

Snake warning
Vets in Queensland have warned
pet owners of the increased
dangers of snake bites to their
animals and themselves. The

wet spring weather was perfect

for snakes to breed, and vets
USA expect around three times the
number of cases of bites. People
have been warned not to try to
Simpsons shock capture or kill a snake if they see
their pet with one.

The executive producer of The

Bolivia Benin Kenya

Simpsons has denied that Homer
is a Catholic, after a Vatican
Mountain danger Rain chaos Football investigation
newspaper claimed that he was.
L’Osservatore Romano made the
A mountain riddled with 90km
of mine tunnels is in danger of
More than 60 people have been
killed and 700,000 made homeless by
Prime Minister Raila Odinga has asked
police and football authorities to SNIPPETS
claim in a recent edition, but Al collapsing. Cerro Rico, or rich hill, floods caused by heavy rains. Whole investigate the deaths of seven people
Jean said that the Simpsons attend has some of the world’s largest silver at a match in Nairobi. The people were An 18-year-old and his 15-year-
towns have been washed away
their local ‘Presbylutheran’ church deposits, and has also been mined for killed in a stampede as fans rushed to old girlfriend have been arrested
and the United Nations has started
and that Homer probably couldn’t zinc, lead and tin. The site has been get into the Nyayo National Stadium. for robbing a bank in Rhode
airlifting supplies into the worst-
even go for an hour on Fridays used as a mine since 1545, and 12,000 Another 20 people are being treated in Island, US. The couple pretended
affected areas. Around two thirds of
without eating meat! miners work there every day. hospital for their injuries. to have a bomb in a bag.
the country has been affected.

Name: Shajiv Age: 8 Lives: Bangladesh
SHAJIV and his mother left their village for Dhaka, a city with a population roughly three times that of London, in search of
better opportunities to make a living.
In Dhaka, Shajiv’s mum worked in people’s houses Majid, was given some assets with which they sister and I never went to school before because
and had to leave Shajiv at home to be looked after started a dry fish trade. It has helped them to feed mother and father did not have money to send
by the neighbours. Eventually, her husband and their family and to send their children to school. us to school. We did not have money to eat also.”
other children also joined her and Shajiv. Shajiv says: “I am happy that father has a job
But, with more mouths to feed, they were now. When I have free time, I help him with the Save the Children’s Household Economic
struggling. Through the BBC Blue Peter Meal dry fish. Now we can eat well and the best part Security programme is helping extremely poor
Deal/Mission Nutrition project, Shajiv’s father, Abdul is that we all can go to school. My brother, my households.

Find out more about Save the Children at

ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www. 11

Stay safe at home

Advertisement feature

ALMOST 1 million children are injured in an accident at home, every year.

Many of these accidents are just minor bumps and scrapes, but
some can be much more serious and can scar, disfigure or lead
to permanent disability.

It sounds like scary stuff but Nationwide Education has

developed FREE online Home Safety games and activities,
which are used to help children and young people learn
about keeping safe in the home.

Your home could be an accident waiting to happen,

but the question is do you think you could recognise all
the hazards?

Some top tips to keep you safe:

Check to make sure food is in date
Never leave hot things, (e.g. hair
straighteners, candles) unattended
Make a family escape plan in case
of emergency in your home
Know where your first aid kit is

‘Home Safe Home’ is for 7-11 year olds to play with family
and friends. Spot all of the dangers and be the first one to reach
the top of the stairs. In this game you can also find out about
home safety issues throughout history, including the Viking and
Victorian eras and during World War II. If your 12-14 years old,
try ‘Hazard House’! You can investigate injury scenarios, discover
potential risks and solve clues. You will definitely have
fun as you meet the wacky, clumsy Hazard family and help keep
them sorted. Play both games on your own or challenge a friend.

There is so much you can do with Nationwide Education to

become a ‘Home Safety’ expert – not just in your own home,
but your friends’ houses too and even at your school. You
can see for yourself by trying out one of our free and
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If you play the games and think a

friend might want to play too, pass
on the Nationwide Education website
through the Pass it On link here: Every
time you ‘Pass it On’ 20p will be donated
to the charity Children in Need.

Visit today for FREE online resources

12 ISSUE 231 31 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www.
ENTERTAINMENT NEWS TV, Film, Music and Theatre!
with Serena Lacey

Focus on film with

It’s judge
FILMCLUB is the exciting after-school activity inspiring young people
across the UK to discover the power of film. Here each month FILMCLUB
and young film fans report on the fascinating world of movies.
This month FILMCLUB sent two members, also nice, and I thought that was pretty cool
Emily and Shauna, to interview stars and pretty funny.”
Miranda Cosgrove and Steve Carell about
their new animated film Despicable Me. Shauna: What is the difference in doing a
voice part instead of live action?
Emily: Can you tell us about your new Miranda: It’s definitely really different. I
movie and character Margo? thought it would be easier to do a voice HE lost another one of his acts this week, but Louis Walsh is still having
Miranda: The movie is about an evil super over because you just get to go in in your
villain, Gru, and he has this evil plan to steal pyjamas, but I think it’s harder because you
a great time on this series of The X Factor. We grab a quick chat with
the moon, so he can be the number one have to bring so much energy. But it’s also the judge and mentor to the over-28s.
super villain in the world. He adopts three more fun, because I got to go crazy and say One of your acts, John Adeleye, went this gets bigger and better every year. It is so
little girls as part of his plan. I’m the oldest some of the lines however I wanted! week. How was that? unpredictable and you never know what
of the three and I’m really protective of my Someone has to go home. I mean, he is an is going to happen, unlike on some other
two little sisters. Emily: Do all the actors do their amazing guy to work with. He is one of the shows! The X Factor is definitely one of the
characters’ voices in the same room? most genuine and sincere contestants. John is best shows on TV.
Shauna: Steve, you play Gru in the film, Miranda: I thought everyone was going a great singer and I believe he had a lot more
what attracted you to the character? to be together but when I went in to do it to give in the competition. He’s got a talent Who was your favourite guest judge?
Steve: I liked the fact that he is mean but I ended up being alone in this little room, and I hope someone gives him a record deal. My favourite was Nicole, who I had never met
and they showed me pictures of all the before. This girl has the X factor in every way.
characters, which helped a lot. I got to see How are you feeling about the seventh She just got it, was incredibly impressive and
the Minions, my character and the way the series of The X Factor? ticked every box.
movie was going to look. Just imagining the I am really excited because this show just
whole world helped me to get more into it. Are you pleased with Jedward’s progress
since last year’s show ended?
Emily: In the film Gru does some weird I’ve been delighted at the response the twins
dancing: do you dance like that in real life? have had. They haven’t stopped working since
Steve: Yes, it is exactly like my dancing! My they left the show and, in less than a year, they
kids love it, I have a 6 and a 9-year-old and have had two sell out Irish tours, a No1 album
they love it when I dance like that. in Ireland and top 20 in the UK. They have
their own reality show coming up and they
FILMCLUB Recommends… have been signed up by a modelling agency.
…School of Rock. Check out Miranda Not bad for two kids who we took a chance
in her feature film debut about a wacky on, but it’s worked for them. They are growing
schoolteacher whose pupils learn how to up and learning their craft in the public eye
rock out in class! and have grown a lot from it.

Louis and his finalists, John, Mary

What is the best thing about this job?
Films are great to watch with friends. If you’d like to join the 160,000 school children When someone walks onto the stage and
and Storm at the judges’ houses stage
across the country who are already members of FILMCLUB and set up a club in your makes you feel excited. Someone that makes
school, ask your teacher to visit

Good owl gone bad!

AUSSIE actor Ryan Kwanten lends his voice to the character of Kludd, the
misguided young owl in Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’hoole. He told us
all about playing the bad guy…
Tell us a little about your role in the film. the fact that I don’t give in to peer pressure.
Legends is set in the world of owls, which Even when I was really young I’ve always had
hasn’t really been captured in film at all really. I the ability to think for myself, not to follow because it humanised them. 3D films are kind of the way forward. How
play the role of Kludd, who’s the older brother the crowd. did 3D help this film?
in a family of owls and you know, he’s a little Do you know lots of facts about Well this film was specifically designed, it was
misguided, a little misplaced. He sort of takes How do you prepare to play an owl? owls now? shot on 3D. I think this film lends itself superbly
his angst, really in life, over to the Pure Ones, Well the animators had already been working Yes, I mean the whole turning their heads to that medium because it’s a fantasy world, so
who are the so called baddies in the film. He is on it for about a year and a half. They had around instead of moving their eyes, that to you’re immediately pulling yourself in to that
very quickly taken under their wing. done such an abundance of research and me is a really fascinating thing! world. All kinds of things in this film really make
put together all sorts of video links. They had you feel like you’re immersed in the world of
Kludd is easily influenced. Have you ever a true love of owls, they were obsessed. So, The film is stunning! What did you think the owls.
been in a situation where you were easily everything we kind of wanted to know was when you first saw it? Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of
lead or influenced? available at our disposal, but what was also When I read it I had my own thoughts about Ga’hoole is in cinemas now. Check out the
That’s interesting. I mean, I don’t really have interesting as well was that the characteristics how I thought it was going to be and, after trailer and an interview with Jim Sturgess
an abundance of good qualities (laughs), but I that they gave each and every owl gave having seen it for the first time, it just blew me who plays Soren in the film, online at
would say that would be one of my strongest, audiences the chances to have their favourites, away even more.
ISSUE 231 31 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www. 13

The Wanted
The Wanted have celebrated the
release of their new album, The Wanted,
by throwing a Hallowe’en themed party
in London. The boys performed some
tracks from their album for lucky fans, who
were encouraged to dress up. To get in
the spirit the band even posted a video
of themselves on YouTube performing a
Enjoy the magical interactive
dance to the spooky song The Time Warp. world of Moshi Monsters with this
you think: “Yes, this person could have
a career in music.” And that is the best
Check it out online at new Top Trumps pack featuring
thing about the job – discovering and
unearthing new talent.
Justin Bieber your favourite Moshlings! Inside
this pack you will find exclusive
Teen superstar Justin Bieber wants to combinations to attract your
In your view, what is the X factor? appear as a guest judge on the American
The X factor is when someone walks into a X Factor next year. Simon Cowell told Extra favourite Moshlings!
room and sings and they have something TV: ”He (Justin Bieber) put himself forward
unique: the attitude, personality and to judge one of the episodes.” Mr Cowell
presentation all rolled into one. You watch is keeping the identity of the other judges
them perform and think immediately: under wraps at the moment. The first

4 issues
“You could sell records.” David Bowie, Elton series of X Factor will debut in America in
– people like that have the X factor. September 2011.

This week…
JOHN Adeleye became
JLS picked up two awards at the
MOBO Awards in Liverpool this week. They
were awarded gongs for Best Album and
for £1
the latest act voted off
X Factor. Speaking on also Best UK Act. Other winners included
the Xtra Factor, he said: Plan B, N-Dubz and Tinie Tempah.
“It hasn’t quite sunk in
yet. I’m kinda left and followed by £12.75 on direct debit plus a free stylish
right about the whole
thing, I dunno how to
Christmas card!
feel. I’m taking it gracefully, I’m still smiling
and I’ve enjoyed every moment. I would
have liked to have stepped it up and
Or make a one off payment by debit or credit card and
shown some of my moves, but I enjoyed still receive great off ers:
every performance I did.”
6 monthly subscription for only £24.99 plus free
gift and Christmas card!

TOP T E L LY ! 1 year’s subscription, that’s 52 issues for only

£44.99 plus a free gift and Christmas card!

Johny Pitts hosts this brilliant show Christmas subscriptions will start with the 31 December 2010 issue.
where kids showcase their amazing
ideas! My Genius Idea, BBC1, Tuesday
To start your subscription with the next available issue please call the
@ 4:00pm. number below.

Roxy Hunter is experiencing her first
Hallowe’en in Serenity Falls, and she
also discovers her class mate is a
vampire! Roxy Hunter and the Horrific
Hallowe’en, Nickelodeon, Sunday 31
October @ 8:00pm
CALL 0844 8267 338
All things wizard get a special werewolf
twist in this Hallowe’en special episode VISIT
of The Wizards of Waverly Place. Puppy
Love, The Disney Channel, Friday 29 Please quote FN231X when ordering
October @ 6:30pm and 7.30pm.
14 ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www.
THE BIG INTERVIEW The Piers Morgan interview…

Music videos are much easier

SHE’S best-known for her role as Lilly Truscott on the hit series Hannah Montana, but actress and singer Emily
Osment is about to unleash her rock side with a new single and album. We caught up with Emily to talk about
music and the end of Hannah Montana.
Tell us about your new single, Let’s The video for Let’s be Friends looks like and you’re dancing around and having a

be Friends. a massive fun party. Was it fun to make? good time you can’t really tell, but it was
Let’s be Friends is the first single off the Absolutely! It’s actually all of my friends in so cold.
album Fight or Flight, which comes out
digitally in October. I’m really excited about
this album because it’s the music that I have
wanted to be released for so long. I finally
shooting about half a year ago. It was
figured out what I want to sound like and
a quarter of the length of the previous
who I want to be musically and what I want
seasons that we had done, so it was kind
to say. This album is so important to me.
of a breeze! It was not a big deal at all. We
I wrote it quite fast. We were only in the
went in there, we did our thing and we got
studio for about four weeks and we worked
out. This whole season is about change and
really, really hard to get it exactly where we
people growing up in the final episodes of
wanted it. I’m really happy because I feel
Hannah Montana but, don’t worry, they will
like it’s really different and hopefully it will
re-run for the rest of my life!
stand out in today’s giant music world.
Did you have a big party to say
What can we expect from the album?
In some ways it’s very dance and very
Yes, we had a wrap party so we got to say
electro, but I’m a big believer in having a
goodbye. But, you know, Los Angeles, even
balance to the record so, like I said, there’s
though there’s seven million of us, it’s quite
those dance and those electro songs but
small. We’ll see everybody again.
there’s also funk songs. I guess funk punk is
what we were calling it. this video. We shot it in LA by the beach, so You’ve done a lot of filming for TV and
What advice would you give to kids
I got to call all my friends and be like: “Be in music. What’s easier to film, a music video
that want to follow in your footsteps in
You made the album in four weeks this music video! It’ll be so fun!” I called one or a TV series?
TV or music?
and you wrote a lot of it yourself. How friend, the day before the shoot and was Oh, a music video! It’s much easier. TV
I think that’s wonderful! We can never have
was that? like: “Umm, can you be my boyfriend for like shows, even like one episode, can take
enough creative people in the industry
I’ve always planned on writing this album 17 hours?” And he was like: “Yes, of course!” four or five days and a music video is a lot
and in life. I think it’s so great if you want
myself and I’d always planned on being It was just great and that’s why it looks like less than that. It’s more like a performance
to become a musician or if you want to act
completely involved in the music, the lyrics it was so much fun, because it was! I was aspect. A TV show is obviously playing a
and if you feel like you’re passionate that
and everything, like, this is me. I can tell you hanging out with my friends the whole role. There’s lots of homework that goes in
way. You know, I grew up having those
about every single word in these songs, time. to it, whereas with a music video your only
feelings and, luckily, lived in LA and had the
every single decision that was made. It is a homework is to go out there and be
chance to go out and audition. But I would
little bit different, but I decided I wanted to Was it hard work? silly and have a good time.
say, don’t get in to this entire industry just
be very involved in this. It’s too easy to go It was great, you’re doing what you love. I
to be famous!
out there and shop for a song that’s already mean the only thing that was a downfall for A lot of your fans know you from
been written, but I won’t be able to love it that day was the fact that it was freezing Hannah Montana. Are you sad that
and sing it live unless I feel like I’m attached cold at night on the beach. I’ve never been it’s ending? Emily’s album Fight or Flight is available
to it, unless I’ve been in the process of it. so cold in my life. Once you get up there I mean, for me it has ended. We stopped to download now.

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For more information on these exceptional charities, log on to our website
ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www. 15


BECOME Doctor Who and his trusty
THE Barclays ATP World Tour Finals, 21-28
companion Amy Pond with the Doctor Who
November, is the final showdown for the
video games, which are
world’s top eight tennis players and you
set to thrill all fans from 12
could be there to watch all the action!
November! First News has teamed up with Barclays to offer
Inspired by the Doctor’s one lucky reader the chance to win two tickets to
adventures across time and watch both the singles and
space, both games feature the doubles evening session
eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, matches on Tuesday 23
and Karen Gillan, who plays his November at The O2
companion, Amy Pond. London.
Doctor Who: The prize also includes
vacuation Earth a backstage tour and exclusive opportunity to meet and
and Doctor Who: Return to Earth will enable the whole family interview the Barclays Ball Kids. You’ll also get the chance
to take on the role of the Doctor and Amy in two brand to write about your experience, which will be printed in a
new story lines. future issue of First News.
To celebrate the release of the Doctor Who games on
Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii, one lucky winner will To be in with a chance of winning, Where is the Barclays ATP World Tour
receive a Wii Console and a copy of both Doctor Who: just answer this question. Finals held?
Evacuation Earth on DS and Doctor Who: Return to
Earth on Wii! Plus one runner-up will receive both Doctor a) Flushing Meadows b) The O2London
Who games. c) The All England Club

Who plays the eleventh Dr Who? Have you got what it takes to be a Barclays Ball Kid?
To be in with a chance of winning, a) Matt Brown b) Matt Jones We’re searching for thirty Barclays Ball Kids to appear
on court during the 2011 Barclays ATP World Tour
just answer this question. c) Matt Smith Finals. Sign up today at

NOW! to page 14. The closing date is 11 November 2010. NOW! to page 14. The closing date is 11 November 2010.


BE a pop superstar with The X Factor HARRY Potter has been exciting
videogame, which is set to rock video readers for more than 12 years.
game consoles from 29 October! The series has sold more than
The X Factor game offers players an 400 million copies worldwide
interactive experience that captures all the
and been translated into 68
excitement of being an X Factor contestant on
the hit TV show. languages.
The game has several levels that will make you Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
feel like you’re on the show, including auditions, boot camp, judges’ houses and live is the fastest-selling book in British
shows, as well as different game modes so that you can play on your own, together history to date. Now there are a new set
with friends or in competition with friends. of covers for a whole new generation of
You can also sing along to 28 incredible tracks by readers who haven’t read the series and
stars like Lady Gaga, U2, Pixie Lott, Taio Cruz and are keen to claim a set for themselves. The new
many more! covers maintain the much-loved sense
To celebrate the release of The X Factor game, we of intrigue, with both the front and back
have a Wii Console and a copy of The X Factor game images giving new, tantalising glimpses
for one lucky winner plus a copy of the game for of what happens in each story.
one runner-up. So, it’s goodbye to second-hand Harrys
and hello to your own personal Potters!
To be in with a chance of winning, just answer We have a boxed set containing the complete set of Harry Potter books and
this question. the complete audio collection of all
seven titles, as read by Stephen Fry, Which character has a pet rat in the
Which of these is not a for one very lucky winner. Harry Potter books?
Judge on The X-Factor?
To be in with a chance of winning, a) Hermione Granger
Available on PlayStation®3, a) Cheryl Cole b) Louis Walsh c) Madonna b) Ron Weasley c) Draco Malfoy
just answer this question.
Xbox 360® and Wii™

NOW! to page 14. The closing date is 11 November 2010. NOW! to page 14. The closing date is 11 November 2010.
16 ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www.
with Gabrielle Utton

We are Repor

climate cops
TWO pupils joined in the Climate Cops Buzz Day at London Zoo with
TV presenter Konnie Huq. Here’s how it went…
Sara: “On 14 October, ten children went by Sara Kazi and Donya Mortazami and

to the npower Climate Cops SOS buzz from the Ellen Wilkinson School for Girls
day at London Zoo. It was a really fun
day and it was really enjoyable. We got the quiz because we had to look for
to meet Konnie Huq and she said that we answers and we had a lot of fun. Meeting


had to help stop pollution, climate change Konnie was also the highlight of my day.
and food waste. “I can’t wait to use all of the skills I
“My favourite bit of the day was doing learned at the Buzz Day in our npower
Climate Cops project and hopefully we will
Sara (left) win! I am so proud to be part of npower’s
and Donya
We’re looking for innovative yet practical (right) with
Climate Cops SOS and think our project
Konnie Huq is going to be successful in helping our
ideas on diversity and inclusion. How community.”
could your community become a Donya: “Our project is about compost
better place for all the people who heaps and food waste. We decided to do
food waste because we thought that in our
live, work and go to school in it? How country, in restaurants, they waste too
could you communicate this with an much food and, in other places, such as
Africa, they don’t have food.
inspirational film? “We are going to primary schools
around our area and encouraging them to
stop wasting food and be eco-friendly. We
(!!!  are also going to get compost heap bins
"$"!%" to help plants grow and insects, such as
""" worms, to live in.”


Newcastle is UK’s
!# ! 

greenest city
(" !
" !
  THE north east city has been crowned the greenest city in the UK by the
"'! Sustainable Cities Index, for the second year running.
The Index looks at the UK’s 20 biggest geographical neighbour, Sunderland
cities and grades them on their eco- dropped from 13th last year to 16th place.

You provide the   

 friendliness, the quality of life people
have there and what they’re doing to be
Hull has come bottom of the list for the
third year in a row.

ideas... Resources available

greener in the future.
Newcastle scored the highest. The city
Do you think you live in a green place? Tell
us write to
$  has started installing 580 electric vehicle
charging points in the region, as part of
Deadline for proposals
We provide the &
efforts to become the UK’s electric car
capital. Leicester came in second from
support and Films produced 14th place only four years ago. The city was
praised for producing the least household
funding to help #"# waste and doing best at looking after its
Films shown wildlife. Brighton was third, Bristol was fourth
make a brilliant  #  and the country’s capital, London, came fifth.
In 2002 Newcastle announced it wanted
short film. to become a carbon neutral city. Newcastle’s


What do you do to help fight climate change? How do you get your friends,
family and school to do their bit too? Tell us and First News readers, write to or the address on page 14.
ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www. 17

Fund raising Baa baa...

WE felt that the people of Pakistan needed a lot of help to enable them to rebuild WE have been very busy over the last few weeks creating a model,
their lives and an article in First News (issue no. 221) inspired us all. life-sized sheep.
Both classes put their heads together and, after Katie Reid, 11, Cameron Lyall, 11, and Alex
We got the idea from our head teacher The composite class, Balnain School,
narrowing down our ideas, we came up with a French, 11, Timmergreens Primary School after she visited the Botanic Gardens in St Inverness-shire
week of events beginning on 13 September. Some Andrews.
raised a lot of money. We made cakes and biscuits She saw two sheep on display and it will graze.
of the activities we participated in were things
with help from our school cook, Fiona. This was our thought that we could copy the idea Lots of interested parents have come
such as coming to school in the Pakistan colours,
most successful event – Tuck Shop Treats. and build an exhibit of our own. We asked to school to see our project. We are very
girls dressing up as boys and vice versa – which
We were made ‘Rights Heroes and Global Citizens’ a parent to help us with this exciting eco- proud of it! The woolly structure has
was very funny, especially some of the teachers
by UNICEF representative Mr. Wilkinson. All of the project. The janitor was also involved in been named ‘Shaun MacSheep’.
– orienteering and holding an auction.
All of these events were very successful and money that has been given to Mr. Wilkinson will go cutting down twigs from the trees
towards children’s rights in Pakistan, which includes in the grounds. These were sorted
water, medication, food and shelter. Eighteen out for the different parts of the
million people have been affected by the floods structure. The legs were made first,
and will still need care as, although we have raised then the body was fixed into place
a lot of money, it is still not enough to save all those by wrapping wire around them.
flood victims. A flexible piece of hose pipe
At the end of the week our teachers announced was then made into a semi-realistic
the total of the money raised. We raised a total of set of horns.
£1,233.43! When the last piece of fleece was
We are very proud that Timmergreens Primary pushed into place, we lifted the
School is helping save lives. sheep into our ‘Quiet Garden’, where

Your school in First News We want to hear what your school is up to

ARE you doing something sponsored for charity? Starting your own school newspaper? Or putting on a show?
Send your report (including pictures) to the address on page 14 or email If we print your story we’ll send you a copy of the paper and an exclusive First
News certificate to be presented to you in assembly! Don’t forget to include your name, age, and your school’s name and address. (Please note: by writing to First News you give consent
to First News printing details and photographs of those involved in the report.)

Advertisement feature

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with E.ON?
E.ON is one of the leading energy companies in the UK. It generates and distributes
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E.ON has developed The Energy Experience, an educational programme which gives teachers and young people
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Ask your teacher to find out more about The E.ON Energy Experience education programme by visiting
18 ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www.


MEXICO City is celebrating after being awarded a Guinness World Record for creating the world’s
A CITY in China has held a vinegar
drinking competition to try to
attract tourists!
largest enchilada. The contest in Zhengjiang, in the Jiangsu
The giant dish can feed 230 people and someone has established this record. Province, requires people to drink three 375ml
by Serena Lacey
weighs 1,426kg. People have tried this before in Mexico and bottles of local vinegar one after the other.
It took around 600 people two and a prepared from scratch. in the United States but they couldn’t fulfil As well as attracting tourists, the competition
half hours to make the dish, which is 70m A special machine was created to roll out the rules needed to have the record.” was used to promote local vinegar and the
long and filled with white onions, green the giant tortilla. benefits of it for your health.
tomatoes, serrano chillis, chicken, cheese, A spokesperson for Guinness World Check out a video of the giant meal online We think drinking vinegar sounds disgusting!
salsa and lots of other ingredients, all Records said: “This is the first time at What do you think? Vote online at


4,410kg choc bar
A CHOCOLATE bar weighing a massive
4,410kg has been made in Armenia.
The record for the most The super-sized sweet was made by Grand Candy to
transformations of a vehicle is three celebrate their 10th anniversary. It took 48 hours to mix
and was completed when an Ellert the chocolate, five of which were spent roasting and
was transformed into a hotrod, a grinding cocoa beans.
rocket powered hydrofoil and a The huge bar is 5.6m long and 7.75m wide, and is
plane, on TV show NERD, Denmark, offi ciallythe Guinness World Records’ largest bar of
on 8 September 2006 chocolate. Experts think it would take 107 years for one
For info on this record and hundreds more, go to
person to eat the entire thing. Instead, it will be broken
into pieces and shared among the public in Yerevan.

Hallowe’en HA HA
CHUCKLES Q: Where does a ghost go
on a Saturday night?
A: Anywhere he can BOO-gie
Q: What do ghosts have on
their ice cream sundae?
A: Whipped scream
Q: Why did Dracula take
A: To stop his coffi n

Email us your jokes to

Written and illustrated by Paul Palmer

ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www. 19

Film premiere... Spooky Scarefest

WE went to the film premiere of Alpha and Omega, a new animation that
is just out in the cinemas. WE were lucky enough to be invited along to Scarefest at The Alton Towers
Resort last week.
by Lottie and Alice Hills
by Lauren and Callum Byrne
The film is about two wolves called Kate
and Humphrey, who fall in love. Kate is We headed off really early, as
the Alpha and Humphrey is the Omega. we wanted to make the most of our
The part of Kate is played by Hayden weekend. When we arrived at the park
Panetierre who stars as Claire in the TV it was full of pumpkins, scarecrows
series Heroes and whose first ever role and scary music. There were witches
was Dot in Bug’s Life. Because it was the wandering around casting spells and
premiere, Hayden was there and, as we giving out treats from behind their
were reporting for First News, we got to Trick or Treat doors.
interview her before the film. After we had been on all the rides
She said that her favourite part of the we made our way back to The Alton
film is when the goose and the duck are Towers Hotel and to our room. After
playing golf. a quick change of clothes it was
Hayden really cares about animals, and time for dinner and to watch Pirate
someone brought some pet wolves to the Bill and The Witches in their
cinema. She was having her picture taken Hallowe’en show. park again to go on our favourite rides.
with them, but one of the wolves didn’t We went along to the Boiler House and The best part of the weekend for us was the
like the camera flashes and she told them the Carnival of Screams, which were right rollercoaster ride TH13TEEN. It is scary
to stop. by our hotel. The Carnival of Screams was enough during the day, but it’s absolutely
We then went to see the film. It was very full of evil killer clowns and, to escape terrifying at night. Are you brave enough
funny and exciting. Our favourite bit was them, you have to make your way through to give it a go next time you’re at The Alton
when the wolves were using a tree trunk the maze. We finally made it out but Towers Resort?
as a toboggan and sliding down the hill. only after we had jumped and screamed
We really recommend that you go our way through. Check out for
to see it. The next morning we went back to the information on tickets and hotel packages.

Advertisement feature

Fly like
a Hawk
GUS King is one of the hottest skateboarding talents
around, and has been wowing crowds for years. The
outrageously talented British skater has hit the ramps with
the sport’s biggest star, Tony Hawk, and looks set to take
the skating world by storm. As top new skating game Tony
Hawk: SHRED hits the shops, we spoke to Gus about his
toughest trick and hanging with the Hawk. Gus tries out his skills with the cool
board controller for Tony Hawk: Shred

Has competing against older riders ever bothered you? attempts, nights after school and weekends to get right. Even lots of advice
No, never. There is a real supportive bunch of skaters who now there are times when I still don’t catch it right, but I’ll just and encouragement,
skate together and they always encourage you to do better. practice and try again until I do. telling me to keep
Obviously, when you compete it’s not always like that, but on practising and to always enjoy
the whole we all want each other to do well. Do you feel fear when you try something new? what I was doing.
Nervous more than fear, I’d say. If I ever attempt a big air jump,
Do they ever underestimate you because of your age? then that might change. I find that nerves help me, though, What are your ambitions for the future?
Every time, but it’s water off a duck’s back. I enjoy the look of and make me concentrate more on what I need to do. I hope to be skateboarding for a long time yet.
surprise on their faces when I pull off a tough trick. My ambition is to turn pro, but also concentrate on school.
What was skating with Tony Hawk like? If I do well at both, then opportunities like becoming an
Which trick that you’ve learned has been most satisfying? Really overwhelming. I couldn’t believe that I was skating with ambassador for Tony Hawk: SHRED will come more often.
The 360 flip, by far. It’s a tough trick to learn and took several Tony; he’s a legend of the sport. He’s a cool guy and gave me Tony Hawk: SHRED is out now for Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii
20 ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www.
SEND your finished puzzles to Puzzles 231, First News, Shand House,

FUN STUFF 14 - 20 Shand Street, London, SE1 2ES. The closing date for puzzle
entries is Friday 5 November 2010.

O B O O K S !
prize crossword
using the clues below.
THIS week we have the usual 3x3 grid and you need
Send in your answers and you could
to fill in the numbers one to nine. Send in your answers
win one of three sets of Pamasuco
and you could win one of two Crayola: Colour Explosion
books, which include The Early Life of
Glow Domes. Draw, glow, spin! Create your images
Erasmus O’Rourke, Hocus Pocus and the
on the glow panel and dome. Press the light and spin
Pentacle Pendant and The Celestial Seven and the Dragon Heist. A fantastic series when
action buttons to make your amazing dual-layered
an international group of youngsters learn to be magicians with magical results. Enter a
scenes come to life! Includes six glow markers and two
world of witches and dragons where the reader can join their adventures.
starter scenes.

3 8

1 7


1 Premiership football club sold 2 3
recently (9)
6 Possessed (5)
7 Ledge for books (5)
9 Opposite of inward (7) 8


3 5
12 Approaches a place (7) 6

7 4 8
16 Older person (5)
17 Less common (5)

2 8
18 Ex-Blue Peter presenter on

4 7 1
Strictly (4,5) 9 10


2 Where grapes grow (4)
3 Cowboy festival (5)

7 2 4
4 Tones (anag) (5) 12

8 6
5 Room for manoeuvre (6)
6 George ___ : announced a

6 4 5
spending review (7)

1 9 7
8 Roger ___ : lost the Shanghai 17
Masters to Andy Murray (7)
10 Employ (3)
11 By chance (6)
13 Damien ___ : top English artist

9 1 2


8 6
14 Woody plant (5)
15 Long journey (4)
2 - Where grapes grow
club sold recently (9)
1 - Premiership football


CHALLENGE 1) £28.5 million 2) they let a group

of children give instructions to the pilots 3) twice
4) Marine Conservation Society 5) Legend of The
Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole 6) Jelly Babies 7)
69 days 8) Durrell’s vontsira 9) Andy Murray 10)
Q1 How much longer than an Earth day is a Q5 In which country was the world’s largest Lopez win by Colwyn Bay SPOT THE DIFFERENCE Box is larger,
head is facing the other way, disc is missing on
falling asleep
day on Mars?

Q2 Which Scottish island has been voted

bar of chocolate made?

Q6 What is the price of a ticket on Virgin

for 17 minutes? Q3 the screen, pole is shorter, light in background
is missing WHAT ON EARTH Bowl, spoon, whisk,
eggs, tin WORD WHEEEL Paintings
one of Europe’s top Island holiday hot spots? Galactic’s first flight into space? Q9 How many tonnes of carrots are used M C D O W E L L 2 1 7 3 8 5 9 4 6
each week at ZSL London Zoo?
9 8 4 6 2 1 7 5 3
5 3 6 9 7 4 2 1 8
Q3 How many pandas are left in the wild? Q7 What are a community group in
7 4 5 8 1 9 6 3 2
Q10 What movie are people in New
Warminster looking for volunteers to do? G J R E 3 9 1 5 6 2 4 8 7

Q4 How many MOBO Awards did JLS win Zealand worried won’t be filmed in
last week? Q8 What competition did 62-year-old Pedro their country? Y E A R N
4 5 3 2 9 6 8 7 1
E G Y P T I A N 8 6 9 1 5 7 3 2 4

CAN you spot the five changes to this
picture from Scooby-Doo Camp Scare?
Send in your answers and you could win
one of three Scooby-Doo Camp Scare
DVDs. Back-to-nature chills and thrills
with Scooby-Doo’s all-new original movie!
Welcome to Camp Little Moose – where the activities are
endless and the urban legends are intense. In fact, every
time someone tells a ghost story, the creepy creature
comes to life! But the Mystery Inc. gang doesn’t spook that
easily. Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Freddy, Daphne and Velma
fish for clues to solve the mysteries of The Woodsman, The
Fishman and The Banshee of Black Canyon.
ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www. 21
with Lauren (11) and Julien (16) Game Testers

Stephen Hawking
US President Barack
Obama presents the
Medal of Freedom
to British theoretical

struggled to read
physicist Stephen
Hawking, the highest
civilian honour in America.

FIRST NEWS is running a campaign called My Way! It’s about recognising that for
some people school is easy but, for others, it might be harder – but that the way you
learn has nothing to do with how smart you are. Around six children in each class
have learning challenges which means that their brains work in a different way. But
that doesn’t mean that they won’t be fantastically successful in whatever they choose
to do. You will probably have heard of Stephen Hawking, who is considered to be one
of the world’s most brilliant scientists. And, guess what? He found school really hard
Just Dance 2 (WII) and couldn’t read at all until he was eight.
Stephen William Hawking, CH, CBE, own way to communicate. A Cambridge
THE first game was a huge hit for Ubisoft, so they’re back with a FRS, FRSA (born 8 January 1942) is an scientist built a device that means he
sequel with more tunes and dance routines. English scientist specialising in physics can write onto a computer with small
The main criticism of the first game artists range from Ke$ha, Rihanna, and cosmology. His scientific career spans movements of his body, and then have a
was that it wasn’t really accurate enough, Outkast and Vampire Weekend to older more than 40 years. voice synthesiser speak what he has typed.
but that didn’t seem to stop millions of acts like James Brown, Cher and The He is known, particularly, for his This week he spoke of much earlier
people having fun with it. Rolling Stones. theories about quantum gravity, struggles – trying to keep up with his
This time around, there’s a bit more Lauren says: “This is brilliant! Even better especially in relation to black holes. classmates at school and not being able
polish to the presentation and a slightly than the first one, and there are loads of When he was around 20-years-old to read until he was eight.
bigger track list. There are still a few songs to choose from. The duet dancing he developed a disease called ALS “My classwork was very untidy,” he said,
tracks that aren’t the originals, but the mode is fab and loads of fun. Some of the (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) which has “and my handwriting was the despair of
dance moves are more tricky and take a left him almost completely paralysed and my teachers.”
little bit of practice. There are some cool unable to talk. But he has still found his And look how brilliant he turned out to be!
dance styles, including rock, street and
tribal. The download content is a bonus, Want to share your story? Find out
although at the how online at
moment there are RATED!
only a few songs to
download. It really is
a great, fun game.”
A way O EB S T


with words TM & © CARTOO


Hello Kitty
cial Calendar 2

Super Scribblenauts (DS) sM

e Trouble than




WE loved the original Scribblenauts, but this new version throws in


the ability to use adjectives as well as nouns to solve the puzzles.


To fill you in, the aim of the game is alien, you can make an angry, ugly alien © 1976, 2010 SAN
to use your imagination and the game’s appear instead, for instance.
huge dictionary to get Maxwell past each A welcome addition is the fact that you
level. That could be something as simple can now control Maxwell with the D pad,

as typing in ‘engine’ to make a broken which eases some of the frustration and TS RESERVED.

© 2010 JLS. ALL RIGH

car go, but the puzzles get steadily more inaccuracy of the first game.

complicated and really test your brain.
The adjectives mean that instead of an Julien says: “Fun for all ages. It allows
you to use your creativity to solve a host of
 P O U
puzzles and levels. The gameplay is simple
but fun and you’ll be playing for a long time
because it allows you to create anything
you can think of just by typing it in – be it
a helicopter, a slightly
confused rake or a
purple flying bear!” 9/10
See the trailers for both games at
22 ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www. FirstNews

5 minutes with
reviewed by Amit Pandya, 7
FOLLOWING the success of The Boy in
Billionaire Boy is a book about a boy called Joe.
He is so spoilt and had everything a kid dreams
the Dress and Mr Stink, David Walliams has written a new
of having, except any friends. All the teenagers brilliant book for kids – Billionaire Boy. First News reader
were mean and jealous because his father made Amit Pandya put a few questions to the author…
money out of loo rolls. So off went Joe in his quest, or rather a race, for friendship.
I really enjoyed Billionaire Boy because the adventure Joe goes on is exciting and full of Would you like to see any of your and it was successful. I write for an adult
humour. At the beginning Joe is really miserable because he has no friends and is feeling books made into films? audience with my television programmes
the pressure of keeping his secret about being a billionaire from anyone. Joe is forced to It would be amazing. I think my books and, if I had a great idea for a book for an
experience loneliness, by his dad, so the story is set for a real journey. would be more suited to live action than adult audience, I’d write it. It’s more led by
My favourite part in the book is when Bob is dumped into a green rubbish bin and Joe’s animation as they’re about people and their the idea than anything else. The next book
king-size Twix is snatched by the mean and nasty ‘Grubbs’. To their shock, Joe and Bob are feelings. It would be easier to portray with I’ll write will be for children.
rescued by Lauren, who karate-kicks the bullies in a comic way. I give it 10/10! actors. A film is being made of The Boy in
the Dress and it’s looking likely that I might What is your favourite children’s book?
be in it but it’s not certain yet. Alice in Wonderland is one of the greatest
works of literature ever written. Alice in
If you were as rich as Joe and his dad Wonderland is the
MORE BLOODY HOROWITZ what would you do with your money? children’s book
ANTHONY HOROWITZ I would want to do something for other that intrigues
people like build a school in Africa because me the most. I
reviewed by Dominic Dennis, 11
the feeling that would give you would be can read it over
Anthony Horowitz has brought out greater than anything you could ever buy. and over again.
a book containing ten spine-chilling It’s such an
horror stories. From robo-nannies to Why do you like writing books for kids amazing world of
killer massage chairs, this book has rather than adults? imagination.
everything to scare the pants off you. It has ghosts, cobras, evil Sat Navs and much more... When I first had the idea for The Boy in the
You may want to sleep with the light on after you read this! Dress I thought it would make a good book Billionaire Boy is in
This is a bloody and horrifying book, which is sure to scare even the bravest people! for children and I really enjoyed doing it bookshops now


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Green Knowe. I also enjoyed reading about misunderstood orphans like Mary from The THIS is Monopoly as you have never seen it before! The circular board
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heroines in Ballet Shoes. Anniversary. Travel around the Revolutionary board buying, selling and
My mother taught me to love reading but, at junior school, I met Mr Stevenson. He dealing in properties. The electronic unit and banking cards replaces cash
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read aloud from stories by Dickens or Poe: stunning performances that showed me the
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I’ve heard people say that we live in such a “visual” environment that reading doesn’t TWILIGHT ECLIPSE BOARD GAME
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from Peppa Pig’s cartoon scripts through to the speeches of President Obama. Reading TWILIGHT fans will love this game. Answer questions about
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Do you think you would make a good Reading Champion?
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Ask your school to sign up today.
ISSUE 231 29 OCT – 4 NOV 2010 www. 23
thanks to Cool dude?
I USED to be called a nerd at my old school but, now I’m in high
I’M Esther Rantzen, President of ChildLine, which helps 2,500 children every week. If there’s school, I don’t want to any more. My friends do bad stuff and think
something worrying you, please write to me at the address below.

Mean friends
it’s cool. I want to be cool, but not bad. Anonymous, 12
You sound a bit confused. I wonder if I am right in thinking that? It’s not easy to be
your own person – but it sounds like you are starting to think like this. It can be very
diffi cult not to follow what your friends are doing. How would you feel about calling
us to talk through some of your problems?

HI Esther. My friends have broken up from me. I don’t know what to do. It all started
when they sat next to someone else on the dinner table. I didn’t want to sit next to DEALING WITH ANNOYING SIBLINGS
the people that they were sitting with, so I sat on another table. When I had finished
I said to them are you coming, and they rudely shouted at me to go. At playtime they IT’S often the way that one moment you’re best friends with your
kept on running away from me. I don’t know what to do. Please help, Maira. brother or sister, the next moment, you’re at each other’s throats
It sounds like you are really upset by what has happened with your friends. It also sounds like your and you can’t stand the sight of each other.
friends are being quite cruel. I am wondering how you would feel about talking to your friends to tell This is a common occurrence in most other, the best thing to do is give each
them how their behaviour is making you feel. Perhaps that would be really diffi cult for you. I wonder if families across the country. Having a other a bit of space to calm down and
you feel like calling us. If you do, we could look at more ways that you might be able to find a solution brother or sister can be great. It means think things through. In most cases,
to this problem. Call us on on 08001111 or chat to us at Take care of yourself. you have someone to talk to about even though you may argue and fight
school and homework, someone to with your brothers and sisters, as you

Drama dreams...
swap clothes and CDs with, someone grow up, you will develop a close bond
you can talk to and share your with them.
concerns with when you’re at home. However, sometimes you may feel
Unfortunately, sometimes they can isolated at home because you’re
MORE than anything I want to go for a drama drive you absolutely mad! constantly arguing with your siblings
scholarship at my school, but my parents say that I have Or it feels like they are constantly and it seems like your parents are
to take an academic course and nothing else. I would trying to get you in trouble with your always taking their side. If you’re feeling
feel that I have let myself down so much if I didn’t try for parents. If things start to get heated down about the situation, try talking to
drama. I’ve talked to my parents and they won’t budge with your brother or sister and you’re a friend about it. You can always talk to
starting to get really angry with each ChildLine on 0800 1111.
on the subject. Please help! Anonymous, 13.
It sounds like your heart is really in following a career in drama but you feel under pressure due to
what your parents want for you. I wonder if you have tried writing down your feelings about this in a
WRITE TO ME: Ask Esther, First News House, 95 The Street, West Horsley, Surrey, KT24 6DD. EMAIL ME:
letter. It may not make them change their mind about this, but I am wondering if it is worth a try. If you and put ‘Ask Esther’ in the subject box. I’m sorry I can’t reply to every letter.
feel like calling us on 0800 1111 we can talk a bit more about this, or if you prefer, you can contact us If you have a problem you want to talk about please call ChildLine on 0800 1111. If you are worried
online at by anything you read in First News, please visit

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It’s not always about you

Kevin Pietersen gives Christine
Ohuruogu a few table tennis tips

ITALIAN golfer Matteo Manassero
has broken the record for the
youngest ever player to win a
tournament on the European Tour.

THIS week, we witnessed the rather bizarre sight of England cricketer Kevin Pietersen playing table tennis
with a cricket bat. KP and Olympic 400m champion Christine Ohuruogu were at the West London Academy
in Northolt to give selected students a surprise assembly and to talk about adiStars, the new adidas scheme

to get more 13 to 19-year-olds involved in sport before the 2012 Olympics. After a table tennis lesson, we
spoke to Christine.
How good do you think you were at about what you do. I enjoy what I do – I like you are one?
Manassero on
table tennis? know it’s horrible and it’s hard and it hurts, People in the public eye don’t like being
the green during I don’t think I was good at all! Sometimes but you can’t quite beat that feeling of seen as a role model, because that suggests
his final round it’s nice to just do something that you’re not running around a track. that you have to be perfect. You maybe
so good at, so that people can see you’re shouldn’t see yourself as a role model, but
The young star was just 17 years and 188 human. You said in the assembly that it’s a just that you have something valuable
days old when he won the Castello Masters lonely sport. Do you ever wish that you to offerback to these young people who
in Spain. The previous holder of the record Do you think adiStars will get kids up off sometimes still played a team sport? look up to you. If these kids are paying to
was Danny Lee, who was 18 years and 213 the sofa? Netball gave me so many of the elements watch you, or they’ve got posters of you on
days old when he won the Johnnie Walker Yes. I think the first thing for kids is that it has that you need as an individual person. It their wall, we owe them to be able to give
Classic two years ago to be attractive, to grab their attention, and gave me a lot of discipline. I kind of do miss something back.
“My results this year are well above my I definitely think it’s that. You’ve got loads of it. It’s nice having people that you win with
expectations,” said Manassero. “I never well-known sports stars who can really try and lose with. When I run and I don’t win,
To see some footage from the day,
dreamt of winning on Tour so soon.” and help get the ball rolling, and get kids at it’s just me, and no-one understands what
including KP playing table tennis with a
Apart from giving him the record, the win least to look on the website. it’s like.
cricket bat and a brief video interview with
also means that Manassero will take home Christine, head to!
nearly £300,000 in prize money. When you come to things like this, do a When we last spoke to you, you said
To find out more about adiStars, go to
“I am too young to have a drink and I am lot of kids ask your advice about stuff? that you would take the day’s problems to
too young to drive, so I will not be buying a Yes, I was talking to a few of them. There’s bed with you. Have you got any better at
car,” he said, “and I have not got a girlfriend one guy who runs, and he asked me what putting your worries aside?
who would like a present!” I thought about when I run. He does the I think that, hopefully, I’m getting a bit better
Manassero has broken several records 100m so, for him, 400m is a really long way! at dealing with my issues! It’s nice to come
already and has been praised by fellow to events like this when you see things in a
players. What advice would you give to kids if differentlight. It’s not always about you, it’s
“He has a passion for the game,” said US they wanted to take up a new sport? about what you can do for others.
legend Tom Watson. “Technique can be I think just to enjoy it. Today’s been about
added if necessary, but if they don’t have fun, and these kids are having fun while People in the media always say that
that passion then I am concerned. Matteo they’re learning. It’s about being relaxed sports stars are role models. Do you feel
has it.”

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