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Republic of the Philippines


Pablo Borbon Main I, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
Tel. No. (043) 980-0385 local 1128


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. understand the Physical Fitness

2. participate in the class discussion; and

3. perform some health and skill-related physcal fitness components.


A. Topic: Understanding Physical Fitness

B. Materials: Laptop, Projector, PowerPoint presentation, Videoclips, Pictures,


C. References: and Our World of MAPEH


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


1. Prayer

Please all stand and let us put ourselves in the most holy
presence of God.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.
2. Greetings

Good morning, class!

3. Classroom Management

Before you take your seat,

 Alignment of your chair must be check

 Take all the piece of paper under your chair
 Then have a smile on your face and you may take
your seat

4. Checking of the Attendance

Who is the secretary of the class? Do we have
absentees for today?

-Before we proceed to our discussion, I prepared a
game for you to be motivated.
I will group you in to 2. The group 1 and the group
2. So, I have here pieces of papers. Inside the folded
papers, there are lyrics of a song. You're going to do
is to guess the title of the song where the lyrics came
from. Each group will be given 2 minutes to guess.

B. Activity
- Okay! So, I have here an activity. I will group
the class into 3.
Each group will be given an envelop containing
the task that they are going to present. I will be giving
5 minutes for each group to work on to their task.

- What are the things that each group performed?
- What do you called those simple gestures?
- Based on our activity what topic are we going to
discuss today?


Understanding Physical Fitness

- Through your active participation in the different

physical activities in your Physical Education classes,
you will develop your physical well-being.

- Physical fitness is your capacity as an individual to

perform daily activities efficiently, without experiencing
undue fatigue.

- Physical fitness can be classified into health-

related and skill-related fitness. It is associated with your
ability to work effectively, enjoy leisure, be healthy,
resist hypokinetic (too little activity) diseases and meet
emergency situations. Being physically fit means that
your body has the ability to function efficiently and
effectively. The higher your physical fitnes level, the
better the performance of your daily work.
Health-Related Physical Fitness Components

1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance - this is the fitness

of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels.

2. Muscular Strength - this is the amount of force

your muscles can produce.

3. Muscular Endurance - this is the ability of a

muscle or group of muscles to remain contracted for a
long period of time.

4. Flexibility - this is the ability to use your joints

fully through a wide range of motion.

5. Body Composition - it is the relative percentage

of the different body tissues such as muscle, fat, bone,

Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components

1. Agility - it is the ability to move and change

directions quickly.

2. Balance - it is the ability to keep an upright

posture while one is standing still or moving.

3. Coordination - it is the ability to use the senses

together with the body parts, or to use two or more body
parts at the same time.

4. Power - it is the ability to release maximum force

very quickly.

5. Reaction Time - it is the time it takes to perform

an action once a person realizes the need to act.

6. Speed - it is the ability to perform a movement or

cover a distance in a short period of time.


- I will group you into four. Each group is assigned

to present an activity that will develop one component of
physical fitness.

Each group will be graded by the following rubrics.

Creativity Did not At least Present their
bother to show some work
show any effort in creatively
effort. creating and exerted
their work. their full
Uniqueness There is a There is a There is a
little or no sincere of unique level
evidence of originality of
originality originality
Cooperation There is no There is an There is a
any average high level
teamwork level of of
and unity in teamwork teamwork
the group. and unity and unity in
in the the group.
Presentation They They They
showed performed showed an
poor a outstanding
performance satisfactory and
manner confidence

E. Valuing

- What do you think is the importance of Physical


- What do you is the help that can be given by

learning Physical Fitness?

F. Evaluation


Get ¼ sheet of paper.

Directions: Write the word or words that correctly

answer the statement.

1. It is the ability to release maximum force very


2. It is the ability to move and change directions


3. It refers to the ability to exercise the body

continuously over long periods of time.

4. It is the amount of force one's muscles can


5. It is the ability to keep an upright posture while

standing still or moving.

G. Assignment

Research and study about the Assessment of


Prepared by;

Adellie M. Sabuero

MAPEH 4111

Noted to;

Jennifer Manalo


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