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Republic of the Philippines


Bacolod City, Negros Occidental



Background of the Study

Bacolod City College (BCC) is a community college

operated by the local government of Bacolod City, Negros

Occidental, and Philippines. The college was legally

established by virtue of City Ordinance No. 175, Series

of 1997. City Ordinance No. 175, series of 1997 was known

as the Charter of Bacolod City College. It was passed by

the Sangguniang Panglungsod with a majority vote on April

10, 1997 and was approved by the City Mayor on April 16,


Bacolod City College is an institution which is does

not use much of automation in their office. Some of the

employees use computers but does not use automated

system, and some do maintain the records manually. There

are much of a problem in case of the manual recording and

storing of the records because it tends to be lost for

there are thousands of records compile every year.

During enrolment a large number of students goes to

the school and cannot enroll right away.

Recording and storing of records is a big problem in

Bacolod City College for there are a lot or thousands of

students enrolled every year, which causes some loss of

documents especially in academics. Some grade sheets

submitted by the faculty may tend to be lost for some

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

time and they need again to remake the grade sheets, if

this practice will continue there will no assurance if

the grade release from the time to time will be correct.

The institution like Bacolod City College really needs to

automate some of its data management at the same time

provides an online inquiry system for the student in

order to avoid a too congested crowd during the


The Bacolod City College Integrated Students

Management System (BCCISMS) benefit the accounting

office, registrar's office, students, parents and

teachers as well as the administrative. Registrar's

office is the first to benefit in this BCC Integrated

Students Management System because they will not take so

much time in informing the students with their grades.

The registrar is responsible in keeping all the

records of the grades, but using the online grade inquiry

system it will be easy, they just need to save it in the

system, and will have a copy at the same time can provide

an inquiry to grades to the student anywhere online.

Registrars do not need to give more effort to save record

and scan it during enrollment which is a waste of time.

The students may also benefit in our system because they

do not need to worry on going to the school if the school

is too far away for they just can view it in any internet

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

café. They can access their accounts and grades online,

and then they may be able to check if what needs to be

developed or improved in their grades. There will be less

effort also for the student during the enrollment because

they do not need to go back to school all over again.

The parent will not anymore spend too much expense

on travel and allowance of their student in Bacolod City

College. This will avoid the going back and forth of the

student in some weeks just to inquire for their grades.

Anyone authorized in the registrar office is allowed to

use the BCC Integrated Student Management System


The student may also use this system and parents who

are interested to know about the grades of their children

as long as they have the valid id and password use in

logging in the website.

Thus, the proponent is eager to conduct the study

and develop an integrated system for Bacolod City


Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to develop the

Bacolod City College Integrated Student Management System

that will cater the services of accounting during

enrolment and the management of registrars record, which

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

will benefit both the school and the students to lessen

the burden of the school in giving the grades and for the

students who have difficulty in inquiring their grades

and accounts.

Specifically, it aims to achieve the following:

1. Design and develop a system that:

a. Will answer the issue concerning on the

current and previous records of the

students especially the graduates.

b. Will provide online inquiry of grades to

every student.

c. Will create an account of every teachers

online for submission of grades.

d. Will easily locate all the records of the

student for fast evaluation during


e. Will provide easy recording and viewing of

financial accounts of every student.

2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed

features based on the following:

a. functionality,

b. reliability,

c. usability,

d. efficiency,

e. maintainability, and

f. portability

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

3. Assess the developed features and functions of

the system based on the Expert’s evaluation.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focuses only on three areas: First the

recording of student’s information during enrolment in

the accounting department. All the accounts of the

student can easily be recorded and monitored. Second, the

online recording of grades. The system will bed use by

the active teachers of Bacolod City College, each teacher

will have an account. The system will accept the grades

entered and updated by teachers. The online recording of

grades will benefit the student very much for they could

easily access and view their grades and find out earlier

if some problems do exist.

Third is the registrars records management system,

the grades submitted by the teachers online can be access

by the registrar’s office and can easily process all the

records of the student and can provide a true copy of

grades. The system will provide a list of qualified

graduating students. The system includes the recording of

students’ information on subject and grades. The system

also records the designated teacher of every subject to

easily find the students grade.

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

The system will be used by all campuses of Bacolod

City College which is located in Taculing, Sum-ag and

Fortune Towne. The enrolment proper of the system will

not be used online it should be within the school,

however there will be a feature of pre-enrolment to make

the enrolment processes faster. The enrolment will only

take place in Taculing campus. The online submission of

grades can be used by any campus anywhere as long as with

the approval of the registrar’s office.

The system is not otherwise designed in controlling

the number of students during the enrollment; it does not

include the loading of teachers’ subject in terms of

number of units. The system does not also covers the

scheduling of the students classes.

Significance of the Study

The Bacolod City College Integrated Student

Management System would be a great help for the students,

parents and faculty and staff of Bacolod City College.

The automation of enrolment system and grading system

will be really be beneficial to a lot of areas in BCC.

The following are the ones who will benefit in this


Current Students of BCC. The current students of Bacolod

City College will have an easy way to get their

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

grades on the internet, if some of the students have

problem about their grades it will be easy for them

to know it right way and need not to fall in line to

get the grades at the registrar or at any

departmental offices. Instead of looking for the

grades of the student in a pile of documents, it will

be easy for any in charge to look for the student’s


Alumni or returnee students of the school. It is a very

common and usual problem at Bacolod City College that

the students who graduated several years ago might

still have a problem looking for their grades.

Indeed, there are a lot of students who have

graduated or a returnee and find it difficult to look

for their grades, they are usually advice to go to

the registrar and the registrar will advise them to

go to the department where all the records are not

complete. However, with this system the alumni or

previous students will have an easy and fast way of

inquiry of their grades or other records.

The Faculty of Bacolod City College. This system will be

a great help for every teachers for it will be easy

for them to store the records of their students

online. With the approval of the registrar, the

teacher could easily update or make corrections of

the student’s grade. Teachers could easily provide a

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

hard copy of their grades by getting their grade

sheets online and can have both hard and softcopy of

the grade sheets.

The Bacolod City College Registrar’s Office. The

registrar’s office need a lot of manpower during and

after enrolment due to manual processing of all the

records, imagine how difficult it is for the

registrar’s office to accommodate six departments

with more than four thousands students during

enrolment. It is really a headache and a burden

every enrolment. However, with the use of this

system those problem will be a thing of the past.

During the end of every semester, it will be easy

for the registrar to know the candidates for

graduation and to check whether the student is


The Administration of Bacolod City College. The

administration is headed by the College

Administrator and followed by the administrative

officers and staff. Using the BCCISMS, the

administration of Bacolod City College will have an

easy way of collecting the information of the

students enrolled in the school. The school usually

monitors the residency of the students and as well

as their status. Using the pre-enrolment feature of

the system, the student can already fill up some

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

forms on the internet and can check it out during

enrolment at school. With the recording of the

student’s information, it will be easy for the

school to monitor the number of enrollees every year

which will be needed for the schools to provide a

report for CHED. With the schools record of the

student’s enrollees, it will be easy for the school

to make an enrolment profile and can estimate

schools projection of enrollees if there will be an

increase of enrollees the year after.

Parents or Guardian of the students. Using the BCCISIS,

the processing of enrolment can be done in a day or

two instead of several weeks, with this fast

processing in enrolment very less time is needed

and will save the parents or guardian to spend much

money for the fare and allowance of the student

during enrolment by going back and forth. BCCISIS

also covers the online grading system which means,

parents can also view their students’ performance

on the internet as long as the student will allow

their parent or guardian to access their account.

Researcher. As a faculty of Bacolod City College and as

a researcher of this study, this study will be a

great contribution to the school and will be an

event of a history where huge changes will happen

once the system will be implemented. For twenty

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

years the school do not use any system for the

processing of such vast number of records. This

study will be a start of every system that will be

provided to Bacolod City College to improve the

schools performance.

Future Researchers. This study will encourage more

researchers to discover more systems needed by the

school to be developed in order to improve every

part of the schools difficulty. This will not be

only for the present but for the future where

Bacolod City College will change its procedure as

time changes.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually and

operationally defined to provide understanding of the


BCCISMS. Bacolod City College Integrated Student

Management System. In this study, this will be

the system that will be developed to provide

an automated system for Bacolod City College

to lessen the burdens and difficulties during

enrollment. This system will be use by the

students, faculties and any administrative

personnel that is involve in processing the

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

data in this system such as the registrar or

the guidance during the admission.

Efficiency. The ability to prevent the wasteful use of a

particular resource. In this study, it refers

to the efficiency of the system the BCCISMS.

The system should be useful for every user and

not a burden or rather will give more problems

during the activity of enrollment and any

activity related to the services of the system.

Enrollment. The action of enrolling or being enrolled. To

officially register as a member of an

institution or a student on a course. In this

study, it is also a way of registering the

student during the admission in Bacolod City


Financial Accounts. A record or statement of financial

expenditure or receipts relating to a

particular period or purpose. In this study,

it refers to the amount dues of the students,

such as the balances of their tuition fees or

other miscellaneous fees that have not yet been

paid off.

Functionality. The range of operations that can be run on

a computer or other electronic system. In this

study, it refers to the total functions of the

system BCCISMS that should be fully functional.

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Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Each part of the system should be operational

in order to supplement the other part of the

system. Thus all its functions will satisfy the

needs of the user.

Integrated Systems. A system that has combined different

functions together in order to work as one

entity (Buslenko, N. P. “K teorii slozhnykh


In this study, integrated systems include the

enrollment system and the accounting system for

Bacolod City College.

ISO. International Organization for Standardization. It is

an international standard-setting body

composed of representatives from various

national standards organizations. It is the

world's largest developer of voluntary

international standards and facilitates world

trade by providing common standards between

nations. Most of the existing software quality

models proposed are based on the ISO 9126

standards and in addition to that they are

extended to suit the need of the software

component. Therefore it becomes necessary to

understand the ISO -9126 model. One part of

this model is applicable to internal and

external quality of software product while

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

another model is intended for quality in use

of a software product. The model is based on

the six characteristics functionality,

reliability, usability, efficiency,

maintainability, and probability. In this

study, the ISO will be the basis to guide the

researcher the ability to develop a system

based on the standard that will meet the needs

of several users.

Maintainability. The probability of performing a

successful repair action within a given time.

In other words, maintainability measures the

ease and speed with which a system can be

restored to operational status after a failure

occurs. In this study, maintainability refers

to the ability of the system BCCISMS to make

some changes on the features or updates of the

data from any period of time. This refers to

the ability of the system to update some data

on the schools courses and curriculum. On the

other hand, the system do have security

protocol in order maintain its stability and


Online Grade Inquiry. It is a way of viewing the grades

online by logging on the system using the

username and password. The grades can easily

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

be found by searching the grades taken on a

certain year by a certain student.

Online Recording. The process of recording that requires

connectivity, hence you can do the recording

of data in any location and in any computer

that has an internet connection.

Online Submission. An electronic submission refers to a

manuscript submitted by electronic means: that

is, via e-mail or a web form on the Internet,

or on an electronic medium such as a compact

disc, a hard disk or a USB flash drive.

Traditionally, a manuscript referred to

anything that was explicitly "written by hand".

Portability. The ability of software to be transferred from

one machine or system to another. In this

study, this refers to the portability of the

system BCCISMS wherein in can be use anywhere

and can be access on any computer with internet

connection and with a browser for internet.

Registrar. An official in a college or university who is

responsible for keeping student records. In

this study, the registrar is also the one

responsible for keeping the student records,

however the registrar also participates in

evaluating the students subject for

accreditation of the subjects taken.

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Reliability. The quality of being trustworthy or of

performing consistently well. The degree to

which the result of a measurement, calculation,

or specification can be depended on to be

accurate. In this study, reliability refers to

how reliable is the system BCCISMS to be use

by different group of people in the institution

such as the student, faculties and the

administration. The system should be reliable

in terms of usage and calculations that the

system should be error free and 100%

functional. Moreover, the system should be

reliable in times of need and not to add burden

to any processing in enrolment and inquires.

Usability. The degree to which something is able or fit to

be used. In this study, it refers to the

usability of the system the BCCISMS where the

system can be use anytime by any user and can

easily be access and use.

Conceptual Framework

The study claims that there really is a need for every

institution to have an Integrated System that would provide

an easy way of processing the needs of the students,

teachers and administration in terms of data storage and


Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

In some related studies a lot of school uses online

storage of data or virtualization to easily access the

information in a very quick and easy way. The population

in some schools does not decrease but sometimes blow up

suddenly that it so difficult to manage and control such

numerous students coming in schools. In this study, the

focus is for the development of the system for Bacolod City

College to eliminate some of the burdens and difficulties

in enrollment and inquiry for there is no such online

storage which could automate some of the transactions.

The need for an Integrated Student Information System

for Bacolod City College is very imminent, that students

cannot wait to have such system that will lessen their

burden during the enrollment and the acquiring of the past

records of the student.

This conceptual framework will serve as a tool to

illustrate the idea of this study wherein the system to be

developed will be a solution to the problems that exist in

Bacolod City College in relation to the information

referring to the students.

The framework of this study will involve the students

and teachers concern as well as administrative staff. The

study includes the enrollment processes where students and

the accounting have spent a longer time therefore it

results to a very long line of students and will take half

of the day just lining up. This study tends to eliminate

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

such time consuming processes in accounting, thus this

study will create a system to eliminate some redundancy in

processing especially in recording.

The releasing of grades is really a problem in

Bacolod City College, the registrar always sends the

students to look for their grades on each department. The

department actually do not have a permanent Program

Coordinator to ensure the safety and security of the

records, therefore this leads to some losses of records

every year. However, in reality it should be the

registrar who have all the records of the students of all

department, but usually what happen is the registrar have

a difficulty finding the records of even just one

student. The solution of the registrar in this problem is

to assign a person for every year level of every

department. In this study, the system that will be

developed will make this manual searching of records of

every student will be a thing of the pass. Yes, using

such automated system the searching of the student’s

record will on take seconds. In order to make this

possible the teacher will have to use the online

recording of grades which is a part of this Integrated

Students Information System.

With such record from the accounting and the

teachers, the registrar will be enjoying a lot of free

time for it will be easy for them to release grades to

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

every student. This study will be the solution of the big

problem in enrolment in Bacolod City College. The system

to be develop will have the participation of the student,

teacher and accounting.

In this system the Bacolod City College Integrated

Student Management System the inputs are very important

in order to come up with results or output through a

certain processes. The inputs are the information needed

in the system such as the student’s profile, grades,

accounts and as well as the teachers loading to assign a

list for every section to every teacher. The prior arts

and related studies have been a guide in this study.

Observations have been conducted to acquire what is

needed for the development of the system that will prove

to improvement on the study on Bacolod City College with

regards to the enrollment. Materials and equipment have

been evaluated to make sure that all things will meet the

requirements for the study.

The process involves the designing part, the

designing will be according to the data needed by every

user of the system BCCISMS. Prototyping will following

which will provide the view or model of what is to be

developed as a result. Using prototype initial evaluation

will be made. Once prototype have been agreed upon,

development will follow. Development will be the creation

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

of the system and the placement of all the requirements

needed. After the creation of the system the BCCISMS,

testing and evaluation will follow. Testing is necessary

to check the reliability and efficiency of the system.

All the data processing should be credible with 100% free

of bugs or errors. Evaluation will take part in check

whether the product or the system will be the answer to

the problem of Bacolod City College in terms of

enrollment and inquiry as the main objective of this


The output of all the input and processes will be

the creation of the system the Bacolod City College

Integrated Student Management System. The outcome will be

the benefit of the college and most especially the

students. The BCCISMS will improve the Registrars and

Accounting System for the students. The searching of

records to the dusty high level folders which is very

unwanted will be a thing of the past. Long lines of

students in front of Accounting office will be gone,

there is no need for the student to submit their subjects

taken in accounting for automatically is stored in there

online files once the student have entered their data on

the specific department.

Input 19
Process Outcome
A. Information A. Designing Output Improved
-Prior Art B. Prototyping Developed BCC Registrars
-Related C. Development Integrated and
Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Fig. 1. Schematic Diagram based on the objectives of the


Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental



This chapter presents studies, facts and prior study

conducted by the researcher which includes concepts,

ideas, current applications, observations, beliefs and

methodologies relevant to the current study.

Related Literature

University of Washington Enterprise Data Warehouse

Tableau Software is the data visualization

platform chosen for use with UW Enterprise Data

Warehouse data, following a multi-month pilot in

partnership with 20 academic and administrative

units. Tableau is used to visualize large data sets

and helps simplify their meaning, promote

understanding of those data sets, and communicate

important concepts and ideas. Valuable information

is stored in the University of Washington’s growing

data repositories and data visualization software is

used to clearly convey that information using

images, providing opportunities for understanding

that data and for data-informed decision-making (IT

Connect University of Washington/

Tsinghua University Student Information Management


Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

The system allows faculty to reduce stress, the

Senate, teaching services and information MANAGEMENT

SYSTEM, can reduce the use of labor, speed up

queries, strengthen management, as well as national

information technology pace so that the management

more standardized. The system has good

compatibility. The system seeks to system

comprehensiveness, and versatility.

Its function is comprehensive, easy-to-future

program updates, DATABASE MANAGEMENT easy, user-

friendly, easy to operate, high efficiency, and

security required by the management system. They

believe the student management system is a set of

school in the day-to-day management of essential

MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE, through the development of this

system, I have mastered the process of the

development project, to understand the basic

knowledge, reinforces my Visual studio 2005 and SQL

SERVER 2005 learning, but the greatest reward in

this graduation project is not master these door

APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT tools, but to learn the

spirit of mutual help in the way of thinking of the

design system, as well as with the students. (Ms.

DAI Yin, 2012)

ANU Integrated Student Information Management System

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

This incurs such application software designed

for educational establishments to manage student

data. It provides capabilities for entering student

test and other assessment scores, building student

schedules, tracking student attendance as well as

managing many other student-related data needs

within the institution university. Moreover, before

universities have created their own bespoke student

record systems, but with growing complexity in the

business of educational establishments, organization

now chooses to buy customizable within the shelf

software. It can be that this system are usually

server-based, within the application residing on

central computer server and are being accessed by

client applications at various places within and

even outside the school. (Jovel Quilaquil, 2011)

Furtwangen University automated grade inquiry

Furtwangen university offers an automated grade

inquiry service using telephone available at

+49(0)7723 920-1212 around the clock, except between

2.00am and 4.00am. Their system is available in two

lines. They ask callers to hang up once they have

heard their current grades to allow to other

students to use the service. Grades are sorted

according to the dates they were entered to read

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

first the new entries about their grades. To use the

service, the students will need to enter students’

registration number and a four digit Pin using the

telephone keypad. Students can find their four digit

PIN under Meine Noten (My Grades) in the studi-

portal at http://studi-portal.hs-furtwangen .de. The

grade inquiry pin, is not the same as the F card

PIN. If any of the students will want to change

their grades inquiry pin, they are allowed to change

it anytime using telephone. This is how their system

works; first obtain the pin from the student portal

at Then, from

internal university phone, call extension at 1212

free of charge. Nest thing to do id to call + 49(0)

7723 920-1212, if the line is busy, they can try it

dial later. Then, follow the instruction given over

the phone then enter the registration number and

PIN, the press * after each entry. Lastly, grades

entered for the current exam semester will be read

out. (Robert Gerwig, 2012)

College of Albemarle

College of Albemarle online grade inquiry

system needs to log in their websites “campus

cruiser" with user ID and password. Students must

have the school password and provide all the

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

information needed by the system. This system is to

benefit by the students and school administration.

Using this online grade inquiry students can print

their official grades and transcript. Unlike other

school, college of Albemarle online grade inquiry

system, grades are available by viewing online after

faculty submits grades and grades should be posted

within 48 hours after the grades have been

submitted. College of Albemarle online grade inquiry

can locate students with any type of financial

restriction and students cannot view their grades or

even a transcript. (Peck, Dr. Susan, 2013)

Portland University

Portland university online grade inquiry system

is an online grades inquiry which offers an online

view of grade every term. Fall, winter and spring

term. Every term there will be a deadline for

submitting the final grades. After a day students

may already view their grades online. Portland

university online grade inquiry is developed for

faster and easier way of distributing their grades

to students. Students will not be on hurry going to

school just to check out of their grades. All they

need to do id to log in their school websites and

fill out the needed information. Portland university

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

online grade inquiry helps the school to be well

organized in giving grades result by only minimum

effort. (Cary Sneider, Ph.D.,2014)

University of Perpetual Help Delta System

Online grade inquiry provides services to every

concern student to aid the university. Their online

grade inquiry consist not just students grades but

also can check out any pending balance they have, if

any and their subjects student currently have not

taken up yet. Another great thing in their system

is, those two features are updated from time to

time. Having this reason, their student will not

rely on checking their balance by spending much

effort and time going to school. All they need to do

is to access their account and provide needed

information; (last name, student number, and

birthday). (Dr./Bgen Antonio Laperal Tamayo, 2013)

Caraga State University (Ampayon,Butuan City)

The university as an educational institution

organization has a lot of valuable information which

can be provided to students such as grade release,

enrollment information and university announcement.

The Caraga State University SMS based grade inquiry

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

system was proposed to have a more convenient,

faster and easier way of transactions. This study is

concerned on how to provide a service to students

residing in remote areas where internet connection

is not available. Since the text based technology is

one of the popular ways of communication. It also

helps the students access the information in

anytime-anywhere basis at their own convenient time,

money and effort by just typing in at their mobile

phone the keyword together with their ID number and

password. Furthermore, these systems provide a

convenient way of inquiring grade with just press

and send way. The proposed system is offering the

SMS service which can be used by all mobile phones.

The user only sends the SMS to the system and the

system will reply the answer back to the user as a

SMS also. (Ryan D. Carmelotes, 2013)

Far Eastern University Online Grade Inquiry

Far Eastern University Online Grade Inquiry is

an online grading inquiry for those interested

students who wanted to know their grades status.

Students may use this online grade inquiry by

logging in at their school website. Right after the

students enter into the website they need to click

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

the “view grades” and click the “here” button. Then

they also need to enter some specific information

for them to view grades. Far eastern university

online grade inquiry is a big help to the school for

allowing the students to view grades online. Then

this system is also a big help for far eastern

university in dealing students questions about

grades, students are not even obliged in going to

the school just to view grades. (Dr. May Rose C.

Imperial, 2013)



This chapter discuss the research designs and

methodologies used in the study of Bacolod City College

Integrated Student Information System and its



Research Design

In this study the researcher uses two types of

research methods, the descriptive research and

developmental research. Using the descriptive research,

the researcher could easily quantify the need of the

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

school to improve its performance in processing the

enrolment to avoid complains and more problems in the

campus. This methods of research will determine the

efficiency and effectiveness of the Bacolod City College

Integrated Student Management System by utilizing the

both the quantitative and qualitative research

methodologies and using the development of the system.

Descriptive research is a valid method for

researching specific subjects and as a precursor to more

quantitative studies. Whilst there are some valid

concerns about the statistical validity, as long as the

limitations are understood by the researcher, this type

of study is an invaluable scientific tool


On the other hand, Developmental Research has been

defined as the systematic study of designing, developing,

and evaluating instructional programs, processes, and

products that must meet criteria of internal consistency

and effectiveness. Developmental research is particularly

important in the field of instructional technology. The

most common types of developmental research involve

situations in which the product-development process is

analyzed and described, and the final product is

evaluated. [Richey, 1994].

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the students of the

Bacolod City College. These respondents are the direct

and in-direct users or the end-users of the

Table 1.0 shows the summary of Respondents of the


Table 1.0 Summary of Respondents of the Study

Respondents Population

ACT 300

BSIS 313

BSOA 603

BEED 234

BSIT 156


Experts 5

Total 2091

Sample Size

The researcher had used the Slovin’s formula in

determining the given population and the sample size of

this study to acquire the possible outcome of the survey

for the implementation of the Bacolod City College

Integrated Student Management System.

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Slovin's formula is written as:

n = N / (1+Ne^2).


n = the number of samples needed,

N = total population

e = (0.05 or 5% sampling error.

Research Instrument

A research instrument is a data collection tool

designed to gather important data needed by the

researcher. This instrument signifies the importance of

this study. The researcher adapted the research

instrument through an interview and standardized


Interview was conducted from the different

departments such as the Registrars office, Accounting

Office and as well as the Faculty and students who are

the direct users of the system. In line with this, the

standardized questionnaire was utilized to provide the

necessary information for the completion of this study

when answered properly by the selected respondents.

The survey instrument which is a standardized

questionnaire that are used in the study evaluates the

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Bacolod City College Integrated Student Management


The evaluation instruments used in the study were

McCall’s Software Evaluation Criteria for the IT Experts

Evaluation and ISO/IEC 9126-1:2000 Software Quality Model

Characteristics for the users.

The McCall’s Software Quality Model was developed to

assess the relationships between external factors and

product quality criteria. The quality characteristics

were classified into three major types, 11 factors which

describe the external view of the software, 23 quality

criteria which describe the internal view of the

software, and metrics which defined and used to provide a

scale and method for measurement. The number of the

factors was reduced to eleven in order to simplify it

that includes Correctness, Reliability, Efficiency,

Integrity, Usability, Maintainability, Testability,

Flexibility, Portability, Reusability and


The International Organization for Standardization

(ISO) proposed a standard, known as ISO 9126 (ISO, 2001),

that provides a generic definition of software quality in

terms of six main characteristics for software

evaluation. These characteristics for software evaluation

that include: Functionality, Reliability, Usability,

Efficiency, Maintainability and Portability. One of the

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

advantages of this model is to identify the internal and

external quality characteristics of a software product.

Thus, used a five-point scale where 5 as the highest and

1 as the lowest.

Mean Score Verbal Interpretation

4.21-5.00 Excellent
3.41-4.20 Above Average
2.61-3.40 Average
1.81-2.60 Below Average
1.00-1.80 Very Poor

Data Analysis Procedures

After the collection of the data, the researcher

evaluated and tabulated the statistical data for the

analysis and interpretation. The objectives proposed in

the study were tested in the following manner:

To determine the extent of implementation of the

Bacolod City College Integrated Student Management

System. Implementation for each department, the mean was


Likewise, the mean was used to determine the

efficiency of implementation of the Bacolod City College

Integrated Management System in terms of criteria-based

assessment and efficiency measures.


Software Life Cycle Model

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Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

The researcher used the Rapid Application

Development (RAD) model as a software life cycle model

during the development of the proposed system

application. Figure 1.0 illustrate the methodology of the

Rapid Application Development Model.

Figure 2. Rapid Application Development Model

The RAD (Rapid Application Development) model is

based on prototyping model and iterative model where the

phases of the methodology are in a repetition process

until it achieved the desired. The process of writing the

software itself involves the planning required for

developing the product.

The RAD methodology basically focuses on gathering

the user requirements through a focus groups where in

this study includes the Registrar’s office, Accounting

Office together with the cashier and every students and

teachers in each department, early testing of the

prototypes by the end-user that uses iterative concept,

the reuse of the existing prototypes, continuous

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

integration and rapid delivery if the system is already

100% complete.

Software Development Phases

The Software Development Phases for Rapid

Application Development (RAD) includes Requirements

Planning, User Design, Construction, Testing and Cutover.

A. Analysis and Quick Design

The first phase which is Analysis and Quick

Design is where the researcher gathers all the

needed and important requirements from the

respondents or target user that includes Registrar’s

Office, Accounting Office and every department that

will cater the student to do the data entry of

subjects in their respective departments. Interview

has taken place and distribution of questionnaires

that will used as inputs to the Bacolod City College

Integrated Student Management System.

Upon gathering all the requirements that will be

use in this study, a Quick Design for the system has

been done in order to create a visualization of the

interface design and the output of the entire system


User design will now be made, building

prototypes is necessary to demonstrate how effective

will the Bacolod City College Integrated Student

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Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Management System in the objective of the study to

lessen the difficulty of work under registrar and

accounting and other department. Once the prototype

have been demonstrated some refinement of the system

will be applied and build again the system according

to the need of satisfying the objective of the


Testing and implementation will follow, after

the system Bacolod City College Integrated Student

Management System have been test with no errors and

100% functionality then implementation will be done

to Registrar’s Office and Accounting Office and to

every department. The system will be uploaded to the

internet to be access by any department.

Context Flow Diagram

A context diagram is a data flow diagram that only

shows the top level, otherwise known as Level 0. At this

level, there is only one visible process node that

represents the functions of a complete system in regards

to how it interacts with external entities. The context

flow diagram in this study identifies and explains the

process of the Bacolod City College Integrated Student

Management System in order to fully understand the

concept of the system application.

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Student Teacher

Requirements Grade Sheets

& Payments
Grades Student Master List

Payments of Students
Student Accounts

Accounting BCCISMS Cashier

Billing Accounts of Students

Student Academic

True Copy Controlling &

of Grades Maintenance
Registrar Admin

Figure 3. Context Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

The Data Flow Diagram illustrates the overall

explanation and process of the Bacolod City College

Integrated Student Management System in order to for the

user to know its functionality and sequence.

The User such as the students and teachers will

register on the system for the purpose of student

profiling and to view any records needed by the student.

The teacher need to register in order to access and use

the features of the system of data entry and updates of


Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

If the user already registered on the system, then the

user can access anytime anywhere. However, the admin has

the control to deny any user especially when the user is

not anymore connected with Bacolod City College. All of

the department should also register with the permission

of the admin. The department such as the Registrar’s

office and the Accounting office together with the


1.0 1.1 Students 1.2

Student Requirements Requirement Information
Verify s Registration of Take Course
Requirements Student and Subject

Students Couse and
Students Information Subject
2.0 Proof of

Down Payment/
Couse and
Collection of D1 Students Information File
Fees Subject and
Subject and

2.1 Proof of
3.0 3.1
Payment Payment Enroll Course Subject
Cashier Issue Receipt / Subject
and Subjects Schedule

Billing and Subject and

Dues Enrolled Schedule
D2 Students Financial Record
Subject Registrar
Proof of

Enrolment List

D3 Enrollment Master File

Figure 4. Data Flow Diagram

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Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Entity-Relationship Diagram

The Entity-Relationship Diagram illustrates the

relationship between tables and entities that will be

used for the Bacolod City College Integrated Student

Management System.





Subject Schedule

SubjectCode SubjectCode
Description Description
Units Units
Category Category

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Figure 5. Entity-Relationship Diagram

The Entity-Relationship Diagram includes Student

table, Students Accounts, Teachers, enrollment, subject

and schedule. The relationships between its tables was

also identified to avoid redundancy within the database.

System Architecture
Figure 6. System Architecture for Bacolod City College
Integrated Student Management System

The System Architecture for Bacolod City College

Student Management System illustrates the overall process

of the system. The admin will be responsible for the

maintenance of the system such us updating the fix data

such as curriculum and at the same time the security

control in order to make sure no unwanted use could

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

access the system by blocking them. All other department

can connect to the system such as the Registrar in order

to check for the academic records of the student and the

Accounting also to check the accounts of the student. The

cashier will be very busy during enrollment, accessing

the system during the payment will update the data in

Accounting office specifically the students accounts.

The student and teachers can access anywhere as long

as there is an internet connection, however only the

teacher who is currently employed in Bacolod City College

can view and update student records. The student can only

view their academic records and accounts.

User Design Interface

The User Interface Design shows the design of the

Bacolod City College Integrated Student Management

System. It will be improved based on the user needs and


Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Figure 7. Main Screen

Figure 7 shows the Main Screen of the system. The

designated user should go to any part of the menu,

however only the designated user can access some part of

the system.

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Figure 8. Student Log-in Page

Figure 8 shows the student log-in page where the

student will have to access his/her scholastic records.

The initial access on the system will require acquiring

an access code from the admin in or to access the system

for student and create an account. Once the account have

been create the student can view all features that is

allowed to be access by the students such as viewing of

grades, subjects and accounts.

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Figure 9. Student Profiling Page

Figure 9 shows the student profiling page, this is

the page where students need to enter their personal

data. This page is very important to the school for the

school is owned and manage by the government. The school

as a government institution need to monitor the students

profile to check whether the student is from Bacolod City

or not and to determine what barangay is the student


Figure 10. Teachers Sign up Page

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Figure 10 shows the Teachers Sign up Page. The teacher

will select under the teachers menu and at first the

teacher cannot access the system, however the teacher

should get an access code from the admin to initially

access the teacher’s page and create an account. The

teacher can view the student master list and can enter

grades during after the midterm and final exams. The

teacher can make some corrections and update on the time

permitted by the registrar. In some cases, the

registrar’s approval will be needed to make some changes

on the grades.

Figure 11. Teachers Grade entry Page

Figure 11. Teachers Grade entry Page

Figure 11 shows the Teachers Grade entry Page. In

this page the teacher can view the student list of every

section under the teacher’s loading. This page will give

the teacher the chance to enter and modify grades if

necessary due to clerical errors. However, this page will

only give the teacher the specific time to log-on in this

page for security reasons. Teachers who are not permitted

or is not anymore connected with Bacolod City College

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

will no longer have the freedom to access the teacher’s

log-in page.

B. Prototype Cycles (Build, Demonstrate, Refine)

After the Quick Design, has been accomplished

and approved for the output, the researcher will be

able to build the system in accordance to the user

or school needs. In constructing the system, the

developer will undergo a series of iteration from

build, demonstrate the system to the user and refine

the system if the user is not satisfied with the

output of the system application. In line with this,

the developer has the opportunity to complete and

make sure that the system is 100% in functionality.

C. Testing

The Bacolod City College Integrated Student

Management System is ready to undergo testing by a

certain department. After proven that the system is

100% running without errors, then the system should

be test in all department. The overall output of the

system should be 100% running and out of errors in

order to achieve consistency and it means that the

developer meet the requirements and standards of the


Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

D. Implementation

The proposed system Bacolod City College

Integrated Student Management System was developed

using XAMPP and with the use of PHP programming.

The system will run on any window based

operating system. The system will run on a Google

Chrome browser. The system will be uploaded online

to be access by every department.

Indeed internet connection is a need to use and

access the system. However back up procedure should

be implemented in order to secure all the data on

the possibility of server failure.

Hardware Requirements

The proponent had chosen the hardware requirements

that were applicable to the developing and maintenance of

the Bacolod City College Integrated Student Management

System. The system will be accessed by multiple users

through internet with log-in security access to every

part of the system.

For development:

Processor: Intel® CPU N3520 @ 2.16GHz

RAM: 4.0 GB or higher (at least)

For running on a device:

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Processor: Core i3 or higher

RAM: 2.0 GB or higher (at least)

Disk space: 250 GB (at the least)

Software Requirements

The proponent decided to use the following

software requirements for the developing of the Bacolod

City College Integrated Student Management System.

For development:

Operating System: Windows 7 or higher

Software used: XAMPP v3.2.2

For running on a device:

Operating System: Windows 7 or higher



A. Integrated Student Information Management System

(SIMS). (2011, February 2). Retrieved from

B. What is a Context Diagram? (n.d.). Retrieved from

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

C. Online Grade Inquiry . (2014, October 6). Retrieved

from https://
D. Online Enrollment and Administration System .
((2004) retrieved https: //
E. Grading Systems. (2017) retrieved








E-mail Address: _______________________________________________

Instruction: Please put a check mark (√) in the box that

closely represents your choice. Please use the rating
provided below.

Rating Scale
1 = Poor
2 = Fair
3 = Average
4 = Good
5 = Very Good

Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
The ease with which conformance to
standards can be checked
The precision of computations and

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

The degree to which full implementation

of the required function has been
Communication Commonality
The degree to which standards
interfaces and protocols are understood
The compactness of the program in terms
of lines and code
The use of uniform design and
documentation techniques throughout the
software development project

The process of streaming the software
components can be easily identified and
The ease of operation of a
The availability of mechanisms that
control or protect programs and data
The degree to which the source code
provides meaningful documentation
The degree to which the
program/software can be understood
without difficulty
Software System Independence
The degree to which the
program/software is independent of non-
standard programming language features,
operating system characteristics and
other environmental concerns
The ability to trace a design
representation or actual program
component back to requirements
The degree to which the software
assists in enabling new users to apply
the system
The system/software can be easily
controlled and manipulated in terms of
execution, program structure and design
Data Commonality

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

The use of standard data structures and

types throughout the program/software

The software is built from series of
modules and can be tested independently
Error Tolerance
The damage that occurs when a
program/software encounters an error
Execution Efficiency
The run-time performance of a

The degree to which architectural, data
or procedural design can be extended
The breadth of potential application of
program components
Hardware Independence
The degree to which the software is
decoupled from the hardware on which it

The degree to which the
program/software monitors its own
operation and identifies errors that
The functional independence of
program/software components

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental






Name: _____________________________

Age: _____________________________


Instruction: Listed below are the criteria on the evaluation of

end-user of the proposed Bacolod City College Integrated Student
Management System is based on ISO/IEC 9126-1:2000 software
characteristics. Please evaluate and rate carefully each item
and mark check (√) on the box that corresponding to your response
by using the following numerical equivalents.

Rating Scale
1 = Poor
2 = Fair
3 = Average
4 = Good
5 = Very Good

Please rate the Bacolod City College Integrated Student

Management System in terms of the following software

Characteristics and Sub characteristics

Usability Characteristics 1 2 3 4 5
The capability of the system product to enable
the user to understand whether the system is
suitable, and how it can be used for particular
tasks and conditions of use.
The capability of the system to enable the user
to learn its application quickly.

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

The capability of the system to enable the user
to operate and control it with minimal or no
The capability of the system to be liked by the
user because of its user-friendly interface.

Usability compliance
The capability of the system to be understood,
learned, used and liked by the user, when used
under specified conditions.
Functionality Characteristics 1 2 3 4 5
The capability of the system to provide an
appropriate set of functions for specified tasks
and user objectives.
The capability of the system to provide right
or correct results or output.
The capability of the system to prevent
unauthorized access to confidential
information, or to make unauthorized
modifications to information or to deny service
to legitimate users.
Functionality compliance
The capability of the system to provide
functions which meet stated and implied needs
when the system is used under specified
Reliability Characteristics 1 2 3 4 5
The capability of the system to avoid failure
as a result of faults in the system.
Fault tolerance
The capability of the system to maintain a
specified level of performance in cases of
software faults or of infringement of its
specified interface.
The capability of the system to re-establish its
level of performance and recovery from the date
directly affected in the case of a failure.

Reliability compliance
The capability of the system to maintain the
level of performance when used under specified

Efficiency Characteristics 1 2 3 4 5
Time behavior
The capability of the system to provide
appropriate response and processing times and

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

throughput rates when performing its function,

under stated conditions
Resource utilization
The capability of the system to use appropriate
resources in an appropriate time when the system
performs its function under stated conditions
Efficiency compliance
The capability of the system to provide the
required performance, relative to the amount of
resources used, under stated conditions

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental




Presented to

The Faculty of Bachelor of Science

In Information System
Bacolod City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Information System



MARCH 2, 2018

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental



Figure 1. Conceptual Framework ...................... 10

Figure 2. Rapid Application Development ............. 26

Figure 3. Context Flow Diagram ...................... 28

Figure 4. Data Flow Diagram ......................... 30

Figure 5. Entity-Relationship Diagram................ 31

Figure 6. Application Architecture................... 32

Figure 7. Splash Screen ............................. 33

Figure 8. Registration Page ......................... 34

Figure 9. Main User Interface........................ 35

Figure 10.Disaster Preparedness Page................. 36

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Bacolod City, Negros Occidental



Title Page............................................ i
List of Figures ...................................... ii

I. INTRODUCTION .................................... 1
Background of the Study ...................... 1
Objectives of the Study ...................... 2
Scope and Limitations of the Study ........... 4
Significance of the Study .................... 5
Definition of Terms .......................... 7
Conceptual Framework ......................... 9

II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................... 11

RELATED LITERATURE .......................... 11
SOS – An Android Application for Emergencies. 11
Emergency Reporting Using Smartphone......... 12
Emergency Management System Using Android
Application................................ 13
Sagippinoy: A Web and Mobile-Based Philippine
Emergency Quick Response Portal ........... 14

PRIOR ARTS STUDY ............................. 15

Police Scanner .............................. 15
Disaster Alert .............................. 16
bSafe ....................................... 16
Emergency Panic Button ...................... 17
Hazards App by PRC .......................... 18

III. METHODOLOGY ..................................... 20

Research Design .............................. 20

Respondents of the Study ..................... 21
Sample Size .................................. 22
Research Instrument........................... 23
Data Analysis Procedures...................... 25
Software Life Cycle Model...................... 25

Software Development Phases .................... 27

A. Analysis and Quick Design .................. 27

Context Flow Diagram ........................ 28

Republic of the Philippines
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Data Flow Diagram ........................... 29

Entity-Relationship Diagram ................. 31
Application Architecture .................... 32
User Design Interface ....................... 33

B. Prototype Cycles ........................... 36

C. Testing .................................... 37
D. Implementation ............................. 37

Hardware Requirements ......................... 38

Software Requirements ......................... 38

REFERENCES ...................................... 40
Appendix A: Experts Evaluation Using
McCall’s....................... 41
Appendix B: Evaluation Instrument .......... 44


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