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Indian Journal of Chemistry

Vol. 30A, June 1991, pp. 531-535

Separation of boron isotopes by ion exchange chromatography

B K Sharma* & R Subramanian
Chemical Technology Section, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India
Water and Steam Chemistry Laboratory, Applied Chemistry Division, BARC, IGCAR Campus, Kalpakkam, India
Received 14 September 1990; revised and accepted 4 February 1991

Separation of the isotopes of boron by ion exchange chromatography has been studied using
mannitol as a complexing reagent for boric acid. Quadratic regression analysis shows that ~e pH
and the acidity constant (pK.) of 0.1 M boric acid can be related to the concentration of mannitol,
[m], by the relations:

pH = 5.365 - 9.270 [m] + 11.869 [m]2

pK. = 9.124-13.684 [m] + 14.482 [m]2 for 0.0 ~[m]~ 0.5

The values of the single stage separation factor for lOB_liBexchange are found to be 1.0173 and
1.0194 for 0.1 M boric acid in presence of 0.1 M and 0.2 M mannitol. The value of separation fac-
tor for 0.2 M mannitol is similar to the one obtained by reduced partition function ratios for the
reaction, IOB(OHh+ lIB(OH)i ~ IOB(OH)i+ lIB(OHh, indicating thereby that lOBis enriched in the
anionic species. The effects of mannitol concentration on the breakthrough profiles and separation
factor have been studied. The effect of concentration of boric acid (at constant mannitol concentra-
tion of 0.3 M) has also been studied for the resin used. The advantages of mannitol over glycerol are

Boron is known to have two stable isotopes, viz., small amounts of highly enriched material can be
lOBand 11 B with the natural abundance of lOBbe- produced in addition to certain other limitations.
ing 19.8 atom%. The thermal neutron absorption After the original proposal by Martin and Syn-
cross-sections for lOBand liB are 3837 and 0.005 ge8, several workers have studie<t the separation
b~m respectiv.ely whereas natural boron has the of various isotopes by ion exchange chromatogra-
absorption cross-section of 752 bams. Because of phy. Because of various inherent advantages of
its higher neutron absorption cross section, l.oB ion exchange chromatography5, it has become
enriched in some specific compounds is used for possible to use the technique for large scale sepa-
reactor control, neutron fluence monitoring, neu- ration of various isotopes3• Using Amberlite CG-
tron shielding, neutron counting and neutron the- 400-1 anion exchange resin in hydroxyl form,
rapyl,2. Yoneda et aU 9btained the single stage separation
Separation of boron isotopes has been reported factor values of 1.010 and 1.0166 respectively for
by fractional distillation, chemical exchange distil- the separation of boron isotopes in the absence
lation, photo-dissociation of specific .compounds, and presence of glycerol. The increase in separa-
and ion exchange chromatography3'7. -Fractional tion factor in the latter case was attributed to the
distillation and chemical exchange distillation increased acidity of the boric acid. Rossett et aL4
methods have limitations due to (a) the require- and Kakihana f?t a/.6 have studied the separation
ment of operation at low temperature and re- of boron isotopes using strong base anion ex-
duced pressure, (b) associated corrosion problems change resin. It was found4 that the value of se-
and (c) irreversible decomposition of the feed ma- paration factor decreased with an increase in the
terials and their toxic nature. Although photo-dis- concentration of boric acid in the aqueous phase.
sociation method gives relatively high values of This decrease in the value of separation factor
separation factors (~= 2 for lOB separation), only was attributed to the formation of polynuclear


complexe$ of boron called polyborates. The poly- Ionization constant was determined by the pH-
borate fotmation takes place because of Donnan metric titration method. pH measurements were
invasion9 i of boric acid, a weak electrolyte, and carried out using a Metrohm titroprocessor. The
can be avoided by enhancing its ionization. Ioni- electrode was calibrated using potassium hydrog-
zation ca* be increased by using considerably di- en phthalate (pH 4.02), phosphate (pH 6.68) and
lute solujtions, but employing dilute solutions borax (pH 9.18) buffers ..
means higher operational costslO. Thus, some An indigeneously manufactured Tulsion A-27
other me*ns such as complex formation has to be macroporous strong base anion exchange resin
adopted fpr achieving increased ionization of bor- (see Table 1) was used in this study. Chemical an-
ic acid. J)artusek et a/.ll found that the formation
alysis of boric acid was carried out by titration
constant pf boric acid-mannitol complex is much against standard NaOH solution after addition of
highe:r th~n that of boric acid - glycerol complex. mannitol, and its isotopic analysis for lOB/liB ra-
This suggests that mannitol might be a superior tio was carried out by using a Vg Micromass 30
reagent t<)lglycerol for the separation of boron is- BK mass spectrometer having a thermal ioniza-
otopes. 11he present study was undertaken to in- tion chamber and a Daly detector. lIlB/lIB ratio
vestigate this in depth and the results are reported was determined by measuring the peak heights at
in this pal1>er. mass numbers 88 and 89 for sodium memborate
Material~ and Methods ions containing lOB and liB atoms respectively,
AR gr~de chemicals were used in this study. produced by thermal ionization of N azBOz.
Conducti~ity measurements were carried out at To determine the separation factor by the batch
22.0 ± O.rC by using a Philips PP 9042 transmit- method the resin in hydroxyl form (10 mI) was
ter coupled with an Agronix digital panel meter taken in a 125 mI stoppered flask. To this was
and a tetnperature sensor Pt-lOO. The cell con- added 25.0 mI of 0.1 M boric acid solution con-
stant of the cell used was 1.01 em - 1. The demin- taining the required amount of mannitol. The so-
eralized ~ater used in the study had a specific: lution was equilibrated for 10 min with intermitt-
conductivity of 1.51 IlS/cm at 22.0 0c. Boric acid ent shaking of the contents and then the super-
(100 ml, 0.1 M) was taken in a double wallod ves·· nate was discarded. Again 25.0 mI of the fresh
sel and ~annitol solution of appropriate concen·· boric acid solution was added. The above proce-
tration (0.55 M) was added from a burette; con-' dure was repeated 20-25 times to ensure com-
ductivity of the resulting solution was measuredl
r plete isotopic exchange. This resin was then trans-
after mi,qing the two solutions thoroughly. In an·· ferred to the glass column, washed with deminer-
other experiment, the above procedure was re·· alized water and eluted with 0.1 N HCI. The ef-
peatl~d ~sing glycerol instead of mannitol. Solu·· fluent was collected and analysed for isotopic
tions were thoroughly mixed by stirring with a composition by using the mass spectrometer.
magnetic: stirrer throughout the measurements. In a dynamic method, the single stage separa-
The sa~ procedure was followed for pH-metric tion factor was determined by the technique of
measure~ents also. frontal analysis. A· wet resin slurry in hydroxyl
form (100 mI) was taken in a glass column (int.
T~ble I - Characteristic properties of the resin
dia. of 18.1 mm). Feed boric acid solution (0.1 M)
(Tulsion A-n MP)
containing the required concentration of mannitol
Type : Strongly basic (type I) was passed through this column at a constant flow
Chemical Clomposition Polystyrene macroporous rate of 2.7 ml/min. After the boric acid break-
Active gro~ps R-N(CH,)PH through, effluent samples of predetermined vo-
lumes were collected. The feeding of the boric ac-
Degree of ~ross-Iinking
id solution was continued for a sufficient length of
Physical form
time so as to ensure the complete isotopic ex-
Appmx. sdreen grading :Z0-50 mesh USS
change. The collected samples were analysed
Moisture cbntent : 41')';,
chemically for boric acid content and isotopically
Total capahty : 1.0 meq/ml for lOB/llB ratio.
pH range i : 0-14
Results and Discussion
Vana:lion Ofvolume : CI to OH form: 9.03'X,
The process of boron isotope separation by ion
OH - to borate form: 1.0°;;,
exchange chromatography can be summarised in
terms of the following three steps.



(A) Loading of the resin by mannitol-borate com- ity of a boric acid solution upon addition of man-
plexanion nitol can be considered to occur in two steps: the
ionization of boric acid, BH ~ H+ + B -, followed
R - OH + BMH ....•R - BM + H20 by formation of some complex(es) upon addition
of mannitol, B - + nM ~ BM;. The oveIall reac-
(B) Displacement of the band with He/; tion .as monitored by conductivity measurements
In this case two reactions occur: (i) chemical ex- can be written as:
change at the front boundary (i.e. reaction (A))
and isotopic exchange reaction throughout the BH + nM ~ BM; + H+ ... (1)
band, i.e.,
According to the above reactions, formation of
complex anions takes place alongwith the release
of H+ ions; therefore, the conductivity of the sys-
and (ii) at the rear end of the band, tem increases considerably as the complex forma-
tion takes place, the increase in conductivity being
R - BM + HCI ....•R - CI + BMH much more in the case of mannitol compared to
that in the case of glycerol. pH measurements
(C) Regeneration of the resin to hydroxyl form: were also carried out to monitor the release of
H+ ions during the complex formation. The dec-
R - CI + NaOH ~ R - OH + NaCI rease in pH was much more in the case of manni-
tol addition compared to that in the case of gly-
where R represents cationic resin network and cerol. A quadratic regression analysis showed that
BMH represents mannitol-boric acid complex. for 0.1 M boric acid, pH of the solution could be
The reactions (A) and (B) are fast and favour- related to the concentration, [m], of mannitol by
able because: (i) the affinity of the anion exchange the equation:
resin is higher for the mannitol-borate complex
compared to that for the hydroxyl ions, (ii) the af- pH = 5.365 - 9.27 [m] + 11.869 [mJ2 ... (2)
finity of the resin for chWflde ions is higher com-
pared to that for the mannitol-borate complex\ where 0.0 ~ [m] ~ 0.5.
and (ill) H+ ions and mannitol-borate anions as- To see the effect of mannitol concentration on
sociate to form less dissociated acid, and H + and the increase in the ionization constant of boric ac-
OH- ions neutralize to yield water. id, solutions of boric acid containing different
Since the single stage separation factor has been
found7 to increase with the increase in the acidity
of the boric acid, an attempt was made in the
present study to increase the acidity of boric acid
by addition of mannitol as a complexing reagent.
The increase in acidity was monitored by record-
ing the conductivity of 0.1 M boric acid after the
successive addition of appropriate amounts of
mannitol solution and the values were compared
.,.0 8.00
with those obtained with glycerol under ident- ""

ical conditions. A drastic increase in conductivity

of the solution was observed on the addition of
mannitol whereas the increase with the addition
of glycerol was not that much appreciable.
It is reported12 that cis-diols fOfQl 1:1 and 2:1
mole ratio complexes with borate ion. The 1:1
complex is formed with the removal of two water 6·00
molecules in a reaction between a polyol mole- 1
cule and a borate ion, while the 2:1 complex is 5.001 I I I I I I
formed by the removal of four water molecules in o 1·0 2·0 3'0 "'0 S-O


a reaction between two polyol molecules and a
borate ion. It is established12 that mannitol (M) Fig. 1 - Ionization constant of 0.1 M boric acid at different
reacts only with borate (B -). The increase in acid- mannitol to boron ratios.


concentr*ions of mannitol were prepared and where Xr and Xs are the mole fraction of lOB in
ionizatiori constant of the mannitol-boric acid the resin and solution phase respectively. The da-
complex r-vas determined using the pH-metric ti- ta obtained are ploited in Fig. 3 which shows that
tration ~thod. The values so obtained are pre- the separation factor decreases as the concentra-
sented inl Fig. 1. It can be noted that the pKa of tion of boric acid is increased at constant manni-
the manriitol-boric acid is related to the concen- tol concentration. This is in consonance with the
tration ofimannitol by the relation, observation of Rosset et al.4• However, the effect
pK. ,= 9.1~4 -13.684 [m] + 14.482 [mF ... (3) is less pronounced compared to that observed by
these authors in the case of pure boric acid indi-
where 0.0 ~ (m] ~ 0.5.
cating thereby that polynuclear complex forma-
The islotopic exchange separation factor was
determinfd by the method described by Kakihana 20·00

et al.6• F~om the experimentally obtained data fot"

0.1 M i boric acid in presence of 0.1 M
and 0.2 M mannitol (Fig. 2), the values of

separatiob factor were determined by the equa··

tion, ,~rn
K = 1.0 + Ci.Yi.(Ro - Ri) o
... (4) •• 19·60
Q.Ro.(1.0- Ro) ~
where Yi = volume of the sample collected, ...

Ci = mol~rity of boric acid, Ri and Ro = mole

fractionsl of lOB in the ith sample and feed solu- MANNIlOL=0·1M *-*
tion resPectively, and Q = capacity of the resin co-
lumn ..
The sfparation factor values obtained (1.0173 19·20

and 1.0~94) are higher compared to the reported

value of! 1.0166 obtained in the case of glycerol
addition'to boric acid7• The value of separation
factor iq presence of 0.2 M mannitol is compar-
able to t.he one calculated based on the reduced
partitioJ function values2 for the reaction,
o 30-0

Fig. 2 - Breakthrough profiles during loading of the resin with

0.1 M boric acid containing (A): 0.1 M mannitol and (B): 0.2

I t


IOB(OH)b+ llB(OH),;- ;=!. lOB(OH),;-+ IlB(OH)3
.... (5)

The breakthrough becomes sharper and the

front bo~mdary is more depleted of the lighter is- '019

otope $ the concentration of mannitol is in-

creased;. this leads to the enrichment of lOBin the
anionic species in the resin phase. This also con-
firms th~ effect of mannitol on the separation fac- u 0
w If)
i= 1·017
tor, i.e.,! the isotopic equilibrium is reached fast~:r
when K, is higher. Hence, with the increase in the
concenttation of mannitol the value of the singIe

ment with
stage separation
the increase
factor increases.
in ionization
in agree-
as confirmed from ionization constant measure-
ments (Fig. 1).
The Mfect of concentration of boric acid on se- 1·013
paratiod factor was determined by the batch
methodP. The mannitoi concentration was fixed
at 0.3 M. The value of separation factor was cal- "0'" I I I I I I I I I I
o 0·10 020 0 ·30 0,40 0·50
culated!by the equation:

Xr.q -Xs)
K=--L~--- ... (6) Fig. 3 - Variation of separation factor with concentration of
(1-'" Xr). Xs boric acid.


11II1''1111,,"''1 !

(i) Similar increase in ionization constant of

boric acid can be obtained by a very small con-
centration, viz., 0.10 M of mannitol compared to
the requirement of 1.62 ·M glycerol. Mannitol be-
ing a solid, requires no storage facilities as re-
quired in the case of glycerol and the required
amount can be accurately weighed and directly
added to the boric acid solution.
(ii) Because of higher value of isotopic ex-
0: a: change separation factor, the breakthrough pro-
f2 u
1Il 1·016
files are sharper and isotopic equilibrium is
~ ,,014 reached faster.
(ill) The problem of polyborate formation is re-
duced because of the tendency of mannitol to
form 1:1 complex with the borate anion by de-
composing the polynuclear ions to mononuclear
ones 14.

The authors are grateful to Shri S R Paranjpe,
1- Director, IGCAR for his keen interest during the
1'OlOf I I I I I ~ I J

o 0·6 1·2 1·8 2·4 J·O course of the present· investigation and to Dr.
c.K. Mathews, Head, Radiochemistry Programme
Fig. 4 - Variation of separation factor for 0.1 M boric acid at for providing necessary facilities for isotopic ana-
different mannitol to boron ratios. lyses.

tion is less pronounced in the present case. The
1 Sharma B K, Subramanian R & Mathur P K, Indian J
observed higher value of the isotopic exchange se- Chern, 30A(1991)66.
paration factor in the presence of mannitol com- 2 Kakihana H, Kotaka M, Satoh S, Nomura M & Okamato
pared to that reported by Yoneda et al:13 in the M, Bull chem Soc Japan, 50 (1977) 158.
presence of glycerol indicates that the formation 3 Sharma B K, Separation of boron isotopes by ion ex-
change chromatography, M. Phil. Disser., Punjabi Uni-
of polynuclear complexes of boron in the present
versity, Patiaia, 1986.
system is much less pronounced. This may be at- 4 Rosset R, Fould H, Chemla M, Labrousse H, Hure J &
tributed to the higher tendency of mannitol to TremillonB, Bull Socchim France, (1964) 607.
form 1:1 complexes with horate anions by decom- 5 Tremillion B, Bull Soc chim France, (1958) 502.
posing the polyborate anions14• 6 Kakihana H & Aida M, Bull Tokyo Inst Tech, 90 (1969)
The effect of mannitol: boron ratio on the se-
7 Yoneda Y, Uchijima T & Makishima M, J phys Chern, 63
paration factor has been studied by the batch (1959) 2057.
method13• The separation factor increased15 as 8 Martin A J P & Synge R L M, Biochem J, 35· (1941)
this ratio was increased from 0 to 2.0. Beyond 1358.
this value no appreciable effect was observed by 9 Riemen W III & Walton H F, Ion exchange in analytical
chemistry (Pergamon Press, New York), 1970,30.
increasing the concentration of mannitol (Fig. 4). 10 ChakrabortyT, Rep RCS/BT-4 (1980).
This behaviour may also be attributed to the 11 Sprta F & Bartusek M, Chemia, 3 (1973) 91.
tendency of mannitol to form 1:1 and 2:1 mole 12 KnoeckJ & Taylor) K,Analyt Chern, 41 (1969) 1730.
ratio complexes by decomposing polynuclear bor- 13 Sharma B K & Subramanian R, Symposium' on radi-
ate anions. ochemistry & radiation chemistry, IGeAR, Kalpakkam,
1989, paper ST-03.
Apart from achieVing the higher value ,of iso- 14 Paal T, Acta chem hung (Budapest), 91 (1976) 393.
topic exchange separation factor in this process 15 Sharma B K, Subramanian R & Mathur P K, Symposium
by using mannitol as the complexing reagent, fol- on radiochemistry & radiation chemistry, Nagpur, 1990,
lowing are the distinct advantages of this process: . paper AL.41.


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