Vocation Club: Binangonan Catholic College

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Binangonan Catholic College

Libid, Binangonan Rizal

A.Y. 2018-2019
“The more we pray, the more we’ll know God.
The more we know God, the more we trust in Him.
The More we Trust Him, the More we Hope in Him
And Surrender our Life to Him” -by Dr. Rick Sarkisian

The official vocation club in the Secondary Department of

Binangonan Catholic College

Article I
Official Name of the Club
The official name of the club is Vocation Club

Article II
The Official Club Logo
The club formed a logo in able to symbolize the goal, purpose and objectives of the said group.
These are the icons with their respective significances:
Cross- it symbolizes the “Christ-centeredness” of the organization
Praying Hand- signifies the prayerful life that we have to manifest and replicate.
Chalice with Host, Bible, Couple Ring and Stall- this symbolizes and signifies the
different types of vocation.
Chalice with Host and Stall- for the priest and nuns and also for lay people to
participate actively in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Bible- is for the single blessed, lay faithful who wants to serve God and proclaim the
Good News.
Face of Jesus- it means that all of us must follow Jesus. We must deny ourselves, carry
our own crosses and follow Jesus.
Palm- signifies the life of the saints to be manifested and be a role model of being a
Christian who called in holiness. Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.
The Will of God is the Will of the People- it means that God has a plan in each of us
and we must follow what is really the plan of God for us.

Article III
The Vocation
The Latin word from which we get vocation is vocātiō, which means “calling.” In Christian
vernacular, vocation refers to God’s call on someone’s life to something he is particularly gifted
in or drawn to. Use of the word "vocation" before the sixteenth century referred firstly to the
"call" by God to an individual, or calling of all humankind to salvation, particularly in
the Vulgate, and more specifically to the "vocation" to the priesthood, or to the religious life,
which is still the usual sense in Roman Catholicism. Roman Catholicism recognizes marriage,
single life, religious, and ordained life as the four vocations. The idea of vocation is central to the
Christian belief that God has created each person with gifts and talents oriented toward specific
purposes and a way of life. In the broadest sense, as stated in the Catechism of the Catholic
Church, "Love is the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being" (CCC 2392).

Article IV
Objectives/ Purposes/ Aims for the Club
 To guide the youth to discern in their own vocation.
 To promote vocation awareness.
 Help to grow and strengthens the faith and closeness to God.
 To live a life in accordance to the life lived by the saints.
 To yield and mold a more discipline and Christ centered youths.
 To live with truth and purity.
 To volunteer themselves in any way, most especially to the catechetical ministry in the
 To support the needs of the Church like: Pondo ng Pinoy, Voluntary Contributions for the
faithful departed and etc.
 To call for the members to participate in the daily prayers of Vocation Club.
 To follow Jesus’ words and deeds through serving others.

Article V
The Prerequisites of Membership
Whoever wishes to join in the club he/she must follow the prerequisites in order to become an
official member of the club:
 He/She must be a Binangonan Catholic College (BCC) student.
 He/She attends “Always” the orientations, activities and the meetings of the club.
 He/She must be present at the “Daily Prayers of Vocation Club Members”
o Before going to School (6:20 am) @ Sta. Ursula Parish Church
o Every Rosary (Pray for Vocations)
o Angelus
o Divine Mercy
o Group Prayer @ Adoration Chapel (2:30-3:30 pm)
o 8’oclock pm (Vocation Prayer)

Article VI
Student Membership
The students who successfully passed the given prerequisites for memberships must acquire the
following terms:
 Membership Fee Php. 10.00 only.
 Official shirt club with printed Logo.

Article VII
Parochial Involvement
The club does releases Parochial Involvement certificates. The release of the said certificate will
always be 2 ½ or 3 weeks before the end of each quarter. The following are the criteria to
observe in attaining high points:
Attendance= 10
Performance= 12
Behavior= 13
Consistency= 15
Total= 50

Article VIII
The Rules and Regulations
Section 1: The General Rule and exercises as well as General Business Meetings of the Club.
 Avoid non-sense chats with the members to avoid distractions during meetings/activities.
 Be on or before the time of the meeting.
 A member should observe 80% of attendance. In times of late arrivals and absence, the
member should present a good and valid excuse.
 If the member did not attend for ten (10) consecutive days, automatically the member
will be terminated.
 As part of the financial support of the club, any amount will be collected by the Treasurer
every meetings or activities, for the upcoming expenses of the club.

Article IX
For the members who disobey the rules and regulations of the club will be given terms:
1st Offense: A closed door conversation between the member (Mild Warning)
2 Offense: Another schedule of meeting in which the club adviser will be called to
settle the problems faced by the young members. (Serious Warning)
3 Offense: Official termination out of the club.

The club members are oblige to apply the “ALL FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST” values
at all times.
A- ssiduous Studies L- ove for the Eucharist J- ustice & Peace
L- ove of God O- rderliness & E- xcellence
L- ove of Prayer Cleanliness S- ervice
V- eracity (Piety) U- nity
F- ortitude E- mphaty S- olidarity
O- bedience
R- esponsibility O- penness C-harity
F- aith H- ope
T- emperance R-espect
H- umility I-ntegrity
E- nvironmental Care S-implicity of Mary
T- ruthfulness

Prepared by:

Ms. Ramela Gene. C. Seva

Munting Disipulo Adviser
A.Y. 2018-2019

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