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Nakshatras, Females and Sexual Behaviour

First, let it be understood, that women must be divided into eight classes of temperament. These are:-

1. Devasatva-stri
2. Munushyasatva-stri
3. Nagasatva-stri
4. Gandharvasatva-stri
5. Bootasatva-stri
6. Yakshasatva-stri
7. Arakkiasatva-stri
8. Pisachasatva-stri

The Devasatva-stri, who belongs to the Gods, is cheerful and lively, pure-bodied and clean, with
perspiration perfumed like the lotus-flower; she is clever, wealthy and industrious, of sweet speech and
benevolent, always delighting in good works; her mind is sound as her body, .nor is she ever tired or
displeased by her friends.
The Devasatva-stris are born in any of the following four stars:
2. Anuraadha

Those who are born under the star U.Phalguni/Uthraphalguni:

They are beautiful and perfect in the physical appearance. They are very firm in their principles and they
are woman of good character.

Those who are born under the star Anuraadha:

These woman have faces like flowers(Lotus). They have long noses,big eyes,fertile breasts and a body
with a sweat smell. They are very affectionate and child like in their utterances.

Those who are born under the star Shraavan:

The Thiruvonam woman is fair in complexion and fond of wealth. She has knowledge as well as love.
Though she gets angry frequently, she has a tender heart. She is much attached to her husband.

Those who are born under the star U.Bhadra/Uthrabhadra:

The appearance of The Devasatva-stri resembles that of a statue. Her face is pleasing as the full moon;
her body, well clothed with flesh, is soft as the Shiras or mustard-flower; her skin is fine, tender and fair
as the yellow lotus, though resembling, in the effervescence and purple light of her youth, the cloud
about to burst. Her eyes are bright and beautiful as the orbs of the fawn, well-cut, and with red-dish
corners. Her bosom is hard, full and high; her neck is goodly shaped as the conch-shell, so delicate that
the saliva can be seen through it; her nose is straight and lovely, and three folds or wrinkles cross her
middle, about the umbilical region.She walks with swan-like gait, and her voice is musical as the note of
the Kokila-bird; she delights in white raiment, in fine jewels, and in rich dresses. She eats little, sleeps
lightly and, being as respectable and religious as she is clever and courteous, she loves her husband very
much is ever anxious to worship the gods, and to enjoy the conversation of Brahmans. Such, then, is the

How to have sex with the Devasatva-stri woman:

These women are fond of taking bath in hot water.They like pure white dress and sweat fragrances.
They prefer delicious dishes.
While having sex with this type of woman, her head must be on the East side.Before having sex,
importance must be given to foreplay.The man must converse with her, using pleasant words.Her dress
must be gently removed and she should be praised with regard to her physical beauty. The man must
kiss on the head and lick the complete body. If a man has sex bearing in mind all these , she can easily be

The Munushyasatva-stri, who belongs essentially to humanity, delights in the pleasures of friendship
and hospitality. She is respectable and honest, her mind is free from guile, and she is never wearied of
religious actions, vows, and penances.
Those who are born under the following four stars are considered Munushyasatva-stri . The stars are:

Those who are born under the star Hasta:

These women are fond of being very honest and faithful.They have very fleshy breasts and they are
always happy.Their eyes are very attractive.Being experts in communication,they always give positive
strokes to others.Because of her good character, she leads a wealthy life.

Those who are born under the star Ardra:

These women have dense hair in their private parts.She loves the people belonging to her
community.She is very obedient to her husband and serves him happily.She is known for her sweet
words and a deep heart.
Those who are born under the star Rohini:
This women has a beautiful and shining physique,free from any kind of defect. She is short tempered
and is likely to be attracted by other men. The beast in her may dominate her way of life. She has very
big and fatty breasts.

Those who are born under the star Mrigasira:

These women are black in color and their mouths are very big. As she is not merciful , she doesn't help
others. She is not afraid of villainous deeds and she has no love. She is snobbish in her behavior. She has
unusually big breasts.

How to have sex with the Munushyasatva-stri woman.

These women are fond of red colored dress and sweets. She sleeps in the morning. She is also fond of
perfumes. She would like to have sex with the men, who approach her with lust.
While having sex with her , the man must see to it that her head is placed on the North East. The man
must embrace her tightly , caress the lower part of her stomach, kiss her organs and then have sex with
her. In addition to this , the man must gently bite her lips and have a pleasant conversation while having
sex with her. The man must be able to feel her anger and on finding the signs of her anger. He must
tactfully talk to her and remove her dresses completely. Her vagina must be gently caress. The 69
positions can satisfy both the partners.

Those who are born under the following four stars are considered Nagasatva-stri . The stars are
4. P.Shada/Poorvashaada

Those who are born under the star Swati:

These women posses very beautiful bodies. The hands and legs are well-structured. Their breasts are
free from defects. They are fond of eating fish and meat.

Those who are born under the star Vishaakha:

The hands of these women are a little longer than those of other women. Their breasts and hands are
fatty. Having no mercy for others , they may indulge in harmful deeds.

Those who are born under the star Ashlesha:

This women is generally inconsiderate. She is very proud and cunning. She may be even ready to lose
her chastity. In short, her character is very doubtful.
Those who are born under the star P.Shada/Poorvashaada:
This women is very thin physically. Her thighs and toes are very big. Her hip is very small and her words
are very sweet.

How to have sex with the Nagasatva-stri woman.

These women are fond of black dress. They are interested in applying sandal paste to their body. Her
head must be placed on the south at the time of sex. The man must talk to her for a long time and gently
massage her head. On no account should a man offend her. At the time of sex, her private part must be
in a raised position. The man by using his teeth and nails must caress the complete body of this woman.
The man must continue his sexual activities till she is completely satisfied.

Those who are born under the following three stars are considered Gandharvasatva-stri . The stars are

Those who are born under the star Ashwini:

This women has cone like breasts. Fair complexion and curly hair are their characteristics. Their hands
and legs are thin. They have well ordered teeth and their language is very sweet. They are also
offectionate towards their husbands.

Those who are born under the star Dhanishta:

These women have big eyes and they are soft-spoken. To some extent, they are proud. She is sincere in
her love towards her relatives.

Those who are born under the star Shathabhisha:

Long eyebrows mark the quality of these women. They have stoud breasts. They know the mind of other
women. They are so fond of sex that they give complete satisfaction to men.

How to have sex with the Gandharvasatva-stri woman.

At the time of sex, the head of woman must be placed on the south-west. The man must gently press
the female organ. He must bite the lips and through a deep kiss must exchange the saliva. These women
are fond of sex in an embraced position. At the time of sex, both her legs should be in a raised position.
The man must kiss her head,nose,eyes and then have sex.
Those who are born under the following three stars are considered Bootasatva-stri . The stars are

Those who are born under the star Moola:

These women have short hair and unattractive breasts. As they lack knowledge, they are always
talkative. They are not cooperative in sex. Moreover, they are impolite towards elders.

Those who are born under the star Revati:

The eyes of these women come out even when they have small quarrels with their husbands. They have
very big and unshapely physique. Their words revealed their immaturity. They don't know what is right
and what is wrong. Even when the husband is affectionate, she may not give a proper response.

Those who are born under the star P.Phalguni/PoorvaPhalguni:

The heels of these women are a bit raised. She has long hair. She is fond of intoxicating drinks. In
addition to this, she creates problem through gossiping.

How to have sex with the Bootasatva-stri woman.

These women are fond of red colored dresses. They usually take ghee,milk,meat and fish. At the time of
sex, her head must be placed on the west. When a man wants to have sex with this type of women, both
of them must become naked and have sex in the standing posture. She enjoys her breasts being
caressed at the time of sex.

Those who are born under the following three stars are called Yakshasatva, these are :
1. Chitra
2. Magha
3. Bharani

Those who are born under the star Chitra:

These women have small hips,well arranged teeth and rosy lips. They have great love for scholars. They
are very careful about not sharing her property. They are highly cooperative in sex and give maximum
satisfaction to their partners.
Those who are born under the star Magha:
These women have great concern for others. They carry out the errands given by others with minute
care. They never indulge in gossips. They can attract even the god of love Manmathan.

Those who are born under the star Bharani:

They are very beautiful in their physical structures. With great love, they take care of their partners. At
the time of sex, they are very particular about having mutual satisfaction.

How to have sex with the Yakshasatva-stri woman.

These women are fond of applying sandal paste all over their bodies and they have great love for
fragrant flowers. They like adding milk and ghee to their food. They are also fond of blue colored
dresses. When they see the women, they like,they tightly embrace them. They are also disrespectful
towards others. At the time of sex, their heads must be placed on the south-west. Men must fix their
body on these women properly, squeeze their dress,shower kisses on them and have sex in order to
satisfy them. They would like to talk about matters connected with sex at the time of intercourse.

Those who are born under the following three stars are called Arakkiasatva-stri, these are :
1. Krittika
2. Jyestha
3. P.Bhadra/Poorvabhadra

Those who are born under the star Krittika:

These women have neither love nor grace. They are likely to be unfaithful to their husbands. They are
highly unpredictable and so no one knows what they like and when they will become angry. They are
black in color.

Those who are born under the star Jyestha:

These women have long and dense hair. They are never frank. They may praise some in their presence
but they may speak ill of them in their absence.

Those who are born under the star P.Bhadra/Poorvabhadra:

These women no affection for any one. Their dress are likely to be very big. Further they are never
ashamed of anything.

How to have sex with the Arakkiasatva-stri woman.

These women are fond of bearing fragrant flowers and pleasant perfumes. They like milk and meat.
They have long and short eyes. At the time of sex, the head of the women must be placed on south-east
. Men must squeeze their breasts and tightly embrace them. Afterwards, they must lick the entire body
including the private part. Men must also caress all the parts of the body and try to satisfy the women
by using their fingers. After this foreplay, it is better to have sex with these women.

Those who are born under the following three stars are called Pisachasatva-stri, these are :

Those who are born under the star Punarvasu:

These women are fond of sleeping all the time. They are not interested in enjoying life or eating. Their
minds are free from desire,fear and cunningness. They give much importance to their husband and lead
a totally dependent life.

Those who are born under the star Pushya:

These women have very thin thighs and legs. Their bodies are also thin. They have black hair, big eyes
and round breasts. These women are some what beautiful and their languages is likely to be foul.

Those who are born under the star U.Shada/Uthrashaada:

These women prove to be great liars. They have no fear and the same time no love for others. They are
happy , when their breasts are squeezed. They are much interested in talking about themselves all the

How to have sex with the Pisachasatva-stri woman.

These women are fond of brown silk materials. They have a great liking for sandal and incense sticks.
They like meat and fish. At the time of sex, the head must be placed on the North East. Men must paste
their lips, hold them in a tight embrace and then gently lick the whole body in addition to leaving marks
of the nail. After these foul pay, the man must insert his organ at the right time and make her to reach
the climax.

Posted 21st December 2012 by Shri Krishna

Nakshatras and Love
By Manisha Rathore
We all know our sunsigns, but do you know that there is a more intricate, in-depth and
interesting classification of the sunsigns based on nakshatras? Vedic astrology divides
the year into 27 individual nakshatras or star signs, which will give a more accurate
profile of the individual, as each nakshatra spans only 14-15 days. For example, a
person's sunsign may be Aries, but in Aries he could be an Ashwini, Bharini or
Krittika. What this means is that along with the qualities of Aries one will have some
unique qualities due to the nakshatra, which will differentiate him/her from other

There are two /three nakshatras in every sign of the zodiac. Some nakshatras spill over
two signs. For example, a person born in the first part of Krittika will be an Arian and
the latter part, a Taurean. Knowing your or your loved ones' nakshatra will give you
an insight into their character, temperament and emotional patterns. Each and every
nakshatra has its own characteristic features, symbols, animal and alphabets or special
consonants for birth names.

Here is a glimpse into the mystical world of Nakshatras and the romantic
compatibility perspective:

Ashwini (Aries - March 21-31) · The first nakshatra is ruled by Ketu; the symbol of
this nakshatra is the horse's head. These people are extremely good-looking, powerful
and bright. Martial by temperament they are very honest, action-oriented and self-
motivated. They always keep on chasing some dream or the other. Dynamism, action
and speed are the hallmarks of their personality.

Love and Romance · In relationships, these people look for someone who understands
them and is like-minded. Idealistic and freedom loving, they need someone who will
give them unconditional love. The perfect partner for them is Bharini, and they get
along well with Pushya, Ashlesha, Swati, Sravana and Revati.

Bharini (Aries - March 31-April 13) · Ruled by the aesthetic and good-looking
Venus, these people like all the good things in life and are sensation driven. The
symbol of this nakshatra is yoni (female sexual organ). They have a pronounced
creative and artistic side and they admire all forms of beauty and art. Pleasant, fun-
loving and warm, they are goal-oriented and eternal seekers.

Love and Romance · These people are very sensual and dedicated to the partner and
what they look for in love is commitment. Their ideal partner is someone who shares
with them their vision of life. Loving and caring, they are very persistent in love.
Ashwini is the best partner for them and they get along well with Punarvasu, Swati,
Uttarashadha and Shravana also.

Krittika (Aries - April 13-20 / Taurus - April 21-27) · This nakshatra spans two
signs and is ruled by the powerful Sun; whereas the first part of it falls in Aries, the
latter part falls in Taurus. Fiery, warm and powerful their symbol is the razor.
Depending on when one is born, people born in the first part are very martial and
warrior-like in temperament, whereas those born in the latter are more calm, patient
and gentle in temperament.

Love and romance · These people are very warm and passionate and there is a certain
intensity about them. Those in love with them have to be able to cope with their
charged and volatile temperament. They get along best with Jyestha and some other
signs which get along well with them are Krittika, Pushya and Sathabisha.

Rohini (Taurus - April 27-May 11) · This nakshatra is ruled by the Moon and the
symbol is a chariot. This combination of Moon and Venus (lord of Taurus) makes
these people extremely attractive, good-looking and magnetic. They have a deep
emotional nature and are charming, sensitive and emotional. Commitment and
dedication are what endear them to their loved ones. By temperament these people are
truthful, pious, soft-spoken and gentle.

Love and Romance · They are very sensitive and romantic. They need love to thrive
and survive. Emotional and expressive, they seek perfection in the loved one and an
ideal life partner. They give their whole-hearted and unconditional love and are
extremely dedicated and devoted to the loved one. Anuradha is the perfect partner for
them and they also get along well with Mrigshira, Pushya , Satabhisa and

Mrigshira (Taurus - May 11-21 / Gemini - May 22-25) · Ruled by the dynamic and
fiery Mars, the symbol of this nakshatra is the head of the dear. The first part of the
nakshatra is in Taurus and the remaining in Gemini. These people are quick-witted,
witty, good orators, very optimistic, wealthy and fond of luxury. Those born in the
first part have characteristics like stability and dedication whereas those born in the
last two quarters are more creative, versatile and changeable.

Love and Romance · These people are extremely passionate and romantic and seek a
partner who is an equal, on the same emotional and spiritual wavelength. They believe
in soul-mates and only the right person can trigger all the hidden passion and romance
in their soul. Their bond is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of relationship. Hasta is the
perfect partner and they also get along well with Revathi, Aridra and Rohini.
Aridra (Gemini - May 25-June 8) · Ruled by Rahu, the symbol of this nakshatra is
the head, symbolising intellect. These people are intelligent, versatile and are
immensely popular. They are attracted to all kinds of communication activities and
are extremely versatile. They are the intellectual warriors. However, Rahu makes
them secretive and nobody can make out what is going on in their mind.

Love and Romance · Loving and devoted, these people are very complex emotionally.
Though they give hundred percent in any relationship, they expect the same. But as
they are ruled by Rahu, they can be whimsical and strange at times and may find it
difficult to differentiate between illusion and reality when it comes to love. They get
along well with Mrigshira, Swati, Purvashadha and Revati.

Punarvasu (Gemini - June 8-21 / Cancer - June 21) · Ruled by the planet of
wisdom, the benevolent Jupiter, this nakshatra also spills over the last part of Gemini
and the beginning of Cancer. The symbol is a bow. These people are optimistic and
have the power to achieve whatever they choose in their life. Generally wealthy and
prosperous, nothing keeps them low for long and they have a tremendous ability to
bounce back.

Love and Romance · Caring and happy, these people are always very popular with the
opposite sex and there are too many contenders vying for their attention and love. For
them, this is a very natural state of being and this can be irksome to their partner or
loved one. But those who love them have to come to terms with it. They best get
along with Bharini and Pushya.

Pushya (Cancer - June 22-July 5) · Ruled by the hard taskmaster Saturn, they have
an intrinsic thirst for knowledge. They are plodding, sincere, dedicated, hard-working
and extremely patient. The word Pushya means flower, which is the symbol of this
nakshatra. Saturn gives them success only after trying them for worthiness. Hence
people born in this nakshatra have to face hardships in the early part of their life and
they start achieving success from their mid-twenties.

Love and Romance · These people are shy, reserve and restrained when it comes to
expressing their feelings. Those in love with them will find it extremely difficult to
communicate with them in the initial stages of the relationship. It takes them time to
open up and have a comfort level with the loved one. They get along very well with
Ashwini and Ashlesha.

Ashlesha (Cancer - July 5-23) · Ruled by Mercury, the planet of intelligence, the
symbol of Ashlesha is the serpent. They are youthful and charming in appearance.
They have a penetrating insight and power to look deep inside people and understand
their motivation or what goes on in their mind. They are very tactful and know how to
win their opponents through tact.

Love and Romance · Very possessive and demanding in love, these people want to be
the centre of their partner's life or universe. They expect and demand hundred percent
love and if they for any reason feel that they are being ignored or meted indifferent
treatment they become miserable. Loyalty, love and affection give them emotional
security. Pushya and Ashwini are good partners for Ashlesha.

Magha (Leo - July 24-August 2) · Ruled by the spiritual planet Ketu, which signifies
Tapasya or relentless efforts towards self awareness, these people are always striving
towards perfection. The symbol is a palanquin and the lord of Leo is the Sun, which
signifies the power, radiance and authority that is the hallmark of Magha personality.
These people, in whatever capacity they work, have it in them to reach the top through
continuous efforts.

Love and Romance · These people have a big ego and great expectations when it
comes to choosing a life partner or relationships in general. Very idealistic, they have
a fixed notion in their head about how they would like their partner to be and as a
result have to search long and hard to find the right person. The ideal partner for them
is Jyestha and they also get along well with Poorvaphalguni and Magha.

Poorvaphalguni (Leo - August 2-16) · The ruler of this nakshatra is the graceful and
creative Venus and these people have a graceful appearance and an inbred sense of
dignity and self-respect. Soft spoken, generous, good-looking and charismatic, they
are invariably lucky and attract good fortune. They are straightforward people and do
not like underhand dealings. Their symbol is the fireplace.

Love and Romance · Ruled by Venus, these people are very loving and
accommodating by temperament and hence they are very happy and successful in
their relationships. They are committed and adjusting and the happiness of their loved
one is their prime concern. Hence they are very lucky and happy in love. They get
along very well with Poorvaphalguni and also with Uttaraphalguni.

Uttaraphalguni (Leo - August 16-23 / Virgo - August 24-30) · Ruled by the Sun,
this nakshatra also spills over two signs - Leo and Virgo. Hence, the characteristics of
those born in the previous nakshatra are different from those born in the latter part.
The symbol is the four legs of the bed. Generous, warm and giving by temperament,
destiny plays a very important role in their lives. They are very ambitious and always
like to be at the helm of matters or heading their chosen activity.

Love and Romance · Sensible and practical, they are adept at finding practical
solutions to complicated emotional problems. Though slightly finicky and a
perfectionist at times, they manage to build a happy personal life and relationships.
The institution of family means a lot to them. They get along very well with
Uttaraphalguni and Anuradha.

Hasta (Virgo - August 30-September 13) · Ruled by the Moon, the symbol of this
nakshatra is the palm of the hand. Tall and thin in physical appearance, these people
are optimistic, calm and composed and have tremendous control over their emotions.
They win over others easily because of their charm. They can become good diplomats
and do well in any profession that requires goodwill of others.

Love and Romance · These people are emotional and sensitive; yet their sensitivity is
hidden beneath a practical and placid exterior. They may come across as selfish and
dry to those in love with them but inside they are slightly insecure and wary of
opening up. Love and patience brings out the best in them. They have a good
relationship with Mrigshira , Chitra and Purvashadha.

Chitra (Virgo - September 13-23 / Libra - September 24-26) · Ruled by Mars, the
symbol of this nakshatra is the pearl. Extending from the last part of Virgo to the
beginning of Libra, they are extremely fond of good clothes and jewellery. They have
beautiful eyes and appear much younger than their actual age. These people are gifted
with the power of intuition and are suitable for any profession that requires analysing
the trends of the future.

Love and Romance · It is very important for them to have their own space and hence
these people are loners and it is difficult to fathom what exactly they want and what is
going on in their mind. Even in the best of relationships, there will be a small corner
of the heart which will be kept locked. They have the best relationship with Hasta,
Moola and Chitra.

Swati (Libra - September 26-October 10) · Ruled by Rahu, these people are
strikingly beautiful in appearance. Their symbol is coral. They are basically peace-
loving and gentle souls who believe in the principle of live and let live. They like to
maintain balance and harmony in their life and are very successful. A well-balanced
behaviour is the hallmark of their personality. Nothing irks them more than injustice.

Love and Romance · Romantic and good-looking, the love life of these people is rich
and varied. They keep searching for that perfect partner or mate and may have a few
flings here and there. But marriage is something serious and sacred to them and they
become very committed once they are married. Bharini is the ideal partner; some
others who will get along well are Aridra, Punarvasu, Hasta, Swati and so on.

Vishakha (Libra - October 10-23 / Scorpio - October 23) · Ruled by Jupiter, this
nakshatra traverses the last part of Libra and the beginning of Scorpio. These people
are the most fortunate and lucky as Jupiter and Mars is a friendly combination. They
are the favourites of destiny and things materialise for them without much effort.
Their symbol is the potter's wheel. Though they are materialistic and practical, they
have a dormant spiritual side, which gradually opens up as they mature.
Love and romance · They look for something beyond the material and seek a sort of
refuge or peace in love. But their dissatisfaction with themselves and the world may at
times cause some turmoil or unrest in the relationship. They have a tendency to drift
in relationships. They best get along with Vishakha, Chitra and Jyestha.

Anuradha (Scorpio - October 24-November 6) · Ruled by Saturn, this nakshatra

combines the strength and push of Mars (ruler of Scorpio) with the patience and hard
work of Saturn. The symbol is the pure lotus. Persistent, wise and hard-working, they
take themselves very seriously. At times, there may be some inner turmoil as the
spiritual side and the material side fight for supremacy. But out of this confusion
comes clarity about the direction and path in life.

Love and Romance · They are full of contradictions and wild swings in their
temperament. In love also, they tend to think and ponder too much. They believe in an
idealistic love and are willing to sacrifice everything for it. They have a lot of hidden
passion and aspire for divine and sublime love. Jyestha, Rohini and Uttaraphalguni get
along well with Anuradha.

Jyestha (Scorpio - November 6-22) · This nakshatra is ruled by the planet of

intelligence Mercury, while the fiery planet Mars owns this sign. As a result, people
born in this nakshatra possess qualities of Mercury and Mars - they are aggressive on
an intellectual level. Excellent communication and oratory skills are unique features
of this nakshatra. On the flipside, they are short-tempered and need to cultivate
diplomacy and learn to work as a team. The symbol is a ear-ring.

Love and Romance · Deeply mystic and spiritual, love opens up channels of
communication and realization. They experience love at all levels from the physical,
emotional and spiritual. On the other hand, they can be very possessive, and
demanding in love. Anuradha and Magha are the best partners and they will get along
with Krittika also.

Moola (Sagittarius - November 23-December 2) · Ruled by Ketu, the symbol of this

nakshatra is the tail of a lion. This nakshatra has a lot of significance as these people
are under the influence of Jupiter, which is the planet of wisdom and Ketu which
indicates hard work or tapasya. Hence, people born in this nakshatra gain wisdom and
knowledge through their hard work. They live by their own principles and rules.
These people are adventurous, brave and excellent leaders.

Love and Romance · Though these people are honest, loving and straight, their love of
freedom at times comes in the way of their relationships. They believe in living life
their own way. They will best get along with like-minded people who do not have too
many expectations. The perfect partner for them is Purvashadha and they also get
along well with Moola and Chitra.

Purvashadha (Sagittarius - December 2-15) · Ruled by the artistic Venus, the

symbol of this nakshatra is the elephant's tusk. People born in this sign are good-
looking, creative and artistically inclined. Bright and intelligent, they are good at
advising others and leading them. They are hasty and impulsive at times and need to
learn how to make decisions properly.

Love and Romance · These people like change and get very easily bored. Hence in a
relationship, the partner must understand their constant need for change and some
excitement. They bond well if the other person has similar interests and hobbies. They
are constantly growing, improving and maturing and the partner has to keep pace with
it. They best get along with Revathi and some other signs with whom they make good
partners are Purvashadha, and Moola.

Uttarashadha (Sagittarius - December 15-21 / Capricorn - December 22-28) ·

Ruled by the charismatic Sun, these people are enlightened and intellectually gifted.
They have an impressive and charismatic personality. The symbol of this sign is the
legs of a cot. They are born leaders, honest, straight by temperament and great
achievers. Immensely popular and sought after, they prefer their own company and
are loners by temperament.

Love and Romance · It is because of their love of solitude that their relationships
become complicated and difficult at times. Their quest for wisdom and love of
solitude becomes a wall between them. However, once they fall in love with someone
on the same wavelength, their love has a most unusual and timeless quality about it.
The best relationship is with Uttarabhadra.

Sravana (Capricorn - December 28-January 11) · Ruled by the beautiful and ever-
changing Moon, the symbol of this nakshatra is a ear. These people are good-looking,
intelligent, knowledgeable, generous, wealthy and famous. The changeable and
wavering planet Moon owns this nakshatra. The characteristics of an individual born
in this nakshatra shows a mix of the characteristics of both the planets Moon and
Saturn, which gives them emotional depth and a philosophical attitude to life.

Love and Romance · Gentle, emotional and sensitive, these people are very loving
and affectionate. But they like to keep their emotions and feelings hidden till they
have really committed to the loved one. They seek understanding and empathy, a
partner who will be able to understand them and accept them for what they are.
Uttarabhadra is the perfect partner for them and they also get along with Bharini and

Dhanishta (Capricorn - January 11-20 / Aquarius - January 21-24) · These people

are generous, wealthy, adventurous and fond of music and dance. The symbol is a
flute or drum and it is owned by the fiery planet Mars. People born in this nakshatra
always excel in their chosen field of acitivity. Dhanishta-born people are intelligent,
versatile and like to keep themselves engaged in a variety of activities. Others look up
to them for leadership and guidance.

Love and Romance · Passionate and demanding these people expect a lot from their
relationships. They are proud and have a big ego and unless the loved one learns to
submerge their ego and meet their expectations, the relationship will not succeed.
These people best get along with Shathabhisha and some others who get along well
with them are Dhanishta and Krittika.

Shathabhisha (Aquarius - January 24-February 6) · Ruled by the planet of illusion

Rahu, the symbol of this nakshatra is the horse. The people born in this nakshatra
have a refined and cultured appearance and are very determined and strong-willed.
Once they make up their mind, nothing is impossible for them. Simple, principled
people, they do not easily forgive and forget and have the ability to perceive and see
things which others do not.

Love and Romance · They expect a lot out of their relationships, and continuously
look for new thrills and excitement. A true, deep relationship is their lifeline but they
do not always stick to traditions and conventions. True love, when it happens to them
has a mystical other-worldly quality. Dhanishta is the perfect partner for them and
they get along well with Rohini and Krittika.

Purvabhadra (Aquarius - February 6-19 / Pisces - February 20-21) · This

nakshatra ruled by Jupiter again spills over two signs. While the first three quarters of
this nakshatra fall in the sign Aquarius, the latter part of the nakshatra falls in the sign
Pisces. Their symbol is the sword, which symbolises their dedication to a cause and
willingness to fight for what they consider just and truthful. Very caring and
considerate, they are ever ready to help those in need.

Love and Romance · Idealistic and romantic, they have the tendency to put their loved
one on the pedestal and look at them with rose-tinted glasses. A true relationship is an
emotional anchor which gives them a lot of moral support and sustenance. True love
gives them fulfillment and a feeling of oneness with the universe. Their perfect
partner is Uttarabhadra and they get along well with Mrigshira also.

Uttarabhadra (Pisces - February 22-March 3) · Ruled by Saturn, these people have

the wisdom and detachment which come with Saturn's benevolence. The symbol of
this nakshatra is the twins, which implies that the people born in this sign have a dual
personality. They may seem unassuming and low key though they are very intelligent
and sharp. With a deep spiritual side, they go about life in a calm and collected
manner and pursue their dreams and ideals. Endowed with leadership qualities, they
do not discriminate and treat everyone as equal.

Love and Romance · There are bottlenecks in their relationships at times as they have
a dual personality - the loving one and the detached and spiritual one. It interferes
with their love life. Deeply sensitive and emotional, they are withdrawn and it is up to
the partner to understand and know them. They best get along with Revathi and they
also get along well with Uttarabhadra and Poorvabhadra.

Revathi (Pisces - March 4-20) · Ruled by Mercury, the planet of intelligence and
communication, the symbol of this nakshatra is the fish. It comes in the last sign of the
zodiac, the enlightened and the intuitive Pisces, which is ruled by the planet Jupiter.
Revathi-born people show a mix of the qualities shown by both these planets - sharp
intellect and business sense, blessed with deep insight and intuition. Sensitive,
compassionate and caring, they strike the right balance between the practical and

Love and Romance · Very sensitive and loving by temperament, they are very giving
and considerate souls. In relationships, it is very important for them to bond with
partners who understand their deep spiritual and inner needs. For them, emotions and
psychological bonding are the key. The most perfect relationship is with Uttarabhadra
and some signs with whom they get along are Poorvashadha and Bharini.

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