The Great Terminus War Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything here it all belongs to mass effect

NOTE: The codex is now separate from the story and will update it over time.
I also have a beta, thany you very much Whitetiger62512.
AN: Hello, fellow reader! Thank you for showing interest in the story I am hoping you will enjoy it
just to let you know
First: This is my first story so any advice is welcome as I don't mind if ya bring up issues as long as
it not unreasonable and is just pure bashing because my first time I am bound to make a lot of
mistakes. We are all if you find a few odd quirks in my spelling it because of I South African
Second: The Tech comes from (The Iron Heart of Man by Apollonir) and don't make an issue about
it if you think it stupid.
Third: This is Science Fiction so don't start rants or bashing if you know better.
Fourth: The Timeline has changed by 100 odd years humanity is Colonizing much sooner than in
the original timeline humanity also the cold war went on for much longer. changed instead of the
first contact in 2157 it will be 2257.
Fifth: The firearms do not look like anything from mass effect for humanity look at XM8 because
that looks great.
Sixth: I plan on having very gore and explicit issues all related to warfare and combat
Seventh: humanity's location in the Galaxy has changed they are now stuck in the middle of the
terminus and closer to the Asari boarders than the Turians and Batarian ones
Eight: This is my first time so I'm a newbie!
Nine: I own nothing related to this story not from halo. Star wars or 40k I just borrowed names
from them because of there no way in hell I could think of some great names like they have.
What is this chapter about: This will just be the timeline along with the weapons and vehicles
used within the systems alliance
This story will have three arcs: The first arc will focus on the first contact war along with the
politics and introduction to the galaxy. The second will focus on the war with the terminus and the
Alliance trying to secure there territory. The Third and final arc of this story will be more politically
focused and events for the likely sequel I have planned such as the forming of the Commonwealth
1970: Soviet Union Parliament notice a lack in economic growth forces them to drop to 3% GDP
put to defense programs whilst they sort the issue is fixed.
1975: the Soviet Union enacts Perestroika to further increase the growth of there economy.
1995: Soviet Union economy rivals America in terms of prosperity. The parliament boost defense
programs spending to 10% whilst investing 30% in new technology forcing America to increase
there own spending on research to keep pace.
2015: Years of research pay off as a new space race begins with the promise of creating a base on
Luna within ten years. The Soviet Union and America in a race to be better-prepared start massive
investments in Third world countries. While America tries to improve the industrial and
infrastructure of the African Countries. The Soviet Union Begins work on South American countries
2020: A Superstructure the Space Elevator is designed by a German Engineer and scientist team is
completed and sold to both world Super Powers. Construction Starts With Soviet Union space
elevator in the North Pacific Ocean While America and NATO start there's in the North Atlantic
2025: A Breakthrough in construction methods for materials by a scientist in how to make use of
minimal materials for the best outcome while engineers learn it's uses. Two separate Luna Bases are
established with solar power and hydroponics to support those who move in they are both inside
two of the largest craters to avoid asteroid strikes.
2028: Fusion Energy is successfully produced
2035: Construction of the two space elevators are completed 3 days apart with the Soviet Union
been slowed down by materials this causes a rise in tension between the two Countries. Engineers
and scientist begin the design of new spacecraft vessels a joint research and design project to send a
human to Mars. A satellite is launched to Mars to prepare for the mission
2037: Satellite reaches Mars and begins it's information gathering two months later information is
collected and shown to world governments about an energy reading it picks up in the Deseado
2040: The IT department in Europe decides to create a true AI programming starts. Luna now has a
population of 12000 on earth forces all governments to enact a family size regulation law. Medicine
is greatly improved upon solving many health issues it also has increased the human lifespan by
another 60 mathematics and theories have developed with 3 been focused on them been wormholes,
warp, and hyperspace.
2041: The making of AI whilst not completed generates a large amount of attention leading to
multiple groups been formed. Governments decide to ensure that AI is seen as people to avoid any
possible issues. Riots ensue which is met with policing action. Construction of Voyager 1 begins
with the strange energy reading been the focus of the mission.
2044: MAC guns that have been built on to naval vessels for the last 20 years have been
miniaturized enough to be built into LMG. Further research is done to improve on the weapon
2045: Dumb AI created which is logic based earning them the name of Spock AI. This leads to a
large number of Governments investing in the venture as well as purchasing them. This leads to the
formation of Ibot industries. Smart AI is theorized to require a human brain a request for volunteers
is sent out.
2048: Voyager 1 begins it's journey to Mars. Ibot solves the issue of smart AI after the human brain
has been fully mapped. A dumb AI is upgraded to a smart AI. This leads to the AI questioning what
its name was the employees there give the AI the name Athena she then asks if she has a soul. The
answer was "we do not know but in time we might but for us yes you do".Communication was done
via speakers and microphone. Research into a mobile platform is commenced
2050: Construction of four more space elevators are commenced and Earth Nations begin the
construction of military spacecraft making use of Fusion Energy. Luna now has a population of
45000 people. Mining Spacecraft begin construction alongside military vessels. Colonies are
planned for all other of Sol's celestial bodies.
2051: Voyager 1 land on Mars and searches the surface for the anomaly. They find a door to a
structure and do not enter because of unknowns samples are taking and a base set up for the next
mission they begin there return trip to earth 2 months later. Mobile Platforms work well and
emulate plenty of human movements. They last a few days they just require a better power source to
improve from
2054: Completion of the first space vessel frigates are completed with a Single Mac gun and four
mac turrets. Voyager 2 is sent with smart AI and 150 personal to the alien structure to investigate
2055: Voyager 2 arrives because of new engines within 9 months they begin there mission they
spend 3 months exploring and securing all information related to the site. They bring all information
back with them along with the spacecraft left at the alien structure. America and the Soviet Union
start to focus on what this could mean for there future.
2060: The Prothean data cache is used to improve upon a few of there technology but a lack of
element zero sees to it that it is not used to avoid dependency of the element which could lead to
stagnancy. The Language is translated 2 months later after it is discovered that all the information
on the sight is mostly corrupt except for infantry and land vehicle kinetic barriers along with a
message that stated that the Prothean empire which spanned the galaxy was exterminated by an
unknown force from dark space. Governments around the world to meet and plan for possible war.
Governments around the world decide to use the cold war issue to maintain a strong military
presence and build up. Cold war ends unofficially.
2060-2085:Humanity enters a colonization era for the sol system which leads to the majority of the
sol system been colonized and a large numbers of shipyards built and military vessels come off the
lines in large amounts from shipyards in space which produce Cruisers while frigates and corvette
vessels are built on earth and are sent into space via space elevator. A large deposit of element zero
is discovered Theories are completed they just lack power for completion work on Element zero Ftl
2088: Research departments working on a way to synthesize element zero result in the creation of
Anti-matter it would lead to the death of 30000 people due to it being on Luna and the destruction
of a Habitat. This discovery leads to ways of making and the use of anti-matter with heavy
regulations. Sirta Foundation invents medi-gel in the same year leading to further medical fields
development it is both a year of mourning and hope.
2091: The creation of a new armor alloy known as Titanium-A Battle-plate which is a Titanium and
uranium-based alloy capable of taking large amounts of punishment from either kinetic strikes or
High thermal type strikes and is used as the new starship armor.
2095: Anti-matter power is made easy and cheap to produce along with better generators it shows
that they are capable of producing the required energy for FTL. Construction of FTL drives
commences while Element Zero FTL drives are completed and tested but cause a mass drain on
stocks leaving it deemed too expensive till refined.
2098: FTL Drive testing completed and deemed safe for use. Sol system has 13+Billion
humans&120 million smart AI. Mass effect FTL deemed wasteful and slow Warp and Wormhole
travel proved to be better in both speed and is less restricting.
2098-2197: Humanity's weapons research has been miniaturized to fit into a small hand held
weapons and is used as a new standard weapon, it also FTL is now normal and expansion starts this
leads to humanity colonizing 35 habitable garden worlds. Warp drives are the standard system
drives whilst wormhole stations are used to move large numbers of vessels quickly or over large
distances but require large amounts of power. Piracy is crushed quickly and by law is grounds for
death on the discovery in doing it.
2203: Rising tension in 7 of the outer colonies occur and soon declare independence and strike at
the core worlds military.
2203-2215: Twelve years of bloody war leads to massive redesigns of naval vessels and
improvements are made to space warfare doctrines and tactics. The core worlds crush the outer
colonies alliance and establish control over them. The Old world Governments meet and establish
the Systems Alliance which will be used to govern and protect all of humanity. The Ice moon above
Pluto cracks open a dormant mass relay and is discovered. The Systems Alliance sends an
expedition through. Arcturus Station is planned and is to be set up on the now discovered Arcturus
system to protect the earth in case of attack through the mass relay. Anti-matter is turned into a
weapon during the war.
2215-2253: Humanity goes through a rapid phase of expansion through the relay network leading to
the colonization of 9 more worlds on the relay network and another 6 off the relay network.
2257: First Contact near Shanxi and is besieged by Pirates the next day.
HSF Dreadnought Talon, Bridge
In the system of relay 314
Admiral Orinia stood on the command bridge of the Dreadnought Talon as she stood tall and proud
like all Turians should and radiated an aura of authority. She had her talons behind her back,
watching her crew work, Looking to her data-screen and seen her flotilla in perfect order the 67th
patrol fleet. Her fleet. At her command was 81 of the Hierarchy's finest warships patrolling the
Asari terminus boarder, She had 30 cruisers and 50 frigates to support her
Alarm systems suddenly blared. Orinia blinked and looked to her sensor officer Castis''Report''
Castis looks from his data screen, a look of terror in his eyes remaining composed''Sensors indicate
a large flotilla of pirate vessels, Admiral.''
''I can see that how many and what class of vessels are we looking at''
''We are detecting close to 2000 vessels that just came out the relay, most of them appear to be of
Batarian design with other council warships mostly outdated '' Orinia was forced to compose herself
at those numbers,She looked towards the system map''Take us to that relay we can't face that many
so we can only hope to warn the others of this armada.'' She states in a firm voice not giving away
how she feels
The crew on the bridge looked at her shocked for a moment before doing as ordered, She looked
down''It will cost me my chance in the military but my men will live. Prepare codes for activation.''
she whispers to herself coming to terms with breaking the law.
HSS Dreadnought Domination, Bridge
The system of relay 314
The hegemony funded pirate fleet had just jumped into the system under the command of Porvan
Gepnohan. He was deep in thought of the future slaves he would bring to the Hegemony with his
great armada that he had gathered and was supported by a few of his government assets, He was
suddenly aware of his sensor officer looking at him with fear in his eyes, he smiled at that ''What is
He broke eye contact ''We have contacts... sir, there Turian only 81 of them.'' he says a slight
whimper in his voice
Porvan growled.''Send word to the fleet we must crush them before they warn the Hierarchy!'' anger
clear in his voice
The sensor officer nodded, he looked at his station and read something. ''Admiral they are running
from us shall we pursue, Porvan nodded then he said. ''There heading for that relay we will follow
them and we will deal with them and then once they are gone we will launch our raid, But first send
word to the hegemony to get me more ships to cover this side of the relay if an issue develops need
to ensure they will not escape take and hold us near that relay we advance once we receive word
from the Hegemony.''He grinned it was a good day to kill Turian scum, they were all meant to serve
his kind he would do this for the Hegemony.
Time skip three days
Shanxi Defence station, the orbit of Shanxi
Captain Alex Montgomery
Date:September 09 2257 15:37
The colonization of Shanxi was well underway with all defensive forces and stations in place and
bunkers and the capital city finally built and people moving in for the last month with the materials
arriving weekly. He had a good feeling of his current situation confident that they were safe as he
was at the head of a standard defense fleet and that no pirate actions had been occurring in the area
at the moment. He looked over control room and smiled. His new command he hoped that he would
not disappoint his old man.
Alex Montgomery was the eldest sibling of his family he had 2 other siblings both sisters. He had
joined the Navy fresh out of high school right at the end of the insurrection. He had been selected to
be in charge of the Shanxi defense fleet because of how his skills had impressed the higher ups now
with what was standard defense fleet with 35 corvettes for policing actions. His last posting has
been on the escort carrier Einstein been an XO.
At the moment he was enjoying a lovely steak and chips after he had completed all of the reports
that were due for the day and was looking forward to the date he had lined up for that evening. He
was in his formal navy dress uniform showing his rank clearly it's clear silver and gold trim mixing
well with the overall blue. he had a clean shaving face with his black hair neat in a buzz cut.
''Captain, we have a situation you are needed in the CIC'' Came to the announcement over the
station's audio systems.
He got up and did a light jog up to the CIC which took him a good nine minutes to get to, He enters
when the door slid open to see all the personal there he looked towards the stations AI,She was on a
holo-table at the moment and had the appearance of a mid-twenties female wearing WW2
paratrooper gear holding onto an M1 Garand''Irene what's the situation'' his voice clean and crisp.
''The ODP's guarding the inactive relay are reporting that it has begun to show activity'' she states a
little confused.
''Get me a connection to command so that we can report this we may have hostiles inbound, spin up
the MAC guns and have our people land on the planet if they're not needed here send word to the
fleet to go to combat status yellow'' HE orders his voice carrying a slight amount of worry
''Aye captain''
HSF Dreadnought Talon, Bridge
Shanxi System
Orinia stood deep in thought of what was about to happen she knew her chance for survival was low
at best. ''Exiting relay in one minute'' The VI said emotionlessly
''Prepare to get us underway, ''she orders while she looks towards her data screen hoping that her
plan of action would work because it was the only chance that her troops had.
''Admiral we have ships and orbital constructs in the system...they do not match any known designs''
and some of the there larger ships are registering only a small amount of eezo''She looks sharply to
her data-screen and her eyes dilating a little.
composure. She looks down trying to remain composed with the current situation,"I just started a
Spirits first contact and am bringing pirates to them, I will be lucky if I end up with a firing squad
because of this assuming this new race doesn't just tear into us before those pirates."she looked up
towards her view screen showing strange constructs and a fleet near the planet all looking both
sleek and utilitarian. ''Send the first contact bundle and someone figures out how to warn them that
we have a pirate armada coming in behind us, and what are their ship sizes it must be a defense
fleet?.'' she asks a small amount of nervousness is easily heard in her voice.
''Ma'am the sensors are saying that they have a dreadnought and five medium weight cruisers and
eight light cruisers and sixteen frigates with 35 patrol craft Ma'am''Answears Aultis in a jarring
''The orbital constructs 25 000 kilometers out are looking on to us they have weapons ma'am,''
shouts Castis his voice going Frantic
''Spirits just keep the weapon systems cold we won't survive this without everything we have to
fight that fleet.'' She all but shouts in small voice realizing her position.
The entire bridge is silent and tense"Who puts weapons on space constructs these people must be
insane, I just hope that they don't shoot us" Exclaims one of the bridge crew.
''Ma'am we are receiving a transmission it seems to be a message and first contact package.'' said the
communications officer his sub-harmonics showing relief.
''This is Captain Alex Montgomery, Senior officer of Shanxi defense fleet, of the Systems
Alliance, State your intentions while we hope you are peaceful we will defend ourselves should
you force us, we are no strangers to conflict''
''It would seem by the tone they were using they are likely warning us.''Says Castis relieved
''ensure it's safe and lets hope we can make at least a partial understanding so that we can warn
them'' she states in a calm voice trying to get a grip with the situation.
''It's safe Ma'am'' says Aultis
'' let's see it then and see what these people are like we are most likely going to be meeting them
The Images that were brought up showed pictures of male and female humans then showing there a
form of a greeting which then changed to different pictures of Earth ancient armies up to the
modern forces and cities with there flag at the end
Orinia was a little shocked at there appearance of the aliens which called themselves human they
looked like Asari with only small differences."Spirits they look like Asari at least it seems they have
a strong military culture if those images were anything to go by, I just hope they don't take as long
to make decisions I might be here all year then." comments the admiral
''Ma'am we have an incoming hail'' Calls Castis
''Put it through,'' she orders sternly he posture becoming more rigid. "They could not have figured
out our language so fast could they."
Shanxi Defence station, the orbit of Shanxi
Captain Alex Montgomery
''Captain the sensors are reporting that 81 vessels of unknown design it would appear we have a first
contact situation''Irene says sounding extremely eager
''Good send all information that is gathered to high command and what is the status on our
reinforcements'' he orders his voice and face giving away no emotion.
''Captain the nearest ships to the system is a single patrol fleet attached to the fifth fleet they are
three hours out, command says that the expedition fleet was scheduled to head through relay 19
they are being diverted to us they will be here in about five days sir.'' Says Stephan his voice strictly
professional as he was new and fresh out of Boot-camp.
''Good send word to general Williams to get the civilians into the bunkers and get ready for a
possible invasion.'' Orders Alex His voice only giving the slightest hint of worry.
an elderly communications officer says''Sir we have an incoming information bundle'' his voice
calm and reassuring.
''isolate a station and make sure it is not harmful Irene'' says Alex. "please don't be hostile at least it
seems there weapons are cold now."
''Sir it appears to be a first contact package'' Irene says relief flooding her voice.
''Good I think it best we return the favor,'' Alex says confidently
''This is Captain Alex Montgomery, Senior officer of Shanxi defense fleet, Of the Systems Alliance
State your intentions while we hope you are peaceful we will defend ourselves should you force us,
we are no strangers to conflict'' he says in both a hopeful and slight threatening tone.
''Send that with our first contact bundle and Irene get working on a translation matrix immediately
we need to talk to these people''Alex looks to the projector show us the information they sent us'' he
says firm guise of a commander in place.
The Turian first contact package started by showing off the citadel and then all the races that had
been discovered and what they were called showing peace and prosperity followed by pictures of
the Turian Fleets guarding both planets and the citadel, this brought comments such as Blue Women
sweet! And Space dinosaurs seriously.
''It would seem that they are peaceful the question I want to know is why they came through that
relay with There weapons hot, Irene how is the translation going.'' He asks in a questioning tone.
''I have it at 80% completion, Captain there may be slight variations but I am confident that you can
hold a small conversation with them, Orders?.'' she asks in an eager voice.
''Hail them and see why they ended up on our doorstep'' Alex orders
an image of an alien standing with her bridge crew dressed in their armor, Alex looks to who he
assumes is the commander of this fleet with a neutral expression on his face.
''Welcome to Shanxi, Why are you here!'' he demands in slight threatening.
''I am Admiral Orinia of the 67th patrol fleet, we were running from... Slavers who had a
larger fleet it was not known that you were here wh...'' states the admiral sounding only a bit
''Irene sends an alert to high command, We have hostiles inbound I want our forces ready
yesterday!. He looks back to the alien,He has a scowl on his face''Irene allow them through our
defence platforms at the relay we need more people if we have to fight off these damned slavers and
alert General Williams to get all the civilians in that bunker ASAP and those that are not in it to
have weapons Turtle protocol is in effect as of this moment. Admiral, I want all you have on these
slavers weapons systems speed and how long do I have before they get here and most importantly
how many of them are there.'' He demands in a tone that brooks no argument and is easy to see that
Orinia stands still and rigid at the way of things just turned out"How did they figure out our
language, At least they are getting ready I just hope they have more ships nearby or they will lose
this planet." I will send over the information to you.'' she says slightly confused and taken back by
the attitude of the commander and how quickly he had acted.
''Good also send whatever ground forces you have to the planet we may need them also I want you
here so that we can make a plan to deal with this threat.''The transmission cut out after his demand.
''just fucking great there are aliens and they want to make us there slaves at least it seems the rest of
the galaxy is civilized, Irene have you managed to enter their systems undetected.'' He asks his
voice is cold and dead.
''Yes captain I have full access to there information network and am sending it to high command as
we speak, They are genuine about the coming attack guess we are going to have to show the rest of
the galaxy that we are not going to go quietly into the night.''She says with a feral grin on her face
with a slight wink at the end.
''That is good prepare an honor guard to meet me at the hanger we will great them in the good old
fashion way, and did you really just quote independence day.''He orders at first which slowly turns
to exasperation.
Shuttle on route to Shanxi defense station
The shuttle was dim lit and spacius with so few aboard with only the pilots and guards beside both
generals the view of the aliean dreadnaught growing in size.
''This is a terrible idea Admiral we don't know if we can even trust this species we just ran into them
they are been for to trusting for my liking.''Says Desolas Arterius his mandibles in a deep
frown.''We just don't know them, I don't like that you are putting us right into there sights why are
you being so trusting.'' he grouches. His Armor showing decorated giving away his status.
She looks at him with a critical eye ''We don't have a choice in the matter we either trust them or we
end up loosing more of our forces trying to hold them off...we need them to help us with this Pirate
Armada, also I brought this on them they are likely angry with us for bringing this conflict to there
doorstep,'' she says in a dejectedly while her head drops.
''I still think they won't be much help they must have only just reached interstellar travel since we
have yet to run into them I doubt they're going to be much help.'' He says confidently.
Orinia looks to Desolas and shakes her head.''If you think like that then we are dead and you can
pray to the spirits that we make it out of this because if you did not notice that station has a massive
gun on it and it looks as if it can do some real harm to the fleet and we have been mostly stagnant
on our weapons development for how long, the phaseton has only gone through nine redesigns in
the last 300 years and they were all small improvements we have barely advanced since we met the
council it's not hard to catch up to our technology if there based off the Protheans.'' Orinia states in a
firm voice
Desolas was about to reply when the pilot says they are entering there hanger bay ''Admiral you best
get ready.'' Eight guards stand and form a protective perimeter around both the admiral and general
as they turn to the shuttle's door as it opens. They begin to walk out they see a long row of soldiers
lined up on each side of the ramp with there commanding officer at the end in dress uniform.
Both sides walk to one another upon reaching each other Alex Montgomery salutes followed by a
loud sound of boots slamming together and the honor guards rifles pointing directly up in perfect
order. Startling the Turians, Though it brings grins to there faces whilst they return there own Turian
''Welcome to the Systems Alliance while it is a pleasure to meet you and that you are peaceful I
wish it could have been under better circumstances we will have to make do please follow me, ''he
says his Omni tool translating what he says not portraying his grave tone.
''I must say Captain I am impressed at how easily you managed to figure out our language also I am
glad you people have a dreadnought to protect your colonies, it may be the difference between our
success and defeat,'' Orinia states confidently.
The Humans around her look confused for a moment'' I don't know if that was a translator mistake
or you use different types of ship classes but we don't have a dreadnought we only have a heavy
cruiser Admiral.'' states the captain only slightly confused.
The Turian delegation stop's and sharply looks to the captain ''WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT IT IS
A CRUISER! Says a few of the Turians.'' "That is not good if they consider those cruisers that
means they have a lot of them, If that is the case that means that they have more large ships nearby
that can help, That also means that their mainstay heavy ships are most likely over the number of
vessels allowed in that weight, I guess the politicians are going to be very busy soon.''
Orinia attempts to make an effort to not show that it affected by the news and says ''well in our
terms anything above 800 meters would classify as a dreadnought while your ships is just over that
limit by a bit...,I have to ask what would you consider a... my flagship by your standards.'' sounding
"Please don't say that it would be considered a light dreadnought by your standards I don't want to
see more destiny ascension class dreadnought's one of them is enough as it is." Orinia shudders at
the thaught.
"I get the distinct feeling that this will cause issues in the future if that is how they reacted to our
cruisers been that size at least I now know that our heavy cruisers are close to what they would
consider there heavy hitters then how would they react to one of our flagships" He looks towards
them and gives a friendly grin'' I would say that based on its size we would call it a battle cruiser in
regards to our ship system's wonderful ships but nothing quite like a battleship those are a sight to
see,'' he says in both a confidant and wistfully.
A sliding door opens into the stations CIC with multiple guards in the room their eyes firmly on
their visitors well enough with the pleasantries we can leave the talking to the diplomats right now
we need a plan of action'' given a sharp look to the Turians once he reaches the hole-table he begins
to address everyone in the room.''We currently have a single patrol fleet en route that is 3 hours out
we can expect them to arrive before the pirates, the expedition fleet which was the nearest main
fleet is five days out while the 5th fleet is a week out from gathering enough of it task forces and
arriving her which means that we have to provide support or stop this pirate fleet.''The captain looks
to the admiral what number of ships are we looking at and what types I have yet to go through the
data and I did not know their capabilities so brief us on what we are up against.'' he asks in a firm
Orinia nods and moves to stand where the captain is and tries to maintain her nerves at having to
brief all those present after the information she had just received.''from the scans that my ships
managed to get before we went through the relay we discovered that there fleet has a single
dreadnought class vessel and only 600 cruiserweight vessels with the remainder been frigate weight
from our sensors whilst we were in transit we detected that they started there own transit two days
after us but considering that they wanted to catch us they will ignore the safety restrictions we
believe that they will arrive in system at least 18 hours from now she steps back and nods to the
''Irene please bring up a system map'' Alex orders.
''Yes captain''. her voice carrying great enthusiasm.
The Turians took a moment before they realized what had said that and General Desolas
immediately looked to the holo-table''YOU USE AI'S ARE YOU ALL INSANE YOU WILL GET
US ALL KILLED DISABLE THAT THING NOW!...'' his voice is strained and panicked as He
starts to reach for his pistol and all of a sudden all the guards in the room have weapons aimed at
the Turians.
Alex Montgomery looks towards the general with a glare''Yes we use AI'S we have done so for over
a hundred years and have had no issues with them they are citizens of the Systems Alliance though
assuming your reactions I am going to go out on a limb and say that you have bad experiences with
AI''he gestures to the guards to stand down you may see this as an issue we do not.. so deal with it
we have a bigger problem mainly the Huge slaver fleet that is heading this way at this moment I am
having our craft deploy nuclear mines to inflict damage on them. "At least they did not know about
the mines that were already at the relay we can not let them learn all of our secrets" ''Also you gave
us numbers on their numbers I want to know how many strike-craft that they have I assume that
they will have large amounts of them with a fleet of that size.''
Desolas was enraged and before he could go on another rant Orinia silences him with a glare and
looks to the Captain her features schooled and neutral''Yes we can let the big bosses discuss that
issue''Receiving glares from the humans''We still have to deal with the approaching fleet but they
will not have any strike craft except for from the single dreadnought they are ineffective against
main ships we don't field that many we only use them for planetary support''
She receives a raised eyebrow from the captain''Are you saying that you do not know the danger of
strike-craft if that is the case we will educate you people and the pirates in how truly dangerous they
are.''He says with a bloodthirsty grin ''This battle just got a whole lot easier, General have your men
deployed to the ground we will be deploying our forces to the ground as well you will coordinate
with general Williams on the ground to deal with those that are landing. We will not defend the
planet we will be doing something a little more unorthodox. They have us outnumbered so we will
lose if we try to defend we are going to have to support the ground and we can not do that if we are
dead.''He dismissed the Turians and left to a viewing panel and looked towards the relay a distant
look in his eyes

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