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Shanxi System 2257 September 10

Captain Alex Montgomery

He stood aboard the Resolute a battlecruiser overlooking his defence fleet of 234 vessels he only
had two battlecruisers and five heavy cruisers he looked to the tactical table and looked at the
carriers he had 26 of them "Our only hope is that our strike-craft and minefield even the gap enough
to do the required damage to help the colony, We may not win this fight but I will make sure these
bastards pay for there victory in their own blood.'' he stated feeling comfort in his jet black armour.
''Captain they are arriving within 10 minutes '' Rebeca says seriously an AI that was extremely
dedicated to accurate readings while in a sciance coat. He nods and takes a deep breath
''Launch all strike-craft and go to red alert we will make these bastards pay, open ship-wide
comm's'' He orders with an air of confidence and dread.
''To all of you in the fleet, today is the day that we do battle against a foul practice that comes to our
shores! SLAVERY! we once sold our own kinsmen into doing that so long ago and we saw the light
from such a dark practice. We are the SYSTEMS ALLIANCE NAVY the enemy is at the gate, I
know that many of us will not see tomorrow but, I do know that we will not go quietly into the
night for every one of us they kill we pay them back ten-fold! We shall not falter, we will give no
quarter; they have chosen the path of damnation so we shall give them their reward.'' He finishes his
speech with pure confidence taking a deep breath.
''LIBERTY OR DEATH!.'' He shouts.
Across the radio, there was one response''LIBRITY OR DEATH!.''He smiled and turned to the
tactical table he had a battle to win.
Admiral Orinia
She had just listened to the human's speech and was a little speechless, she heard one the helmsmen
say''Spirits they sound almost excited for the coming fight are they like Krogan.''
A bunch of people voiced there agreement she could only shake her head at that. She looked to the
tactical display''I wonder why the Humans were so insistent that it would be their strike-craft that
will win this day I mean they seem useless to have you ever heard of anything like this.''she looks to
her support staff and they just shake there heads.''This is race will be good allies for the hierarchy
they are kind of like us militaristic but I would also have to say that they are like the Krogan who
looks forward to a fight where we are so badly outnumbered, well them apparently, open comm's to
our fleet.'' She says slightly confused.
''Turian's of the hierarchy today we stand beside new allies to face one of our most constant foes,
We may not be many but this is our sacred duty we stake our honour on this fight today,WE WILL
HOLD THE LINE,We are Turian we do not break we are the best military in the galaxy we will
show these pirate scum the error of there ways,we will show the humans how we fight today to let
us not bring shame to our families.'' she gives her speech filled with zeal and confidence.
Admiral Porvan
''Admiral the Frigates you sent ahead have just arrived, they are reporting the Turians and unknown
vessels numbering just over 200 they report...7 dreadnought vessels admiral!'' Shouts his sensor
''It matter not we have the numbers and I doubt these newcomers will be any challenge they are all
weak compared to the might of the Batarian Hegemony they will be showing the error of there ways
when they are at my feet they will be our slaves.'' He snidely remarks.
''Admiral we are leaving the relay in five minutes what formation shall we...'' The Xo is cut off from
a call from the comm's officer.
''Admiral the scouts are being engaged by...!long-range fire they are reporting a large amount of
strike craft of moving to there position.'' He says frantically.
''If the captains are unable to deal with pathetic annoyances I will have them executed there should
be no problem with pathetic strike-craft.'' He snarls at his crew.
''Sir scout force is no longer reporting in'' Says the confused officer sounding completely baffled.
must have been a minefield only thing that could have wiped them out so quickly good thing it was
just them we have more than enough to deal with these new slaves"
Captain Alex Montgomery
He watched the tactical table as the 300 frigates moved into the minefield he gave a nod to Irene''do
it'' and a second sun was born where the frigates were, a satisfied smile on his face
''All contacts destroyed Captain.'' States Rebeca a maniacal grin on her holographic face now
dressed in WW2 uniform.
''Good have our strike-craft lay in wait near the relay the main force will be here tell them to target
their frigates after we take out their battlecruiser we need to reduce there anti strike-craft
capabilities if we are to see this through,the real fight is about to begin, have this broadcast to the
hostile leader in Turian.''Welcome to Shanxi we welcome you in the traditional manner of your kind
we hope you enjoy your lead-filled holiday.'' He says jovially.
''Have all weapon batteries fire on possible exit path's I want as many of them dead before they can
organize there systems will be going to hell with all that radiation coupled with our ECM
countermeasures,'' he commands the fleet.
shells leave there MAC cannons while strike-craft are alerted to the friendly munitions from there
AI assistants and onboard VI's.
''Captain they have arrived''. Rebecca says looking down the scope of her rifle and pulling her
trigger and the ships main cannon firing her third shot at a cruiser the fleet followed their orders and
all batteries fired on designated targets.
''Captain there returning fire it seems inaccurate for the moment no losses yet enemy have lost fifty
of there frigates to the first barrage and the station is beginning its bombardment.'' She reports
keeping her voice carefully contained.
''Good have the Resolute take the front with the Herald and Night-gale we will use our heavy
hitter's to take as many rounds as possible I want them to cycle with the Frontier and Utopia when
their shields drop below 15% keep the fleet dispersed as possible make us the biggest target, time
till our strike-craft hit there dreadnought and cruisers.'' He orders
''Hostile fleet is too dense admiral they are unable to take it out orders'' reports a comm's officer his
voice slightly stressed.
''Have them switch to secondary targets we will have to hope we get a shot'' states the captain as he
watches the battle unfold on the sensors.
Shanxi System space battle
The defense fleet moved around staying at a distance executing evasive maneuvers avoiding all the
fire that the enemy fleet put out while the defense fleet that was split into four assault groups while
their carriers remained out of range with all the Hermes stealth frigates and two Artemis destroyers.
They continued to exchange fire knocking ships out with the long-range artillery support from the
ODP and defense stations that were firing with aided guidance systems. The Batarian fleet began to
close into knife fighting range while the long range of the defense station and ODP's around the
planet could no longer offer support without risk of friendly fire. The Batarians no longer affected
by radiation was now able to target the defense fleet with a little more ease still struggling against
the ECM . While the strike-craft of the carrier group continued to launch wave after wave of the
deadly ordinance at the fleet but began to take heavy anti-strike-craft fire doing minimal damage to
the craft but the large amounts of flak was causing fewer munitions and strike-craft to return for
The first ships to fall were the corvettes and frigates due to the large amounts of firein space leading
to them taking a pounding even though they used the larger ships as cover.
from so many enemy vessels. Battle lines began to blur as the defense fleet was slowly surrounded
by the larger number of vessels, changing from knife range combat for some of the battle groups to
near point-blank combat.
ships blinked out of existence as they rammed and set off their reactors when they were crippled
and dying to take as many forces as possible, Strike wings continued to hammer the outer layer of
the Batarian fleet and managed to cripple a large number of vessels.
''Captain Shields are at 20% integrity we can't handle this much fire the Reaver has been cut off she
just had her escort pull off and support other battle groups. Captain their shields are down and there
armor is taking to many rounds they're going to ram that cruiser.''Came Rebecca's voice sounding
''Captain the Turians are almost gone they only have the talon and 12 of there cruisers'' Shouts the
Comm's officer her voice sounding Composed with tinges of fear.
''Have them pull out and protect our carriers the rest of the fleet will cover them!''As he barks while
this happens the Resolute's barriers fall and they take a hit he is knocked around in his chair.
''What is the status of the fleet?''
''The Reaver is immobile but letting her secondary batteries take names, we lost the Herald while
the night gale still has her shields and has five of our light cruisers with her they are pushing deep
into the enemy formation to distract there Battlecruiser. The Frontier is damaged but still operating
and is been covered by the Utopia'' reports Rebeca her voice becoming slightly glitchy.
The Artemis destroyers have managed to get a lock and are close enough to the enemy battlecruiser
and are in the process of destroying it the rest of the fleet is spread out and trying to take as many
vessels with them also heat levels from the reactors and exterior plating is at 13% before we have to
cool off.''
The Resolute's armor starts to reach the final layer has it takes more rounds most of it weapons
Rebeca upload to Shanxi.''He looks to the crew.''It was an honor to serve with you all.'' he whispers
while Taking three more cruisers and a frigate in the explosion that follows it's destruction.
The battle only lasts nine hours in which only thirteen Turian vessels along with the carrier group
and three damaged Artemis destroyers flee towards Shanxi. The Defence platforms are the last to
fall silent in the battle near the relay along with all nearby sensors leaving the fleet blind to that
sector of space while they pull out they deploy mines and sensors to provide scanning.
Admiral Orinia
The bridge of the talon has sparks flying around it with some consoles flickering only a few of them
working and the bridge crew sporting injuries in varying degrees Orinia looks at the view screen of
the approaching fleet that had taking time to lick its wounds,human strike-craft waves continued to
return some damaged and them refusing to allow repairs while others set up sensors and screened
the area.''Tuvia what is the status of the fleet and what of the human's ships.'' asks Orinia her voice
strained and tired.
''Ma'am all of our ships are reporting damage and engineering is reporting that our aft kinetic
barriers are damaged and we only have around 70 percent engine power and the main guns heat
sink is slightly damaged it can only fire at half the standard rate,of seven seconds the human battle
group is still mostly fine but has only a few vessels that can fight three of which are damaged there
strike-craft are still mostly there but they say that there all damaged they reported that only 113 of
there strike-craft are fully operational while another 1200 are still combated capable and around
1500 of them are in need of field repairs, and around 400 in need of at least a full day and a half
before they are combat capable,'' reports Castis his voice showing signs of fatigue.
'' Well tell them that to pull back for now and save there strike-craft for later we have seen how
dangerous they are to the enemy fleet we will need them for the last push before we jump to our
assembly sight'' "The human strike-craft an interesting idea that worked a little to well for my liking
they tore apart so much of the enemy fleet even when outnumbered ,they did more damage to that
fleet than even what we could do with the number we had by all rights we should have only
destroyed a quarter of there fleet being so badly outnumbered but the humans." She shivers at the
thought of how they fought in space. "They fight like the krogans with discipline I mean who rams
your ships into them just to get what was left of the enemy and worse they seemed to detonate there
ships core's in the middle of the engagement they seemed to not care about there lives, what have
they been doing throughout there history killing one another all the time." She says in both awe and
shock as She looked to her tactical display and it showed that the fighting had stopped for now and
relaxed a little the enemy fleet seemed to have lost close to three-fifths of the there entire fleet. She
had to smile such few numbers and the slavers had paid for the victory in blood it seemed and
Admiral Porvan
He could only stare in shock at the tactical display of the mind flayer of a Batarian cruiser his great
armada had been beating by a measly 200 odd ships he growls and pulls a pistol on his XO ''What
happened how did they manage to destroy my dreadnought and leave me with only 457 ships you
incompetent fool you said they would be easy and that we did not need a plan.'' he fired his weapon
till it overheats in to the XO head leaving the head full of holes leaking bits of brain that had been
pulverized he walked over to his head and lifts his boot and brings it down you were a pathetic
piece of filth,LET THIS BE A LESSON FOR BEING INCOMPETENT!.'' He shouts while aiming
his pistol at others while growling.
''Sir there strike-craft are pulling back for the moment'' Shouts a relived sensor officer while slightly
''Good reform the formation and get repairs underway we launch as soon as were organized and can
someone tell me how our guardian lasers were useless against those bloody strike-craft and why our
barriers were useless against these other vessels?.'' He demands.
He received no answer and none of his bridge crew looked at him''Pathetic excuses the hegemony
will have our lives for failing such a raid launch the attack!.'' He orders with ruthless zeal.
Space battle over Shanxi
Strike-craft for the humans are the first to arrive in the fleet and launch their payloads with the
majority reaching their target taking another 27 vessels while crippling another 9 of them but they
lost another 17 of there strike-craft while all of them are showing signs of damage.
The defence station is the next to open up on the enemy fleet taking out a frigate with each shot that
it takes,the Turians follow with a barrage while slowly withdrawing with the rest of the combined
fleet,the Batarians return the barrage in kind focusing on the defence station main gun as well as the
Turian dreadnought second wave of strike-craft arrive and launch there volleys early only taking out
another 13 vessels but crippling 47 more vessels that were damaged in previous engagement,A
lucky strike from a Batarian cruiser cripples the stations main gun but not before the station claims
it's 137th victim defence fleet jumps to FTL to prepare for further confrontations and the Batarians
take up orbital supremacy while launching boarding craft for the station.
Defence Station Commander Gayle Price
He looks to the tactical screen he and sees that he has the standard complement, Irene had already
been uploaded to the command bunker on the planet, He looked to the self-destruct clock it had ten
seconds on it ready to blow at a moments notice all stations around him powerd down and
''Commander their craft is nearly here we are ready at all junctions and the ambush in the main
hanger is ready, All information on the station has been scrubbed.''Reports Savana her voice tinged
with regret she was one of his squad leaders her black armor shining with her assault rifle held
firmly her stance proud.
He nods to his second in command and shoulders his rifle and begins to move towards the
hanger.''Hold this location with your squad and blow it once they break through till then were going
to make these bastards bleed before we go down.'' He says in a firmly while also tinged with regret
and acceptance.
He arrives in the hanger large amount of crates and sand bags litter the area near the door with a few
machine gun nests through out the hanger, as the shuttles begin to enter the hangar he takes cover.
The Batarians are turned to paste as three rockets each are shot at two of the shuttles turning them
into mangled wrecks along with there troops this is soon followed by the heavy machine guns
tearing into the troops attempting to leave there shuttles,''Don't let up if they get through here we
won't set up another kill box the heavy Calibre bullets tearing into them leaving them nothing more
than piles of gore and flesh. The Batarians bring in the krogans in the second wave and using their
heavy armor to tank the shots for the rest of the wave to make it.
''Why the hell is our barriers not working there tearing us apart''Shouts a Batarian cowering behind a
wreck of one of the now multiple destroyed shuttles.
''Shut it you pyjack this is an amazing fight and these things seem to have a backbone.''Says a
krogan in blood red armor who is in the process of unloading.''I AM KROGAN!.''He shouts and
charges only to take a bunch of rounds and his armor buckling halfway towards the line sending
him to his grave his body turned into a pile of flesh. There wave making it to the line and begin to
get through. Gayle price is the last to fall as he takes down one more shuttle before setting off a set
of explosives all along the line.
A private takes his grenades and a pack of c10 and primes them and charges at a group of Krogan
once he arrives he shouts.''Victory or Death! .As he sets them all off the explosion sends bits of the
body all over the hanger. It is not long before they are pushed into the alleys of the station
The fighting last for forty minutes with shots traded over the entire station paid for in blood by the
slavers they lose close to 4000 men just to arrive at the control station once they enter a Batarian is
greeted by a shotgun to the face his squad behind him raise there weapons until they see a
countdown behind the female soldier hit 0:00 ''Victory or Death!'' is the last thing they hear as the
station explodes taking all on board her with it.
Admiral Porvan
He could only watch as the station in which he hoped to gather information from blew up with close
to 10000 of his men aboard it, his hands are clenched into tight fists, his face contorted into a silent
rage he looks at his cowering crew and sneers.''This is pathetic can we not deal with these primitive
species that are inferior to us you are all a disgrace to the hegemony for been so incapable he says
over the ship-wide communication array. It matters not we will still gather the slaves from below
begin the invasion!.'' He shouts at his forces over the channel.
Captain Siliana on board the escort carrier Vixen
She looked at the tactical report of her carrier group and could not help but cringe at the numbers
looking at it they only had 700 odd strike-craft capable of combat with a good portion of them
needing repairs with over 2000 of them needing repairs before they would ever leave the hangers
and there best case scenario was at least 3 days before they were all capable of another attack in
large numbers, she rubbed the bridge of her nose and glanced at her working crew all showing signs
of frustration at the situation.''We need to get some Intel for the colony for general Williams to send
the Orca Artemis destroyer to take an orbital position for the moment we will rotate them out with
someone else in a day.'' she say's with a frustrated tone.
''Ma'am the Turian Admiral has just arrived she wants to further discuss our plans without risking it
been intercepted,''stated Elliot the AI his voice downcast.
Siliana looks to her tactical pad while deliberate and tapping her fingers on the table, the door into
the bridge opens up and Orinia steps in and waves her guards off and steps up to the table, the strain
of losing so many of her fleet visible but well hidden.
''What is the plan my fleet will support your but I don't know how badly you lost in your strike-craft
and what is the fleets combat capabilities,''Orinia asks the pain clear in her voice.
''At the moment we have to repair the majority of them we are combat ineffective,I believe the best
course of action at the moment is that we should repair and wait for reinforcements to arrive the
expedition fleet is only a few days away and we could regroup with them while we use our stealth
vessels to provide intelligence gathering for the defenders on the colony and maybe launch a few hit
and run's, the colony should be able to hold easily they got a rather large contingent of grounds
forces from us before the battle so we're good there and they will have more than enough defences
from what we managed to gather they have 24 Orbital defence tanks on the ground so they will be
able to avoid any orbital bombardment and the civilians were all evacuated to the shelters and
General Williams is an Insurrection veteran general so they should be able to hold out for a few
days under his command,'' she says confidently.
''Ma'am, Admiral, the Fugu is reporting the 300 enemy vessels just came through the relay they
don't seem to be armed so we are assuming they are transports,''stated Elliot he looks to the Admiral
and shows a picture for confirmation.
''Yes they are transports most likely loaded with ground forces anything else.''Elliot nods''Yes we
managed to intercept their transmissions it stated that another fleet was on its way and that they
would be here in 2 days it would seem they had more forces waiting by also we managed to hack
into there database and steal vital information on where this raid was launched from as well as
multiple bases in which they were gathering their forces.
Orinia face contorts into what the humans assume is a smile''This may be an unfortunate accident
that this had to happen but with this we will be able to cripple their activity for a while if we can get
my people to act on the information.'' she says in an upbeat tone. she looks at the tactical table and
nods her head's ''All we can do is wait now for your people.'' she says in a slightly defeated as she
begins to leave whilst nodding to the captain to recover from the day's battle.
STG Stealth vessel Shadow
unnoticed because of all the debris around the relay the STG vessel attached to the system that had
seen the activation as well as the battle that had occurred near the relay and the first contact of this
new race they silently powered up there ship and headed to the relay. ''We must warn the Council of
what has happened here we need to resolve this before it escalates and get a diplomatic envoy here
immediately no new technology of this race gathered as all of there vessels and constructs to badly
damaged must make haste if we are to return and try to gather information.'' The STG captain says
rapidly as they take the relay back to council space to Alert the council.
Codex On the Cold War
With the investment in the economy of the Soviet Union lead to the ability to lead a better campaign
in proxy wars leading to the majority of the South America Governments to support them securing
them the continent.
The Asian Countries while not contributing in large amount to historical points were the most
renown for forming there own alliance and were neutral throughout the war while both the Allies
and soviet union tried to gain there support, they never did,it was commonly agreed that it was
because of this event that leads to the cold war not becoming hostile due to the fact the a document
was signed by the Pan-asian collective that should one of the super powers be the aggresor they
would aid the innocent party.

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