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General Williams Command Bunker

He looks to the AI that had been moved down to his bunker she had been moping about not been
apart of the battle that had occurred in space. Now that General Williams thought about it, a lot of
AI had a tendency to want to be involved in any battle then again it did not help that a lot of there
parents were in the military. As he looks towards his family picture with his wife and two sons, it
was supposed to be there birthday next week. He promised that if he made it through this he would
look for a nice safe core world, he sighs as he begins looking to the alien that was currently with
him he remembered that his name was Desolas and that one of his men had remarked that it was the
return of the dinosaurs, he has seems to have what he assumes to be a firm frown with the number
of his grumblings that he had been spewing.
''I don't like your plan general it leaves us to thin we have to respond with total force and it is
against pirates I am sure our weapons are up to the task alone and that we are not at risk of orbital
bombardment because of what they want we should have all of our forces ready in one location to
limit the risks.'' Desolas Arterius had been complaining that there were not enough men around the
landing zones and that they would break through and take his people with ease.
He snorted at the irony of what he was saying. ''Yes I would agree with you had they not all ready
broken the law not to mention we know Urban warfare general trust me when I say these scum will
pay in blood the entire advance and we have defences all over the place.'' looking at the tactical
display he had 27 600 marines and 460 IFV and 150 Standard AA and 33 MBT from the
reinforcements in the defence fleet to bolster the garrison of 3000 marines and 70 AA of which 24
were for orbital defence and only 30 IFV and 20 more MBT. He smiled he had a rather large force
to defend the colony with not to mention. The army was spread out through the entire city laying in
wait with all possible entryways guarded by HMG emplacements with the landing zones been
covered from all directions and the Space-port that was meant to be replaced by a space elevator
next month was filled with explosives and surrounded should they break through the forces holding
it then these slavers would meet a fiery end. The vehicles like the MBT and IFV were all in
underground structures. That would allow for an effective counter-attack and out of sight while the
AA vehicles were evenly placed throughout the city and his Orbital defense vehicles ready to roll
out should they bring their ships into range. The Civilians had been sent to bunker the second the
attack learned of so there were no risks to them and the militia would only be called if it was
''Your forces are to support in the counter-attack that we have laid out once they have pushed far
enough, should I Expect any surprises that you have not informed me of yet.''
''Yes there is a chance that they bring down slaves here to maintain their equipment or as distraction
forces these people generally have an explosive device to ensure they follow the orders given.''
He nodded and frowned.''We will have to deal with that, what is the status of there landing Irene.''
''There the first wave has arrived at the star-port and are surveying the surrounding area for more
landing sites.''
He looked at the tactical display and took a deep breath.''Open fire on them let none leave alive.'' He
says over the tactical channel
Teams positioned all around the city activated there AA weapons knocking out fighters and shuttles
all over the city while the forces at the star-port started to rain down lead on the Batarian forces
already disembarked.
Captain Ghorek
He looked around the shuttle at the thirty men with him. ''Listen up you idiots the first wave is
currently stuck at the star-port we are not landing there.''He taps his Omni-tool and projects an
image of a plaza.''This is where we are landing with elements of the second wave while the rest of it
heads to the meat grinder at the star-port, we will be setting up a secondary base here and then
pushing towards those incompetent fools at the star-port the first-''
His shuttle took a sharp bank knocking around everyone followed by large numbers of alarms
blaring.''What are you fools doing in there get us to the-!'' the last thing he sees is flame.
His transport is shot out of the sky well before arriving raining down flaming wreckage onto the
surrounding wilderness.
Lieutenant Trever Everett
He lay atop one of the many buildings surrounding the spaceport, he was one of the few snipers in
the area, he smiled and scoped another officer that was barking orders to other units and pulled the
trigger turning the idiots head into mush as he fell down he looked for his next target. ''These idiots
make it easy to kill those in charge they never here of trying to keep a low profile.''
''Watch out there sending a frigate into the atmosphere to provide support take cover.'' Came over
the tactical communication channel.
He looked up to see the strangely designed vessel as it got closer the unmistakable sound of the
defense tanks fired. A loud thunder echoed in the city causing him to wince, the frigate was going
down and it had a good deal of holes in it when he looked through his scope.
''Okay people get out of the danger zone were blowing it there the third wave is inbound and we are
starting to lose ground you have five minutes till detonation.''
General Williams
He watched as his forces pulled back away from the danger zone and watched as the third wave
began to land and deploy there vehicles and troops and began to set up around the spaceport as they
began to pull out. ''General our forces are out of the zone a minute ahead of schedule.''
''Good set off the charges take them out.'' He watched as the spaceport went up in a large fireball
taking with it the majority of all the landed forces, he smiled
''General there sending more Frigates down to try and offer support again.'' States Irene with a feral
''Well we will just have to educate them on what happens when they enter our range take them out
again until they learn their lesson because we have plenty of ammo to go around.''
Desolas could only stare at the tactical display in wonder at what was happening the Batarians were
been lead into a slaughterhouse and he did not understand how they were been so successful his
troops had yet to be deployed to shore up any breaches but the Batarians were still trying to land
and we losing entire units before landing,he did not like the idea of fighting these humans he was
sure that if it were Turians in there place they would be having the same amount of progress. ''How
long do you think it is until they set up their forward base,'' Desolas says looking towards Williams.
''My best guess would be that they set it up outside the city they have yet to set up any holdout
zones my guess is that they will begin to land in the outskirts and push in, we just have to hold
Admiral Porvan
Porvan looked at his tactical display trying to get control of the rage that had been building up
throughout the entire siege and space battle. His forces were proving to be completely useless in
doing a simple job, to begin with, looking over the status of the invasion he already felt happy he
had already got rid of a few others in charge he would be going home rich with there spoils. He
seen that he had lost close to 37 000 men in just trying to land along over a quarter of his armoured
forces and his men had only just set up a base out of the city because of there blasted AA defence
and there orbital guns he had lost seven of them before he decided against sending more. ''Who puts
anti-star vessel guns on a tank these people are insane. ''Seen that the fifth wave was going in now
he smiled soon they would fall. ''Alert the eclipse and blood pack to go in with the next wave they
will lead the charge. ''The less of them left the less I have of them I have to deal with later.''
''What is the status of the reinforcement fleet that is on its way.''
''Sir the reinforcement fleet is only a day out and should restore roughly half our losses but they
have no heavy ship's with them.''
''Good I think these new slaves are going to be a boon for the Hegemony after we take this planet
we will move to there home world I doubt they can stand against our full might.''
Saren Arterius
He looked out towards the forest in which the Batarians had landed in hearing the sound of allied
artillery hammering into there forces, Looking at the humans that were pulling out of the forest they
looked like hell the majority of them sporting wounds along with there dead. He looked at his unit
the youngest of them at only been 19 one of the youngest to ever be assigned to a Blackwatch
''These humans are dangerous they don't let up on the Batarians if they were not so much like the
Asari I might have thought they were Krogan.'' States one of his comrades.
''There worse than the Krogan at least with Krogan you know to expect them to charge at you, then
you don't know what the hell there planing. I mean we were near the space-port we had them
contained but instead of holding onto it the second we were been pushed back they pulled out and
blew it, who else do you know would do something like that?.''
''LOOK ALIVE!.'' Bellowed a human over the channel.
''Finally, we get some action these humans have been doing our job let's show them how we Turians
The sound of Machine Guns and sniper rifles come to Sarens ears. He looks through his scope
preparing to scope a Batarian in simple grey armor when his head jerks back the left side of his face
missing. ''What in the world do these humans use for ammo no wonder they keep beating back and
why they don't seem to have an issue with Krogan if all their weapons are tearing them apart like
''AIR STRIKE! Inbound get to cover.'' Shouts one of his fellow Blackwatch
A Batarian strike-craft one of the few that had not been in the fight in space began a strafing run on
their location only for a human to pull out a strange object and aims it at the Batarian Strike-craft.
Moments later the Batarian strike-craft is on flames and on a decent course directly to one of the
few HMG nests on his line.
The Strike-craft gauges earth as it crashes and landing practically on top of the HMG Followed by
an explosion. A Human medic runs to the crash site and begins to pull out the injured Saren stares as
a Human who is pulled out his legs missing leaking a red substance he assumes to be his blood his
remaining legs mangled with some flesh hanging a strewn across the floor .looking back to forest he
sees Batarians and blood pack mercenaries charging their lines. He aims his Phaeston and fires
breaking the barriers of a Krogan who is charging him only to be knocked off his feet by an
''There breaking through all forces pull back to the second defense line.'' Comes an order over the
''Why the hell are we pulling back do these humans not have the backbone to hold for just one
moment.'' States a centurion
''It;s Called laying a bloody trap now get your asses into gear before the artillery starts to land on
our heads.''states a grizzled human who has a scar around his eye and two different eye colours, and
for your information these bastards are pathetic I remember the bloody rebels putting up a better
fight than this.''
Before Saren can comment his commanding officer gets a hold on him and pushes him into one of
the human vehicles. ''Follow your Orders soldier were just here to support them not question their
The sound of more artillery fire followed by the sound of explosions and the cries of dying
Batarians as the door closes taking him to the next line.
''I don't understand we're supposed to protect the city when you defend it yet these Humans.''He
shudders.'' There blowing up everything that has been built here why bother to protect it. Before one
of his fellow Turians can comment a human in the vehicle with them looks at him and shakes his
Commander David Anderson
He was using his tactical cloak to move around the forest to the Batarians base his mission was
simple they said to his squad. ''This is anything but simple, they said I just had to sneak into the
base and plant the explosives through the second objective would be the bigger issue. I can easily
sneak through anything but how the hell am I supposed to free any of the slaves they bring them
down, they did say only if I could but even the General looked conflicted when he gave the order for
following that one I mean what is twelve of us supposed to do against an army if we do find slaves.''
Slowly looking around avoiding yet another patrol he slowly makes his way towards the base. Half
an hour later they came across a base were a large vehicle pool and prefab building was along with
what he assumed were their supplies. ''Looks like we found it now we just got to set the charges and
we should look for information for the general.''
''Agreed Captain Urban, just do us all a favor and not get shot this time I think your wife will kill us
I swear that women could kill us with her stare.''
''Ya sure coming from the man who is dating a High Admirals daughter and one with a reputation
has been as cold as the vacuum of space when involving her family, I find it hard to believe that my
wife's stare is more unnerving to deal with.''
''Clear the channel we don't have time for this with all these hostiles.'' States Anderson
Moving around the camp the N7 squad deployed their explosives to what they assume are
munitions and key equipment they also plant charges on armor and vehicles that have been left
unsupervised. Half an hour passes for them as they continue there mission when they come across a
large Structure they assume to be a storage building. They sneak in and find a large heavy weapons
cache which is quickly set to blow. ''We got incoming.''
''Shit any chance you can remove him.'' States Anderson while taking cover behind a bunch of
boxes. As he looks through his helmets display system to see what his squad mate is looking at.
''Negative, Boss looks like he has a friend with him but this one not like the other's looks like it's
female and is wearing a full suit think it is one of those Quarians that they might have had with
them that the Dino's Showed us.''
The Batarian gets to the doorway and looks back towards the female. ''Get a move on your piece of
crap, you have a job to do.'' He says as he brings up his Omni-tool and presses a button that causes
the Quarian to jolt.
They both enter and walk over to a weapons table as the unknown begins to work while the
Batarian keeps an eye on her. ''You suit rats are all the same you complain too much but you are
He fails to notice as a knife enters the back of his neck and is pulled behind a crate while the
Quarian sharply turns around and begins to back away from the strange aliens in fear, she says
something in her language which the squad doesn't understand.
Anderson quickly gives the order to secure the perimeter while he brings his Omni-tool up and
brings up his translator and has it translate to Turian. ''Ma'am we don't know what your saying
please speak Turian and we aren't going to hurt you.''
The Quarian looked to her Omni-tool and began to type furiously into it, a few seconds later it
beeped and had a small glowing ball picture. ''Thank you for helping me I am sure I can repay you
if you get me out of here,'' she says as the program translates what she says.
''That's okay Ma'am my names David Anderson may I know yours?.'' He asks not sounding sure and
looking a little uncomfortable.
''Oh sorry my name is Mina'Zorah nar Rayya.'' She says as while fiddling with her suit and looking
Anderson nods and checks if anything is on sensors. ''That is one long name.''
''Okay Ma'am we were just doing our mission but can you tell us where the other's are been held?''
Her head tilted to the side and she began to look everywhere but at them. ''They were holding us in
one of the there ships but I don't know which one that's all I know, they only ever take us out of the
cells when they need us for something.
''Okay just follow us and stay hidden were going to see if we can do something but we cannot
guarantee anything.'' He says while beginning to move away as a transmission come in
''This is Cooper we have dropships inbound, we have to get out of here we won't be able to get out
unnoticed with the amount of activity that's about to land here.'' He says in a hurried tone.
''Understood, were pulling out, Urban you are escorting Rayya out of here while the rest of us
ensure that the explosives we set go off.''
''Yes sir,'' he answers slightly hesitant as he closes in near the Quarian to ensure her safety.
The next few minutes are tense with a lot of diving for cover or using their tactical cloaks to sneak
around and set the last of the explosives.
Captain Urban
Slowly looking around he notices another patrol and gestures for the alien that is following him to
lay low. ''What the hell is the commander thinking to leave me to guard an alien by myself, If these
bastards find us I am so screwed.'' looking back above the crate he sees that the guards are busy
checking the buildings opposite of him , He signals for her to follow him while making his way to
the next tank which is close to the forest, He breaths a sigh of relief that they were not detected. He
looks back into the encampment and notices that the patrol from earlier is heading for the building
as they had killed the Batarian.
''Commander you might be going loud soon so be ready there's a patrol that just went into that
building we left the dead Bastard.'' He looks around and sees that there are no nearby patrols or
groupings of them. He looks to the Quarian and nods. ''We're gonna get out of here before things get
hot but it is a bit of a run till we're clear you stay down and out of sight should something happen.''
He takes out his pistol and flips it around and offers her the handle. ''I assume you know how to use
this so should we get engaged well better make yourself useful because otherwise we are fucked.''
Mina nods her head and takes the gun and notices that it does not fit nicely and just shakes her head.
''All of my people are trained for things like this, Though this thing feels rather bulky and heavier
than our standard weapons.
The two of them begin to run for the forest they are about three-fourths of the way till there out of
sight when they here shout's start emanating from the building that the patrol went into, looking
back he notices that the patrol failed to notice them and is currently heading towards the main squad
''Anderson you got incoming on your AO so you better hall ass otherwise this is gonna get hot very
fast and you guys are still in the blast zone.''
''We know Captain just get out of here, for now, we will see you back at base.''
They make it to the forest without issues and begin the long run back to safety in silence it is only
eight minutes before an earth-shattering BOOM! Is heard with a massive heat wave from the
location of the weapons depot, looking back Urban notices a giant dust cloud with a strange blue
hue combined with it.
''Commander you still there and, what the hell did we just blow up I know that C12 is not that
explosive and an ammo depot should not have such a large explosion.''
''Ya were still here though that explosion nearly got us Cooper took the worst of it but he is fine
nothing serious, I do know however that these bastards are definitely regretting fighting us now that
must have been a good portion of the ground vehicles, but right now we are still in hostile territory
so we can talk later lets get our asses home.''
Centurion Lucia Falraka
Firing her Phaeston at the advancing Batarians from the third story of a building she was in with
seven other Humans, She had been separated from the rest of her unit when the Batarians had used
a mass wave of tanks to break through. Chuckling at the memory of seen the Batarians faces when
they were destroyed at the time she had been dumbstruck herself at how easy the tanks were
dispatched, looking down at the street with the blood of the fallen and a now burning wreckage of
the tanks that were recently destroyed. Shaking her head as She turns around and walks over to
whom she assumes is the leader of this squad. While trying to block out the sounds of the heavy
artillery battering the Batarian lines.
''You the one in charge sir.''
The man she looks at has strange her around his mouth and his face heavily scarred and has two
different eye colors and is leaning against a counter and nods his.''Ya I'm the guy in charge of this
squad let me guess you got cut from your unit when we were pulling out, well no worries you can
stick with us till you regroup with your guys, It won't even belong because this was the second last
line which means the General will put the plan into motion soon and then we can really start to kick
these guys off our turf, till then we're gonna be running hit and runs to disorganize the bastards.
''We got another group down the road sir and we have contact with three other squads in the nearby
buildings, orders sir.''
''Well breaks over ladies get your asses into gear and take a position we gonna hit the Bastards right
in the kisser while they in between us, so were are the others?''
''Sir! The others are just across from us one building over to the right and the other squad is down
the road with a clear view of the main advance.''
''Good, now we wait for em we launch the ambush on my signal.''
The sound of hover tanks and marching of the enemies fills her ears as they close in, she Fidel with
her Phaeston while shifting a little as they get closer. Looking into the street while in cover been
careful not to give away her position, she sees a large amount of infantry with a column of tanks in
their center. ''What the Spirits! are these people thinking there is a way too many down there for our
three squads to deal with quickly and we don't even have tanks I am starting to agree with some of
those rumors I heard from the others.'' The sounds of the battlefield seem to disappear as she waits
and it feels as if an eternity while waiting for the order to begin.
''NOW!.'' barks the squad leader as he along with three others leave there cover large tube-like
weapons, aiming at the vehicles
A simple push of the button release there payload destroying the coulomb two in the front one in the
back while one missile was slightly off target hitting a Krogan that was with the group, The
Vehicles are left smouldering ruins while the Krogan remains alive his lower half missing his
entrails slowly falling out as he crawls backwards to cover. The next moment strange bottles with a
flame on the top of them come falling out on the groups from the other buildings and lands amid the
confused Slavers. Coating them in a fiery inferno, the sounds of screams of agony rise as the sounds
of gunfire fills her ears.
She shoulders her Phaeston and sights a Batarian running for cover and quickly eliminates him, this
happens in an instant as quickly as the fight began it is over, looking over the destruction she had
helped cause she notices that the majority of the dead are either burning alive or are mutilated
beyond what she thought was possible for normal small arms. Feeling sick to her stomach as she
realizes that there are still a few Batarians are burning she raises her rifle to finish them off when a
hand enters her peripheral vision pulling her shoulder bringing her face to face the leader.
HAVE TIME TO WASTE!.'' Red in the face as he says this, he turns around a begins to walk away.
''She begins to follow him, the sound of burning Batarians filling her ears trying to get over the
horrific sight that the human weapons could cause. As they enter the street at a jogging pace she
notices that some of the squad have lifted the corpses of a few Batarians and leaving their grenades
underneath them while others are laying strange packs with a strange beam left behind them.
Looking to the sky as her group begins the trek back to there base she notices that the sun is almost
below the horizon.
The way back to the main front line is filled with multiple skirmishes and ambushes that were set up
by the Humans and the regrouping of the forces that had been cut-off. Nearing the front lines she
notices that some of the bodies are using armor of both the eclipse and blood pack mercenary
company. ''This is interesting never would have thought that the mercs were actually slavers as
well.'' She says aloud gaining the attention of the nearby Humans
''HA, you say these are mercenaries looks like they got thrown into the meat grinder to me, they
may have well have sent kittens to do the job because some of the reports I have from the others
indicate these are no better than FNG's out of basic.'' chuckling breaks out among the assembled
group of soldiers.''
The rest of the trip back to the front lines is quiet with a lot of twists and hiding.
The front lines become clear when the sound of weapons discharge is constant the squad fans out
and disperses into the buildings right behind the Batarian backs.
''This is the plan men were going to get right on top of them so stealth kills only till my signal you
get seen I'm gonna roast your ass if you're still alive, make it happen marines.''
Lucia sneaks up behind a Batarian currently using a window for cover to focused to even see her,
pulling out the Large knife a young human gave her earlier, raising it in a reverse grip and brings it
down hard into the Batarians skull, he immediately goes slack and begins to fall to the floor only
stopped when he is grabbed and lowered slowly, pulling the knife out it makes an audible, shplort!
She wipes the blade that is covered in a red and small amount of grey clean and brings her Phaeston
to the ready.
Artillery land's near her location sending dirt and rubble all around, the shock-waves destabilizing
her. "I swear to the spirits that this is the last time I join a Human squad never thought I would be a
doing so many different tactics, at least command will know that humans fight in such strange
tactics should they ever become an issue." The commander makes a signal with his hand's that she
doesn't notice. Minutes pass and a rumble in the air is heard, she sees a strange vehicle with treads
and a main gun that was at least three times the size of the standard Turian tanks with a strange
turreted box on the back of it that was moving around pointing to the air. Moving towards her from
the human lines, her eyes dilate at the sight of the monstrosity as it begins to move and aim its
weapon towards a Batarian tank that is in the lead of large charge of Batarians.
Field Commander Galek
Field Commander Galek in charge of the Batarian Hegemony's 87th infantry company. He stood
around the corner of one of three different offensives trying to push further into the hostile lines.
Currently, his Omni-tool was been used to show orbital pictures of the upcoming terrain. He was
covered in soot and scorch marks with pieces of his left side armor was missing replaced by some
bandage from a near strike artillery shell during his landing.
''GALEK!.'' shouts Admiral Porvan venom clear in his tone ''I want to know what is taking you so
long to beat down these primitives? And where are the slaves I have yet to receive a single transport
of them.''
He replies with a slight growl and barely restrained rage in his ''These, Primitives, As you call them
have been putting up too much resistance and they refuse to surrender they just die, they are more
stubborn than Krogan when it comes to giving up and my forces have been getting decimated
throughout this entire assault, what I want to know is where is my cursed orbital support to crush
''Do your Job Galek and I will do mine and it is because of your lack of success in destroying those
tanks that you lack what you require along with the fact that since you have failed to deliver on the
goods that we can't risk bombardment, you have two day's left before I am pulling out so get to
work.'' He snidely says as his transmission cuts offensives
''That's it third platoon your with me these pathetic pyjacks don't know how to break through a
simple defense position let's show them how we do it. FOR THE HEGEMONY!
He goes around the corner followed by what is left of the third platoon along with the remains of his
armor detachment leading the Charge. Firing his weapon from the hip, they retaliate with there own
fire tearing apart his left flank, he dives for cover as the man behind him is torn apart by gunfire.
''Take cover behind the tanks they can handle the fire!''
He advances behind the lead tank, the next moment an earth-shattering BOOM! Is heard, he feels
weightless and light headed. He impacts the Ground with an audible thump the air in his gut leaving
him. He turns his head towards the enemy and sees his vehicle in flame's and further ahead a group
of vehicles he had never seen before.
He tries to stand only for his body to not respond looking down he notices that He no longer has
half a body, his guts draped across the road the last thing he sees is the windows above him light up
and there vehicles pushing them back, he hears nothing his last thoughts of how could they have
beat the Hegemony.

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