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Admiral Orinia on board the TALON

She was currently in the sparing ring with Sabelus one of the few infantrymen aboard her ship
engaging in CQC, they had already gone multiple rounds trying to beat each other. ''This is getting
annoying having to wait for reinforcements, while our people are stuck on that colony.'' Growled
out Sabelus, as he sent a jab at the Admiral only for it to be blocked and countered with a swift kick
to his leg.
''They will be here soon enough and we can pay them back in full,'' states Orinia only to narrowly
avoid a leg strike.
Blocking her counter strike only to be hit by a quick jab to the chest Sabelus loses his balance and is
quickly knocked on his arse. ''Damn! Guess you win the round.'' He wheezes out.
''Good Spar, get yourself cleaned up and fed.'' She commends as she begins to move out of the ring.
Making her way towards the ship's showers while undoing her armor.
''Admiral sensors have picked up hundreds of transports coming through the relay, you are
needed on the bridge.'' Says one of her men over the PA system his voice neutral.
Her shoulders slumping slightly trying to suppress the groan that escaped her mandibles,
Composing herself and making her way towards the bridge, bringing up her Omni-tool and keying
the bridge. ''Do we have any word from Captain Siliana on what their planing?.'' She Asks calmly.
''No Admiral, they are going through the information at the moment.'' Answers the officer.
''Good, I will take a shuttle to her ship so that we can plan, no need to waste time.'' She states
Conviction in her voice.
Making her way towards the Talon's hanger bay while information was sent over to her Omni-tool.
It showed a massive number of transports with a small escort and a single dreadnaught protecting
the transports, trying to make a plan that could deal with them, she failed to notice a human shuttle
landing in the bay.
A tap to her shoulder brought her attention over her shoulder, noticing that it was just her marine
escort she relaxed, going over the details of the information waiting for the shuttle to open its ramp.
''That Shuttle is a beauty don't you think Ma'am'' Asks Sabelus sounding awed looking over the
''I guess, I think that it would definitely get people on the ground and support them but, It's just look
at that thing it's so much larger than one of our shuttles and it is more like one of our gunships.''
Says Orinia little emotion in her voice.
Sabelus grunts his agreement while he examines the large gunship. While one of three bays open up
at the nose of the transport, three figures exiting one been the captain and her two guards all in
alliance armor.
''Captain, I was just going through the information, I would suggest we head for the CIC center of
the ship to discuss a plan of action.'' Says Admiral Orinia as more of an order than a suggestion.
''All right, Admiral this is your boat so lead the way.'' Responds the captain while making a human
gesture with her hand.
Turning and heading towards the CIC Orinia noted that the captain moved to her side.
Siliana turned her head towards the admiral. ''I have a plan that I would like to go over when we
arrive but, it carries a lot of risks I want your input.'' She says sounding slightly distracted.
''I understand but we can't risk giving away our ships, a in system jump would allow them to track
us here,'' Orinia states while stepping into an elevator.
''Yes but I was thinking of using what remained of our stealth vessels to go through with this, We
currently have one over Shanxi with another thirteen within the fleet of ten are destroyer class,''
Siliana states while she steps over to the projector bringing up the system.
Tapping her fingers across the display she zoomed into where the transports were and there
projected path. ''Currently, we have over 800 transports that just came through the relay and this is
the path they are taking.'' Siliana states as the projection begin to scroll over to a new image a
strange ball with long protrusions.
''These were laid by the fleet in the retreat from the relay, they are marked IV Nuclear space mines
capable of producing 80 gigatons of force.'' Looking at the shocked faces as Siliana zooms out
showing there projected path intersects.
''I want to use them to take out a large portion of the invasion force, I also want to use our stealth
ships to hit them after detonation to give the colony more time.'' She says while looking
Orinia getting over the shock of the yield of the nuke looks at her. ''I can see that it's a good plan so
why do you seem so worried about it, your ships should be able to get out of the Ao before they can
be intercepted.'' She states
''They can but it's the next part of the operation that bothers me,'' Siliana says as she brings up an
image of the fleet over Shanxi. She points towards a single Dreadnaught. ''This is where the
Batarian Admiral is. I want to have a few of the remaining jump troopers we have jump and board
it, and have him killed while taking more data from the ship.'' She finished not sounding too happy
about the idea.
Orinia goes over the information thinking of different plans while looking at the projector. ''I think it
is a good plan, but how do you plan to get your people off that ship,'' she says still going over a
plan. ''The other thing is what do you want my people to do?.'' she says sounding curious.
When the captain looked at her startled from been asked a question her face showing slight worry.
''I was thinking on maybe having our fleet engage them with the stealth ships but there's to much
risk.'' She says dejectedly while examing the readings.
Admiral Porvan
He stood on the bridge of the ship looking out one of the windows while going over his fleets
information. He noted that the fleet was mostly grouped together, over the planet with a token force
near the relay. He grinned as he noticed that the full invasion fleet had arrived with its escorts. He
made his way towards his chair so that he could watch the invasion begin upon their arrival.
He watched as a representation of the system came to life waiting for the fun to begin, he watched
as his crew began to send out his orders and do what was needed.
A massive flare on his projector caught his attention as he looked sharply to it, noticing that it had
originated in the transports fleets location, only for thirteen ships to appear on sensors.
''MOVE TO INTERCEPT THAT FLEET!'' Porvan Bellows while his hands try to crush his
''What is the status of the escorts and how long do we have till we arrive?'' He orders while looking
at the display focusing on it.
His pilot is the first to respond in a tight voice. ''We will be in firing range in eight minutes
Admiral.'' He answers as fast as possible while getting the ship moving.
The ship shakes for a moment a few seconds before the fleet is underway, only for his ship's engines
to blow out in a quick explosion, knocking the crew off balance for a moment, porvan got up and
looked around growling as he watched his fleet pull away. ''STATUS REPORT!'' He barks out.
''We don't know Admiral, engineering reports that the engines exploded for an... WE HAVE
BOARDERS!.'' says a communications officer only to shout at the end his voice showing signs of
Porvan grabs his helmet and slides it on and taking his pistol out. ''Prepare your weapons what is the
status of our forces,'' Porvan Growls out while cycling his projector to the borders.
Sergeant Jack Miller Orca airlock(15 minutes earlier)
He stood in his fully sealed jumpsuit at the head of an eight-man squad. Looking out to the enemy
fleet, his gaze on the dreadnaught believed to hold the hostile VIP.
''Nothing like a good old fashion spacewalk, right Miller?'' joked Madison her voice carrying an
edge of nervousness, Her visor fully polarized and her black and white armor clean and unmarked.
Turning his head to look at her and nodding. ''Ya though I have to agree there, I just wish that there
was more stuff to look at, it just seems so bland, like Vega.'' He responds good-naturedly, an OI on
the back round channel at his comment.
Quickly going over to Madison and checking all of her seals and clapping her on the shoulder,
giving her the all clear. Looking down over the large number of C12 they were carrying.
''You think the boys at Shanxi will like the fireworks we going to gift them?'' Vega asks his voice
''Maybe, but I think we may be going for a bit of overkill.'' Says Madison sounding thoughtful while
bringing one her hands to her chin.
A sound over the Comm's grabs there attention. ''Okay people were opening up the airlock in a
moment, Good luck out there.
The squad goes over the final checks and gets ready, the airlock sucks all the air out of itself as the
lock begins to open. The eight-man squad jumps out making use of miniature corrections to stay on
course. Miller looks around and sees that the breaching team of 16 men on his HUD further away.
Focusing back on there objective the engines on the back of the ship.
Looking at the view of the planet he can't help but admire how it looks from space, a few minutes of
silence as they slowly drift towards the ship, it's size slowly increasing.
Slowly decreasing his velocity as his squad does the same, as they near the ship they pass the
kinetic barriers, turning so there feet are angled to meet the ship and activate their mag boots.
Looking around he sees that his squad are all in position, signaling to move towards the engines
while pulling out charges.
The squad of 8 moves around the ships large engines, placing their explosives all around them using
up most of there stock, they are signaled and begin to move to a nearby airlock.
Miller looks to his hud which indicates he had three minutes until the attack on the convoy occurs.
Moving towards the airlock that their squad is meant to breach by. Looking around he sees that his
squad is converging on the objective. Upon arriving at the airlock he pulls out some of his C12 and
places it to the door, moving back and taking cover away from the airlock.
He looks to his HUD which shows there is a minute left, bracing himself for the explosion to come.
His Breathing is calm and controlled his training keeping him calm. The clock slowly ticks down as
it hits Zero, he sees small bright marble sized explosions in the distance. As the ships begin to move
the second timer hits zero and their explosives go off. Shaking him a bit, Vega reacts quickly darting
into the airlock placing more charges, he comes out a moment later and takes cover and then sets off
the explosives. Air rushes out the breach three of the aliens flying out into the cold void.
''GO! GO! GO!'' He barks out as they charge into the ship taking cover as they enter, the hall is lit
the lights near there door flickering. ''Vega take your fireteam and push through there.'' as he points
to the left corridor. ''The rest of you on me were going the other way, remember people we're here to
neutralize their admiral, once that's done see if you can grab intel if not haul ass and deploy
They advanced down the corridor at a good pace, upon arriving at the door Miller pulls out his
Omni-tool and began to hack the door. ''Madison check in with the other squad and find out there
status.'' He orders only getting a nod from her.
Madison nods her head her gun still pointed at the door as she gets her updates. ''Team one is
making good headway towards the engines room, Team two seems to have run into resistance and is
pushing slowly... Vega says Omni gel works on the locks sir.'' She replies all business
''Save the Omni-gel for this lock I'm almost through we can use it to advance after this point, there
got the door,'' Miller says as he brings his gun to the ready.
The doors open and Jackson and Anna prepare a grenade for breaching as air rushes out the doors,
they are met with gunfire from two squads of soldiers, as Miller's barriers flare he gets into cover as
his squad throw grenades into the corridor, they wait a second and pull out of cover and charge into
the room firing taking down the defenders, they dive for cover to avoid a barrage from a turret,
Maddison shoots off a grenade from her gun at the turret hoping to take down its gunner, the
explosion leaves it a mangled piece of metal while the defenders are all left bleed out.
''Squad Status.'' Barks miller while searching for more hostiles.
A round of all clears and I'm clean are heard, the squad advances to the next door slowly checking
the corners for possible traps. They arrive only for the door to open followed by a torrent of bullets
hammering their barriers barely making it cover.
Jackson hugs a wall adjacent a small amount of blood running down his chest. ''I'm hit not gonna be
able to use my rifle with this,'' he calls out
Quickly deploying a drone to get a look he notices a torrent of guards in the next corridor. ''This is
gonna be a problem,'' Miller grunts out.
Admiral Porvan
He stood aboard his ship looking over the security feeds of multiple boarding parties. ''Where did
they come from!'' He growls out while sealing his suit and putting on his helmet.
A nervous officer manning the scanning arrays is frantically going through, the ships readings while
looking over his shoulder. ''We don't have anything on sensors admiral, they came out of nowhere.
Porvan tightens his grip on his guns, looking over to his communication officer his face marred by a
frown. ''What is the status of the borders and the transports?'' he says quietly.
The communication officer gulps. ''Sir the borders are making good progress our men didn't have
their weapons, and they managed to cut us off from the main armory, our only armed guards are at
engineering and they have been lost, and the security teams are reporting there almost here,'' he says
dejectedly while looking at his pistol.
Porvan blinks. ''What, they can't be here their primitives!.'' His demeanor slouching slightly then a
glint enters his eyes and turns to his terminal.
Jack Miller
Walking to the last door with a limp he signals for a breaching charge and aims his pistol. ''Okay
this is the last door to engineering once it's broke were getting out of here.'' He says fatigue coating
his words.
Jackson places a charge and pulls back, an explosion followed by the door bending inwards leaving
just enough room to get through, they charge in only to be met with a large group of suited aliens all
of which have subdued the Batarians.
Blinking slightly he slowly lowers his rifle at the unknowns. ''Anyone got a Translation program?''
He asks the squad in a small voice.
''No Sir we didn't think that it would be'' Maddison is cut off by an alarm and the drive core starting
to get brighter, The suited aliens make a run for the door.
''That can't be good.'' States Jackson as he starts to follow the group of aliens.
Miller turns on his long-range communications. ''All Breaching teams I think the ships gonna blow
get to the...'' He never finishes his warning as a fiery explosion destroys the ship.
Captain Siliana
She was looking over the status of the ambush and was sorely disappointed with the results, A deep
frown on her face they had only destroyed near 300 transports, the problem is that was only a
quarter of them and that she now had eight damaged stealth ships, She put down the datapad and
turned to get something to reduce the stress of the situation, As she made to leave now that the fleet
was safe a priority alert came from the ORCA.
Establishing a live visual feed with the captain of the ship, which was strange because that broke all
kinds of stealth regulations. AS the captains face appeared it currently had a large gash across his
cheek and his bridge in ordered chaos.
''Captian were going down there flagship just detonated itself, we took a bad hit and our engines are
down, We will try to make for the city we sent word to the general, wish us luck.'' and the
transmission cuts off.
Taking a seat while taking deep breaths she could barely believe what she heard, her head dropping
into her hands and could only loath her plan that had cost her peoples lives.

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