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Greta Valley School

A dynamic rural school empowering students with skills to be
confident, future focused, culturally aware and creative
thinkers. We build


Background and Rationale
Greta Valley School will be involved in MoE funded ICTPD contract between 2010-12. We
recognise the need to provide our students with the skills, knowledge and attitudes to empower
them as learners in the 21st century.
Staff skills are diverse and we believe that involvement in this contract will meet teacher needs
thus improving students learning and achievement.

Background Information
Greta Valley School’s needs and success indicators as identified by ‘ICT Review
Rubric’, ‘Cluster goals and success indicators’, and ‘ICT Survey’ as at February 2010.
 Related to ICT, the school has not begun to address a culture of change (readiness to challenge beliefs and
practices) yet and there are few instances of learning dialogue. Culture of trust and support needs to be
 Some staff are developing e-learning skills and integrating these into their learning area(s) but there is variability
in their confidence to do this.
 ICT is mainly used to replace traditional teaching approaches, with a focus on superficial gains such as
 Some students make decisions about when to employ ICT in some subjects but often lack confidence to
transfer their ICT capability to new situations. Some Students have little expectation about using ICT as a
natural part of their learning.
 There is little attempt to audit staff skills and needs in relation to ICT. There is a reliance on individuals
identifying their own needs, usually in relation to the development of ICT skills.
 There is no planning to link any identified individual or whole-school needs for ICT, and the range of
development activities is very limited.
 Any sharing of effective practice between individual members of staff is on an ad hoc basis.
 There has been very little thought put into how to develop a learning community or awareness of the benefits
Strategic Goals 2010 – 2012
1. Integrate ICT into the curriculum.

School Goals Success Indicators Review Oct 2010

1.1 Critically examine Staff demonstrating a deeper Review rubric completed
existing pedagogical pedagogical understanding of e- with staff and used a
beliefs, expectations and learning, with a focus on its discussion document to
practices to increase integration into literacy and show progress
understanding and numeracy. (Evidence through
integration of e-learning. average Review Rubric against
Goal One)

1.2 All teachers are Teachers’ planning and self-

Both classrooms have
integrating ICT in reflective journals showing
authentic learning rigour and depth of e-learning. explicitly planned for E-
contexts, across the (evidence documented in learning using variety of
curriculum, with a teachers planning and journals) tools
particular focus on Eg. photostory, powerpoint,
literacy and numeracy. Teachers using various e- Picasso, comic life
learning to enhance student
achievement and engagement. Review rubric used to assess
(Evidence shown through progress
increased average review
Rubric student learning with

Students being discerning about Student voice formally

which technologies best suit gathered as part of teaching
their purpose. (Evidence shown
as inquiry
through student voice)

2. Increase the capability of the principal and teachers to improve students' learning and
achievement through e-learning.

School Goals Success Indicators Review

2.1 Learners know when and Principals and teachers Survey Monkey questionnaire
how to use ICT and confidently utilising a high level to be re-done by staff.
have the confidence to of ICT practise and skills.
transfer their knowledge (Evidence shown in increase in
and skills to new average Survey Monkey levels
situations involving new of confidence)
technologies and

2.2 Increase engagement Students confidently utilising a

and academic high level of ICT practise and Survey of students asking
achievement for Māori skills. (Evidence from student what programmes / uses
and Pasifika (as voice) they have had for ICT this
expressed in Ka Hikitia - year. (to be completed)
Managing for Success Students, including Maori and
and the Pasifika Pasifika students, engaged in
Education Plan) in line authentic, meaningful contexts
with national educational that integrate ICT. (Evidence
priorities. from teachers planning)
Student achievement data
2.3 Show progress in using gathered at the end if the
ICT to improve student year identifying student
achievement, through progress and achievement in
self-reflection, gathering, literacy (focus of ICT PD in
analysis and use of
2010) Great results!

3. Strengthen professional learning communities and increase collaboration in the school

and with other schools.

School Goals Success Indicators Review

3.1 Create opportunities for E-time tour of North Island
learners from a diverse Principals and lead teachers brought back lots of ideas
range of schools to across the cluster making that have been shared at
build relationships and connections and sharing ideas school eg. vision
collaboration to meet about e-learning. (Evidence from
their e-learning needs. cluster share participation) Session at Kaiapoi St.
Josephs met a big need with
3.2 Professional Learning Teachers are using Web 2.0
looking at hardware.
Communities are tools to make connections with
operating at principal, colleagues across the cluster
lead teacher, teacher (evidence from observations and CCC wiki used to keep

and community levels, conversations) School wiki developed
with a focus on .
‘collective inquiry’ to Teachers raising expectations Each teacher has carried out
address students’ through deprivatisation of one teaching as inquiry
needs. practice, personalising learning cycle. This has been shared
and strong accountability. at school level and BOT level.
(evidence through three way It was going to be shared at
conferencing & evidence shown
mini conference but
through teaching as Inquiry
cancelled due to Earthquake.

Students responding to the

lift/shift in expectations and
expecting excellence. (Evidence
shown through benchmarked

4. Increase e-learning leadership and ICT strategic planning capability of the principal and

School Goals Success Indicators Review

4.1 All schools develop a Developing and implementing School ICT plan developed.
plan that reflects the an ICT strategic plan that Progress shared with BOT
purpose and potential of reflects each school’s vision, mid -year. Milestones
e-learning for their values and culture. (Evidence completed against targets.
community. The plan shown in increase in average Rubric completed.
reflects the vision, Review Rubrics levels of
values and culture of consultation when developing
each school. plan)
Strategic plan followed and
4.2 Use analysed data to Leaders’ using effective change
inform and develop management strategies reported on to BOT.
strategic practices, informed by analysed data. Resourcing and fund-raising
infrastructure, teaching (Evidence shown through clear aligns with strategic plan.
and learning. links between data and Teacher aid used to support
management strategies) classroom practice with ICT.
Quiz night organised to
purchase two e-books.

5. Increase the school community’s understanding of the educational contribution of e-


School Goals Success Indicators Review

5.1 Develop effective
The community articulating Parents to be asked for
community interaction
pedagogical understanding of feedback on their
and understanding of e-
the benefits of e-learning. awareness of ICT
(Evidence from parent surveys) programmes at parents
Community engagement and afternoon.
5.2 Facilitate whole
support. (Evidence from parent ICT goals shared with parent
community participation

and involvement in surveys) in newsletter as was
student learning. different projects / activities
children have done.

6. Increase the physical ICT resources in the school to support students’ learning and

School Goals Success Indicators Review

6.1 Develop and implement  Items will be identified for Funding application
a three year plan to purchase/lease. lodged with
progressively update  Funding sought Community Trust
and increase the  Infrastructure capability Five new e-books
school’s physical ICT assessed and improved purchased
resources to support Two digital cameras
students’ learning and purchased
School to be re-wired
so it is up to specs
Three ex- lease
laptops have been put
into rooms.

Greta Valley School Action Plan for 2010


(What, How) RESPONSIBLE (When)

1. Integrate ICT to give effect to the New Zealand Curriculum / Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.

1.1 Teachers attend eTime practicums to develop their understanding of how to integrate Teachers Release to Ongoing
ICT. Following practicums, teachers identify opportunities for the integration of ICT and Lead teachers attend throughout
regularly build this into their planning. Lead teachers support teachers. practicums the year.
Three practicums have been attended by all staff. Three follow up days back at school have occurred. Learning has been shared in staff meetings and in assemblies

2. Increase the capability of the principal and teachers to improve students' learning and achievement through e-learning.

2.1 Set, monitor and collect data on school-wide achievement targets in literacy. Principal, Lead
Set school-wide pedagogy targets. teachers

Develop strategies to assist teachers to provide opportunities for students to help

decide the learning intentions and success criteria.
2.2 Develop strategies to assist teachers to provide increased opportunities for students to Principal, Lead
make informed decisions about the use of ICT. teacher,
Assessment data gathered at beginning of year and end of year. Progress and achievement report prepared for BOT in March, June and October.
Principal attended extra professional development courses on e-asTTle and excel to assist with data gathering. SMS system to be changed next year to better meet
needs with analysis.

3. Strengthen professional learning communities and increase collaboration in the school and with other schools.

3.1 Teachers complete at least 2 Teaching as Inquiry cycles that focus on: Lead Teacher Cluster
 Goal Setting (What is important, given where my students are at?) Teachers sharing
 Identifying Strategies (What strategies are most likely to help my students achieve sessions on
the goals and outcomes?) Wed 16 June

 Gathering Evidence & Reflection (What assessment approaches will measure the Wed 25 Aug
prioritised outcomes? What happened as a result of the teaching, and what are the Thurs 4 Nov
implications for future teaching?

Teachers share progress and outcomes of their Teaching as Inquiry within the school
and at the cluster wide meetings at the end of term 2, 3 and 4.
3.2 Teachers regularly read and discuss recent educational research during school PD Principal
sessions. Lead teachers
One cycle of inquiry was completed and shared with BOT. Cluster wide meeting cancelled due to EarthQuake.

4. Increase e-learning leadership and ICT strategic planning capability of the principal and teachers.

4.1 Develop a strategy to include stakeholders in the development and implementation of a Principal, lead
strategic plan. teacher
Strategic Plan developed by principal and shared with BOT. Next step to get strategic goals out to community.

5. Increase the school community’s understanding of the educational contribution of e-learning.

5.1 Develop and implement a planned school-wide approach to increase the level of Principal, lead
community awareness and understanding of how ICT is being used to improve student teacher
learning outcomes.
ICT shared through newsletters, three way conferences and parent assemblies

6. Increase the physical ICT resources in the school to support students’ learning and achievement.

6.1 Undertake a review of current ICT resources, identifying equipment that needs to be Principal
replaced or upgraded. Identify new ICT resources to acquire that align with the school ICT leader
vision. E.g. Smart board for senior room

In 2010:
 Revise infrastructure of server, networking and cabling $13,000 End of T4
 Install interactive whiteboard in senior room $5500 End of T4
 install ceiling mounted data projector in junior classroom $2000 End of T3
$1500 End of T4

 purchase 6 digital cameras $15000 End of 2010
 10 laptops GRANTED $37000
$15000 $22000 Sept 2010
 Seek funding from community trust to subsidize ICT upgrade
Funding application sub mitted, five extra e-books bought from fundraising efforts, ex leased laptops purchased and put back into rooms. Two digital camers

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