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Digital Image Processing

Assignment no. 1

Submitted By:
Syed Hassan Raheem Shah {1412108}

Submitted To:

Sir Abdul Khalique

Task 1. Image Writing with extension and quality
>> imwrite(f,'gems.jpg','quality',50)

>> imwrite(f,'gems.jpg','quality',25)

>> imwrite(f,'gems.jpg','quality',5)

>> imwrite(f,'gems.jpg','quality',0)
Task 2: conversion of different classes

>> a=2.5
>> whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
a 1x1 8 double
>> 3/4
ans =
>> format long
>> 3/4
ans =
>> b= rand(3,3)
0.814723686393179 0.913375856139019 0.278498218867048
0.905791937075619 0.632359246225410 0.546881519204984
0.126986816293506 0.097540404999410 0.957506835434298
>> x=3.2+4.5i
3.200000000000000 + 4.500000000000000i
>> format short
>> x=3.2+4.5i
3.2000 + 4.5000i

>> ClassName = class(object)

ClassName =


>> matrix = class(object)

matrix =


>> obj = class(s,'matrix')

Undefined function or variable 's'.

>> whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
matrix 1x6 12 char
object 3x3 72 double
Task 3: conversion of different types images
1 RGB to Gray
>> RGB=imread('1.jpg','jpg');

>> RGBtoGray=rgb2gray(RGB);

2 GGBtoIndex
>> I1=imread('1.jpg');
>> imshow(I1);
>> [any,nothing]=rgb2ind(I1, 10);
>> imshow(any,nothing);
Sample is PNG
>> imread('AbeCX.PNG')

>> imwrite(sample,'AbeCX.bmp')
>> imwrite(sample,'AbeCX.tif')
>> imwrite(sample,'AbeCX.jpg')
Task 4: Logical Functions
>> f=false(3,3)
3×3 logical array
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
>> t=true(3,3)
3×3 logical array
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
OR Function
>> X = [1 0 0 1 1];
>> Y = [0 0 0 0 0];
>> any(X) || any(Y)
ans = logical 1
And Function
>> any(X) && any(Y)
ans = logical 0
Not Function on Identity Matrix
>> A=eye(4)
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
>> B=~A
B = 4×4 logical array
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
Exclusive OR Logical Function
>> c=xor(A,B)
4×4 logical array
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
Islogical Logical Function
>> islogical = islogical(A)
islogical = logical

Task 5: Vector Indexing

Unit Spaced Vector
Vector With specified increment
>> x=0:0.1:1
Columns 1 through 6
0 0.1000 0.2000 0.3000 0.4000 0.5000
Columns 7 through 11

0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000 1.0000

>> y= 10:-2:0
10 8 6 4 2 0
Index Matrix Row and Colmns
A= 3x3
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2

>> A(1,:) For Accessing 1st row

ans =
8 1 6
>> A(:,2:3) For Accessing 2nd & 3rd Columns
ans =
1 6
5 7
9 2
>> A(:) For Reshape the matrix into column
ans =
Task 5: Size Function

>> [x,y]=size(i)





>> [height,width,dim] = size(i)

height = 3603
width = 4806
dim = 3
>> [height,width,colour_planes] = size(i)
height = 3603
width = 4806
colour_planes = 3
>> whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes

colour_planes 1x1 8 double

dim 1x1 8 double
height 1x1 8 double
i 3603x4806x3 51948054 uint8
width 1x1 8 double
x 1x1 8 double
y 1x1 8 double

Task 8: Plot Function

Create an x-array of 100 samples between 0 and 4π.

>> x=linspace(0,4*pi,100);
>> y=sin(x);
>> plot(y)
Task 9: Rand function

1 dimensional Random Function

>> A=rand

A= 0.7431

2 dimensional Random Function

>> B=rand(5)

0.3922 0.2769 0.3171 0.7655 0.6463
0.6555 0.0462 0.9502 0.7952 0.7094
0.1712 0.0971 0.0344 0.1869 0.7547
0.7060 0.8235 0.4387 0.4898 0.2760
0.0318 0.6948 0.3816 0.4456 0.6797

3 dimensional Random Function

>> C=rand([2,3,2])

C(:,:,1) =
0.6551 0.1190 0.9597
0.1626 0.4984 0.3404

C(:,:,2) =
0.5853 0.7513 0.5060
0.2238 0.2551 0.6991
Task 10:

A. Imadd()
>> I1=imread('1.jpg'); >> I2=imread('2.jpg');
>> imshow(I1) >> imshow(I2)

>> imshow(add);

B. imsubtract()
>> sub=imsubtract(I1,I2);
>> subI=imshow(sub);
C. immultiply()
>> mul=immultiply(I1,I2);
>> imshow(mul);

D. imdivide()
>> div=imdivide(I1,I2);
>> imshow(div);

E. imabsdiff()
>> dif=imabsdiff(I1,I2);
>> imshow(dif);

F. imcomplement()
>> com=imcomplement(I1);
>> imshow(I1);

G. imlincomb()
>> lin=imlincomb(1.5,I1);
>> imshow(lin)
Task 11: Logical function { iscell(), iscellstr(), ischar(), isempty(), isequal(),

A. iscell() Find the Values are in Array or Not

>> A{1,1} = [ 2 4 6; 1 3 9; 9 8 7; ];
>> A= iscell(A);
>> disp(A);
1  True
>> b=10;
>> c=iscell(B);

>> c=iscell(b);
>> disp(c);
0 False
B. iscellstr()

>> s='Hellow';
>> iscellstr(s);
>> disp(s);
>> str = iscellstr(s);
>> disp(str);
0 False
C. ischar()

>> z=('A');
>> y=ischar(z);
>> disp(y);
1 True

>> z=('Asdf');
>> y=ischar(z);
>> disp(y);
0 False

D. isempty()
>> A(:,:,:) =[];
>> B=isempty(A);
>> disp(B);
1 True

>> A=rand(2,2,2);
>> B=isempty(A);
>> disp(B);
0 False

E. isequal()
>> a=45;
>> b=45;
>> z=isequal(a,b);
>> disp(z);
1  True

>> a=45;
>> b=40;
>> z=isequal(a,b);
>> disp(z);
0  False

F. isfield()
>> B=struct ('one',1,'tow',2);
>> fields = isfield(B,{'two','pi','One',3.14})
fields =
1×4 logical array
0 0 0 0
>> disp(fields);
0 0 0 0
G. isfinite()
>> A=1./[-2 -1 0 1 2]
A= -0.5000 -1.0000 Inf 1.0000 0.5000
>> Fin=isfinite(A);
>> disp(Fin);
1 1 0 1 1
Task 12: Function imadjust() and imtrans().

A. Imadjust()
imadjust(image,[low_in high_in],[low_out high_out],gamma)

>> adjlow=imadjust(I1,[0.3 0.7],[]);

>> imshow(adjlow);

B. imtransform()

>> trans = maketform('affine',[1 0 0; .5 1 0; 0 0 1]);
>> transf= imtransform(I1,trans);
>> imshow(I1), figure, imshow(transf);

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