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Melanija Kalajdjiska

Date of birth: 22-07-1987

From: Skopje, Macedonia
Education and courses
2005-2014 University Ss. Cyril and Methodius of Skopje, Faculty of Architecture
(Final Project – Fire station with training center for 192 fireman in Skopje)

2002-2005 CRS – catholic relief services,

Promoting solidarity: School connectivity in Southeastern Europe and the United States,
Sponsored by The US Department of State Bureau for Educational
and Cultural Affairs and Catholic Relief Services

1996-2004 Art school DEGA, Skopje

(Two joint exhibitions)

Language English, Macedonian (Native)

1Software Expert in AutoCAD Map;

Skills in Corel, Illustrator, Photoshop, Microsoft Office
Work experience
January 2017 – present Architect, urban planner at CHIP GROUP Ltd. Skopje

April 2015 –2016 Architect at TAKTIK Ltd. Skopje


October 2014 – present Architect, urban planner at PLANERIS Ltd. Kumanovo


April 2014 – April 2015 Project Assistant for Skopje Urban Transport – Twinning Partnership
for Traffic Management and Urban Road Management (Skopje-Vienna)

June - August 2011 Intern at Studio for design, consulting, construction and supervision GOING PROJECT Skopje

April - May 2011 Intern at Architecture studio MILIENIUM Ltd. – Skopje


2008-2013 Construction of Main traffic design projects, landscaping, design of intersections,

gas stations and parking lots at Design Company Zebra Project Ltd. – Skopje

January 2017-present Artband design for 0.10errorofharmony concept store

Reference list:
Traffic Design Projects
Traffic Design Projects
2017 111/17 Main traffic design for residential building, lot 6097/3, 6095/2, 6094/3, 6097/2, Municipality of Karpos in Skopje
06/2017 Main traffic design for Factory FEYDOM, lot 1029/1, Municipality of Butel in Skopje
894-11/15 Main traffic design for residential buildings, lot 3204/4, Municipality of Gjorche Petrov in Skopje
196/2017 Main traffic design for residential building, lot 6097/3, Municipality of Karpos in Skopje

2016 03-12/2016 Main traffic design for Hotel Vardar Palas, lot 5524, 5525, 5530/4, Municipality of Centar in Skopje
10-10/15 Main traffic design for residential and office building Global Impact, lot 3.2, Municipality of Aerodrom in Skopje

2015 164/15 Main traffic design for Office building, lot 5530/8, Municipality of Centar in Skopje
1116/14 Main traffic design for Multy-story parking garage, lot 5108, Municipality of Centar in Skopje
159/15 Main traffic design for the Universal Hall building, lot 10687/1, Municipality of Centar in Skopje
310/2015 Main traffic design for residential and office building, lot 1083, Municipality of Kisela Voda in Skopje

2014 55/2013 Main traffic design for Sports Hall Jane Sandanski in Skopje, January 2014
06/07-14 Main traffic design for Gas Station on Regional Road R1102 Skopje-Katlanovo, October 2014
18/2014 Main traffic design for reconstruction of Old Theater in Strumica, April 2014
Traffic Design Projects
2013 07/2013 Main traffic design for Warehouse for petroleum products in Kumanovo, March 2013
09/2013 Main traffic design for Concrete Base GOIVA in Skopje, September 2013
11/2013 Main traffic design for Warehouse for mushrooms in Sveti Nikole, Mart 2013
14/2013 Main traffic design for bus stations for AIRBUS line Skopje-Airport Aleksander the Great-Skopje, April 2013
30/2013 Main traffic design for Gas Station on Highway A4 Podmolje-Struga, August 2013
12/2013 Main traffic design for the traffic regime for tourist carriage ride in Skopje, April 2013
04/13 Main traffic design for Clinic Centre Shtip for Ministry for Health, September 2013
50-1/13 Main traffic design for Public Medical Institution and Hospital Kichevo, December 2013

2012 3086-07/12 Main traffic design for Turkish Theatre in Skopje, June 2012
09/12 Main traffic design for Gas Station on Highway A2/E75 Skopje-Tetovo Municipality of Saraj Skopje, March 2012
84/2012 Main traffic design for OKTA Oil Refinery, March 2012
12/2012 Main traffic design for Gas Station OK Petrol on Highway A2 in Tetovo, December 2012
63/2012 Main traffic design for Gas Station NB Oil in Tetovo, September 2012
145-1/11 Main traffic design for Underground Parking Garage for Macedonian Opera and Ballet in Skopje, February 2012
03-123/12 Main traffic design for Gas Station in Skopje City Mall in Mal Ring in Skopje, November 2011
78/2012 Main traffic design for Gas Station EUROPETROL MT on Highway A4 Radovish-Strumica, November 2012
Traffic Design Projects
2011 94/2010 Main traffic design for the PE Water and Sanitation Office in Skopje, March 2011
03-30/11 Main traffic design for Football Stadium for 3000 viewers for Football Federation of Macedonia in Skopje, August 2011
41/2011 Main traffic design for Hotel and Recreational complex BEST WESTERN - Hotel Bellevue in Skopje, August 2011
35/2011 Main traffic design for Hotel Meriot in Skopje, May 2011
20110607 Main traffic design for Public Parking Garage in Golem Ring in Skopje, June 2011
26/2011 Main traffic design for Gas Station LUKOIL Kumanovo on Highway M-1, June 2011
03-60/11 Main traffic design for Albanian Theatre in Skopje, December 2011
03-93/10 Main traffic design for the Municipality of building for Municipality of Centre in Skopje, March 2011
57/11 Main traffic design for Educational and Correctional Center in Tetovo for Ministry of Justice, December 2011
120/10 Main traffic design for Underground Parking garage for the Constitutional Court in Skopje, February 2011

2010 2010-07/2010 Main traffic design for Office Building NEOKOM in Skopje, February 2010
10/2010 Main traffic design for Multifunctional Sports Hall Boris Trajkovski in Skopje, March 2010
15/08 Main traffic design for reconstruction of Universal Hall in Skopje, June 2010
89/2010 Main traffic design for Warehouse for fruit storage on Regional Road R110 in Valandovo, September 2010
55/2010 Main traffic design for traffic regime during construction of jardinière on Boulevard Krste Petkov Misirkov in Skopje, September 2010
56/2010 Main traffic design for traffic regime during construction of jardinière on Boulevard Jane Sandanski in Skopje, September 2010
57/2010 Main traffic design for traffic regime during construction of jardinière on Boulevard Vidoe Smileski Bato in Skopje, September 2010
03-80/10-1 Main traffic design for Public Parking Garage in Municipality of Center in Skopje, November 2010
80/2010 Main traffic design for Residential and Office Building in Skopje, November 2010
160-1/10 Main traffic design for Prison complex in Kumanovo, December 2010
Reference list:
Architecture Projects
Architecture Projects
2018 06/18 Main project design - Architecture for craft workshop with storage, lot 3261/2, Konopnica - Municipality of Kriva Palanka
10/18 Main project design - Architecture for individual house, lot 4386, Municipality of Kriva Palanka
09/18 Main project design - Architecture for individual house, lot 25782/3, 25787/2, in Kumanovo
08/18 Main project design - Architecture for individual house, lot 4272/8, Municipality of Rankovce
20/18 Main project design - Architecture for individual house, lot 25598/7 in Kumanovo
23/18 Main project design - Architecture for TV office building, lot 12795/65, 12795/322 in Kumanovo
26/18 Main project design - Architecture for individual house, lot 5193, Municipality of Rankovce
27/18 Main project design - Architecture for individual house, lot 2544, Konopnica -Municipality of Kriva Palanka
01/2018 Main project design - Architecture for PAZ Macedonia Industrial building, lot 03-03-2, Madzari - Municipality of Gazi Baba

2017 01/2017 Main project design - Architecture for industrial building, lot 1561/1, Gradoshorci - Municipality of Vasilevo
43/17 Main project design - Architecture for individual house, lot 7947/1, 7947/2, 7947/5, 7946/2, in Kumanovo
09/17 Main project design - Architecture for individual house, lot 2350, in Kumanovo
20/17 Main project design - Architecture for individual house, lot 206, Opila - Municipality of Rankovce
43/17 Main project design - Architecture for individual house, lot 56, Opila - Municipality of Rankovce

2016 07-10/16 Main project design - Architecture for reconstruction of house at Tiranska St., lot 3.7, Municipality of Gjorche Petrov in Skopje
52/16 Main project design - Architecture for individual house at Nikola Tesla St., lot 798, Municipality of Kriva Palanka
52/16 Main project design - Architecture for individual house at Nikola Tesla St., lot 798, Municipality of Kriva Palanka in Kriva Palanka
53/16 Main project design - Architecture for individual house, lot 23089, in Kumanovo
04/16 Main project design - Architecture for Kindergarten Izvorce Montesori, lot 248/2, Marino - Municipality of Ilinden
Architecture Projects
2015 89/2015 Main project design - Architecture for residential building at Bukureshka St., lot 3034, Municipality of Karpos in Skopje
120/15 Main project design - Architecture for house, lot 2142/44, Municipality of Gazi Baba in Skopje
121/15 Interior Design of Café Drama in Skopje
2015 Reconstruction of Hotel Neda at Galichnik Macedonia
2015 Main project design - Architecture for residential building at Karaorman St., lot 10.56, Municipality of Karpos in Skopje
130/2015 Main project design - Architecture for reconstruction of residential building
at Aleksa Demnievski St., lot 9558, Municipality of Gjorche Petrov in Skopje
49/15 Main project design - Architecture for house at Gjuro Pucar St., lot 11209, in Kumanovo

2014 370/2014 Main project design - Architecture for Housing with a special regime, Villa Dimitrovski, in Pobozje in Skopje
08/2014 Main project design - Architecture for elephant habitat for Skopje ZOO

2013 44/2013 Main project design - Architecture for Housing with a special regime, Villa Tatarchevski
at lot 17595/165, 12.89, neighborhood Heraclea in Bitola
Reference list:
Urban Planning Projects
Urban Planning Projects
2018 01/18 (LUPD) Local Urban Plan Documentation for lot 576, 577, 578, 580, 581, 582, Jaruga KO Ljubodrag – Municipality of Kumanovo
18/18 (DUP) Detailed Urban Plan for UE Treta MUB and UE B.S. Gojcho UB48 and UB44 – Kumanovo (2018-2023)
07/18 (AUP) Architecture-Urban Plan for lot 30 – DUP UE Pero Chicho UB 19 - Kumanovo, type of building B2 – Large trade buildings
03/18 (UPVNM) Urban Plan for Shamak, in Opae – Municipality of Lipkovo (2018-2028)
12/18 (DUP) Detailed Urban Plan for UE B.S. Gojcho UB46 – Kumanovo (2018-2023)
43/-11/2017 (AUP) Architecture-Urban Plan for lot 793/2, 794, 785, 779/2, 778, 779/1, 780 – OA
village Drachevo Municipaliy of Kisela Voda, type of building B3 – Large catering service buildings
41/-11/2017 (AUP) Architecture-Urban Plan for lot 1324 KO Sopishte Municipaliy of Sopishte, type of building A1 – Individual houses

2017 13/17 (DUP) Detailed Urban Plan for UE Bedinje UB85 – Kumanovo (2017-2022)
15/17 (DUP) Detailed Urban Plan for UE Bajram Shabani UB57 – Kumanovo (2017-2022)
02/17 (DUP) Detailed Urban Plan for UE 4 Blok 14-4 – Struga (2016-2021)
70/17 (UPS) Urban Plan for Village Vidovishte – Municipality of Zrnovci (2017-2027)
44/17 (AUP) Architecture-Urban Plan for lot 645/1 – OA village Dobroshane Municipaliy of Kumanovo,
type of building B3 – Large catering service buildings
08-02/2017 (UPS) Urban Plan for Village Marino Blok 18 – Municipality of Ilinden (2017-2027)
14-02/2017 Detailed Urban Plan for UE 9 Blok 25 – Struga (2017-2022)
22-05/2017 Detailed Urban Plan for SSI04 Blok 08 – Municipality of Chair – Skopje (2017-2022)
08-02/2017 Detailed Urban Plan for 19 Blok 01 – Municipality of Gazi Baba – Skopje (2017-2022)
09-03/2017 Detailed Urban Plan for Industrial zone Star Progres – Municipality of Bitola (2017-2022)
Urban Planning Projects
27-05/2017 (LUPD) Local Urban Plan Documentation for lot 2040, 2056/1, 2057/1,
KO Rakotinci – Municipality of Sopishte, type of building A4 – Temporary accommodation facilities and houses
34-08/2017 (LUPD) Local Urban Plan Documentation for lot 635,
KO Gorno Sonje – Municipality of Sopishte, type of building A1 – Individual houses
01-02/2017 (LUPD) Local Urban Plan Documentation for lot 590/1, 601,
KO Sopishte vgr – Municipality of Sopishte, type of building A1 – Individual houses
21-05/2017 (LUPD) Local Urban Plan Documentation for lot 2222/1, 2222/2,
KO Sopishte vgr – Municipality of Sopishte, type of building A4 – Temporary accommodation facilities and

2016 31/16 (DUP) Detailed Urban Plan for UE Gjorce Petrov UB19 – Kumanovo (2015-2020)
19/2015 (DUP) Detailed Urban Plan for UE Goce Delchev UB27 – Kumanovo (2016-2021)
01/16 (DUP) Detailed Urban Plan for UE Goce Delchev UB30 – Kumanovo (2016-2021)
28/16 (PI) Urban Plan for Infrastructure for Regulation of Golem Dol, Rankovce – Municipality of Rankovce
36/16 (DUP) Detailed Urban Plan for UE Pero Chicho UB15 – Kumanovo (2016-2021)
50/16 (DUP) Detailed Urban Plan for UE 5 Blok 17-2 – Struga (2016-2021)
42/16 (UPVNM) Urban Plan for Besh Karach, Gorobinci – Municipality of Sveti Nikole (2016-2021)
Urban Planning Projects
2016 (LUPD) Local Urban Plan Documentation for lot 1288/1,
KO Dobri Dol – Municipality of Sopishte, type of building A4 – Temporary accommodation facilities and houses
(LUPD) Local Urban Plan Documentation for lot 1013,
KO Gorno Sonje – Municipality of Sopishte, type of building A1 – Individual houses
(LUPD) Local Urban Plan Documentation for lot 1541, 2097,
KO Govrlevo – Municipality of Sopishte, type of building A1 – Individual houses
(LUPD) Local Urban Plan Documentation for lot 1820
KO Koroshishta Dzepin – Municipality of Struga, type of building G2 – Non-poluting Industry
(LUPD) Local Urban Plan Documentation for lot 1899/2,
KO Misleshevo vgr – Municipality of Struga, type of building G2 – Non-poluting Industry

2015 56/15 (UPVNM) Urban Plan for weekend neighbourhood, catering and recreational complex, Arafastos,
in Glaznja – Municipality of Lipkovo (2015-2020)
99/14 (DUP) Detailed Urban Plan for UE Industrija UB79 – Kumanovo (2015-2020)
129/15 (DUP) Detailed Urban Plan for UE Panche Peshev UB42 – Kumanovo (2015-2020)
88/15 (AUP) Architecture-Urban Plan for lot 3.1 – DUP Z08 Municipaliy of Kaposh – Skopje, type of building V1 – Education and Science
133/15 (AUP) Architecture-Urban Plan for lot 3.30 – DUP Bunjakovec 2,
KO Centar 1 Municipaliy of Centar – Skopje, type of building V3 – Culture
117/2015 (AUP) Architecture-Urban Plan for lot 87/2, 88, 89, 87/1, 90, 1690/1 – Katlanovska Spa,
KO Katlanovo Municipaliy of Centar – Petrovec, type of building V1 – Health
Thank You

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