288 Campaign+Rules+V1.4

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Campaign Rules

Matthew Chinn
Campaign Setup
Starting Roster
The starting roster consists of up to 200 Squadron Points worth of ships and upgrades. These
ships and upgrades may not be unique cards with the exception of EITHER a captain of skill value 5
or less OR a named ship. Resources cannot be included in the starting roster, if your captain is able
to take a Captain Talent card you may take one ignoring the unique restrictions.

The Campaign Map

Each player is given a starting location on the campaign map; this is there homeworld for the
campaign. A players Homeworld will either have a Starbase or Shipyard assigned to it (players
choice), this should be added to the players fleet roster (along with any upgrades) and is in addition
to the 200pts spent on the Starting Roster, although it is subject to the same restrictions as the fleet
roster. Each system on the campaign map is linked to other systems; these are the other systems
that can be affected by the player during subsequent campaign turns. Some locations on the
campaign map contain things other than a star system, these locations will have their own special
scenario rules.

The Campaign Turn

In the campaign turn players go in the order of Renown (highest to lowest), with ties decided
by Initiative as per the normal rules. A player my choose to forgo their normal position in the
Renown order to go last. All players must declare their Targets before a game is played (if possible).

Declare Targets
A player may claim one system per campaign turn, if that system is not claimed by another
player then it is automatically added to that players empire. If the system has already been claimed
by another player then the attempt to claim the system is resolved by a game. When you declare a
target system you must decide if you are Raiding or Invading the system. Systems that are Raided
will only be added to your empire for one campaign turn, and if they are already held by another
player then a Raid scenario is played. Systems that are Invaded are permanently added to your
empire, and if they are already held by another player than a battle scenario is played. I player can
voluntarily choose not to defend a system they own, in which case the attacking player counts as
winning the appropriate game type (Raid or Battle) and the defending player counts as losing the
game. If part of a player’s empire becomes separated from their homeworld the player must use
their campaign action to try and reconnect the separate parts of their empire.

If a player is involved in more than one game per campaign turn then resolve those games in
the order they were declared. Ships can be used in more than one game based on the ships
maximum movement (so a ship with a speed 6 movement can have 6 systems between battles
(including the start and end system, a ship with a speed 4 movement can only have 4 systems
between battles). Ships being used in multiple battles start each game after the first in whatever
state they finished the previous game in, with the exception of shields which will be back to full and
disabled tokens which are removed. All critical and hull damage remains, and any upgrades that
were discarded are also out of play, although the player doesn’t have to pay for them. Discarded
upgrades are still considered to be assigned to the ship however, so its destruction may result in the
loss of the upgrades that are not actually involved in the battle.

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Play a game
There are two types of game that can be played as part of the campaign, a Raid or a Battle.
Raids are smaller scale games used to represent harassment attacks and other unconventional
warfare. Battles are full scale fleet engagements designed to represent more conventional warfare.
Some scenarios have additional effects on a campaign other than control of a system or damage to
ships, such as the Assault on the Station mission where if the Space Station is destroyed it is also
removed from the campaign map regardless of which side wins.

When building a fleet for a scenario the following restrictions apply to the fleet composition:
 All ships and upgrades must come from your campaign roster with the exception of
bonus ships granted in the scenario (such as transports in the convoy scenario)
 You may include as many Escort class vessels as your points allow
 You may include as many Cruiser class vessels as your points allow
 For every two Cruiser class vessels you may include one Battlecruiser class vessel
 For every three Cruiser or Battlecruiser class vessels you may include one Battleship
class vessel

Once all the players have played their games for a campaign turn players move on to the
Aftermath phase of the Campaign turn.

Additional Rules
Special Actions

Silent Running
Some scenarios allow for the use of the Silent Running special rule, where it is noted in the
Special rules section of a scenario the following rules apply.

Movement and Deployment

For each ship on Silent Running you will need 3 ship bases, these bases should not have
cards on their base. When it is time to deploy your ship/s use the range ruler set the bases out as
shown in the diagram below. A ship may move as normal under silent running, all movement is
measured from the centre base, and resolve any effects (such as range-based abilities, minefields,
and obstacles) based on the centre base and its movement template. The controlling player MUST
decide at deployment which base represents the true location of the ship, (Left, Centre, or Right)
and should make a note of this before the first turn begins.

Leaving Silent Running

There are several ways a ship can leave Silent Running and be placed on the table as normal.
They are as follows;

 Attempt to fire on an enemy ship

 Perform the Scan or Target Lock actions

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 Move speed 5 or greater in a single Turn (this does not include sensor Echo’s but does
include extra movement from cards such as Transwarp Drive).
 Being detected by an enemy ship
 Having only one ship base left (the true location)

Detecting a ship under Silent Running

It is possible to detect the true location of a ship that is operating under the Silent Running
special rules by three methods;

The first of these is to close within range 1 of one of the bases being used to represent the
ship. If this is the true location of the ship then place the model on the table and continue the turn
normally. If the base isn’t the true location then simply remove it from the table.

The second method is through the Scan action, which increases the effect above to range 2.

The third method is using card abilities (such as the Vulcan Sensor Grid) that alter cloak
tokens. Any card or text ability that can affect a cloak token will also affect any of the ship bases
within their area of affect. For example the Vulcan Sensor Grid upgrade causes all cloak tokens
within range 1-2 to be flipped to the red (decloaking/cloaking) side, if this card is triggered and 2
bases representing a Silent Running ship were in the area of effect they would either be removed or
replaced with the ship (if one was the true location). In either case this example would cause the
ship to be revealed as there would only be one Silent Running base left.

When a ship is on silent running it is limited to the following actions (and only if they are on
its action bar); Regenerate, Evade, Cloak, Sensor Echo, and Battle Stations. If a ship is capable of the
Scan and Target Lock actions they may choose to perform them, however this immediately ends the
Silent Running special rules and the ship is placed on the table normally.

Affecting a Silent Running Ship

A ship that is Silent Running cannot be the target of an Attack action with the exception of
minefield tokens; these will affect a Silent Running ship if the centre base would trigger the effect of
the card. You cannot Target Lock a Silent Running ship under any circumstances.

Silent Running and Cloaking

Cloaked ships that are operating under Silent Running have the following extra rules;

 If the actions of an enemy ship would cause a base representing this ship to leave silent
running then the player may roll 2 defence dice, an evade result will allow the base to
remain under silent running.
 If the ship has a card ability (such as advanced weapon system) that would allow it to remain
cloaked after an Attack the player may choose to Attack or Target Lock, they may then roll
two defence dice and any Battle Station results will allow the ship to remain under silent
running (all ranges measured from the centre base). If the player Target Locks and Attacks in
the same turn they must roll each time to see if they maintain their silent running.

Victory Points
Victory points are often used to determine the outcome of a scenario. They are mainly a
measure of how much damage has been caused on the enemy, but can also be earned by meeting
certain objectives. Victory points are earned as follows:

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Each enemy ship destroyed is worth victory points equal to the amount of Ship Points spent on it
and its upgrades.

Each enemy ship crippled is worth victory points equal to 25% of the amount of Ship Points spent on
it and its upgrades.

Each enemy ship the disengages is worth victory points equal to 25% of the amount of Ship Points
spent on it and its upgrades if it is crippled, and victory points equal to 10% of the amount of Ship
Points spent on it and its upgrades if it is not crippled.

Scenario objectives can add a variable amount of victory points and will be detailed in each scenario.


Blockade Run
The system has been under blockade for months, a small force has been tasked with
breaking out to get reinforcements.

The breakout force (Defending player) makes a fleet to the value of 75 points, the blockade
force (attacking player) has 110 points to spend. As this battle is taking place on the edge of the
system Starbases and planets may not be used in this scenario.

Decide which table edge will be the attackers and which will be the defenders. Divide the
table into three equal areas along the attacking player’s board edge.

The attacking player sets up the blockade first. Roll an attack dice for each ship, on a roll of a
blank the ship is setup in the right hand third of the table, within range three of the table edge, on
the roll of a Battle Station the ship is setup in the centre third of the table within range three of the
table edge, on the roll of a hit the ship is setup in the left hand third of the table, within range three
of the table edge. All blockade ships must start facing the same direction (either left or right). Once
all the blockade ships have been placed the breakout force is deployed anywhere along there board
edge within range 1 of the table edge.

Special Rules
Silent Running – all breakout force ships begin the game on Silent Running (see Additional
Rules section).

Cloaked – all breakout force ships begin cloaked if they are able to cloak (either through an
action or an upgrade card).

Game Length
The game lasts until one side is destroyed or disengages

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Victory Conditions
Victory is determined by Victory Points, however any breakout ships that make it off of the
blockade table edge grant the breakout player there Victory Points.


The defender is trying to move a vital supply convoy through the warzone. A small force of
raiders has managed to learn of the convoys route and have laid an ambush for it.

The convoy must consist of at least two transports, these transports do not come from the
defenders roster and the defender may include as many transports as they like. For every two
transports the defender chooses to include they may spend 35 points on their escorts. They may not
field more than one escort ship for every pair of transports; transports bought from the defenders
roster do not count as escort ships.

The attacking force consists of a randomly generated fleet using the table below. Roll 2
attack dice, +1 dice for each pair of transports in the defending fleet (including any that have been

Attack Dice Roll Result

Blank 1 Remote Weapon Platform
Battle Station 3 Remote Weapon Platforms
Hit Up to 35 points of ships and upgrades
Critical Hit Up to 70 points of ships and upgrades

All ships must be chosen from the fleet roster, Remote Weapon Platforms do not come from the
fleet roster. The Secondary Weapon cost for Remote Torpedo Platforms must not exceed 5 points
but does not come from the attacker’s points allowance.

Setup terrain in a mutually agreeable fashion.

The attacking player sets up first. Place one face down mission marker on the table for each
ship, Weapon Platform, or minefield. These markers may not be within range 2 of each other, and
may not be within range 3 of either of the short table edges. If you have more markers than it is
possible to fit on the table start to place additional markers on top of existing ones.
The defending player now flips a coin to determine which short table edge they are entering
play from. Place a single ship on the table to mark the point at which the convoy will enter, a convoy
ship cannot arrive within range 3 of a long table edge.

Special Rules
Arriving Deployment – All convoy ships enter the table from the point indicated. Their first
movement onto the game table is considered to start at the table edge facing straight head down
the length of the table. The convoy may spread its arrival over turns one and two, but any ships not
on the table at the end of the turn 2 end phases are considered to have been destroyed for victory
points purposes.
Activating attackers – The attacking fleet is unable to act until a Convoy comes within range
3 of a mission marker, this activates that attacking ship, Weapon Platform, or minefield. The
attacking player may voluntarily activate one marker at the start of the activation phase. When a

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marker is activated the attacking player may choose the facing direction of the ship, Weapon
Platform, or minefield that has been deployed.

Game Length
The game continues until the last transport leaves the table or is destroyed.

Victory Conditions
Victory in this scenario is dependent on the number of transports that make it across the
board and off of the opposite short table edge.
Transport Exiting Result
None Attacks Win
One Attacker Marginal Win
Two Convoy Marginal Win
Three or more Convoy Win


Recon Clash
The reconnaissance elements of two fleets have encountered each other during a routine
sweep of a star system. Both sides need to get there information back to the fleet, but they also
want to stop the enemy gaining valuable intelligence.

Agree a points value (70-90pts is suggested), both fleets are built to this value using the
standard campaign rules.

Place one planet in the centre of the table then place a stack of 10 mission tokens on the

Mark out a range 3 by range 1 along the opposite table edges, the players then pick a table
edge. The players then alternate in deploying ships in captain skill order.

Special Rules
All ships in this game gain the following ability:

Action: You must be within range band one of a planet and not cloaked to perform this
action. Disable any remaining shields and move ONE mission token from the planet to the ship card
of this ship. This action may not be taken as a free action.

Game Length
The game lasts for 8 turns or until one fleet disengages or is destroyed.

Victory Conditions
The game is determined by victory points. However for each mission token that was on a
ship that either disengaged or survived the player gains +10 victory points.


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The Bait
A lone ship is being used to lure out a defending force to try and weaken their numbers
before the main assault.

The defending player takes the role of the pursuit force and the attacker the pursued force.
The pursuit force consists of a fleet built to an agreed points limit (70-90pts is suggested), and
pursued force consists of a reinforcements force built to the same points limit as the pursuit force
plus a bait ship worth no more than 40 ship points (including upgrades)

Due to the nature of this scenario no planets or starbases may be used in this game.

The bait ship is placed first, in the centre of the table facing one of the short table edges. The
pursuing force is then deployed outside of range 5 behind the bait ship. Starting on turn one the
reinforcement force may start to arrive via the short table edge that the bait ship is heading

Special Rules
Reinforcements for the bait ship that arrive after turn one may enter via either long table
edge within range three of the short table edge, increasing by range three for each additional turn
after turn two.

Game Length
The game continues until one fleet disengages or is destroyed.

Victory Conditions
Victory is determined by victory points, however the pursuit force also gains bonus victory
points equal to the value of each reinforcement ship brought onto the table.


The Raiders
A small attacking force has snuck through the enemy lines to cause as much confusion and
damage as possible.

The attackers have 75pts to build a fleet whilst the defenders get 110pts to build a fleet.

Setup scenery in a mutually agreed fashion.

The defender deploys his fleet first. The defending fleet must be setup with all the ships
facing the same table edge and at least range 3 from any table edge. Each defending ship must be at
least range 2 apart. The attacker moves there fleet on to the table from any edge in the first turn
(set dials normally, place the movement template on the table edge).

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Special Rules
For the first turn the defenders ships all operate at Captain skill 0. For the rest of the game
the defending ships are all at a -1 penalty to their Captain skill.

Game Length
The game lasts 8 turns, or until one fleet disengages

Victory Conditions
The winning side is determined by Victory Points


Assault on the Station

This mission is only available to be played when a player decides to attack a system that
contains a star base.

The defending fleet must include a Starbase, if the game takes place in the Bajor system this
station will be Deep Space Nine/Terok Nor depending on who currently owns the system, in other
systems it will depend which type of station the player selected when they made their appeal roll.
Both fleets are built to the same points value (150pts suggested), but the defender must include the
cost of their space station

In addition to the Starbase that the scenario requires players should setup other scenery in a
mutually agreeable manner.

The attacking player sets up along 1 edge as in the 2-player game. The Space Station token is
placed at the centre of the opposite side of the board, the length of the range ruler away from the
edge. The enemy ships are set up anywhere within Range 1 of the Space Station token.

Special Rules
There are no special rules for this scenario.

Game Length
The game lasts 10 turns or until the Starbase has been destroyed.

Victory Conditions
The attacking player has 10 turns to try and destroy the Starbase.

Escalating Engagement

Both players fleets are of an equal value (150pts suggested), each fleet is then split into at
least 3 formations and on ship in each token is chosen as its command ship. The Ship Card for each
formation’s command ships are then place in separate opaque bags.

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Planets, Starbases, and Weapons Platforms my not be used in this game. Place any other
scenery as the player see fit.

Each player blind-draws one of their Ship Cards and deploys the corresponding formation to
the table. Captain skill and initiative (as per the movement phase) determine who deploys first. Ships
may not be deployed within range 3 of the table edge or range 6 of an enemy ship. All of the ships in
a formation must deploy within range 1 off the formation’s command ship.

Special Rules
At the end of the End Phase each player blind-draws another ship card and places it along a
randomly determined table edge (roll an attack dice – blank: players left, Hit: players right, Battle
Station: edge closest to player, Crit: edge furthest from player). Ships are deployed in initiative order
as per the initial setup rules, and must be placed more than range 3 away from any other ship. Place
the command ship with its base touching the table edge and then roll two defence dice and consult
the table below which is based on the slowest Straight Ahead speed in the formation (including
upgrades that do not require an action to activate);

Slowest ahead speed 3 4 5+

Score needed to arrive Double Evade Double Evade or 1 Any combination of
Evade and 1 Battle Evade and Battle
station station, including two
of the same

If the required roll is made the formation is considered to have arrived and any additional
ships are placed within range 1 of the command ship (but still outside range 3 of another ship). If the
roll is failed then the formation has failed to arrive this turn and must be rolled for next turn. The
command ship may be slid along the table edge in either direction at the maximum straight speed of
the slowest ship in the formation.

Game Length
The game lasts until one fleet is destroyed or disengages.

Victory Conditions
The winner is determined by Victory Points.


Fleet Engagement

Both forces are picked to an equal points value (150pts suggested)

Setup scenery in a mutually agreeable fashion.

Each player secretly chooses one of the following formations for their fleet from the list
below. Once both players have chosen compare the results on the table below to see the actual
table setup to be used.
Opponents Choice

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Your Choice Sphere Wedge Line
Sphere B A (d.grey) / C (d.grey) A (d.grey) / D (d.grey)
Wedge A(White) / C (White) D (d.grey) / D (White) B
Line A 9White) / D (White) B B

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When a result is split (i.e. A (d.grey) / D (d.grey)) both players roll 3 defence die. If a player
has a faster ship (based on straight ahead movement) than their opponent they add 1 Evade. The
fleet with the highest Captain Skill gains +1 Evade. The fleet with the most ships adds 1 Evade. The
player with the most Evade results chooses which setup is used.
Once the layout of the table has been decided deploy the ships in ascending Captain Skill
order, with draws broken by Initiative as normal.

Some Setups split the fleet’s deployment zone into several areas (or Divisions). Where this is
the case a single ship must be deployed into each division before multiple ships can be put in any
one division.

Approach Angle
The setup maps have arrows indicating the approach angle for the fleet. At deployment
ships in a given division must match the Approach Angle shown on the layout.

Game Length
The game lasts until one fleet disengages or is destroyed

Victory Conditions
The victor is decided by Victory Points.


Planetary Assault

Both fleets are of an equal points value (150pts suggested). If the defenders do not have a
Starbase positioned in the system they may take 1D3 Remote Weapons Platforms (Phaser/Disruptor
platforms only). If they do have a Starbase in the system they do not have to pay for the station out
of their fleet allowance (you do however have to pay for upgrades assigned to the Starbase).
The attacker has 2 transport ships for free for every 50points in their fleet.

The Planetary assault scenario must have a planet on the board. This planet should be
placed no more than Range 6 (as in two range rulers laid end-to-end, not the Speed 6 movement
template) from the Attackers board edge.

The Defenders ships may either be deployed on standby around the planet or on Patrol.
Ships on Standby are placed side on to the planet with the 1 straight template touching the planet

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counter and the ships base. If there isn’t enough room to fit all of the defenders Standby ships
around the planet in this manner place an additional ring of ships, starting at the point opposite the
attackers board edge, using the 1 straight movement template to separate them from the inner ring
of ships. For each ship on patrol the Attacker rolls three Attack Dice and the Defender rolls 3 defence
dice. If the Attacker scores more hits than the Defender scores Evades then the attacker chooses the
location (but not facing) where the ship deploys on the table, if the Defenders scores more Evades
then they may choose where to place the ship. Ships on Patrol may be deployed anywhere on the
table that is not within range 3 of the edge of the table or the planet.
The Attackers fleet deploys within range 2 of their board edge.

Special Rules
Assault Points: Any attacking ships that reach range 1 of the planet template gain the
Planetary Assault action listed blow.

Planetary Assault – Action: For each turn that an Attacking ship remains within range 1 of the planet
they my use the Planetary Assault action to score an Assault Point. A transport ship scores 2 Assault
Points for every use of the Planetary Assault Action. As a Heavy Transport counts as 2 Transports
each use of this action gains 4 Assaults Points.

Game Length
The game lasts until one side is destroyed or disengages, or the Attacker scores 10 or more
assault points.

Victory Conditions
Add up the Assault Points earned by the Attacker and add +1 for every 50 Victory Points the
Attacker has scored. Deduct 1 Assault Point for every 50 Victory Points scored by the Defending
player. Look up the adjusted Assault Point total on the table below.

Total Assault Points Result

0-1 Defender’s Victory
2-5 Defender’s Marginal Victory
6-9 Attacker’s Marginal Win
10+ Attacker’s Victory


Surprise Attack

Both fleets are of an equal points value (150pts suggested). If the defenders do not have a
Starbase positioned in the system they may take 1D3 Remote Weapons Platforms (Phaser/Disruptor
platforms only). If they do have a Starbase in the system they do not have to pay for the station out
of their fleet allowance (you do however have to pay for upgrades assigned to the Starbase).

The battlefield must have a planet in the middle of the table, with any Weapons Platforms
and/or Starbases placed within range 3 of it. Other scenery should be placed in a mutually agreeable

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During Setup the Defender may choose one ship from their fleet to be on full alert, this ship
may be placed anywhere on the table more than range three from the table edge. The remaining
defending fleet is on stand-down and is deployed within range 2 of the planet, with all ships being
placed side on to the planet facing the same direction. All defending Starbases and Weapon
Platforms star the game on full alert.
The attackers move on from any board edge of their choice in the first turn.

Special Rules
Silent Running – Attacking ships may begin the game under Silent Running (attackers choice)
Activating ships – The majority of the defenders fleet begins the game on stand down. To
activate a ship the player rolls a number of attack dice equal to the captains skill rating +1 for each
turn past the first turn. If the player rolls more Battlestation results than other results that ship has
now become active. A ship may not take actions the turn it becomes active. If a ship is attacked it
automatically activates at the start of the next turn.

Game Length
The game lasts until one side is destroyed or disengages.

Victory Conditions
The winning side is determined by Victory points.

Aftermath of a Game
1 Spoils of war
Whenever an attacker wins a Battle level game they may claim the system being fought over
on the campaign map. Whenever an attacker wins a Raid level game they count as being in control
of the system for the rest of the campaign turn before it returns to its original owner

2 Adjust Renown
Renown is a measure of how well known you, as the fleet commander, are - be it famous or
infamous. Everyone starts the campaign with 1 point of Renown and this will then be affected by the
games that take place as per the tables below. Your Renown cannot ever drop below 1, you may be
renowned as a bad commander but you are renowned.

Renown Gained for:

Winning a Battle +2
Winning a Raid +1
Margin of Victory Squadron points of enemy destroyed /10
Fought a commander with higher renown +1
Fought a fleet with a higher Squadron Value and lost +1
Fought a fleet with a higher Squadron Value and won +2

Renown is lost for:

Losing a Battle -1
Losing a Raid -1
Each friendly ship destroyed -1

3 Promotions and Demotions

As your renown changes it will allow you access to more of your fleet’s resources. Please see
the table below to see the effects of your renown.

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Renown Title Number of Unique Number of Unique Resources allowed
Upgrades Admirals/Captains/ships
1-5 Captain 1 0/0/0 0
6-10 Commodore 2 0/1/0 1
11-20 Rear 3 1/1/1 2
21-30 Vice 4 1/2/2 3
31-50 Admiral 5 1/3/3 4
51+ Fleet 6 1/4/4 5

All players are considered to have a Renown of 0 until they have fought their first game. The
number of unique ships and captains is in addition to the single ship or captain allowed when
building your initial roster.

4 Ship Experience
As a campaign progresses the crews on your ships will gain in experience. This is represented
by an increase in the captains Skill value and the ship and/or captain gaining special abilities.

Gaining Experience
A ship that fought in a battle and survived may roll 2D6. If the roll is higher than the current
Captain Skill then the Captain gains +1 Captain Skill. Once a Captain reaches skill level 5 then on a
successful roll they may choose to either add +1 Captain Skill as normal, gain an Elite Talent upgrade
slot (and then add one Elite Talent to the players roster), or roll on the Captain Skill chart to gain a
unique ability. A single captain can have at most 3 Elite Talent slots, and 2 Unique abilities. A
Captains Skill level cannot exceed 10. Unique Captains my only gain Captain Skill or Elite Talent Slots
they may not gain additional unique abilities.

Crippled Ships
Any ship which has suffered more than half its Hull value in damage (rounding down – so a
hull 5 ship would be crippled after taking 3 damage) is considered to have been crippled. A crippled
ship rolls one evade dice per point of hull remaining at the end of the game, if more evades are
rolled than battle stations or blanks the ship is unaffected, otherwise reduce the Captain’s skill by 1
to a minimum of 1.

Destroyed Ships
If a ship is completely destroyed during the course of a battle mark it as such on your fleet
roster and it cannot be used in further games. For each upgrade (including captains) on a destroyed
ship roll an evade dice. On the roll of an Evade this upgrade has somehow managed to survive the
destruction of the ship and been recovered and may be kept on the fleet roster. Captains that
survive in this way automatically loose one point of Captain Skill.

5 Repairs and Withdrawals

In a campaign ships that have suffered damage must be repaired, and the number and type
of systems that the player controls determines how much damage can be fixed. If a player does not
have enough repair points to completely fix a ship they may instead choose to withdraw the ship for
full repairs.

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Each system you control will provide a player with a number of repair points based on their
current renown and the type of system. Each repair point will restore one point of Hull. Note that all
critical damage is automatically converted to normal damage at the end of a campaign turn, and all
shields are repaired automatically at the end of a game.

Repair points table

Renown Farming Penal Starbase present Major Minor Uninhabited
1-5 1 1 +2 3 1 1
6-10 1 D6-4 +2 3 2 1
11-20 1 D6-3 +2 4 3 1
21-30 2 D6-2 +2 5 4 1
31-50 2 D6-1 +3 6 5 1
51+ 3 D6 +4 12 6 1

Withdrawing Ships
A player may choose to withdraw a ship from the combat zone to get them fully repaired.
Mark the fact that they have been withdrawn on your fleet register. Ships that have been withdrawn
must miss the players next game, but when they return they have full hit points. Any upgrades and
captains assigned to the ship during its last game are also withdrawn and may not be used. If a
player’s homeworld is attacked any ships that have been withdrawn may be used to defend it

6 Appeal
After repairs have been completed a player can make a number of appeals to their senior
commanders for aid. The number of appeals that can be made depends on the player Renown, all
players get 1 appeal plus the tens number of there renown, so a renown 32 Admiral would get 4
Appeals. Appeals can either be a new ship being added to the roster, a refit of an existing ship, or
construction of a Starbase. Once a player has declared what all of their appeals are for this campaign
turn roll a D6 for each appeal and consult the table below to see if they succeeded.

Appeal type Granted on a….

Reinforcements 2+
Refits 4+
Starbase Construction 5+

If an appeal for reinforcements is granted the player may add a single ship to their fleet
roster. If their renown allows this ship may be a named ship, otherwise it must be a generic ship.
This ship may have a captain and D6 upgrades, with unique captains and upgrades being restricted
as per the player’s renown.

A player who has been granted a refit must choose one of their ships to undergo the refit.
The player may choose to either add a single upgrade card of their choice (not a captain card) to the
ship (subject to the normal restrictions), or, if the ship is not a named ship, to roll on the one of the
ship refit tables below to gain a unique ability for that ship. Each time a player chooses to roll on the
Refit tables for a ship that ship’s cost increases by 1 point plus one for each previous refit, so a ship
with 3 refits from the random tables would cost 6 points more.

Starbase Construction
If the player succeeds in an appeal for a Starbase to be constructed they must select one of
the systems that they currently control. After D3 complete campaign turns the Starbase becomes

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active and may be used in games that take place in that system and is counted towards repair
points. If the player loses control of the system before the Starbase is built then the Appeal is lost.
Once the Starbase has been constructed the player may add it to their roster, they may either add
an Outpost, Trading Post, Orbital, Starbase, or Shipyard. A system may have multiple Starbases
placed in it, however unless is states otherwise a system may not have more than one Starbase of
the same type.

7 Reassignments
Once all other actions have been resolved after a battle a player may reorganise his fleet
roster. Admiral, Crew, and Secondary Weapon cards may be moved between ships without penalty.
Tech and Borg upgrades may be moved, but they must not be used for one campaign turn whilst
they are moved from one ship to the next. Elite talents are directly connected to the card they are
assigned to originally and cannot be separated from it. Captain cards may be moved from ship to
ship, however there is a risk that the unfamiliarity with the new ship will have an effect on their
ability. If you choose to reassign a Captain card to a different ship roll 2D6, if you roll over the
captain’s skill value then the captain is unaffected, if you roll equal to or under the skill value then
captains skill value is reduced by D3 to a minimum of 1.

Captain Skills and Refit tables

Federation Ship
D6 Result
1 Phaser re-fit – your Primary Weapon may use either your forward or secondary firing arc’s
when you attack. If your ship does not have a secondary firing arc then re-roll this refit.
2 Ablative Armour – downgrade all crits to hits
3 EPS refit – Action: At the end of the movement phase disengage from the battle. Remove the
ship from the table, it does not count as destroyed for Victory Points.
4 Uprated sensors – Action: You may cause one ship at range 1-2 that is cloaked to flip its cloak
token to the red side.
5 Combat refit – When attacking with a primary weapon at range 1 add +1 attack dice
6 Dedicated Carrier – If the ship’s hull value is 3 or below it may now support 1 Attack Fighter
Squadron, if the ship’s hull value is 4 or greater it may now support 2 Attack Fighter

Federation Captain
D6 Result
1 Tactical Fleet Officer – You may perform the Target Lock action as a free action
2 Exploration Command Officer – You may perform the Scan Action as a free action
3 Rapid Deployment Force Officer – You may perform the Battle Station Action as a free action
4 Combat Veteran –Any Critical Hit cards that affect either your captain or his elite talent are
downgraded to normal hits
5 Logistical Command – In the Aftermath phase of the Campaign Turn the ship that this Captain
is assigned to gains the Captains unmodified Captain’s skill in repair points, these points can
only be spent on the ship this captain is assigned to.
6 Adaptability - Add ONE of the following upgrade slots to the ship the captain is assigned to;
Crew, Secondary Weapon, Tech. A captain may receive this upgrade more than once, but must
choose a different upgrade slot each time. If the Captain moves to a different ship, so do the
extra upgrades.

Klingon Ship
D6 Result

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1 Reinforced Engines – Action: At the end of the movement phase disengage from the battle.
Remove the ship from the table, it does not count as destroyed for Victory Points.
2 Assault Ship – You may play the Klingon Boarding Party Crew card and/or the Boarding Action
Captain Ability as a free action assuming all normal conditions are met.

Klingon Captain
D6 Result
1 Boarding Action – If this captain’s ship is in base-to-base contact with another ship he gains
the following ability - ACTION: You may roll 2 Attack dice per Crew, Captain, or Admiral card
on this ship, inflict this damage to the opposing ship as normal. For each upgrade you choose
to roll dice for disable that card.

Romulan Ship
D6 Result
1 Warp Drive Pre-start – Action: At the end of the movement phase disengage from the battle.
Remove the ship from the table, it does not count as destroyed for Victory Points.
2 Phase Cloak – Whilst this ship is cloaked it may ignore the effects of obstacles in the
movement phase.

Romulan Captain
D6 Result
1 Tal Shiar Operative – Add 1 Tech slot to the ship, this upgrade it deployed face down and is not
actually considered to be in play until the player chooses to flip it face-up.

Dominion Ship
D6 Result
1 Jem’hadar Barracks – During the Aftermath phase of the Campaign turn this ship repairs 2
points of damage for each repair point spent on it instead of the normal 1.
2 EPS refit – Action: At the end of the movement phase disengage from the battle. Remove the
ship from the table, it does not count as destroyed for Victory Points.
3 Dedicated Carrier – If the ship’s hull value is 3 or below it may now support 1 Attack Fighter
Squadron, if the ship’s hull value is 4 or greater it may now support 2 Attack Fighter

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Dominion Captain
D6 Result
1 Discipline in the Ranks – You may disable one, non-disabled, Crew, Captain, or Admiral card to
re-roll all the blank dice on one Attack OR Defence roll each turn. If the card has an ability that
triggers on being disabled this ability will not trigger the card ability.

Borg Ship
D6 Result
1 Assimilated Warp Drive – Action: At the end of the movement phase disengage from the
battle. Remove the ship from the table, it does not count as destroyed for Victory Points.
2 Regeneration Matrix – During the Aftermath phase of the Campaign Turn this ship
automatically repairs up-to its Captain’s skill in damage for 1 repair point.

Borg Captain
D6 Result
1 Advanced Regeneration – Each use of the Regeneration ACTION repairs 2 points of hull/critical
rather than the normal 1.

Independent/Maquis Ship
D6 Result
1 Combat Retrofit – The ship gains 1 Secondary Weapon and 1 Tech slot
2 Smugglers Vessel – “Secondary Weapon” and “Tech” upgrades deployed on this ship may not
be affected by your opponent.
3 Salvaged Warp Drive – Action: At the end of the movement phase disengage from the battle.
Remove the ship from the table, it does not count as destroyed for Victory Points.
4 Dedicated Carrier – If the ship’s hull value is 3 or below it may now support 1 Attack Fighter
Squadron, if the ship’s hull value is 4 or greater it may now support 2 Attack Fighter

Independent Captain
D6 Result

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1 Orion Syndicate member – “Secondary Weapon” and “Tech” upgrades deployed on this ship
Cost -1 point.

Vulcan Ship
D6 Result
1 Annular Warp Drive – Action: At the end of the movement phase disengage from the battle.
Remove the ship from the table, it does not count as destroyed for Victory Points.

Vulcan Captain
D6 Result

Ferengi Ship
D6 Result
1 Black Market Warp Core – Action: At the end of the movement phase disengage from the
battle. Remove the ship from the table, it does not count as destroyed for Victory Points.

Ferengi Captain
D6 Result
1 Black-market trader – “Secondary Weapon” and “Tech” upgrades deployed on to this ship may
not be affected by your opponent.

Kazon Ship
D6 Result
1 Trabe Warp Drive – Action: At the end of the movement phase disengage from the battle.
Remove the ship from the table, it does not count as destroyed for Victory Points.

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Kazon Captain
D6 Result

8472 Ship
D6 Result
1 Reactor Purge– Action: At the end of the movement phase disengage from the battle. Remove
the ship from the table, it does not count as destroyed for Victory Points.

8472 Captain
D6 Result

Mirror Universe Ship

D6 Result
1 EPS refit – Action: At the end of the movement phase disengage from the battle. Remove the
ship from the table, it does not count as destroyed for Victory Points.

Mirror Universe Captain

D6 Result

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Generic Ship
D6 Result
1 Improved Drives – Action: Perform an additional manoeuvre from this ship’s movement dial. If
the manoeuvre selected is speed 4 or greater the ship receives an auxiliary power token at the
end of the move. Green and Red manoeuvres selected for this action will add and remove
auxiliary power as normal.

Generic Captain
D6 Result
1 Accelerated Wartime Training – Gain the Battle Stations action, if you already have this action
you place 2 battle station counters instead of one every time you take the battle station
2 Resource re-allocation – If this captain is assigned to a Shipyard, during the Aftermath phase of
the campaign turn you may spend repair points equal to the Hull value of a non-unique ship
and add it to your fleet roster. This ship comes with a skill 1 captain and may not be given any
further upgrades until it has fought in a battle.

3 Field promotion – The captain card may be treated as an Admiral Card with a +1 Captain Skill
modifier, if the Captains Ability is either an Action, or grants Free Actions then this becomes a
Fleet Action.

New Ships and Stations

Remote Weapon Platform (16+ points)
Remote Weapon Platforms may be included in a players fleet roster as part of their normal
points allowance, or add one as a reinforcement during the Appeal’s part of the campaign turn. In
either case they must be assigned to a specific system that the player controls and can only be used
in battle occurring in that system.

Remote Weapon Platforms always operate at Captain Skill 0, each Remote Weapon Platform
fires at the nearest enemy ship that is within Range 1-2 of the Remote Weapon Platform. No Remote
Weapon Platform may fire more than once per round.

Remote Phaser/Disruptor Platform

Primary Weapon: 4
Agility: 0
Hull: 2
Shields: 6
No Maneuvers (stationary)
Actions: Scan, Target Lock

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360 Primary firing arc and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 20 each

Remote Torpedo Platform

Primary Weapon: 0
Agility: 0
Hull: 2
Shields: 6
No Maneuvers (stationary)
Action: Scan, Target Lock
Upgrade slot: I secondary Weapon
360o secondary firing arc and may fire up to Range 3. – Ignore card text referring to forward and
rear firing arcs
SP Cost: 12 each


Transport (16pts+)
Depending on the faction the transport is from there are specific changes to its statline

Federation Transport
Primary Weapon: 1
Agility: 1
Hull: 3
Shields: 4
Actions: Scan, Evade
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 18pts each / Free in some scenarios
Must have a Captain assigned to it.

USS Nash – Unique Federation Transport

Primary Weapon: 1
Agility: 1
Hull: 3
Shields: 5
Actions: Scan, Evade
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Tech
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 20pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: May not be used as a free transport in a scenario. ACTION: Select a friendly ship within
range 1, disable all remaining shields on both ships. If the friendly ship has an unused Crew slot you
may move one of the Crew upgrades from this ship to the friendly ship. If the friendly ship does not
have a unused crew upgrade slot you may swap one Crew upgrade on the friendly ship for one on
this ship. Any affects that the Crew upgrade is granting to a ship are lost as soon as they are
removed, if this changes the number of upgrade slots on a ship then the player must discard
upgrade cards until the ships upgrade bar is full again.

Klingon Transport
Primary Weapon: 1
Agility: 1

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Hull: 4
Shields: 3
Actions: Evade, Cloak
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 18pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.

IKS Par’Tok – Unique Klingon Transport

Primary Weapon: 1
Agility: 1
Hull: 4
Shields: 4
Actions: Evade, Cloak, Sensor Echo
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Secondary Weapon
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 20pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: May not be used as a free transport in a scenario. Any Klingon Boarding Party Crew
upgrades deployed on this ship may be used as a free action. If you have multiple Klingon Boarding
Party cards assigned to this ship you may use them against multiple ships in the same turn.

Romulan Transport
Primary Weapon: 1
Agility: 2
Hull: 3
Shields: 3
Actions: Evade, Cloak
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 16pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.

Vulpas – Unique Romulan Transport

Primary Weapon: 1
Agility: 2
Hull: 3
Shields: 4
Actions: Evade, Cloak, Sensor Echo
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Tech
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 16pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: May not be used as a free transport in a scenario. The Vulpas may cloak as a free action.

Dominion Transport
Primary Weapon: 2
Agility: 0
Hull: 5
Shields: 3
Actions: Scan, Battlestation
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Secondary Weapon

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Firing Arc - 90 degree forward and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 20pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.

19th Division Transport – Unique Dominion Transport

Primary Weapon: 2
Agility: 0
Hull: 5
Shields: 4
Actions: Scan, Battlestation
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Secondary Weapon
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 20pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: May not be used as a free transport in a scenario. Action: you may disable up to 2 of your
Crew upgrades to add +1 per disabled upgrade to your primary weapon attack this turn.

Borg Transport
Primary Weapon: 1
Agility: 0
Hull: 6
Shields: 3
Actions: Scan, Regenerate
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew
Firing Arc - 360 degree and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 20pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.

Transport 899 – Unique Borg Transport

Primary Weapon: 1
Agility: 0
Hull: 6
Shields: 4
Actions: Scan, Regenerate
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Borg
Firing Arc - 360 degree and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 22pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: May not be used as a free transport in a scenario. Action: If this ship performed a Green
manoeuvre this turn you may perform an additional Green manoeuvre, you may not attack this turn.

Kazon Transport
Primary Weapon: 2
Agility: 1
Hull: 3
Shields: 3
Actions: Evade
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 18pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.

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Ogla Transport – Unique Kazon Transport
Primary Weapon: 2
Agility: 1
Hull: 3
Shields: 4
Actions: Evade, Scan
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Tech
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 20pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: May not be used as a free transport in a scenario. Add the 1 Full About red manoeuvre to
the ships movement dial.

Independent Transport
Primary Weapon: 1
Agility: 1
Hull: 3
Shields: 3
Actions: Evade,
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 16pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.

Xhosa – Unique Independent Transport

Primary Weapon: 1
Agility: 1
Hull: 3
Shields: 4
Actions: Evade, Battlestations
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 18pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: May not be used as a free transport in a scenario. May Sensor Echo as a free action after
performing any Green maneuver even though it isn’t cloaked.

Transport Movement Dials

Non-Borg Movement Dial

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Borg Movement Dial

Heavy Transport (30pts+upgrades) WORK IN PROGRESS!

Federation Heavy Transport

Primary Weapon: 3
Agility: 0
Hull: 6
Shields: 7
Actions: Scan, Battlestations
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Tech
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward
SP Cost: 32pts each / Free in some scenarios
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: A heavy transport may either be used in place of two standard transports in any scenario
that uses them or may be part of the player fleet list. In either case for scenario purposes a heavy
transport has the same in-game effect as two Transports.

Klingon Heavy Transport

Primary Weapon: 3
Agility: 0
Hull: 7
Shields: 6
Actions: Scan, Cloak
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Secondary Weapon
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward
SP Cost: 32pts each / Free in some scenarios
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: A heavy transport may either be used in place of two standard transports in any scenario
that uses them or may be part of the player fleet list. In either case for scenario purposes a heavy
transport has the same in-game effect as two Transports.

Romulan Heavy Transport

Primary Weapon: 3
Agility: 1
Hull: 6
Shields: 6
Actions: Evade, Cloak
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Tech

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Firing Arc - 90 degree forward
SP Cost: 32pts each / Free in some scenarios
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: A heavy transport may either be used in place of two standard transports in any scenario
that uses them or may be part of the player fleet list. In either case for scenario purposes a heavy
transport has the same in-game effect as two Transports.

Dominion Heavy Transport

Primary Weapon: 4
Agility: 0
Hull: 7
Shields: 6
Actions: Scan, Battlestations
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Secondary Weapon
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward
SP Cost: 34pts each / Free in some scenarios
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: A heavy transport may either be used in place of two standard transports in any scenario
that uses them or may be part of the player fleet list. In either case for scenario purposes a heavy
transport has the same in-game effect as two Transports.

Borg Heavy Transport

Primary Weapon: 3
Agility: 0
Hull: 8
Shields: 6
Actions: Scan, Regenerate
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Borg
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward
SP Cost: 34pts each / Free in some scenarios
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: A heavy transport may either be used in place of two standard transports in any scenario
that uses them or may be part of the player fleet list. In either case for scenario purposes a heavy
transport has the same in-game effect as two Transports.

Kazon Heavy Transport

Primary Weapon: 3
Agility: 1
Hull: 6
Shields: 6
Actions: Evade
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward
SP Cost: 32pts each / Free in some scenarios
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: A heavy transport may either be used in place of two standard transports in any scenario
that uses them or may be part of the player fleet list. In either case for scenario purposes a heavy
transport has the same in-game effect as two Transports.

Independent Heavy Transport

Primary Weapon: 3

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Agility: 0
Hull: 6
Shields: 6
Actions: Scan, Evade
Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew, Crew
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward
SP Cost: 30pts each / Free in some scenarios
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: A heavy transport may either be used in place of two standard transports in any scenario
that uses them or may be part of the player fleet list. In either case for scenario purposes a heavy
transport has the same in-game effect as two Transports.

Heavy Transport Movement Dials

Non-Borg Heavy Transport Movement Dial

Borg Movement Dial

Q-Ship (22pts+upgrades) – WORK IN PROGRESS

Primary Weapon: 3
Agility: 0
Hull: 4
Shields: 4

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Upgrade Slots: Crew, Crew, Secondary Weapon
Firing Arc - 90 degree forward, 90 degree rear, and may fire up to Range 2.
SP Cost: 22pts each
Must have a Captain assigned to it.
Special: A Q-Ship may either be used in place of a standard transport in any scenario that uses them
or may be part of the player fleet list. If used in place of a standard transport they do not count as a
transport for victory conditions.

Federation Q-Ship
Klingon Q-Ship
Romulan Q-Ship
Dominion Q-Ship
Borg Q-Ship
Kazon Q-Ship
Independent Q-Ship

Space Stations

Outpost (16 points + upgrades)

Primary Weapon: 2
Agility: 0
Hull: 3
Shields: 3
Action Bar: Scan, Battle Stations, Target Lock
Upgrades: Crew, Crew, Crew, Secondary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Tech
No Maneuvers (Stationary)
360 degree Firing Arc
Must have a Captain assigned to it
Special: A Trade Post is considered an Obstacle and follows the normal rules for Obstacles. A system
may have 3 Outposts.

Trade Station (34 points + upgrades)

Primary Weapon: 4
Agility: 0
Hull: 7
Shields: 6
Action Bar: Scan, Battle Stations, Target Lock
Upgrades: Crew, Crew, Crew, Tech
No Maneuvers (Stationary)
360 degree Firing Arc
Must have a Captain assigned to it
Special: A Trade Post is considered an Obstacle and follows the normal rules for Obstacles. In
addition to the normal campaign rules for systems with a Starbase a Trade Post grants and
additional +1 to the repair points pool.

Orbital (38 points + upgrades)

Primary Weapon: 5
Agility: 0
Hull: 7

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Shields: 7
Action Bar: Scan, Battle Stations, Target Lock
Upgrades: Crew, Crew, Secondary Weapon, Secondary Weapon
No Maneuvers (Stationary)
360 degree Firing Arc
Must have a Captain assigned to it
Special: An Outpost is considered an Obstacle and follows the normal rules for Obstacles

Starbase (44 points + upgrades)

Primary Weapon: 6
Agility: 0
Hull: 8
Shields: 8
Action Bar: Scan, Battle Stations, Target Lock
Upgrades: Crew, Crew, Crew, Secondary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Tech
No Maneuvers (Stationary)
360 degree Firing Arc
Must have a Captain assigned to it
Special: A Battle Station is considered an Obstacle and follows the normal rules for Obstacles

Shipyard (50 points + upgrades)

Primary Weapon: 5
Agility: 0
Hull: 10
Shields: 10
Action Bar: Scan, Battle Stations, Target Lock
Upgrades: Crew, Crew, Crew, Secondary Weapon, Tech, Tech
No Maneuvers (Stationary)
360 degree Firing Arc
Must have a Captain assigned to it
Special: A Shipyard is considered an Obstacle and follows the normal rules for Obstacles. In addition
to the normal campaign rules for systems with a Starbase a Shipyard grants and additional +3 to the
repair points pool. Also a shipyard allows the player to re-roll any failed reinforcements or refit rolls.

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