Configuration Steps For Stock Reservation Against SO

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Configuration Steps for Stock Reservation against Sales Order in RDC


Transport Request No.:

DEVK931890-> Reservation configuration (Transported to QAS)

Current Stock of Material in RDC:-

Branch raises a Sales Order against end customer: -
T-Code = VA01

Save the Order. GIL Deco Std. Order 1700168116 has been saved.
Manual Reservation is done at RDC against the Sales Order: -
T-Code = MB1B
Movement Type = 412 (Special Stock Indicator = E)
Save the document. Document 4910745439 posted

Accounting entry: -
Stock situation at RDC: -

Stock gets reserved

against SO

Sales Order No. is

displayed in MMBE.
Now, Branch raises a STO against RDC as supplying Plant: -
T-Code: ME21N

Save the STO. RDC TO BRANCH created under the number 9000064655.
RDC creates a delivery against the STO: -
T-Code: VL10B
SAP doesn’t allow to PGI the Delivery because current stock at FGST St. location in 7611 RDC is 5 EA
and Reserved Stock against the SO created by Branch is 25 EA.
Now, RDC manually removes the Reserved Stock to FGST Storage Location: -
T-Code: MB1B
Movement Type: 411 (Special Stock Indicator = E)

Save the document. Document 4910745440 posted.

Current Stock at RDC:

Stock gets transferred to FGST St. Location of RDC. Now, RDC can PGI the Delivery for sending stock at

PGI Done. Replenishment Dlv. 4000190623 has been saved.

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