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How to Write a Killer Instagram Bio

April 22, 2018

Use Your Instagram Bio to Attract Your Ideal Audience
If you want to stand out for a particular skill, profession, hobby, or interest, you should
include these details in your Instagram bio.
It’s also a good idea to focus your Instagram bio copy on how you help or inspire your
ideal followers — making it more about them than it is about you.
Add Clickable Links Within Your Instagram Bio to Mention Related Accounts + Share
Your Brand’s Hashtag
Any profile usernames or hashtags that you add into your Instagram bio will now
become clickable links as well!
When you include a “#” or “@” in your bio, it automatically becomes a clickable link that
will lead visitors to either a hashtag or another profile. That means you can use
your personal Instagram bio to promote your Instagram business profile, or share where
you work by mentioning your company’s Instagram username!

Once you’ve added any applicable usernames, you can add in hashtags too! By adding
hashtags into your Instagram bio, profile visitors are able to click directly through to view
the respective content, so this is a great opportunity to share your brand hashtag.
adding your company’s branded hashtag into your Instagram bio is a great way to share
your community and invite others to participate in it as well.
Drive More Traffic & Make More Sales Using creates a clickable, shoppable landing page for all of your Instagram posts helps you turn the link in your Instagram bio into more visits, signups,
conversions, and revenue for your business. And what’s even better is that Later just
launched a brand new feature, which allows you to tag up to five different
URLs in a single Instagram post!
With you can tag a variety of different products, linking to each product’s page
on your website. You can also use to create round-up style Instagram posts,
redirecting visitors to multiple blog posts or articles from a single image.
Make it Simple for Profile Visitors to Contact You by Switching to an Instagram
Business Profile
Once you’ve made the switch to an Instagram business profile, you can choose to
include your email address, phone number, and physical address on your profile without
having to use up any character space in your bio.
Once these are set up, a profile visitor can easily click on any of these links in your
Instagram bio and reach out to you directly via email or a phone call, or be given
directions to your location.
How Often Should You Post to Instagram?
Before the Instagram algorithm, the half-life of an Instagram post was 72 minutes,
meaning it would get half of its total engagement within that time frame.
Although users have noticed a significant decline in their engagement and reach since
the Instagram algorithm was introduced, posts DO seem to have a longer lifespan. So
while your initial visibility might be decreasing, your post may still end up on your
followers’ feeds later on.
Does Higher Frequency Equal Higher Engagement?
We’re now seeing more people posting up to six times a day, while some brands are
even posting up to 30 times a day!
So is there a strategy that works better than the rest?
The short answer is no. But how often you post to Instagram will heavily depend on
what your followers want and how much time you have to dedicate to your Instagram
marketing strategy.

Consistency Over Frequency

the best posting frequency for Instagram is the posting frequency that you or your
business can keep up with consistently.
Posting More Often During Special Events or Promotions
All of that being said, there will be times when you’ll want to bump up your posting
frequency! Times when launching a new product line or attending fashion Week
Quality Over Quantity
If you decide to post to Instagram more frequently, it’s important you make sure you
have enough time to dedicate to your efforts. It’s important you never post for the sake
of posting.
If you have something you want to talk to your followers about but no high-quality
content to pair it with, take to Instagram Stories!
Ask Your Followers
Add a poll to your Stories (the Instagram algorithm will reward you for this too!) and ask
your followers if they would prefer to see more or less posts.
Stick to the Average
According to the Union Metrics study, the average brand posts 1.5 times per day.
This is a good rate for most businesses, especially those that have consistently stuck to
this pace, letting current followers know what to expect after following your account.
Test & Track Your Efforts with Instagram Analytics
3 Emerging Marketing Trends
Use Emojis as a New Way to Communicate

Emojis are quickly becoming an incredibly important part of how we communicate with
one another. On social media, they’re more prominent than ever.

With social media being 63% made up of images, emojis pose as nothing but a creative
opportunity to help convey messages that strike a chord with a larger audience than
ever before.

Tell Stories with Native Video

Virtual Reality as the Next Channel for Growth
Free Icons for Your Instagram Stories Highlights!

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