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Fracture Risk Reduction

In the section of this article, the authors did not cite clear justification of benefits of the medications
mentioned. Upon review of the references used, risedronate significantly reduces the risk of hip fracture
among elderly women with confirmed osteoporosis but not among elderly women selected primarily on
the basis of risk factors other than low bone mineral density. The authors did not elaborate specific
details regarding these medications and their efficacy.

Comment: The title is too vague because the article itself merely talked about vertebral risk reduction
using the said medications.

Suggestion: The authors should have given the article more appropriate title and explained clearer view
of the medications included. They could have also specified proven evidences and not merely uncertain

Senile Osteoporosis

This section was not discussed very clearly though the title itself suggests the main point of the article.
From the word “senile”, it focuses on the people who acquire osteoporosis upon reaching later years of
their lives. The authors only focused on women having osteoporosis although men can have it too.
Overall, the article is satisfyingly informative.

Comment: Although the title is specific, the article mainly focused on women.

Suggestion: The authors should have given facts about this article; for example, giving the ratio of men
versus women affected by senile osteoporosis.

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