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A Thesis presented to the

Faculty of the College of Engineering

Cagayan State University - Carig Campus

Tuguegarao City

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering


Callueng, Jomhel B.

Gonzales, Rubina C.

Lim, Van Janssen R.

Mamauag, Alberto Jr. M.

Pasion, Cherilyn S.

Singson, Mariella B.

Tangonan, Visitacion D.

January 2019

CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................. 1

THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND ...................................................................... 1

1.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1

1.2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................... 3
1.3 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................ 5
1.4 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ........................................................................................ 7
1.5 OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................... 7
1.6 SCOPE AND DELIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY .................................................................... 7
1.7 ASSUMPTIONS OF THE STUDY ......................................................................................... 8
1.8 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ......................................................................................... 8
1.9 LOCALE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................... 8
1.10 DEFINITION OF TERMS..................................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER 2 ........................................................................................................................... 10

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES ........................................................................ 10

2.1 GLOBAL WARMING ......................................................................................................... 10

2.2 BACKGROUND OF CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY ........................................................... 12
2.3 GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORY ....................................................................................... 13
2.3.1 IPCC 2006 ............................................................................................................... 13
2.3.2 Principal Greenhouse Gases ................................................................................... 14 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) ..................................................................................... 14 Methane (CH4) ................................................................................................ 15 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) ........................................................................................ 15
2.3.3 Boundaries, Scopes and Sources of GHG Emission ............................................... 15 Scope 1 ............................................................................................................. 15 Scope 2 ............................................................................................................. 16 Scope 3 ............................................................................................................. 17
2.3.4 Calculation of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent ............................................................. 18 Global Warming Potential (GWP .................................................................... 18 Carbon Dioxide Equivalent.............................................................................. 19 Direct Emissions .............................................................................................. 19 Stationary Combustion ............................................................................. 19 Mobile Combustion .................................................................................. 22 Fugitive Emissions .................................................................................... 23 Indirect Emissions ............................................................................................ 27 Purchased Electricity ................................................................................ 27 All Other Indirect Emissions ........................................................................... 28 Business Air Travel................................................................................... 28 Solid waste Management .......................................................................... 29
2.3.3 Structure of GHG Emission Inventory Process ...................................................... 32
2.4.1 IPCC Inventory Software (Version 2.54) ............................................................... 34
2.4.2 GHG Protocol Calculator ........................................................................................ 34
2.4.3 Clean Air Cool Planet Campus Carbon Calculator................................................. 35
2.5 RELATED STUDIES .......................................................................................................... 35

CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................................... 38

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 38

3.1 DATA COLLECTION ......................................................................................................... 38

3.2 SOURCES AND BOUNDARIES DEFINITION ........................................................................ 38
3.3 INVENTORY ..................................................................................................................... 39
3.4 INTERPRETATION............................................................................................................. 39

REFERENCES....................................................................................................................... 40

TABLE 1: CO2 EMISSION FACTORS FOR EACH FUEL TYPES ........................................................ 20
TABLE 2: USE OF HFC IN THE PHILIPPINES .............................................................................. 24
FACTORS ........................................................................................................................... 30
FOSSIL CARBON FRACTION OF DIFFERENT MSW COMPONENTS ...................................... 31
TABLE 5: OXIDATION FACTOR (OX) FOR SWDS ..................................................................... 32
FIGURE 1: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................... 3
FIGURE 2: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................... 5
FIGURE 3: OPERATIONAL BOUNDARIES FOR ENTITY (IPCC, 2006) .......................................... 38
Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction

Worldwide industrialization aims to improve the quality of day to day living of humans

and its inhabitants. However, industrial development is always paired with unwanted side

effects- one of which is climate change. Climate change means a significant change in the

measures of climate, such as temperature, rainfall, or wind, lasting for an extended period

(EPA, 2019). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that most of the

observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due

to the observed increase in anthropogenic (produced by humans) greenhouse gas emission.

Carbon dioxide emissions from burning of fossil fuels, methane and nitrous oxide emissions

from agriculture and emissions through land deforestation, reforestation, urbanization and

desertification are significant human activities contributing to greenhouse gas emission (EPA,


According to the Statistical Review of World Energy, the Philippines produced 119.94 Mt

of total carbon emissions in 2017. For management purposes, air pollution in the country is

regulated by the RA 8749 commonly known as Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999. Under of

which, classifies the sources of air pollution as stationary, mobile or area. In addition, RA 8749

requires all classified as a stationary source to perform their own emissions monitoring and

report the results to the DENR.

In a study by Nhamo and Nompe, greenhouse gas emission from higher education

institutions also contribute to the increase of this harmful gases. In order to address this

concerns, an increasing number of higher education institutions have begun to inventory energy

and greenhouse gas emissions (American College and University Presidents Climate

Commitment, 2009). GHG inventories are estimates of all emissions and removals of

greenhouse gases (GHG) from given sources or sinks from a defined region in a specific period

of time. These inventories can help in understanding the link between environmental pollution

and effects to sources of pollution, identify sectors, sources and activities responsible for GHG

emissions and eventually to develop cost-effective mitigation policies (Krug, 2015).

Higher education institutions need to report overall performance including their greenhouse

gas emission in order to enforce a system of accountability for adverse environmental impacts

and heighten compliance to government environmental regulations. Educational entities must

assess their greenhouse gas emissions in order to come up cost-effective mitigation policies

and to monitor progress towards policy goals. Thus, the importance of greenhouse gas

inventory of Cagayan State University Carig and Andrews Campus motivated the proponents

of this study.

1.2 Theoretical Framework


(Sources of Emissions & Operational


(Data Gathering and Validation of

(Conclusion, Recommendations and

(Policy Development)

Figure 1: Theoretical Framework

A. Sources and Boundaries

The boundaries refer to the coverage and extent that will be taken into account for the

inventory process, to determine what is included and what is not. Organizational boundaries

define the operations, facilities, and sources that are to be included in the inventory, while

Operational boundaries categorize the emissions resulting either directly or indirectly from the

organization’s operations, facilities, and sources (UN, 2018).

In relation to the previous GHG studies, the scope and boundary of carbon emissions is

critical to identifying and measuring the direct and indirect carbon emissions across the

activities of an organization, and its supply chain. Without clear identification of these

activities, accurate carbon emissions and footprint measurement and reporting cannot be made

(Lee, 2011). However, the current diversity of GHG accounting practices makes it difficult to

develop comparable GHG inventory and reduces the credibility, and utility of the resulting

information (Sundin & Ranganathan, 2002). Against this, there is a growing standardization

and professionalization of environmental reporting (Dragomir, 2012). For Carbon Footprint

analysis, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard, the GHG Protocol, represents such

a standard.

B. GHG Inventory Analysis

The second step of the study involves compiling an inventory of all input and output data

for the system that is necessary to meet the defined goals. The inventory analysis includes data

acquisition and calculation methods for the quantification of relevant input and output flows of

a production system within the determined boundaries (Herrmann, 2010). All activities that

are related to the production of one functional unit need to be analyzed regarding components

as raw material extraction, intermediate products, the service or product itself, the use phase

and the waste removal at the end. Additional inputs that can be included are energy,

transportation or auxiliary products. Typical outputs for an inventory analysis are emissions to

air, water and soil, waste heat, coproducts and solid waste (Klöpffer, 1997).

C. Interpretation

The interpretation phase involves conclusions, recommendations and reporting. According

to Trusty (2010), the outcome of the interpretation phase is a set of conclusions and

recommendations for the study. Integrating the outcome of the other elements of the

interpretation phase, and drawing on the main findings from the earlier phases of the GHG, the

final element of the interpretation is to draw conclusions and identify limitations of the GHG,

and to develop recommendations for the intended audience in accordance with the sources,

boundaries and the intended applications of the results. The following key steps walk through

developing, tracking, analysing, and reporting on performance indicators. This simple

approach on GHG inventory shows how a combination of quantitative and qualitative

indicators can be used (EPA, 2017).

Strong ability to take effective action on climate mitigation and adaptation strategies,

monitoring and verifying progress in GHGs reduction depends on reliable GHG emission

inventory. Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the GHG

inventory is reporting emissions and sinks of anthropogenic greenhouse gases within a region

and period (UNFCC, 1992). Based on the Kyoto Protocol classification system, the most

important direct greenhouse gases emitted by humans include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane

(CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and several fluorine-containing halogenated substances

(hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride) (Depledge, 2000).

1.3 Conceptual Framework


Scope 1: Direct emission

 Mobile vehicles
 Generator sets
 Air
condition/Refrigeration Calculation using Quantification
 Wastewater CACP Calculator and comparison
of the GHG
Scope 2: Indirect  Sources and emissions in
emission Boundaries different
 Electricity  GHG Inventory campuses with
Analysis common
Scope3: Other indirect inventory
emissions  Interpretation boundary over
 Solid waste time
 Business Travel
 Fossil fuel consumption
 Outsourced contractors

Figure 2: Conceptual Framework

Figure 2 shows the conceptual framework of the study. Before conducting the calculations

of the greenhouse gases (GHG) using the Clean Air Cool Planet (CACP) Calculator, it is

important to determine the input data which includes related data pertinent to the calculation

of kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent. Based on the parameter, various data will be required

and be multiplied to its corresponding emission factor and global warming potential per gas.

The inputs of the system will include the three scopes consisting of the different sources of

GHG while the output will include the quantified GHG emissions produced by both campuses

in the environment.

The Clean Air Cool Planet (CACP) campus carbon calculator utilizes the GHG accounting

standards set forth by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World

Resources Institute in the GHG Protocol Initiative (Moerschbaecher & Day, 2010). The GHG

sources from the campus were divided into three groups. Scope 1 focused on the direct GHG

emissions inside the campus particularly the Mobile Vehicles, Generator Set, Air Conditioning

and Refrigeration and Wastewater. Scope 2 was mainly on the Electricity consumed by the

whole campus which was considered an indirect GHG emission while the Scope 3 emphasized

all other indirect emissions like Solid Waste, Employee Office Business Travels, Fossil Fuel

Consumption by Employee and Students and Activities of Outsourced Contractors.

These results will then be interpreted and the contributing factors regarding the GHG

emissions will be determined. The output generated will be interpreted in terms of the total

GHG emission produced by both campuses. The output generated will also allow a meaningful

comparison of GHG emissions in both campuses with common inventory boundary over time.

1.4 Statement of the Problem

An institution’s greenhouse gas emissions must be quantified and be reported in order to

come up with cost-effective mitigation plans and monitor progress towards policy goals. This

study deals on the GHG inventory of Cagayan State University-Carig and Andrews Campus.

The study will answer the following:

1. What is the total greenhouse gas emissions of CSU-Carig and Andrews Campus?

2. What are significant differences on the GHG inventory of both campuses?

3. What mitigation scenarios can be recommended for the reduction of GHG emissions of

both campuses?

1.5 Objectives

The purpose of this study is to make an inventory of the greenhouse gas emissions of

Cagayan State University-Carig and Andrews Campus. Specifically, it aims to:

1. Determine the total greenhouse gas emissions of both campuses.

2. Compare the greenhouse gas inventory of CSU-Carig and Andrews Campus with

common inventory boundary over time.

3. Develop cost-effective mitigation plans based on the accumulated greenhouse gas


1.6 Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study deals with the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of CSU-Carig and

Andrews campus. The study is limited on the accumulated data from year 2016 to 2018 of the

direct emissions, indirect emissions and other indirect emissions specified in IPCC 2006. In

addition biogenic sources of carbon dioxide emissions will not be included. Analysis of the

system is limited to the use of Clean Air Cool Planet Greenhouse Gas Inventory Calculator


1.7 Assumptions of the Study

The research will operate under the following assumptions

1. That the both CSU campuses will have a constant operation throughout the year and

the input and output data will be gathered on an annual basis.

2. That the gathered results is not a hundred percent accurate and will vary depending on

the consistency of collection of data and the analysis using the inventory software.

3. That the mitigation policies recommended will be based on the accumulated data using

the inventory software.

1.8 Significance of the Study

Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of Cagayan State University (CSU) Carig and

Andrews campus provides a way to quantify its total carbon footprint. The data may be used

to understand the link between environmental pollution and effects to sources of pollution. This

can also help in identifying sectors, sources and activities responsible for such emissions. More

importantly, the inventory may help in developing cost-effective mitigation policy and monitor

progress of previous implemented mitigation plans. In such way, administrative decisions will

be carried out in an efficient manner where sustainable development is deliberated.

1.9 Locale of the Study

Data gathering and data analysis will be conducted at Cagayan State University Carig and

Andrews campuses. Pertinent data required for the inventory of greenhouse gas emission will

be tested at the Department of Science and Technology (DOST)-Region 2, San Gabriel,

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.

1.10 Definition of Terms

Anthropogenic- environmental pollution originating from human activity

CACP Calculator- an excel file commonly used to conduct campus greenhouse gas inventory.

Carbon Equivalent- terminology used for describing different greenhouse gases in a common

unit. For any quantity and type of greenhouse gas, CO2 e- signifies the amount of CO2 which

would have the equivalent global warming impact

Carbon footprint- the total amount of greenhouse gases produce to directly and indirectly

support human activities and usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide CO2.

Greenhouse Gas- a gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy within the thermal infrared range

emitted by earth, which traps and hold heat in the atmosphere.

IPCC- United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change

IPCC 2006- provides technically sound methodological basis of national greenhouse gas


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literatures

2.1 Global Warming

Global warming is a long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system,

an aspect of climate change shown by temperature measurements and by multiple effects of

the warming. Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide and other air pollutants and

greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have

bounced off the earth’s surface (Macmillan, 2016). Normally, this radiation would escape into

space but these pollutants, which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat

and cause the planet to get hotter. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, also called carbon

emissions, mainly consist of CO2 and as a result, the word carbon is usually applied for

representing GHGs (Hu & Yang, 2011). Burning of fossil fuels is a major source of industrial

greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions, especially for power, cement, and steel, textile, and

fertilizer industries. The major GHG emitted by these industries are carbon dioxide, methane,

nitrous oxide, HFCs, etc. which all increase the atmosphere’s ability to trap infrared energy

and thus affect the climate, leading to global warming. As there are various factors that affect

CO2 emissions, country GDP, income level, industrialization, weather effect. Due to

temperature increases, it already affects physical and biological systems by changing

ecosystems and causing extinction of species, and will increasingly have a social impact and

adversely affect human health. It has been a long time since the first deliberations on regulation

of greenhouse gas emissions started, almost two decades ago, until sufficient ratification and

thus entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol, in early 2005. The concept of carbon credits came

into existence as a result of increasing awareness of the need for controlling emissions.

As the issue came in highlight in 21st century, the research had been started. The recent

studies gives an idea about the implementation of Clean Development mechanism in different

industries and companies and the lacking points where the economy and companies need to be

cleared. David (2003) stipulated the social cost of carbon is an important factor for developing

this concept. Cost–benefit analysis is also one the approach that will help the economy to set

the standards where this social cost just equals the incremental cost of controlling emissions.

The past study was based on the UK government’s assessment of the cost. This study

emphasizes on incorporating adaptive behavior so still it requires time for adoption as an

integral part. Cost–benefit analysis is not work under the long-term percepts but in the short

run at least, a comparison of cost and benefits is required.

Forest MSW (2005) stipulated that wood compares favorably to competing materials

Timber from plantations performs well compared to competing materials. One study has

indicated that timber can store up to 15 times the amount of carbon that is released during its

manufacture. GHGs release in manufacture of construction materials covered different

products that are as follows. Aluminum and copper are the two major industries that release

highest CO2 through manufacturing process.

In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its fourth

assessment report. The conclusions of this long-running analysis of studies on climate change

and its effects are widely accepted as the consensus of the world’s scientific community. Wara

(2008) stipulates that Global warming is one of the most difficult and important environmental

challenges facing the international community. The most significant effort to address climate

change is the Kyoto Protocol. Since 2004 it has grown rapidly and is now a critical component

of developed-country government and private-firm compliance strategies for the Kyoto

Protocol. To address a global environment problem with market based mechanism, Global

market has done their first attempt called the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the

Kyoto Protocol. The CDM is a carbon credit market where sellers, located exclusively in

developing countries, can generate and certify emissions reductions that can be sold to buyers

located in developed countries.

Robert (2008) stipulated that so far there is no structured policy to reduce the emissions of

carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, majority of the previous researches were focused

on the western countries. With reference to the emerging issue – global warming, majority of

the country across the globe have started showing their serious concern for this issue, and need

has been raised to form a structured policy to have fair distribution of emission allowances

which also exert positive impact on the economy of the country.

Doran (2007) had emphasis that Human activity is motivating unwanted climate change

that resulting from the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere. To avoid

the serious and potentially appalling environmental, economic and health consequences

associated with an increasing global temperature, everyone has to reduced and slowed for

global emissions of GHGs.

2.2 Background of Cagayan State University

The charter of Cagayan State University (CSU) was drafted by the representative of the

Province of Cagayan in the Interim Batasang Pambansa (later Senate President) Juan Ponce

Enrile and was then signed into law as Presidential Decree No. 1436 by President Ferdinand

E. Ramos on June 11, 1978. Years later, the charter consolidated existing post- secondary

institutions into a single legal entity (Aquino, 2017). The said entity comprises eight existing

campuses namely Andrews, Aparri, Carig, Gonzaga, Lal-lo, Lasam, Piat, and Sanchez-Mira.

The scope of this study focuses on Andrews and Carig Campus.

CSU – Carig Campus is located at Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City with a total land area of 20.12

hectares which houses seven (7) colleges offering 24 undergraduate programs in the arts,

agriculture, natural sciences, and technology (CSU, 2017). As of 2017, there are 430 total

employees, 236 of them are permanent, 63 part-timers, and 100 COS, 27 of them are in job

order and 4 casual employees (Mabborang, 2017).

The central administration of CSU is at Andrews Campus located at Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao

City, Cagayan with land area of 2.33 hectares (CSU, 2017). To date, the campus offers 53

programs that are accredited and visited by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and

Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) and an ISO 9001:2008 Certified. CSU Andrews is

second largest campus in terms of student population next to Carig Campus.

2.3 Greenhouse Gas Inventory

2.3.1 IPCC 2006

The 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2006 IPCC

Guidelines) provide a technically sound methodological basis of national greenhouse gas

inventories. The IPCC released its Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, which

were produced at the invitation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Change (UNFCCC). The 2006 Guidelines were an update to Revised 1996 Guidelines and

provides internationally agreed methodologies for estimating a country’s GHG emissions. This

guideline is part of a series of workbooks produced by the IPCC, and are used to develop

protocols and tools for calculating GHG emissions (Ozeki, 2007).

(Eggleston, et al., 2006) said that the key concepts behind greenhouse gas inventories are

that anthropogenic emissions and removals are a result of human activity. However, GHG

inventories contain estimates of emissions and removals within a calendar year during which

the gases are emitted or removed from the atmosphere. A sequence of annual GHG inventory

estimates are collected as a time series in such that emissions can be tracked over time; and it

is understood that appropriate estimates should be made when past data is not available.

The final key concept is that a GHG inventory report includes a standard set of reporting

tables that cover all the gases and years; and a written report is prepared on the methodologies

and data used to prepare the inventory. The 2006 Guidelines cover a list of greenhouse gases

that should be calculated and reported in the inventory because of their Global Warming

Potential (GWP). (Eggleston, et al., 2006) defines GWP as a measure of how much a given

mass of gases contribute to global warming, or the radiative forcing of a ton of greenhouse

gases over a given time period, i.e. 100 years, to a ton of carbon dioxide (CO2). The IPCC

provides information on other gases that were pre-cursor gases reported in GHG inventories.

Estimates of GHG emissions and removals are separated into sectors, which are groupings of

related processes, sinks, and sources (i.e. scope 1,2 and 3). The most common and simple

methodological approach is to combine the information on the extent to which human activity

takes place (called activity data) and multiply it by an emissions factor (Rappaport &

Hammond, 2009) The calculation is as follows:

Emissions = Σ (Activities x Emission factors)

Where activities are commonly measured as the quantity of commodity purchased and the

emissions factor is a coefficient that quantifies the emissions or removals per unit of activity.

2.3.2 Principal Greenhouse Gases Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Although trace quantities are found naturally in ambient air, the emission of this gas is

primarily from fossil fuel combustion from activities including electricity generation,

transportation, manufacturing (e.g., cement), and municipal solid waste combustion. Carbon

dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have risen by almost 35% since the Industrial


14 Methane (CH4)

Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil, from

the decomposition of organic wastes in municipal solid waste landfills, and from the raising of

livestock. It is also released during normal coal mining operations and wastewater treatment

especially from municipal sewage systems. It remains in the atmosphere for 9–15 years and is

over 20 times more effective in trapping heat than CO2 over a 100-year period. Methane is also

a primary component of natural gas and can be an important energy source, as through the use

of natural gas or the trapping of landfill methane. Methane concentrations in the atmosphere

have risen by over 150% since the Industrial Revolution. Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

Nitrous Oxide has a long atmospheric lifetime of approximately 120 years and a heat

trapping effect that is almost 310 times more powerful than carbon dioxide on a per molecule

basis. Nitrous oxide is emitted during agricultural and industrial activities, as well as during

combustion of fossil fuels and solid waste. In relation to building inputs and outputs, N 2O is

emitted during wastewater treatment and during the production of adipic acid, which is used to

create some plastics and urethane foams; however, this is a fraction of the emissions from

agricultural and industrial activities. Nitrous oxide concentrations in the atmosphere have risen

by over 16% since the Industrial Revolution.

2.3.3 Boundaries, Scopes and Sources of GHG Emission Scope 1

Scope 1 emissions consist of all direct emissions from sources that are owned and/or

controlled. In this study, Scope 1 emissions will include the Mobile Vehicles, Generator Sets,

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, and Wastewater which are the main sources of GHG

emissions in the campus.

According to the DENR’s Training-Workshop on Entity-Level GHG Accounting and

Management, Scope 1 includes all direct GHG emissions, with the exception of direct CO2

from biogenic sources. Direct emissions are emissions within your company’s organizational

boundary from sources that your company owns or controls such as Stationary combustion (Ex.

generators, boilers, furnaces), Mobile combustion (vehicles owned), Chemical production, On-

site waste management facilities, Fugitive emissions (leaks). Scope 1 emissions needs a

mandatory reporting and are required to be included in GHG inventories.

Also, a report by Pengelly (2017) produced to make available details of Corby Borough

Council’s greenhouse gas emissions, and to comply with a UK Government request that local

authorities measure and report the GHG emissions from their own estate and operations. Scope

1 included the activities that are owned or controlled by the Council and release emissions

straight into the atmosphere. These are direct emissions and include combustion of natural gas

in Council owned boilers and combustion of fuel in vehicles. From the 2009 report, Scope 1

emissions, from vehicle fuel and natural gas consumption, showed a decrease of 59% in the

2017 report. The reduction in scope 1 emissions over the past nine years has resulted from steps

of change implemented, mainly the substantial reduction in gas consumption in council

buildings. Scope 2

Scope 2 emissions are indirect GHG emissions from the generation of purchased energy

products by the entity. These emissions physically occur at the point of electricity generation,

rather than the facility that generates the electricity. Electricity Consumption refers to

electricity consumed within the geopolitical boundaries of the LGU. Data on total community

electricity consumption should be secured from electricity providers or from government

offices. Wherever possible, this data should be segregated by the electricity provider into the

different sectors of the community (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial, public facilities)

(CCC, 2016).

Computing for energy sector emissions in the Philippines is facilitated by a data system in

the Department of Energy (DOE) involving the Overall Energy Balance Sheet (OEB)

maintained by the Energy Policy Formulation and Research Division, an offi ce within the

Energy Policy and Planning Bureau. The Energy Policy and Planning Bureau computes GHG

emissions and publishes the same for the Philippine Energy Plan. GHG emissions from the

Philippines are computed using the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines and the United Nations

Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) GHG Inventory Software. The

UNFCCC software is an excel-based program which aims to assist non-Annex I countries in

developing their national GHG inventories (Eggleston & Simon, 2010).

In relation to the previous studies, the Borough of State College utilizes a large amount of

electricity generated by processes that emit greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gas emission

inventories often show that the electrical power sector is the largest source of CO2. Thus,

electricity production and consumption are a vital sector for study in any greenhouse gas

emissions inventory. In Pennsylvania, burning coal is the most common way to generate

electric power. Coal, while relatively economical, releases an average of 2,249 lbs CO2/MWh

when produced in America (EPA, 2006a). This section of the report will address the emission

of CO2 from fuel combustion for the generation of electricity. Carbon dioxide emissions will

be converted into metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2E) in this and all other

sectors. Scope 3

Transportation generates the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas

emissions from transportation primarily come from burning fossil fuel cars, trucks, ships,

trains, and planes. Over 90 percent of the fuel used for transportation is petroleum based, which

includes gasoline and diesel. (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2018)

Aircraft emissions or aviation emissions are unusual in that a significant proportion is

emitted at altitude. These emissions give rise to important environmental concerns regarding

their global impact and their effect on local air quality at ground level (ICAO, n.d.). Aviation

fuel is a specialized type of petroleum-based fuel . This is generally of a higher quality than

fuels used in less critical applications, such as heating or road transport, and often contains

additives to reduce the risk of icing or explosion due to high temperature, among other


The major greenhouse gas associated with vehicle emissions is CO2, resulting from the

combustion of fossil fuels (DeCicco & Fung, 2004). A special characteristic of aircraft

emissions is that most of them are produced at cruising altitudes high in the atmosphere.

Scientific studies have shown that these high-altitude emissions have a more harmful climate

impact because they trigger a series of chemical reactions and atmospheric effects that have a

net warming effect. (David Suzuki Foundation, 2019)

Solid wastes are also considered under indirect sources of emissions. The most significant

greenhouse gas produced from waste is methane. Other forms of waste also produce

greenhouse gases but these are mainly in the form of carbon dioxide (a less powerful GHG).

Even the recycling of waste produces some emissions (although these are offset by the

reduction in fossil fuels that would be required to obtain new raw materials).

2.3.4 Calculation of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Global Warming Potential (GWP)

There are units of measurement have been developed to compare the different greenhouse

gases. GWP is a measure of how much a given mass of greenhouse gas is estimated to

contribute to global warming. It is a relative scale that compares the gas in question to that of

the same mass of carbon dioxide (CO2) whose GWP is, by convention, equal to 1. A GWP is

calculated over a specific time interval that must be stated whenever a GWP is quoted or else

the value is meaningless. Carbon Dioxide Equivalent

Emissions of greenhouse gases are typically expressed in a common metric so that their

impacts can be directly compared, as some gases are more potent and have a higher global

warming potential than others. The international standard of practice is to express greenhouse

gases in carbon dioxide equivalents.

Main approaches that can be applied for estimating GHG emissions are emission factors

(quantifying the emissions per activity); continuous emissions monitoring (accurate and real-

time data); source testing (periodic sampling and analysis of emitted species); material balance

(Input = Output + Emissions). In the range of gases and GHG emission sources, the emission

factors method and mass balance method are commonly used for the inventory process (Sówka

& Bezyk, 2017). The basic formula in estimating GHG emission is:

Activity Data × Emission Factor = GHG Emissions

GHG Emissions ×GWP = CO2 equivalent emissions (CO2e) Direct Emissions Stationary Combustion

Sources of emissions under stationary combustion include kitchen stoves, ovens, mowers,

generator sets and other equipment or machinery that uses carbon bearing fuels such as diesel,

gasoline or LPG. The combustion of fossil fuels in stationary combustion sources emits CO2,

CH4 and N2O (IPCC, 2006). The step-by-step calculation for CO2e emissions of stationary

combustion are as follows:

First, determine the amount of fuel consumed for the reporting year. Identify all fuel types

consumed by the agency for the purpose of stationary (non-transport) combustion at owned or

operated sources. To calculate the amount of fuel and biofuel consumed, the following

equations may be used:

For fuel:

( ) (
Fuel Consumed Pure Gasoline [ L ] = Fp × Fuel Consumed gasoline [L ] )
Fuel Consumed Pure Diesel [ L ] = ( Fp ) × ( Fuel Consumed Diesel ) [L ] (2)

Fuel Consumed Other fuel [ L ] = ( Fp ) × ( Fuel Consumed Other fuel ) [L ]

For Biofuel :

Fuel Consumedethanol [L] = ( Fb ) × ( Fuel ConsumedGasoline ) [L]

Fuel ConsumedCoco Methyl Ether [L] = ( Fb ) × ( Fuel Consumed Diesel ) [L] (3)

Fuel ConsumedCharcoal/Fuelwood [kg] = ( Fuel ConsumedCharcoal/Fuelwood ) [kg]

Where: Fp = 0.9 for pure gasoline. 0.98 for pure diesel, 1.0 for LPG

Fb = 0.1 for ethanol, 0.02 for coconut methyl ester

After determining the amount of fuel consumed, determine the appropriate CO2 emission

factors for each fuel types.

Table 1: CO2 emission factors for each fuel types

Fuel Type kg CO2 per unit Unit
Aviation Gasoline 8.31 Gallon
Biodiesel (100%) 9.45 Gallon
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) 0.0545 Scf
Diesel Fuel 10.21 gallon
Ethane 4.05 gallon
Ethanol (100%) 5.75 gallon
Jet Fuel (kerosene type) 9.75 gallon
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) 4.46 gallon
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 5.68 gallon
Methanol 4.10 gallon
Motor Gasoline 8.78 gallon
Propane 5.72 gallon
Residual Fuel Oil 11.27 gallon

And also determine the appropriate CH4 and NO2 emission factors for each type. Afterwards,

calculate the GHG emissions for each fuel type.

For Fuel:

Emissions p [kg CO2 ] = ( Fuel Consumed ) [L]× (CO2 Emission Factor ) [kg/L]

Emissions p [kg CH 4 ] = ( Fuel Consumed ) [L]× (CH 4 Emission Factor ) [kg/L] (4)

Emissions p [kg N 2O] = ( Fuel Consumed ) [L]× ( N 2O Emission Factor ) [kg/L]

For Biofuel:

Emissionsb [kg CH 4 ] = ( Fuel Consumed ) [L]× (CH 4 Emission Factor ) [kg/L]

Emissionsb [kg N 2O] = ( Fuel Consumed ) [L]× ( N 2O Emission Factor ) [kg/L]

And then, convert CH4 and N2O emissions to CO2e using the 100-year global warming

potential values.

For Fuel:

( )
CO2e Emissions p [kg] = Emissions p [kg CH 4 ]× GWPCH 4
CO e Emissions [kg] = Emissions [kg N O]× (GWP )
2 p p 2 N 2O

For Biofuel:

( )
CO2e Emissions b [kg] = Emissions b [kg CH 4 ]× GWPCH 4
CO e Emissions [kg] = Emissions [kg N O]× (GWP )
2 b b 2 N 2O

Finally, determine the total emissions using equations below:

CO 2 Emissions ( t ) =ΣCO2e Emissions p [kg]× (0.001)

CO 2 Emissions ( t ) =ΣCO2 Emissions b [kg]× (0.001)

Note: Biogenic CO2 emissions calculated using the second equation are reported as a separate

memo item. These emissions are not included in the calculation of total CO2e emissions.

21 Mobile Combustion

The fuel-use method is recommended for calculating direct emissions from transport since

vehicle fuel records and fuel consumption data are usually available from the organization’s

accounting or vehicle management records. Fuel use data may be drawn from fuel receipts,

contract or agency purchase records, or vehicle maintenance records.

The following equations are used to determine the amount of fuel consumed for the reporting

year by fuel type.

For Fuel:

( )
Fuel Consumed Pure Gasoline [L]= Fp × ( Fuel Consumed Gasoline ) [L]

Fuel Consumed Pure Diesel [L]= ( Fp ) × ( Fuel Consumed Pure Diesel ) [L] (9)

Fuel Consumed Other Fuel [L]= ( Fp ) × ( Fuel Consumed Other Fuel ) [L]

For Biofuel:

Fuel Consumed Ethanol [L]=  Fb  ×  Fuel ConsumedGasoline  [L]

Fuel ConsumedCoco Methyl Ether [L]=  Fb  ×  Fuel Consumed Diesel  [L]

Where: Fp = 0.9 for pure gasoline. 0.98 for pure diesel, 1.0 for LPG

Fb = 0.1 for ethanol, 0.02 for coconut methyl ester

For each fuel types, determine the appropriate CO2, CH4 and N2O emission factors. In

calculating its GHG emissions, use equation below:

For Fuel:

Emissions p [kg CO2 ] = ( Fuel Consumed ) [L]× (CO2 Emission Factor ) [kg / L]

Emissions p [kg CH 4 ] = ( Fuel Consumed ) [L]× (CH 4 Emission Factor ) [kg / L] (11)

Emissions p [kg N 2O] = ( Fuel Consumed ) [L]× ( N 2O Emission Factor ) [kg / L]

For Biofuel:

Emissionsb [kg CH4 ] = ( Fuel Consumed ) [L]× (CH 4 Emission Factor ) [kg / L]
Emissionsb [kg N2O] = ( Fuel Consumed ) [L]× ( N 2O Emission Factor ) [kg / L]

And for the conversion of CH4 and N2O emissions to CO2e using the 100-year global warming

potential (GWP) values, succeeding equations are to be used:

For Fuel:

( )
CO2e Emissions p [kg] = Emissions p [kg CH 4 ]× GWPCH 4
CO e Emissions [kg] = Emissions [kg N O]× (GWP )
2 p p 2 N 2O

For Biofuel:

( )
CO2e Emissions b [kg] = Emissions b [kg CH 4 ]× GWPCH 4
CO e Emissions [kg] = Emissions [kg N O]× (GWP )
2 b b 2 N 2O

Then, determine total emissions.

CO2 Emissions (t) = ΣCO2e Emissions p [kg]× (0.001)

CO2 Emissions (t) = ΣCO2 Emissions b [kg]× (0.001) Fugitive Emissions

Fugitive emissions are the intentional or unintentional releases of hydrofluorocarbons or

perfluorocarbons. Most notable of these chemicals are refrigerants which are used in air-

conditioning systems. Through the recharging, use, and disposal of air-conditioning systems,

refrigerants are released into the atmosphere.

Table 2: Use of HFC in the Philippines
HFC Warming Use
Refrigerant in air conditioning and refrigeration; fire
HFC-23 14,800
Stationary air-conditioning (including room air-
HFC-32 675
Chillers, domestic, commercial and transport refrigeration,
HFC-134a 1,430
stationary and mobile air-conditioning, aerosols

HFC-152a 124 Refrigerant

HFC-227ea 3,220 Fire suppression

HFC-236fa 1,340 Fire extinguisher; refrigerant

1,640 Cleaning solvent in electronics industry
R404a 3,900 Commercial, industrial and transport refrigeration

R407c 2,107 Stationary air-conditioning

Chiller, stationary air-conditioning (including room air-

R410a 2,100

R507 4,000 Industrial refrigeration

R508b 13,396 Refrigerant for very low temperature refrigeration systems

Consider steps provided to get the total fugitive emissions:

First, determine the decrease in refrigerant inventory for the year being reported, per

refrigerant type. Identify all equipment releasing all fluorinated gases and determine the

amount of refrigerant decrease in the inventory.

Refrigerant I [kg] = (Refrigerant B ) [kg]- (Refrigerant E ) (15)

Where: RefrigerantI= amount of refrigerant decrease in the inventory for the year being


RefrigerantB = amount of refrigerant in storage (not equipment) at the beginning of the


RefrigerantE = amount of refrigerant in the storage (not equipment) at the end of the


Also, determine the amount of each type of refrigerant purchased/acquired during the reporting


RefrigerantSD [kg] = RefrigerantSB[kg] + RefrigerantSE [kg] + Refrigerant RS[kg]

+ Refrigerant R [kg] + Refrigerant D [kg]

Where: RefrigerantSD =amount of refrigerant sold/disbursed during the reporting year

RefrigerantSB =amount of refrigerant (not in equipment) sold to other entities

RefrigerantSE =amount of refrigerant left in equipment that is sold to other entities

RefrigerantRS =amount of refrigerant returned to suppliers

RefrigerantR =amount of refrigerant that was sent-off for recycling and reclamation

RefrigerantD =amount of refrigerant sent off-site for destruction

Then, determine amount of increase in total full charge of equipment for the reporting year

using equation (17):

Refrigerant IF[kg] = Refrigerant T [kg] + Refrigerant R [kg] + Refrigerant TS[kg]

+ Refrigerant DR [kg]

Where: RefrigerantIF = amount of refrigerant increase in total full charge of equipment during

the reporting year

RefrigerantT =amount of total full charge of new equipment

RefrigerantR =amount tota full charge of equipment retrofitted to use this refrigerant

RefrigerantTS =amount of original total full charge of equipment that is retired or sold

to other entities

RefrigerantDR[kg]=amount of total full charge of equipment retrofitted away from this

refrigerant to a different refrigerant

And for the amount of each type of refrigerant sold/disbursed during the reporting year, use

equation (18):

Refrigerant PA [kg] = Refrigerant P [kg] + Refrigerant M [kg] + Refrigerant C [kg]

+Refrigerant R [kg]

Where: RefrigerantPA=amount of refrigerant purchased/acquired during the reporting year

RefrigerantP=amount of purchased from producers/distributors

RefrigerantM = amount of refrigerant increase in total full charge of equipment during

the reporting year

RefrigerantC =amount of refrigerant added to the equipment by the contractors

RefrigerantR =amount of refrigerant added to the equipment by the contractors

Then, calculate for the emissions for each refrigerant type:

EmissionsF[kg] = Refrigerant I [kg] + Refrigerant PA [kg] + RefrigerantSD [kg]

+ Refrigerant IF[kg]

Where: EmissionsF=fluorinated gas emissions for the year being reported

RefrigerantI= amount of refrigerant decrease in the inventory

RefrigerantPA =amount of refrigerant purchased/acquired

RefrigerantSD =amount of refrigerant sold/disbursed

RefrigerantIF =amount of refrigerant increase in total full charge of the equipment

After calculating the emissions for each refrigerant type, convert emissions to CO2e:

CO2e Emissions [kg] = Emissions [kg]×GWP (20)

Lastly, get total emissions and convert to tons:

CO2e Emissions [t] = ΣCO2e Emissions [kg]× (0.001) (21) Indirect Emissions Purchased Electricity

Emissions associated with the consumption of purchased electricity within the

organizational boundary of the agency are reported under this category. Data on electricity

consumption can be obtained from the billing statements from the local electric utility where

the agency is connected. The Finance or Accounting Division may have this data in their

records. Steps for the calculation are as follows:

First, determine the amount of purchased electricity consumed for the reporting year and

the appropriate grid emission factor. The agency should use the current grid emission factor

applicable to the local electric utility franchised. Then, convert the amount and consumption

of purchased electricity to MWh:

Purchased Electricity [MWh] = Purchased Electricity [kWh]×(0.001) (22)

After converting purchased electricity, calculate the GHG emissions:

Emissions [t CO2e] = (Purchased Electricity)[MWh]×(Grid Emission Factor)[t / MWh] (23)

And for calculating the total emissions, use equation (24):

CO2e Emissions (t) = ΣCO2e Emissions ( t ) (24) All Other Indirect Emissions Business Air Travel

Business air travel includes official business-related travels, both local and international,

using a third-party owned or operated aircraft. For this category, this excludes all aircraft owned

and leased by the reporting agency as they are reported under Scope 1. The default methods

are either a fuel use approach or a passenger-distance approach, depending on the type of flight.

To be able to calculate total emission for business air travel, guide steps are as follows:

To start with, determine type of flight and the number of employees taking the flight

whether it is chartered or commercial flights:

 For commercial flight, determine the number of employees included per flight segment.

Then, identify the fuel consumption and total passenger-kilometer distance, by

segment, for the reporting year.

 For chartered flights, if the fuel consumption is not available from the operator of the

aircraft used, the agency may use the Great Circle Mapper to estimate the direct flight

distance in nautical miles.

To find equivalent fuel used, use the modified CORINAIR fuel consumption. For easy

counting, all employees in the same flight can be grouped. Afterwards, determine flight class

and flight distance category, by segment. For commercial flights, the emission per passenger

depend on both flight class and flight distance. Flight distances are categorized by the WRI

into three (3) groups: domestic, short-haul and long haul.

However, since there are domestic flights in the Philippines that fall under WRI’s short

haul, category names for this Manual were change to adopt the country’s flight distances.

After identifying and determining other important factors to consider, determine the

appropriate CO2 emission factors for each flight. And then, calculate the GHG emissions using

the appropriate emission factors.

For Chartered flights

Emissions [kg CO2 ] = (Fuel Cosumed)[L]×(Emission factor)[kg / L] (25)

For Commercial flights

Emissions [kg CO2 ] = (Distance Travelled)[km]×(Number of Employees)

×(Emission Factor)[kg / passenger - km]

If the amount of fuel consumed is in kg, use the conversion factor 0.79485 kg/L. this value was

derived from the average JetA-1 densities available from Petron and Shell. Finally, the total

emissions converted to tons can be determined through equation (27):

CO2 Emissions [t] = ΣCO2e Emissions [kg]×(0.001) (27) Solid waste Management

These practices include third-party disposal to off-site facilities such as landfills, and

biological waste treatment which includes composting and anaerobic digesters. Emissions from

contracted solid waste disposal is calculated using the Mass Balance approach. This method

accounts for all emissions resulting from waste generated in a particular year. Thus, this method

allocates emissions to the current reporting year all future emissions from waste that is disposed

in the current year.

In getting the total emissions for solid waste, determine the amount of solid waste sent to

the off-site solid waste facility, per waste type: food waste, garden waste, paper, wood, textile,

nappies/diapers and plastic/other inert and the methane recovery rate of the solid waste disposal

site. If the solid waste disposal site owns/operates a methane recovery facility, determine the

methane recovery rate of the solid waste disposal site. Then, choose the appropriate factors to

be used.

Table 3: Solid Waste Disposal Sites Classification and Methane Correction Factors
Methane Correction Factor (MCF)
Type of Site
Default Values
Managed anaerobic 0.95
Managed semi –aerobic 0.5
Unmanaged-deep (>5m waste) and/or high
water table
Unmanaged-shallow (<5m) 0.4
Uncategorised SWDS 0.6

Afterwards, determine the degradable organic carbon content of each waste type.

DOC[%] = (DOCFW )(PFW )×(DOCG )(PG )×(DOCP )(PP )×(DOC W )(PW )

×(DOCT )(PT )×(DOC N )(PN )

Where: DOCFW= degradable organic carbon of food waste

DOCG = degradable organic carbon of garden waste

DOCP =degradable organic carbon of paper

DOCW =degradable organic carbon of wood

DOCT =degradable organic carbon of textile

DOCN =degradable organic carbon of nappies/diapers

PFW = percent of solid waste disposed that is food waste

PG = percent of solid waste disposed that is garden waste

PP = percent of solid waste disposed that is paper

PPW = percent of solid waste disposed that is wood

PT = percent of solid waste disposed that is textile

PN = percent of solid waste disposed that is nappies/diapers

Table 4: Default Dry Matter Content, DOC Content, Total Carbon Content and Fossil
Carbon Fraction of Different MSW Components
DOC Content DOC Content Total Carbon Fossil Carbon
MSW in in Content in % Fraction in %
Component % of Wet % of Dry of of
% of
Waste Waste Dry Waste Total Carbon
Paper 90% 40% 36-45 44% 40-50 46% 42-50 1% 0-5
Textiles 80% 24% 20-40 30% 25-50 50% 25-50 20% 0-50
Food waste 40% 15% 8-20 38% 20-50 38% 20-50 - -
Wood 85% 43% 39-46 50% 46-54 50% 46-54 - -
Garden and
40% 20% 18-32 49% 45-55 49% 45-55 0% 0
Park Waste
Nappies 40% 24% 18-32 60% 44-80 70% 54-90 10% 10
Rubber and
84% (39) (39) (47) (47) 67% 67 20% 20
Plastics 100% - - - - 75% 67-85 100%
Metal 100% - - - - NA NA NA NA
Glass 100% - - - - NA NA NA NA
Other, inert 50-
90% - - - - 3 0-5 100
waste 100

Then, calculate for the GHG emissions from the contracted solid waste disposal:

Emissions[kg CH 4 ] = ( MSW ) × ( MCF) × ( DOC) × ( DOCF ) × (F) × (1.33)

× (1- R ) [kg]× (1- OX )

Where: MSW=total mass of solid waste generated

MCF=methane correction factor

DOC=degradable organic carbon content

DOCF=fraction DOC dissimilated

F=fraction of CH4 in landfill gas

16/12=molecular weight ratio of C to CH4

R=methane recovery rate of solid waste disposal site

OX=oxidation factor

Table 5: Oxidation Factor (OX) for SWDS
Type of Site Oxidation Factor (OX) Default Values
Managed but not covered with aerated material,
Unmanaged and uncategorized SWDS
Managed covered with CH4 oxidising material 0.1

And convert the CH4 emissions to CO2e using the 100-year global warming potential (GWP)


CO2e Emissions [kg] = Emissions[kg CH4 ]× (GWP) (30)

Lastly, determine the total emissions and convert to tons:

CO2 Emissions [t] = ΣCO2e Emissions [kg]×(0.001) (31)

2.3.3 Structure of GHG Emission Inventory Process

The process of preparing the GHG inventory includes following stages: define inventory

boundary, clarification of sources and terms of GHG emissions, selection of an emissions

quantification methodology, determination emission factors for the data collected, evaluating

uncertainties, verification and improvement inventory, interpretation and communicating of

inventory results, performing a life-cycle inventory and monitoring of future greenhouse gas

emissions (Vigon, et al., 1993). The data in the GHG emissions inventory is presented using

the IPCC format (seven sectors presented using the Common Reporting Format, or CRF) as is

all communication between Member States and the Secretariat of the United Nations

Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol.

In a process for quantifying GHG emissions one of the most important parts is a clear

estimation of the level of uncertainties during information processing and verification for

inventory data. The consideration of the possibility to use developed GHG inventory materials

(data sources, inventory plan, the scale of the inventory, calculation tools, presenting results)

and specific emission factors for selected activity data should be provided by monitoring,

reporting, and verification (MRV) process at regular time intervals (Delaney & Wintergreen,


2.4 Existing CO2 Emissions Assessment Method for Universities

Numerous calculation methods exist to account for Carbon Dioxide emissions in the

universities, yet the assessment of environmental emissions within higher education remains

in its early stages (Adeyemi, 2018). Carbon Dioxide is the predominant greenhouse gas (GHG)

produced from a number of different sources including transportation, on-campus stationary

sources, purchased energy, refrigerants, solid waste among, and wastewater. The extent of

Carbon Dioxide equivalent emission is a measure of the contribution to global warming as a

consequence of transportation, domestic energy use and lifestyle within the university campus

(Tupper, et al., 2007). Therefore, accounting for Carbon Dioxide emissions in the campus offer

benefits such as identifying the opportunities associated with the challenge of climate change,

increased energy efficiency and energy cost reductions as well as intelligent management of

CO2 emissions based on the observed information. Though, majority of the online carbon-

footprint calculators rely on data which unlike energy use are not commonly applicable to

universities. The CO2 emission from energy sources such as transport and electricity energy

use is more universal and contributes above 95% of overall GHG emissions (WIR, 2008).

Carbon-footprint accounting methods measure emission from energy and is criticized

focusing on greenhouse gases (GHG) and based on the emission scopes inside and outside the

campus, as well as simple emission from known and familiar CO2 sources. These factors affect

the strength of most existing calculators in direct reduction of CO2 emission within campuses.

Among such calculators or tools for carbon inventory are the Clean Air Cool Planet (CACP)

Campus Carbon Calculator, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol sponsored by World Resources

Institute, and IPCC Inventory Software.

Each of these calculators has its own advantages, however, the tools adopted to account

for carbon emission depend on the context of the inventories. Majority of these tools are applied

widely to specific range of issues relating to carbon emission and the assessment of global

warming potentials of cases in their respective areas of application. A review of some of the

existing calculators commonly used for the assessment of emissions of Carbon Dioxide or

greenhouse gases (GHG) in universities is given below.

2.4.1 IPCC Inventory Software (Version 2.54)

IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme and its Technical Support Unit

located at IGES in Hayama, Japan, initiated the development of new GHG Inventory Software

(“IPCC Inventory Software”). The purpose of this software is to implement Tier1 and Tier2

methodologies in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for the

preparation of national GHG inventories according to 2006 IPCC Guidelines either for

complete inventories or for separate categories or groups of categories. The primary target

groups of users are inventory compilers who wish to apply default 2006 IPCC Guidelines

methods, trainers and trainees on national GHG inventory compilation, and Parties not included

in Annex I of the Convention having limited resources without their own inventory systems

(SPIRIT Inc., 2017). The basic approach of the software is to enable filling out the 2006 IPCC

Guidelines category worksheets with the activity and emission factor data. The manual of the

software is available to know the step-by-step guide for quantifying GHG emissions.

2.4.2 GHG Protocol Calculator

The GHG Protocol Calculators Sponsored by World Resources Institute (WRI) is the most

widely-used international accounting tool for government and business leaders to quantify and

manage greenhouse gas emissions (WRI, 2018). It gives a step-by-step guide for clients to use

for quantifying and reporting GHG emissions. This tool calculates the CO2, CH4 and N2O

emissions and consists of a Guidebook for customizing existing GHG Protocol calculation

tools for a specific GHG program or to more closely reflect national, regional, and institutional

circumstances. The calculator recommended both fuel use and distance data for non-public

transport sources to be provided and requires that users should first strive to improve their fuel

use records.

2.4.3 Clean Air Cool Planet Campus Carbon Calculator

The Clean Air Cool Planet (CACP Calculator) Campus Carbon Calculator is commonly

used to conduct campus greenhouse gas emission inventory (Christine, 2006) as an assessment

of university campus sustainability. The tool is sponsored by the Association for the

Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). It is an electronic MS Excel

workbook based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for national-level

inventories that calculates the estimates of the greenhouse gas emissions through energy use,

agriculture, refrigerant, and solid waste data gathered from the campus. This tool provides

procedural protocols and a framework for investigation of campus GHG emissions which has

been adapted for use at colleges or universities. For instance, the American College and

University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) team recommended the Clean Air

Cool Planet (CACP) Inventory Calculator based on GHG Protocol methodology in accordance

with the Greenhouse Gas Inventory Brief. CACP covers all sources within the defined scopes

of the ACUPCC and is currently available for application in the context of higher education.

Though it is adapted for campus use for more accurate and precise picture of emissions, CACP

focuses more on input of the exact fuel mix used and GHG emissions from sources that are not

common to most universities (Abdul-Azeez, 2012).

2.5 Related Studies

Isabela State University conducted carbon footprint inventory of the university’s buildings

for their future design alternatives. The study aimed to determine what year has the highest

and least value of carbon footprint emission and determine the significant difference between

buildings as regards to their carbon footprint emission. The calculations used for the inventory

is a carbon footprint calculator downloaded from and the other secondary

data on energy consumption is obtained from ISELCO II an electric cooperative in Ilagan


In fall 2006, students compiled a greenhouse gas emissions inventory for the Borough

University, thereby determining the human activities responsible for those emissions and

setting a baseline with which to compare future emissions. The calculation procedures was

done manually. Six sectors contributing to GHG emissions was considered in their study

specifically electricity, transportation, onsite fuel combustion, solid waste and liquid wastes,

and synthetic chemicals—followed by a detailed account of each sector. The detailed sector

accounts provide information on the methods used and greenhouse gases emitted by the sector,

and also include a discussion of important points emerging from the sector inventory.

In a study conducted by Mathew and John (2010), the report aimed to account the GHG

emission primarily from energy consumption of university, define organizational, operational,

and temporal boundaries of the study, analyse the data and summarize results to determine the

major contributors to campus GHG emissions. The researchers conducted a comparative

analysis of data from similar-sized higher-education institutions to compare differences and

similarities between institutions and developed an alternative scenarios and management

implications to decrease campus emissions. The study didn’t account other indirect sources of

energy. The inventory calculations are done by the CACP campus carbon calculator.

Summer (2007) study aims to identify the point sources of emission generated, give data

for policy makers to forecast emission trends, to set goals for future mitigation, and to provide

starting point in helping California State University become a Climate Neutral Campus. The

researchers covered many emission sources for their data. CO2, CH4, N2O, emissions per sector

is quantified. The sectors that is considered are Energy, transportation, waste, synthetics

chemicals, animal management, land management sectors.

Based on the studies above, it is common that the GHG inventories conducted focused in

assessing the impact of GHG emission from their campus’s energy consumption and

infrastructures. The aim of the studies is to quantify, and make necessary actions and plans for

development to a more environmental friendly facilities.

Chapter 3

3.1 Data Collection

Data will be requested from Cagayan State University Carig and Andrews Campuses

including the campus layout, mobile consumption, electricity consumption, air and land

business travel, amount of solid waste and waste water generated during the timeframe covered

from January 2016 to January 2019. Additional data required for the calculation of greenhouse

gas emission will collected and surveyed in the premises of both campus grounds.

3.2 Sources and Boundaries Definition

In identifying boundaries for entities, IPCC regulates that the selection of boundaries must

be classified as operational boundaries. Under which, the sources of emission will come from

three different scopes.

Figure 3: Operational Boundaries for entity (IPCC, 2006)

3.3 Inventory

The accumulated data will be analysed using Clean Air Cool Planet Campus Carbon

Calculator version 6.9. Three base years will be considered starting from January 2016 to

January 2019. The GHG emission sources will then be identified based on the operational

boundaries of CSU-Carig and Andrews Campus. The quantification method choses will be in

terms of carbon dioxide equivalent. After which, the relevant activity and emission factors will

be determined.

3.4 Interpretation

The inventory results will be interpreted.


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