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A research proposal submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Practical Research 2: Quantitative Research

Group Members

Gledys Dainne D. Abadecio

Kate Clarisse Macalit

Tiffany P. Cabornay

Johnhael Tepora

Chase Matthew Elep

David Salona

Grade 12-2 Mary Mother of Redeemer

This research will determine the effects of technology integration to the Grade 11 STEM

students of Saint Gregory Academy, technology integration is the use of technology tools in

general content areas in education in order to allow students to

apply computer and technology skills in learning and problem-solving. Technology integration in

the classroom can also help and support classroom teaching by letting students’ complete their

assignments on the computer or learning tablets rather than with normal pencil and paper.

The researcher will gather data with the use of survey questionnaires that holds information

that will govern the effects of technology integration to the Grade 11 STEM Students of Saint

Gregory Academy. The questionnaires contain the advantages and disadvantages of technology

integration to the Grade 11 STEM Students of Saint Gregory Academy. Researchers use various

statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation and the results presented using tables, graphs for

accuracy, and precision of the study.

This study is only limited on regulating the effects of technology integration to the Grade

11 Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Students of Saint Gregory Academy. It includes

the modern teaching gadgets used by the instructors and learning gadgets used by the students, the

effectiveness of using learning gadgets to the students. This paper excludes the effects of the

technology integration on the personal and social life of Grade 11 Science and Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics Students of Saint Gregory Academy.


1.1 Background of the study

Major findings regarding the effects of technology integration education on Grade 11

students presented. A study of Grade 11 treatment site versus two comparison schools over one

academic year indicates that teachers progress one stage in a six-stage technology adoption model

as a result of focused, needs-based technology integration education delivered throughout the

school year. Needs-based technology integration education shown to have a rapid, positive effect

on teacher attitudes, such as computer anxiety, perceived importance of computers, and computer

enjoyment. This type of education was shown to have a time-lagged positive effect on the attitudes

of students as well.

Effectively utilize technology integration in the Senior high school students. Few deny the

growing influence of technology and its use in teaching students who use digital technology daily.

These results developed within the same research and by reviewing the literature on these studies;

this literature review explores some of the limitations of the research studies.

This study was conducted to investigate the possible relationship between students' use of

technology and their achievements in academic performances (Lawton & Gerschner, 1982;

Woodrow, 1992). Successful classroom practice also includes fostering positive perceptions of

information technology among students (Knezek, Miyashita, & Sakamoto, 1993). This article

presents findings from a year-long study of a senior high school students in north Texas as it

initiated the introduction of information technology into teachers' daily classroom practice.

According to Boss (2011) children are already an active users of technology so the only

challenge in perusing technology integration for the learning of the children is that how can they

be a well prepared learners for a globally connect, information-saturated world. The use of

technology integration has positive and negative effects. Positive and negative effects. Positive

effects if and only used and taught effectively.

As cited by Suzie Boss, Harold Weng Linsky, a research scientist found a positive or

benefits for educational technology. He proved that as long as technology was used in challenge

activities, activities rich in academic content rather than basic skills.

A team from SRI International determined the four ways that technology enhances how

children learn. First is that it gives learners a learners the opportunity to join and participate in a

group, third, frequent connects learners from the real world context. Since learners were allowed

to use technology, the technology itself provides a wide place where learners can get thousands of

information they needed.

According to Benett and Rebello (2012) retention of learned information means having the

information acquired is kept in the long-term memory and can easily be accessed at all times.

Moreover, the study of retention is synonymous or related to the study of memory. The information

should be retained in a long duration of your last work if you have not used it for a while. The

learned information should be available if you need it. The new knowledge acquired should stick

from the short-term memory to the long-term memory, for that said knowledge to retain.

1.2 Significance of the study

The effects of technology integration on the retention and learning acquisition of Grade 11

Science and Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students of Saint Gregory

Academy will provide knowledge for the future researcher in investigation about technology

integration retention and learning acquisition. Prior to the knowledge that the study have, the study

may suggest to stop or support the technology integration in Saint Gregory Academy. Therefore,

this study will provide knowledge that affect the performance of the students with technologies in

Saint Gregory Academy.

1.3 Scope and limitations

This research paper aims to identify the effects of technology integration on the academic

retention and learning acquisition of Grade 11 Science and Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM) students of Saint Gregory Academy only. This paper excludes the effects of

the technology integration on the personal and social life of Grade 11 Science and Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students of Saint Gregory Academy.

1.4 Research Gap

The gap of the study is that the sampling unit may not directly represent the whole

population. This may be due to the following factors:

1. The respondents may not have the same economic status, thus will limit their

capability to access technology.

2. The respondents may not have the same level of access to modern technology and

are not using the same type of technology (some are using computers while others use cell

phones only).

3. They may not use the technology with the same frequency.

4. Necessary information gathered about the respondents may not be sufficient; hence,

comparison among the members of the sampling unit may be subjected.

1.5 Objective of the study

This study aims to determine the effects of technology integration on the retention and

learning acquisition of Grade 11 Science and Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

students of Saint Gregory Academy.

Specifically, this study aims to achieve the following objectives:

1. Identify the specific technological innovations installed in Saint Gregory Academy.

2. Determine the positive effects of technology integration on the retention and

learning acquisition of the Grade 11 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

(STEM) students in Saint Gregory Academy.

3. Determine the negative effects of technology integration on the retention and

learning acquisition of Grade 11 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

(STEM) of Saint Gregory Academy.

Review of Related Literature

Technology integration

Papert (1970) said, "With computers, there is a substantially bigger chance that you can

lead the child with less effort into something he really likes doing. . . . The intersection with the

set of fun things with the set of educational things is sufficiently big so that you should be able to

keep every student internally motivated."

Technology do a crucial role in the society now a day on the other hand the integration of

technology in the classroom was needed for the students to learn. The children of this age are being

exposed to technology and in some situations the student themselves know more than the teachers

do when it comes to technology.

It shows in the findings that it is best to learn when you are engage to something. By the

use of technology, students have a chance to do things on their own, with the help of gadgets

provided by schools students were given an opportunity to help students learn by themselves

instead of just watching others do it.

According to Lang (2005) There are many advantages to the integration of technology in

the Grade 11 and 12 students in senior High school. We shows the highly study improvement for

English Language. We will shows the improvement for the skills. Technology is important for

now because it gives some knowledge and more idea or information. Technology used for teaching

and learning should be considered an integral part of instruction. Someday if you learned

technology. You can do anything or another idea for your life of future dreams and someday I feel

successful. Viewing technology integration from a wide perspective will provide teachers with the

necessary foundation to implement technology into the classroom.

NCRTEC (2015) Stated that technology can be rightly said to have impacted in every

occupation and the application and changes it bring are intended and required, as it is a part of a

larger development of the society. Technology has been introduced in fields and occupations,

either directly or indirectly and its benefits are evident in terms of time, quality, process, etc.

The fields of education and learning have also incorporated technology, resulting in new

possibilities and results. Its advantage should not be ignored. The technology need the associated

infrastructure and the introduction look challenging for many people. New technologies may

require special wiring and breakdowns would be disruptive and need repair by experts.

According to Wikibooks in today's society, technology do an essential role and the

modernized technology is needed for the students to learn more easily and because children

nowadays is exposed to technology they commonly knows more in technology than their teachers.

When you are engage to something you learn more easily and technology is a great way to

give each and every students an opportunity to do individual things. With the help of gadgets that

are provided by the school have a chance to do activity on their own while just being watched by

their proctor.

Retention and learning acquisition

According to Driscoll (2014), have gathered information that states that graphic organizers

and imagery can increase learning, promote information process and connects preceding

information with current knowledge. The researchers stated that there was no significant negative

effects on viewing knowledge maps. As a result, it shows that the facilitators should continue to

make knowledge maps as a scheme to promote acquisition of concept. Moreover, the outcome of

the study aims to practice the facilitators for approaching knowledge mapping.

The researchers do not claim to provide specific evidence that there is a certain process

that ensures the learners’ knowledge acquisition and retention. The result of the researchers study

propose that knowledge maps can be a good practice to efficiently obtain the concept of art. The

researchers stated that new method of teaching will happen in period of time, the result should be

tested, highlight the absence among all design of art element. Further, other studies indicates that

learners can learn more if they are generated with the things around them rather than the expert-

generated maps.


This chapter deals with the explanation of the research design, participants, instruments,

data gathering procedure, and data analysis.

2.1 Research Design

Burns and Grove (2003) define a research design as “a blueprint for conducting a study

with maximum control over factors that may interfere with the validity of the findings”. Parahoo

(1997) describes a research design as “a plan that describes how, when and where data are to be

collected and analyzed”. Polit et al (2001) define a research design, as “the researcher’s overall for

answering the research question or testing the research hypothesis”.

This study focuses on the effects of technology integration on the retention and learning

acquisition. The research approach was causal comparative and survey research.

2.2 The Participants

The researchers conducted surveys to Grade 11 Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM) students of Saint Gregory Academy.

2.3 Instrument

The researchers used survey questionnaires about the effects of technology integration on

the retention and learning acquisition of Grade 11 Science and Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM) students of Saint Gregory Academy.

2.4 Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathered using survey questionnaires. The survey questionnaires that was used

can be distributed easily in a short period. Answers was kept confidential. The terms to be used

are straightforward and in direct approach to avoid misunderstanding and confusions. The

participants requested to answer the survey questionnaires by checking the boxes corresponding

to their most suitable answer.

The researchers was first orient the respondents about the study and how they will answer

the survey questionnaires. The gathering of data was based on the result of the said survey. After

answering the questionnaires, the results evaluated and tallied by the researchers.

2.5 Data Analysis

This research study used will survey questionnaires and in order to interpret the gathered

data researchers used various statistical tool like mean and standard deviation to help them

interpret their gathered data. The results from the interpreted data presented in the form of graph.


The results that are going to present came purely to the respondents of the survey that are

conducted to Grade 11 Science and Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students

of Saint Gregory Academy only. Bar graph made to present the gathered result from the conducted


Mean of Specific Technology Use in

the Classroom




Computer in the Active board Mobile (devices) Tablets (e.g., Digital video
classroom (e.g., White iPads) cameras

Figure 1

The figure 1 shows the result or mean of specific technology used in classroom of Saint

Gregory Academy. It shows that the most common tool used in the rooms of Grade 11 Science

and Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students of Saint Gregory Academy

according to them is the active white board (e.g., white board) and the least used is the computer

inside the classroom.

Mean of the advantage of technology

Technology has change the way that I learn

Most technology would improve my ability
to learn
Electronic media will replace printed text
within five years
We create more collaboration as a group

I am more motivated to study

I have are more discipline problems (such as
controlling yourself in using technology)
I create projects that show higher levels of
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1

Figure 2

On the figure 2, the mean of the advantage of technology integration stated that the most

chosen reason of the respondents is that the most technology would improve the learners’ ability

to learn. While the reason electronic media will replace printed text within five years got the lowest

score. Researchers conclude that Grade 11 Science and Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM) students of Saint Gregory Academy see that with the use of technology,

teachers or proctors got easy access to the target lesson learned by the students. The use of

technology they can use tools such as videos, photos, etc. to make their way of teaching easy and

to explain furthermore their lesson for the day, which is why most of them choose that statement.

And for the least chosen reason researchers conclude that Grade 11 Science and Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students of Saint Gregory Academy thinks that technology

in the Philippine country needs a much more time to develop technology to use continuously in

studying and teaching.

Mean of disadvantage of technology


Technology is unreliable

There is too much technological change

coming too fast without enough support for…

School systems expect us to learn new

technologies without formal training

The abundance of unreliable sources is


Sometimes I plagiarize for my school work

I go to inappropriate sites while studying

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Figure 3

The figure 3 is the mean of the disadvantage of technology integration. The most chosen

disadvantage reason of the respondents is that the school systems expect the learners to learn new

technologies without formal training and the least chosen reason is that sometimes the learners

plagiarize for my schoolwork. Researchers conclude the reason behind choosing the most

disadvantage result contributed by technology integration is that Grade 11 Science and

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students of Saint Gregory Academy

encounter situations that they have to use specific technology inside the school for specific reason

even though they do not have formal training using that specific technology. On other hand,
choosing the statement that Sometimes learners plagiarize for their school works as the least

chosen reason is because Grade 11 Science and Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

(STEM) students of Saint Gregory Academy know the consequences if they were caught

plagiarizing the work of others.

These representations are just the results came from the opinions of Grade 11 Science and

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students of Saint Gregory Academy from the

survey conducted by the researchers.


The research investigated the effects of technology integration on the retention and learning

acquisition of Grade 11 Science and Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students

of Saint Gregory Academy. Primary data were collected by randomly distributing questionnaires

to 127 respondents. As mentioned earlier in the introduction, the purpose of this study were to

identify the specific technological innovations installed in Saint Gregory Academy, and determine

the positive and negative effects of technology integration on the retention and learning acquisition

of the Grade 11 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students in Saint

Gregory Academy.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the effect of technology integration on the

retention and learning acquisition. First, the Grade 11 Science and Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM) students of Saint Gregory Academy stated that the most used technology in

their room is active board followed by mobile devices. Then, these technology integrations has

positive effects to the students that cause their school works to be easier. Based on that, the students

have advantage with these technologies. Specifically, that the most technology improves the ability

to learn and the last stated reason is that the electronic media will replace printed text within five

years. Lastly, the technology integration has negative effect as well. In the top of the list, the

respondents stated that the school system expect the learners to learn new technologies without

formal training. However, the respondents also stated that sometimes the learner plagiarize for

their school work.

The result of this study indicate that the technology integration has a positive effect to the

Grade 11 Science and Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students of Saint

Gregory Academy. However, these findings cannot be generalized to other students of Saint

Gregory Academy neither to other schools. The same study needs to be conducted with student of

choice to see if there are any similarities with the factor that will influence student’s choice in

selecting the specific technology they use and the effects of technology integration to the students.

Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, here are some recommendations to be


1. The effects of active board on the retention and learning acquisition of students

2. The effect of mobile devices on the retention and learning acquisition of the


3. The effect of a visual aid on the retention and learning acquisition of the students


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