Lecture 3 Medical Terminology

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ADL Activities of daily living

AFO Ankle foot orthosis

KAFO Knee ankle foot orthosis

Ligament of knee joint
ACL Anterior cruciate ligament

PCL Posterior cruciate ligament

MCL Medial collateral ligament

LCL Lateral collateral ligament

Ligament of knee joint
AP – Ant Anterior-posterior – Anterior

BMI Body mass index

CP Cerebral palsy

BP Blood pressure
C1-7 Cervical vertebrae 1-7

Cerv. Cervical

CNS Central nervous system

C/O Complain of
CO2 Carbon dioxide

COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

LOG Line of gravity

BOS Base of support
COG Center of gravity
CPM Continuous passive motion

CTS Carpal tunnel syndrome

CT Computerized tomography
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging

CPR Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation

Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
CVS Cardiovascular system

EMG Electromyography

ECG Electrocardiogram

EEG Electroencephalogram
DF Dorsiflexion

Dec Decrease

Ex‫؛‬s Exercises

Ext Extension
FEV Forced expiratory volume

FEV 1 Forced expiratory volume in one second

FVC Forced vital capacity

Freq Frequency
FSH Follicle stimulating hormone

GH Growth hormone

# Fracture

GCS Glasgow coma scale

Glasgow coma scale
GRF Ground reaction force

Hb hemoglobin

HBV Hepatitis B virus

HCV Hepatitis c virus

HDL High density lipoprotein

LDL Low density lipoprotein

Hemi Hemiplegia – Hemiparesis

HP Hot pack
ICU Intensive care unit

Inf Inferior

Insp Inspiratory

IR Internal rotation
L 1-5 Lumber vertebra 1-5

Lat Lateral

LBP Low back pain

LOS Length of stay

Max Maximum

Med Medial

MS Multiple sclerosis
NWB Non weight bearing

MAS Motor assessment scale

O2 Oxygen

OA Osteoarthritis
ORIF Open reduction internal fixation

ODI Oswestry disability index

PA Posterior anterior

Para Paraplegia
PNF Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation

ROM Range of motion

PWB Partial weight bearing

RA Rheumatoid arthritis
Rehab Rehabilitation

REM Rapid eye movement

Rep Repetition

Resp Respiratory
S1-5 Sacral vertebrea (1-5)

Sh shoulder

SIJ Sacro-iliac joint

SCI Spinal cord injury

Sup superior

T1-12 Thoracic vertebrae (1-12)

Temp Temperature
TENS Transcutanous electrical nerve stimulation

TIA Transient Ischemic attack

TMJ Temporomandibular joint

UL Upper limb
VAS Visual analogue scale

VBI Vertebrobasilar insufficient

W/CM2 Watts per centimeter squared

Wt weight
RPS Reaching performance scale

WK Week

y/ o years old
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