European Farmers & Agri-Cooperatives Livestock Campaign 2016-18

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European farmers

& agri-cooperatives
livestock campaign
• Follow it on twitter
#livestockcounts #enjoyagrifood

• Visit our website

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What’s it all about?
The EU livestock sector - especially pigs dairy, cattle, sheep & goats, poultry
& eggs - is being hit by increasing challenges ranging from upcoming climate
change policy, health issues, animal welfare constraints, trade issues, with a
decline in EU meat consumption expected by 2025. Yet eating beef, veal, lamb,
poultry, goatmeat and pork provides consumers with an excellent source of
protein in the diet. Vitamin B12 is particularly important and animal products,
including meat, fish, dairy and eggs are the only primary natural sources of
B12 which is vital for children. Meat is also important to help feed a growing
population set to rise by 60% by 2050 and help solve hunger & malnutrition.

Too often consumers don’t have enough time to devote to

cooking or are misinformed of the benefits of eating meat for a
nutritious balanced diet. New initiatives to encourage healthy
eating habits at an early age and to bring consumers back in touch
with nature are being developed by European farmers and agri-
cooperatives. More and more, there are on-farm activities and
farm open days across Europe with cooking workshops which
provide closer contacts with citizens and enhance consumers’
connection with farming, food and rural areas. Food camps for
children are being developed to bring about a positive change
in the lifestyle of children and tackle obesity. This Campaign
aims to increase awareness of these activities and to shed new
light on the benefits of eating meat, present new easy to cook
tasty recipes, show the high production standards farmers
meet in the EU and what they are doing to tackle the upcoming
challenges including antimicrobial resistance to ensure an even
more sustainable sector. It will also present new facts & figures
to show that the livestock sector is good for growth & jobs & a
vibrant rural economy & attractive countryside.

How will it be done?

There will be live cooking shows and nutritious advice from a
leading chef. There will be press events, farm visits, a cookery
brochure and videos presenting new easy to cook recipes from
across Europe, hosted twitter debates, leaflets and videos
showing what farmers and their cooperatives are doing to
tackle antimicrobial resistance and to meet high production
standards. A photo competition on good production practices
will be launched in November. Events & actions will take place
every month throughout 2016 & 17 & 18 across Europe. Come
and join us to hear more and follow us on social media and on
our website!  
Some key dates
for Copa & Cogeca Events &
May 2017
New leaflet in many languages on benefits of pig farming/
transport guidelines: discover it on social media, our website

June 2
Presentation of upcoming events at Copa and Cogeca 2017
Communication Seminar

June 29 2017
Launch of new leaflet promoting healthy recipes
and nutrition from across Europe with stories to
tell: discover them via the media & on social media,
our website and at an event with live cooking

July 2017
press visit on a farm

July 2017
video interview on the farm: discover it on social
media, our website

September 4 2017
Deadline for our photo competition on good
production practices with event in 2017 to present
prize: discover it on social media, our website

September/October 2017
Presentation of top prize from the photo competition
at a major press event

September/October 2017
New leaflet on what Copa and Cogeca are doing to
tackle antimicrobial resistance: discover it on
social media, our website, videos

September/October 2017
New leaflet to promote good production
practices combined with a press visit to a farm,
media & social media actions

October 2017
Press visit to an agri-cooperative
October 2017
Video interview at an agri-cooperative: discover it on social
media, our website

October /November 2017

Hosted twitter debate

November 2017
MEP event with live cooking and presentation of Copa and
Cogecas’ receipe book, with coordinated events in Member

December 2017
New leaflet on livestock farming contribution to
biodiversity: discover it on social media, our website

Open Farm Days,

Cooperative Open Days &
healthy initiatives
at National Level 2017/18
16 th – 22 nd of May
Dutch glasshouse sector open days:

30 April – 7 May 2017

Austrian week of agriculture

May 19
Portuguese Days of Agriculture in Schools (CAP) www.cap.

May 20th 2017

Austrian Farm Open Days

May 15-20 2017

FNSEA French Farm Open Days:
May 27/8
Latvian Countryside Open Day with farmers and cooperatives opening
doors to the public

May 26/June 5 2017

Dutch Dairy Farm Open Days

June 2-11 2017

Third edition of Agricultural Cooperative Week in France open to the

June 11 2017
Open Farm Sunday (England, Scotland & Wales):

June 17/18 2017

Farm Open Day, Northern Ireland: http://

June 24/5 2017

Wallonian Farm Open Day (FWA):

July 23 2017
Estonian FarmOpenDay

September 17 2017
Farm open days in Flanders, Belgium by Boerenbond & Denmark (DAFC)
are traditionally organized on the third Sunday of September & this year
on the 17th of September: ; www.agricultureandfood.

June 2018
DBV German Farm Open Days:
61, Rue de Trèves
B - 1040 Bruxelles

Telephone 00 32 (0) 2 287 27 11

Telefax 00 32 (0) 2 287 27 00

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