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Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a slightly toxic substance which is formed in the cell respiration process as
a side product. Cells want to get rid of hydrogen peroxide and they produce catalase that makes
hydrogen peroxide degrade. As a result, water and oxygen molecules are produced.

2H2O2 =>2H2O + O2

In human body, catalase can be found especially in liver, kidney and blood.

In plant cell it stored in peroxisome


Because the enzyme can only activate in range temperature and PH so that in different there will be
different level of bubles . In 100 degree Celcius the enzyme died so it do not have bubles, in room
temperature it has the highest level of bubles (37 degree celcius) so 37 degree is the optimal

b/ the optimal temperature of catalase is 37degree celcius

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