Parafrase Dan Sitasi Mhd. Nur Ridha Asshaf 1718011076

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Poin – poin dalam Learning Skill dan

Pentingnya Bagi Mahasiswa Kedokteran

Mhd. Nur Ridha Asshaf

Latar Belakang
“In recent times, there has been increasing recognition that medical education
must focus more on the higher order thinking processes which is required to
encounter the emerging challenges in medical education. Higher order thinking has
become one of the essential characteristic of future health care professionals and an
essential attribute of medical professionalism. Hence, knowing and thinking about
critical thinking has become the need of hour and explore the avenues for its
application in medical education through appropriate means” (Zayapragassarazan,
Menon, Kar, Batmanabane, 2016).
Zayapragassarazan, Menon, Kar, Bastmanabane (2016) menyatakan bahwa
kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi adalah hal yang penting didunia kedokteran dan
menjadi jati diri dari dunia medis di masa depan serta termasuk hal penting untuk
mencapai profesionalitas medis. Pemikiran tingkat tinggi sudah mulai dipelajari
sebagai materi penting dalam dunia kedokteran yang nantinya akan berguna bagi
mahasiswa untuk menghadapi masalah yang akan terjadi.
“The findings showed that students need help and consultation in most areas
of learning strategy. Medical education is a lifelong process, and medical students
must be lifelong learners. Medical education burdens a great bulk of information with
limited time. Therefore, the focus of medical education should be on the learner
facilitating the learning process. Using 10 LASSI areas can determine the strengths
and weaknesses of students in various areas. Awareness about their own weaknesses,
students will be able to improve their study habits. Education planners and educators
can design more suitable education programs through knowing the characteristics of
their students. Thus, every student is recommended to be evaluated when enrolled at
university, and the education program needs to be designed based on the
characteristics of students. Also, given the length of medicine course and changes in
the areas of study strategies throughout the study years, it is necessary to constantly
monitor and evaluate the characteristics of students in order to provide the necessary
strategies for improving the students’ habits as required”( Jouhari , Haghani , Changiz
Menurut Jouhari, Haghani, Changiz (2016), pelajar sebenarnya membutuhkan
bantuan baik secara lisan maupun saran mengenai learning strategy. Sifat longlife
learning harus dimiliki mahasiswa kedokteran karena pendidikan kedokteran
merupakan proses belajar sepanjang hayat. Materi yang banyak, tetapi selalu berubah
dan berkembang merupakan ciri utama dari pendidikan kedokteran. Mahasiswa
kedokteran menjadi fokus utama sekaligus fasilitator dalam pendidikan kedokteran.
Pembelajaran berdasarkan karakter mahasiswa dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar
mahasiswa. Pembelajaran berdasarkan karakter dan gaya belajar mahasiswa ini
penting, mengingat lamanya waktu yang ditempuh untuk menyelesaikan pendidikan
kedokteran. Apabila sang pengajar terus memantau dan menyesuaikan pembelajaran
dengan gaya belajar mahasiswa, maka peningkatan dibidang akademik akan bisa
“It has been suggested that reading too slowly at speeds of much less than 100
words per minute can have negative effects on comprehension. Anyone who has
learned to read another script knows the phenomenon of slowly sounding out the
script and then having to go back and read the sentence again more fluently to see
what it means. Fluency development is an essential strand in a language course.
Learners need to be able to make the best use of what they already know at every
stage of their learning. Giving attention to reading fluency is one part of this strand.
As with the development of listening fluency, speaking fluency and writing fluency,
the development of reading fluency can have clear practical and motivational benefits
for a language learner”( Nation, 2009).
Menurut Nation (2009), Inti dari pengembangan bahasa adalah pengembangan
berbagai kefasihan. Dari berbagai kefasihan seperti mendengar, berbicara dan
menulis, kefasihan membaca adalah yang paling berpengaruh dan paling penting.
Didunia kedokteran, kefasihan membaca ini berguna agar seseorang mengetahui
suatu informasi lebih cepat dan efisien. Sesuatu yang menghambat kefasihan atau
kecepatan membaca yaitu berbicara ketika membaca, membaca ulang kata
sebelumnya harus dihilangkan agar tercapai speed reading yang diinginkan
Menurut Weishaar dan Boyle (dikutip dalam Hayati dan Jalilifar, 2009), “as a
result of the present study, we suggest that students should be taught the useful
techniques of note-taking (such as the one tested in the present study) with a number
of lecture topics. Although the Cornell note-taking technique at first may seem
cumbersome, it is possible that once students master this technique they could then be
taught to fade out the use of the forms and incorporate only the written prompts
during note taking. Another important finding of this research is that teaching the
Cornell note-taking strategy to university students can help improve students'
achievement. In this way, the students will get the most benefit from learning note-
taking strategies, if those strategies are practiced over the course of several months,
even a full semester”.
Note taking bisa mempermudah mahasiswa dalam mempelajari berbagai topic
pembahasan, menurut Weishaar dan Boyle (dikutip dalam Hayati dan Jalilifar, 2009)
jika mahasiswa telah memahami Note taking model Cornell, maka itu dapat
membantu meningkatkan prestasi akademik mahasiswa. Kesulitan dalam awal – awal
menggunakan teknik mencatat Cornell bisa diatasi dengan membiasakan
menggunakannya dalam mencatat sesuatu. Mahasiswa bisa mendapatkan keuntungan
yang banyak bila telah menggunakan note taking model cornell dalam kehidupan
Menurut Hedge et al (dikutip dalam Ferris, 2015) “small group tutorials are an
educational strategy that is growing in popularity in medical education. This is
indicative of the movement from a traditional teacher centred approach to more
student-centred learning, which is characterised by active participation and
autonomous learning”. “However, small group teaching is one of the most difficult
and highly skilled teaching techniques and should be planned carefully” (Rasuol,
dikutip dalam Ferris, 2015). “It also demands a higher teacher: student ratio and both
teachers and students should be thought how to work with it (Jacques dan Salmon,
dikutip dalam Ferris, 2015).
Hedge et al., (dikutip dalam Ferris, 2015) menyatakan pengalihan dari
teacher-centred learning menjadi student-centered learning dapat ditempuh melalui
small group discussion dan juga mahasiswa kedokteran telah mengaplikasikan skill
ini dalam bentuk tutorial. Partisipasi mahasiswa secara aktif menjadi ciri khas dari
small group discussion ini, dan dosen/pengajar hanya bersifat sebagai fasilitator.
Menurut Rasuol (dikutip dalam Ferris, 2015) small group teaching termasuk salah
satu teknik belajar yang perlu kematangan perencanaan dan skill yang tinggi dalam
mengajar. Menurut Jacques dan Salmon (dikutip dalam Ferris, 2015) tidak hanya
peran pelajar saja yang penting dalam small group discussion ini, tetapi peran
pengajar juga diperlukan.
Menurut Mahfouz, Alsahli (2016) The students reported higher levels of
stress. The most frequently occurring stressors among the students were related to
academic and psychosocial domains. The associations between stressed cases and
female gender, occurrence of academic and psychosocial stressors needs to be further
tested by prospective studies. Recommendations 1. Presenting a psychological,
social, and family consulting to the students who are highly stressed. 2. Educate the
students According to the nature of the problems they face, clarify its causes, and
how to treat it. 3. Encourage the students to pay attention to the lectures and the
seminars that deals with the psychological and emotional disorders in different stages
of life, also to pay attention to the awareness programs derived from religious and
Islamic culture which the Saudi society is enjoyed for the university students, which
provide them with hope and optimism, and helps them to Resist frustration that may
face them. 4. Take advantage of the media to increase the social awareness of the
problems and disorders that may increase the stress level of the students. 5. Create a
university environment that satisfy the needs of the students.
Mahfouz, Alsahli (2016) menyatakan bahwa penyumbang stress terbesar dari
mahasiswa adalah dari bidang akademik dan psikologis. Strategi mengatasi stress
yaitu membawa penderita ke psikologis, membantu mahasiswa mengatasi
masalahnya, menenangkan batin mahasiswa tersebut dengan mengikuti seminar
psikologis serta beribadah, memberitahukan hal – hal yang dapat menyebabkan stress
dikalangan mahasiswa kepada khalayak ramai, membuat mahasiswa merasa nyaman
dengan lingkungannya.
Berdasarkan data yang didapat Tanriseven (2014) in light of the study results,
it can be said that pre-service teachers should plan classroom activities by using mind
maps, and also endeavor to ensure that these activities can be implemented in real
classroom environments. The effect of these mind map-based classroom activities on
the perception of self-sufficiency can also be investigated. As they will be capable of
better organizing their time, their activities and the classroom environment, pre-
service teachers will have greater motivation to teach, and will also serve as better
models for the development of self-regulation among students
Menurut Tanriseven (2014) mindmapping sangat menguntungkan dalam
proses belajar mengajar. Mahasiswa menjadi lebih baik dalam mengatur waktu,
aktivitas, dan lingkungan kelas jika dosen menggunakan mindmapping dalam proses
perkuliahan, dan memberikan motivasi kepada dosen dan juga menjadi percontohan
yang bagus untuk kemajuan kedepannnya.

Daftar Pustaka
Zayapragassarazan Zayabalaradjane, Vikas Menon, Sitanshu S.Kar, Gitanjali
Batmanabane.2016. Understanding Critical Thinking to Create Better Doctors.
Jouhari ZAHRA, Fariba Haghani, Tahereh Changiz.2016. Assessment of medical
students’ learning and study strategies in self-regulated learning. Journal of
Advances in Medical Education & Professionalism.4(2):77-78.

Nation P.2009. Reading Faster. International Journal of English Studies.9(2):143.

Hayati A.Majid, Alireza Jalilifar.2009. The Impact of Note-taking Strategies on

Listening Comprehension of EFL Learners. English Language

Ferris Helena.2015. The Use of Small Group Tutorials as an Educational Strategy in

Medical Education. International Journal of Higher Education.4(2):227.

Mahfouz Rasha, Haya Alsahli.2016. Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies Among
Newly Nurse Students in Clinical Practice. Journal of Education and

Tanriseven Isil.2014. A Tool That Can Be Effective in the Self-regulated Learning of

Pre-service Teachers: The Mind Map. Australian Journal of Teacher

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