Hauk 2018 Writeup Scale Drawings

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Half Hollow Hills School District Building Formal Observation 9797 Danelle Fricke West Hollow (053) MATH Professional Non Tenured Periad 9 Grade 7 MATHEMATICS 7-12, roji072017 1/17/2018 ‘Steven Hauk6/3/2018 3.67 Suet oe rating fer each enim a heya. tings gy Ect, (tect, 0} Deeaping, eet) Nor Oboe Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Ms. Fricke prepared a lesson to review the various methods of solving proportions and using those skills to solve scaled drawings problems. She planned to use Neared, a digital communication tool that would allow ‘students to submit work for formative assessment purposes and recelve real time feedback. Ms. Fricke planned to present a series of scaled drawing problems that would be projected on the SmartBoard and ‘elivered to Pads (students would be paired). The students would then work on whiteboards or paper, take a photo of their work and submit it for review. Ms. Fricke could then provide instant feedback and/or project it for class discussion. The lesson included paired work, review of homework misconceptions, class discussion, ‘and a NearPod based formative assessment. During our, pre-observation conference, Ms. Fricke indicated that this was a smaller class with a wide range of abilities. She was able to describe the abilities, strengths and weaknesses of several students. she mentioned one student who needed constant reaseurance because she was anxious and lacked self Confidence. Ms. Fricke indicated that the class is very eager to work together and welcomes various forms of differentiated Instruction. She anticipated robust dialogue among the student pairings. ‘1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy cHeEcocL 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students GHeEcocT lc: Setting Instructional Outcomes cH@ecoct 11d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources cHeEcocL 1: Designing Coherent Instruction cHGEcocL If: Designing Student Assessments CHeEcocL Domain 2: The Cassroom Environment Ms. Fricke directed each student pair to have there needed ‘inventory’ (an Ipad, whiteboard, marker, eraser) Classroom routines are well established as evidence by MS. Fricke asking, "What's the first thing we do?" and the students responded, “Check homework". Ma, Fricke reminded students of an upcoming quiz and the ‘vallable morning extra help. The teacher and students have a mutual respect for each other. Throughout the lesson students and teacher dialogue was a give and take, among students and teacher. When a student sneezed, several students offered "bless you During homework check, students dialogued a bit regarding the work and Ms. Fricke checked for completion and to offer further guidance as needed. At one point, Ms Fricke reminded a student, "This is nota test, ‘sweatheart”. During our post observation conference, Ms. Fricke indicated that this was the student mentioned to be very anxious and lacking of confidence. Later, Natalie was called on to present her strategy to create an appropriate proportion ‘The class concluded with mutual, "have a great day and "thanks so much” 2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport eHCEcOCL 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning GHeECoCL 2c: Managing Classroom Procedures @ucecoct 2d: Managing Student Behavior CHeECOCL 2e! Organizing Physical Space CHeECOCT Domain 3: Instruction During instruction, students worked collaboratively, discussing the problems, working on proportions and posting their answers (work included) onto NearPod. Ms. Fricke reviewed the work. as needed, she was able to project student work onto the Smartboard for discussion. During the activity, Ms. Fricke reminded students to first write a ratio then create the proportion to match and label answers. Students provided needed information to explain solutions and identified ‘useless’ extraneous information. Four ways of cresting the appropriate proportions were discussed, [After the lesson, Ms. Fricke opened up class discussion to what worked and what didn’t work about the lesson ‘and more specifically, Near Pod. Students were eager to give their perspective. the students had valid points regarding the new software. They enjoyed using it and had valuable ways to improve its use in the Classroom. The students enjoyed providing the feedback. During our post -observation conference, we agreed that finding ways to make responses more private would help students work. we speculated on i the use of a stylus would be helpful Half Hollow Hills School District Page 1 of 2 3a: Communicating wit 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques 3c: Engaging Students in Learning 3d: Using Assessment for Instruction trating Flexibility and Responsiveness Domain 4: Professional Responsibilties 3e: Demons Students Ms. Fricke agreed to show other teachers Nearpod during an upcoming faculty meeting (prep period workshops). 4a: Reflecting on Teacring 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records 4c: Communicating 44: Participating in a Professional Community with Families cHeECOCL cHeecocL GHcEcocL CHeECOCL CHeECoCL cHcecoch cHeEcocL cHeecocr GHcEcocL eno eNo eno eno de: Growing anc Developing Professionally CHCECOcIaNO 4: showing Professionalism CHCECOCIaNO Comments Observer Comments TTeacrer Comments This document requires Electronic Signatures. steven Hau 6/4/2018 2:27:14 > Observer Signature Date Danielle Fricke 6/4/2038 1:22:13 OM ‘Teacher Signature Date Half Hollow Hills School Distiet Page 2 of 2

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