Objective:: To Estimate The Thermal Conductivity of Polystyrene (Insulation Material)

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 To estimate the thermal conductivity of polystyrene (insulation


 Thermal conductivity of buildings and insulation material unit.

Thermal conductivity: is the ability of material to transmitted heat
Method to measure Thermal conductivity (K):
1- Steady state: by measure of temperature gradient.
2- Transient conduction: by thermo couple.
3- Heat flow meter: the tested specimen between hot and cold plats.

1. Switch on the unit of the main switch

2. Place the specimen and the provided two rubber mats then close the
3. Rotate the screw hand wheel anti clock wise to lower the hot plate
assembly down auto the heat flow meter plate
4. At the point when the green "test position" lamp illuminates stop the
turning and note the dial reading Multiply this value by 0.25 to give the
thickness of the specimen under testing

thickness T1 T2 HFM T'(Co dt(Co K

(Co) (Co) (mV) (W/m.K)
wood 1.27 40 8.4 36.47 24.2 31.6 0.069

Gypswm 2.17 40 13.2 75 26.6 26.6 0.370


Sample of calculation:
Fourier’s law:
Q = -K*A*(dT/dx)

Is∗[k1+(k2∗T′ )+((k3+(k4∗T′ ))∗HFM+((k5+(k6∗T′ ))∗HFM2]

𝐾= dT

c1 = -6.3679 c4 = 0.0697
c2 = 0.0640 c5 = 0.0572
c3 = 2.0152 c6 = -0.0010
Is =
T' =
dT =


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