Hypnosis (1) Converted 1

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ae MEME TE) UC Seal ; _ 7 — Contents List of figures Anote to the novice (and the curious) Part I= Principles ...sesscress santa Systematic training in hypnosis Principles in formulating suggestions Four-stage hypnotic protocol .. Styles of suggestion ... Hypnotic principles ... The language of deep trance . The NLP Milton model .... Additional language patterns . Facilitating deep-tance phenomena ... Part II - Exercises: Core Skills ........... Rapport and personal power .... Core exercises . Rapport 1 Rapport 2. Rapport 3 Rapport 4 Rapport 5 ... Personal Power Ls Personal Power 2... Calibration .......... Core exercises . Expand senses .. Reading People I (like/ dislike) Reading People 2 (truth/lie) .. Reading People 3 (colours) Additional exercises ..... Eye accessing cues Crystal-ball gazing .. Formulating suggestions Core exercises . Tonality ...... Embedded commands (analogical marking) Embedded commands [voice tone) Interspersal technique ..... Language-pattern cards Metaphors «sees: Modelling excellence .. Foreword Thank you for purchasing Volume | of The Deep Trance Training Manual. This is a practical, structured and effective system to train yourself and others sys- tematically to experience deep-trance phenomena quickly and easily. Volume I focuses on core skills and hypnotic skills. I hope this will be of great benefit to you in your practice and exploration of hypnosis and the various phenomena deep trance can produce. This manual assumes that you have some practical experience and know!- edge of hypnosis. As there are many schools of hypnosis emphasising differ- ent approaches, this manual covers two things: Principles and Exercises. Principles will cover some of the fundamentals of hypnotic approaches included in both authoritarian and more permissive schools, such as the Ericksonian approach. This is designed to give you a sufficient understand- ing of the core hypnotic principles, so that you can develop your own style, language and approaches when working with others. The Exercises sections are designed to build your repertoire of hypnotic tests, inductions, deepeners etc. systematically. | recommend that you follow an organised training approach along the lines detailed in “Systematic training in hypnosis” below so that you develop a core of techniques that you can apply without (conscious) thought. This manual is by no means the be-all and end-all of hypnosis. It is intended merely as an experiential guide to assist you in your own hypnotic develop- ment. | would therefore strongly urge you to read extensively in this fasci- nating field. T have accordingly recommended certain texts at the end, Appendix srssesrersesneeessereersreennveen Cantents 3,2, 1 VAK technique .......--- 82 Multiple embedded metaphors . 3 Stacking realities .. BF Double inductions “Not yet ...” anticipation induction «cscs “Act as it” technique (and the sixty-second hypnotist) Elman induction (total-relaxation technique) «e000 88 Mind power for life Deepening techniques Core exercises Counting .... Direct suggestion . Fractionation .... Deepening anchors ..... Anchor — NOW www Shoulder squeeze Hand drop .. Head rotation . Touching forehead ... Utilising hypnotic phenomena Additional exercises ..,.,..+-+- Favourite place of relaxation .. Visual imagery mais ‘lift — Revivification ....-...-. Early-learning, set Ending trance -..-......0+0 Language-pattern cards Trance analogues ... Conscious/ amnonsdlous functions 106 Doing hypnotic demonstrations .. Hypnotic demonstrations with groups . Street hypnosis .......... The secret of maccessful demonstra tions Bibliography and recommended reading... ccessecsesssersnsensesseseenaseneenseeee LT Part IIT - Exercises: Hypnotic Skills .... The Deep ‘Trance Training Manual, Volume f Suggestibility tests . eyrensni Core exercises (fail-safe tests) Hand relaxation .. Chevreul’s pendulum Postural sway . Eyelid fixation . Smile/yawn .... Dictionary / balloon Finger vice .... Additional oxereises Postural sway (forwards Unbendable arm . Hand clasp ... Hand stuck to head /leg Locked jaw .., Number block . Name block .. Hot object . Bitter lemon ,, Rapid inductions . Core exercise’ Suggestibility test utilisation method . Postural sway Unbendable arm . Handshake Induction 1 Additional exercises ....... Handshake Induction 2 (ambiguous touch) . Handshake Induction 3 (sudden-jerk method) Expectancy method ... Tension-release method ... Finger-counting method (confusion technique) .. Sensory overload Standard inductions Core exercises .... Reinforcing trance analogues: Pacing current experience Revivification 0... Conscious / unconscious dissociation .., Eye fixation Reinduction anchors , Additional exercises .... Progressive relaxation Hand levitation (standard) . Hand levitation (questions) Magnetic hanels .. Visual imacerw . “That's right” exercise .

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