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Roll No: ---------------------------


Mid Semester Examination – September, 2015

Program/course: B.Tech. (CS-HealthCare; CS- Security & Cyber Forensic; CS-Manufacturing; CS-
BAO; CS-BFSI; CS-E Com; CS-Game & Graphics; CS-IT Infra; PIE; ICE; Mechanical; Mechatronics;
Mining; GSE, GIE, PSE; IFE, Electrical; Electronics)

Subject: CHEMISTRY Semester– Ist

Code : CHEM-107 Max. Marks : 100
No. of page/s: 3 Duration : 2 Hrs

1) Mention Roll No. at the top of the question paper

2) Attempt all the parts of a question at one place

SECTION-A (Attempt all the questions ) (6 x 10= 60 Marks)

1. a. A person wants to buy an article. Same design is available in Zinc and Magnesium metal. As a
chemist, which metal article would you suggest the person to buy and why? (Given that Eo Mg2+/ Mg =
-2.37V, Eo Zn2+/Zn = -0.76V)

b. Explain briefly how does specific and molar conductance change with dilution? (5+ 5)

2. a. What do you mean by the term S.S.A? Explain the same in context to Chemical Kinetics? (2)

b. Find out the different Intermediates in the given mechanism for a complex reaction- (2)

c. Using S.S.A. find the concentration of each intermediates and the value of –d[NO2 ]/dt (6)

3. a. Calculate the heat of formation of naphthalene at 27 o C, if enthalpy of formation of CO 2 and H2 O are
-393.5 and -285.8 kJ/mole respectively. Enthalpy of combustion of naphthalene at constant volume is
-5100 kJ/ mole.

b. A Ist order reaction is 50% complete in 30 minutes at 27 0 C and in 10 minutes at 47 0 C. Calculate

the rate constant for reaction at 27 0 C and 47 0 C, and energy of activation for reaction. (6+ 4)

4. a. Discuss the half- life method for determination of order of reaction.

b. The specific conductance of a decinormal solution of KCl at 18 0 C is 1.12 Sm-1 . The resistance of a
conductivity cell containing the solution at the same temperature was found to be 55 Ohm. Find out the
value of cell constant. (5+ 5)

5. a. Discuss the functioning of bomb calorimeter for the determination of calorific value.

b. A sample of coal was tested for its calorific value in bomb calorimeter. The following results were

Weight of coal burnt = 0.95 g

Water equivalent of the calorimeter = 2000 g
Water taken in the calorimeter = 700 g
Observed rise in temperature = 2.48°C
Cooling correction = 0.02°C
Acids correction = 60 cal
Fuse wire correction = 10 cal
Assuming the latent heat of condensation of steam as 580 cal/g, calculate the gross calorific value of coal.
(5 + 5)

6. a. For the cell Zn(S) Zn+2 aq. (1M) Cu+2 aq. (1M) Cu (S)

i. Give cell reaction.

ii. Calculate emf of the cell. (Given that Zn+2 /Zn= -0.76 Volt & Cu+2 /Cu= 0.36 Volt).

b. Given the following experimental data, find out the order of reaction each reactant and
overall order of reaction.

NO(g) + NO2 (g) + O2 (g) N2O5 (g)

Sl. No. [NO] [NO2 ] [O2 ] RATE (M/min)
1 0.10 M 0.10 M 0.10 M 2.1 x 10-2
2 0.20 M 0.10 M 0.10 M 4.2 x 10-2
3 0.20 M 0.30 M 0.20 M 1.26 x 10-1
4 0.10 M 0.10 M 0.20 M 2.1 x 10-2


Section- B (Attempt Any One) (1 x 20 marks)

7. a. A coal sample 2.65 grams, was weighed in a silica crucible. After heating for an hour at 110 0 C, the
residue weighed 2.28 grams. The crucible next was covered with a vented lid and strongly heated to
exactly 7 minutes at 950±20 0 C. The residue weighed 1.728. The crucible was then heated without cover,
until a constant weight was obtained. The last residue as found to weigh 0.275 g. Calculate the %
moisture, volatile contents, ash and fixed carbon content in the sample.

b. Calculate the moles of electrons passed through coulometer, transport number of H + and Cl- from the
following data obtained by Moving Boundary method using CdCl2 as indicator electrolyte. Given that-
[HCl] = 0.1 Mole/liter, movement of boundary (l) = 7.50 cm, Cross sectional area of the tube (A) = 1.24
cm2 and amount of silver (Ag, m.w. 108) deposited in Coulometer=0.2418gm.

c. Describe five important parameters for determination of efficiency of good fuel. (4+8+8)

8. a. Differentiate the attackable and non-attackable electrodes for determination of transport number of

b. Discuss any two important processes with reactions, used to enhance the quality of gasoline.

c. Following reaction takes place in a single step.

2NO(g) + O2 (g) 2NO2 (g)

How many times the rate of above reaction changes if the volume of reaction vessel is decreased to one
third of its original volume? (9+7+4)

Section- C (Compulsory) (1 x 20 marks)

9. a. The analysis of an organic compound gave the following data:

i. 0.4020g gave 0.6098g CO2 and 0.2080g H2 O.

ii. 0.1033 g of sample gave 0.2772 g BaSO 4
iii. 1.01g by Kjeldahl method produced ammonia which was neutralized by 23.2ml of N/2

Determine % of C, H, S and N contents in the sample

b. How does galvanic cell work and what is the role of salt bridge into it?

c. For the reaction, 2NOCl (g) 2NO(g) + Cl2 (g)

10.0 moles of NOCl were initially placed in a five liter flask. After the equilibrium the flask
contains 3.30 moles of NOCl. Calculate the equilibrium constant at 25 0 C for the reaction.


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