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g, Japanese WWII — Aircraft in Colour (Volurne 1) } 22-25 : "Ze Hmm } . x : we ee ri re) — fw Martin Ferkl Cat. No. IT-4003 REV! ae q _ Japanese WWII Aircraft in Colour (Volume 1) Martin Ferkl ‘The Editor would be interested in hearing from any may own photos, aircraft technical drawings, logbooks, archival fed to idual who materials or anything else rel any period of aviation history. If you wish to publish your materials, please, write to REVI Publications. Every detail welcome indeed. REVI aera Translation; Radovan Vasigek Cover artwork design: Ing, Pete Stachura Color profiles: Dusan Simek, Martin Novotny, Stanislav Hajek, Zdemék Machitek Seale and technical drawings: Ing. Martin Lébl Expert consultants: Jan Bobek, Osamu Tagaya, Jom Leckscheid, Keishiro Nagao Copyright © REVI Publications 2006 First published in Czech Republic by REVI Publications, P.O. Box 143, Osteava-Poruba, 708 00 hupiliwwwerevi.ez, e-mail: redakee@irevicz, tel, +420 596 939 303 ISBN: 80-85957-12-4 Cat. No. 14003, Composition throu 2h Jit Kuga, Prntos.r0., Ostrava, Czech Republic All sights reserved. Apart from any fir dealing for the purpose of private study, researc, ‘oc review, as pormited under the Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 98, no par of his pubic ‘may be reproduced, sored in -etrieval system, of transmitted in any form or by any means, ele Photo eredits: Kenneth W. Buchanan, author's collection, REVI colle {wish to thank my long-standing friends Mr Keishiro Nagao and Mr Mitsuo Ashi far their help and support. This publication would not have been possible without dl remarkable Martin Fl

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