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Videogame Violence and Aggressiveness

BEFORE YOU ANSWER : Epic Games:By violence in video games I mean the games with lots of
depiction of gore (DOOM, Wolfenstein, Manhunt, Mortal Kombat) and not the games which
frustrate you (Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Getting Over It, CSGO (9th gang and with BOY HE


1) What games do you play regularly?


2) Generally, how do you feel before playing a gory video game?

I game to have fun. If I'm angry or sad then I dont play. A gory game doesn't neccesarily change anything I
just play what I feel is fun.

3) How do you feel after playing a gory videogame?


Depending on what game it is, I can feel the same as I was before playing the game or get frustrated(which
in this case is not being considered).I mostly feel the same as I was before playing the game.

4) Why do you think you might feel that way?


Games are an escape from the normal monotonous life that you have to go through. I play to get away and
have fun and the games themselves usually don't affect how I might be feeling.
5) How do you feel after a long time has passed after playing the game?

As mentioned above, once I stop playing the game I'm back to the same mindset as before. Duration doesn't
affect me


6) Do you feel aggressive after a game sesssion?

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