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3/29/2019 TAG Test Print

Test - Exponential Function

1. A student used f(x) = 5.00(1.012)x to show how the balance in a savings account will increase over
time. What does the 5.00 represent?

A. The interest the savings account earned for the first year
B. The annual interest rate of the savings account
C. The number of years the savings account has earned interest
D. The starting balance of the savings account

2. Scientists are studying a bacteria sample. The function f(x) = 245(1.12)x gives the number of
bacteria in the sample at the end of x days.

Which statement is the best interpretation of one of the values in this function?

F. The initial number of bacteria is 12.

G. The initial number of bacteria decreases at a rate of 88% each day.
H. The number of bacteria increases at a rate of 12% each day.
J. The number of bacteria at the end of one day is 245.

3. Jack and Jill are beginning a lawn care business. They have purchased a zero turn radius riding lawn
mower for $6,500. For tax purposes, its value is expected to depreciate at a rate of 15% annually.
Which function represents the value of the riding lawn mower in dollars, V(t), as a function of
elapsed time in years, t?

A. V(t) = (0.85)t
B. V(t) = 15(6500)t
C. V(t) = 6500(0.85)t
D. V(t) = 6500(0.15)t

4. Aaron bought a new boat at a cost of $19,000. The boat depreciates by approximately 15% of its
value each year. Which equation can model the decay value of this boat with y being the value of
the boat and x being the years since purchase?

F. y = 19,000(1.15)x
G. y = 19,000(0.15)x
H. y = 19,000(0.85)x
J. y = 19,000(0.15x)

5. The popular town of Jonesville currently has a population of 32,000 people. The annual rate of… 1/4
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increase in population is expected to be about 1.6%. Which equation can be used to model future
growth of the city with y representing total population and x representing the number of years?

A. y = 32,000(1.016)x
B. y = 32,000(1.6)x
C. y = 1.6(32,000)x
D. y = 32,000(1 - 0.016)x

6. Carl made an initial deposit of $8,000 in a savings account earning a yearly compounded interest
rate of 5%. Assuming Carl makes no additional deposits or withdrawals, which function can model
this growth?

F. y = 8,000(0.95)x
G. y = 0.05(8,000)x
H. y = 8,000(0.95x)
J. y = 8,000(1.05)x

7. A toy is made up of cylindrical rings stacked on a base, as shown in the diagram. The diameter of
Ring 1 is 87% of the diameter of the base. For Ring 2 through Ring 7, the diameter of each ring is
87% of the diameter of the ring directly below it.

The diameter of the base is 5 inches. Which function can be used to find the diameter in inches of
Ring r, where 1 ≤ r ≤ 7?… 2/4
3/29/2019 TAG Test Print

A. d(r) = 5(0.87)r
B. d(r) = 0.87(r - 5)
C. d(r) = 0.87(5)r
D. d(r) = 5(r - 0.87)

8. A particular type of cell doubles in number every hour. Which function can be used to find the
number of cells present at the end of h hours if there are initially 4 of these cells?



9. The amount of fertilizer in a landscaping company’s warehouse decreases at a rate of 3% per week.
The amount of fertilizer in the warehouse was originally 78,000 cubic yards.

Which function models the amount of fertilizer in cubic yards left after w weeks?

A. f(w) = 0.97(78,000)w
B. f(w) = 1.03(78,000)w
C. f(w) = 78,000(0.97)w
D. f(w) = 78,000(1.03)w

10. There are 1,024 players in a tennis tournament. In each round, half the players are eliminated.
Which function can be used to find the number of players remaining in the tournament at the end of
x rounds?

F. f(x) = 1,024(1.50)x
G. f(x) = 1,024(0.50)x
H. f(x) = 1,024(1.05)x
J. f(x) = 1,024(0.05)x

11. In the year 1900, the total number of metric tons of copper produced in the world was 495,000.
Each year since 1900, the total number of metric tons of copper produced has increased on average
by about 3.25% over the amount produced the previous year.

Which function models the total number of metric tons of copper produced in the year that is x years
since 1900?

A. c(x) = 495,000(1.0325)x… 3/4
3/29/2019 TAG Test Print

B. c(x) = 495,000(0.9675)x
C. c(x) = 495,000x1.0325
D. c(x) = 495,000x0.9675… 4/4

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