Osprey Men-At-Arms The Japanese Army 1931-1945 No 1 1931-1942 (2002)

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A a en terested in ruiry "Natnfor as ong see eon ‘ernerber Hs et Osprey ‘ook nan the rend raking tetas since pubiened 3 ‘hreespart sequence en he ‘alan ry 1940-48 (en-st-Arme 240,40 8383, Smsterponetonn. hee 1011-90, end tve-por omy 1990-25 Qa 347, 0,226, 200.8 290, CONTENTS ‘THE BACKGROUND, 1894-1931 STRENGTH & ORGANISATION, 1931-45 High command structte sntry divisions Types A, B & C iniy regiments, battalions & companies + cavalry brigades # armoured units CHRONOLOGY, 1931-41 ‘THE PACIFIC CAMPAIGN, 1941-42 * Chronology, December 1941-June "The Japanese Army in summer 1942 UNIFORMS, 1931-42 * Enlisted men's uniforms, Type 90 (1980) & Type 8 (1938) * officers uniforms ‘insignia: rank arm of service — specialist & proficiency badges ~ armbands ‘headgear: peaked service cap ~ fel caps — steel helmets ~ sun helmets ‘ footweat: leather ankle hoots— fabi~ officers’ foorseear PROTECTIVE & SPECIALIST CLOTHING *# Greatcoats# officers raincoat # mantles * cold weather clothing: winter sureoat & coat = far hats ~ snow camouflage — winter footwear spec prot INFANTRY EQUIPMENT ‘+ Enlisted men’s officers? WEAPONS Small arms # swords ¢ support weapons ‘clothing: tankers’ uniform —antichemical clothing ~ working dress THE PLATES INDEX "1 14 21 36 39 40 43, 48 ‘Sop ng ann og ‘uate nr it FO Boe ‘grap horas tb hte gene HIGHLAND LIBRARIES 03070014 Dedication Acknowledgements “is ack wou not ai bmn pene what hh f= ‘ner peo rl woul eno ane Seger Ane, Fran Chin Parte aka goto Rohr Fle ond Gord oot xh tomes na rig nd ‘Now Thomas chap wih ak carte Sx ay, Darke rr gearus ewe pata Author's Note ‘he ype covered wo boon sear a $a in orn ne esata ks chenogeay ut sha ret tro pes n at Insane Nal orig Foes Peresute Fr one May Paice ent) lb covering sca Artist's Note ‘Se rproaicn copie wim tary te “Pub ry ht hay cn tar en coneipenaines | otoio ~ superir pate ot the 40m ta tary Regiment, tt (oye) taney Pr one fl tn the Sty Se, Hot wenn the tanned peakes mere) fervica ce. withthe Tpe 9, {530 unto which caro ie ‘eth swatowt” colar patches, Intent is equipmant into ‘Youle pang out nthe te vont wiped at New ‘ine in $948 Garand THE JAPANESE ARMY 1931-45 (1) 1931-42 THE BACKGROUND, 1894-1931 T: Janusese Bure ARM was at war continuously for over 14 y with the historians might argue that Japan had in one way or another been in conic since the frst Sinogapanese war of 1894. The viewory over the Chinese in this, Japan's First foreign war for centuries, gained her conteol over Formosa (Taiwan), the Liaotung Peninsula and the Pecadores Islands. These gains were consolidated a few years later when t Japanese Imperial Army and Navy won a bitter campaign against the ‘ther imperial power in the region, Tsarist Russa. ‘The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05 ended in the defeat of the Russian forces on land and sea, and removed any immediate check to Japan's expansion in Asia; and in 1910 she annexed Korea. Her victories over the Russians established Japan ~ sunk in largely medieval stagnation only half century earlier ~ ‘as: new world power which should not be taken light Japan's limited involvement on the Entente (Allied) side in World War | gained her the former German Pacific colonies in the Marshal, Caroline and Marianas islands, and also a tochold in- mainland China chaotic counay, fragmented between competing warlords, was a constant temptation, and Japan — like the other powers - exploited Chinese weakness to obtain trading concessions which Ted 10 de fata rule over various enclaves. Under the terms of the Washington ‘Treaty (1922) the USA, Britain, Japan and France were to limit naval shipbuilding and desist from fontfying Pacific colonies; but Japan did not abide by this agreement. Japan's rapidly expanding popillaion was outstripping her ability 10 Feed them. Her dash for industrialisaion demanded rave materials ~ ‘oul, metals, rubber, and particularly oil ~ whieh dhe home islands could not produce. Trade in these vital commodities with what was termed the ‘Southern Resources Area’ — basically the European and American colonies in SE Asia and the Pacific ~ could not be guaranteed in times of international tension or war. A miltarist, chauvinistic government took power in Japan, and from 1982 onwards nine out of 11 prime ministers ‘would be military officers. Japan's bellicose antivide would guarantee intemational tension and consequent trade embargoes, whieh would further provoke the Japanese government to consider military adventures to seize territory and resources, During the 120s Japan built up a great deal of fluence oxer Chang ‘Teolin, the Chinese warlord who was the effective ruler of Manchuria “The Japanese supplied Chang with weaponry and military advisors, anc in return expected him to support Japanese interests. His defeat by the Nationalist forces of Chiang Kaishek in 1928 quickly led wo Chang

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