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Eng. Augusto Madrigali Fidalgo
State University of Campinas, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brazil
Prof. Dr. João Alberto Venegas Requena
State University of Campinas, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brazil
Albert Einstein Avenue, 951, 13083-852, São Paulo, Campinas, Brazil

Abstract. This work is about a circular hollow flange connection, with full plate. Because of
the growing interest in tubular structures, demand for solid references has growing too, in
this sense, this paper is about a theoretical and numerical study of flange connection, initially
studying it subject to axial tensile load, whose behavior is well known, and after propose a
specific formulation for eccentric tensile load, because it wasn’t found on bibliography. First
part of this research, which consists in null eccentricity, seeks to understand this connection’s
mechanism, specially prying effect, considered the most critical failure mode. For this, the
connection was full modeled in software ANSYS, without symmetric simplifications and
considering contact, and it’s stress and strain results was compared with reference’s. As soon
as the model behave like predicted, it was considered calibrated and ready to have the
eccentricity applied. References say nothing about a specifically formulation for flange
subject to flexure – tensile, it deal with this problem in an approximately way, considering
superposition of effects, checking the joint conservatively, thus, the final objective is to
propose a specific formulation for eccentric load.

Keywords: Circular Flange Connection, ANSYS, Eccentric Load

Proceedings of the XXXIV Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering
Z.J.G.N Del Prado (Editor), ABMEC, Pirenópolis, GO, Brazil, November 10-13, 2013
Theoretical and Numerical Study of Circular Flange Connection in Hollow Steel Structures


Observing nature, it’s very common the presence of the circular section, especially in the
stems of plants and human bones. It happens due to the circular section is a very efficient one,
because it can aggregate interesting structural features, using less material than other type of
section. As an example, due to radial symmetry, its compression resistance is very high, and
the circular hollow section doesn’t warp, increasing its torsional resistance.
Due to these advantages, circular hollow section frame are widely used in truss structures.
However, despite the qualities, the treatment of the connections in this kind of frames is more
complex, and requires empirical and numerical tests to check its behavior. In this paper, blank
flange connection is study, using circular hollow section.
On the studied references, only axial load design calculation has been found, for tensile-
flexure design, the design is based on superposition effect, which is conservative. Thus, using
numerical analysis, this study seeks to understand flange’s behavior subject to axial tensile
load, and after that, come up with an specifically formulation for eccentric tensile load.


The axial tensile load is applied on tube, and distributed uniformly on frame’s section.
This stress go to fillet weld, and them to the plate, causing a bending, that depends on the
relative stiffness between plate and bolt (Couchaux, 2009a), (Couchaux, 2009b) and (Santos,
2003), if the plate is flexible, prying effect will happen. The displaced flange transmits stress
to washer, which transmits to bolts, this bolts are in contact with other side washers, that are
in contact with the plate, completing the mechanism.

Figure 1 – Joint Dimensions (Santos, 2003)


The main design was the one proposed by CIDECT (CIDECT, 2008). Implicit in this
joint detail is a tolerance for prying effect, which allows it happens up to 1/3 of bolt strength,
in view of tube’s yielding, this is the why there is just 2/3 of bolt's strength on formula (2).
The calculation is below.

Proceedings of the XXXIV Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering
Z.J.G.N Del Prado (Editor), ABMEC, Pirenópolis, GO, Brazil, November 10-13, 2013
Fidalgo, Augusto M., Requena, João A. V.

Flange thickness:

: Tensile axial load
: Safety factor
: Plate yielding stress
: Dimensionless factor
As a recommendation, the dimension , Figure 1, should be kept as low as possible, to
reduce prying effect.
Number of bolts:

: Bolt's resistance

: Outer tube diameter
In this reference, nothing was said about weld design.
The proposed design, for axial tensile load, follows the previous reference and the AISC
(Packer et. Al, 2010), considering weld failure, plate yielding and bolt failure, the weld design
proceed as the Brazilian code NBR8800/08.
For plate yielding, is used the expression (1), however, the factor is obtained
analytically, like proposed by (Packer et. Al, 2010), but using CIDECT’s graphic and a
formulation proposed by the author.

Outer tube’s diameter

Tube thickness

Proceedings of the XXXIV Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering
Z.J.G.N Del Prado (Editor), ABMEC, Pirenópolis, GO, Brazil, November 10-13, 2013
Theoretical and Numerical Study of Circular Flange Connection in Hollow Steel Structures

The number of bolts came from adapted expression (2), it means that the safety
coefficient is considered in bolt’s strength, using (ABNT, 2008). Others references suggest
other formulations, but some are too empirical, like (Rockey, 1970), or too much theoretical,
like (Couchaux et. Al., 2010). Considering this, the design chosen was proposed by CIDECT,
because of their practicality.
In sequence, it is the reference that proposed a flexure – tensile design, (Wardenier et. al.,
2010), an equivalent load is calculate, using superposition effect.

Equivalente axial load

Tube’s area
Bending moment
Elastic or plastic resistance modulus


Despite the studied references, in this paper, the final numerical model is complete,
without symmetric considerations. This was the chosen option to show how prying effect
happens, and model the joint as real as possible.
The basis for this model came from (Couchaux, 2009b). Using the software Ansys, this
model is created using solid elements, tetrahedral on tube and hexahedral on others parts,
fillet weld and washers have been modeled too. Between plates, contact elements were
created, TARGET170 and CONTA174, to simulate the prying effect, and between bolts and
washer, it's just connected.

Figure 2 – Symmetric Finite element Model (Couchaux, 2009b)

Considering this reference, it was decided to model connection’s parts. The first model is
similar to (Couchaux, 2009b), the difference is that no symmetry was considered and contact

Proceedings of the XXXIV Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering
Z.J.G.N Del Prado (Editor), ABMEC, Pirenópolis, GO, Brazil, November 10-13, 2013
Fidalgo, Augusto M., Requena, João A. V.

isn't taking into account, just half of the joint is modeled and the restriction is at bolt's end. At
Figure 3 is the Von-Mises stress distribution for this model.
This model does not represent joint’s behavior exactly, because it doesn’t have symmetry
and contact. However, it’s possible to see that Von-Mises distribution, Figure 3, is similar to
that from yield line theory, proposed by (Kato & Hirose, 1985), Figure 5. Another important
verification is the longitudinal displacement, in Z direction, in Figure 4, it’s visible that there
is a curvature at the plate, the red region moves in Z positive direction, while the edge
regions, blue ones, moves in Z negative direction, checking that prying effect can happen.

Figure 3 – Von-Mises Stress on First Model [MPa]

Figure 4 – Z Displacement on First Model [mm]

Figure 5 – Yield Line Pattern (Kato & Hirose, 1985)

Proceedings of the XXXIV Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering
Z.J.G.N Del Prado (Editor), ABMEC, Pirenópolis, GO, Brazil, November 10-13, 2013
Theoretical and Numerical Study of Circular Flange Connection in Hollow Steel Structures

The second model assumes symmetry, and just ¼ of the joint is considered. This model is
useful to study contact consideration on the connection, which is a complex non-linear
problem, and involves a variation of some parameters to converge (Wriggers, 2006). The
contact is considered only between plates, because it can be in contact or not, for bolts,
washer and plates pairs, like it are always connected, no contact were considered. Whereas
there is no sliding between plates, the contact consideration is frictionless.
For the contact simulation, Penalty Method is used, despite this method is more unstable,
it is easier to deal with, according to (Wriggers, 2006). Another reference about contact is
(Silva, 2009), since it saids that a good spring stiffness is achieve when the penetration
between bodies is low, and does not varies considerably, been also varied the spring stiffness.
An important parameter for convergence is the penetration limit. According to (Silva,
2009), the penetration between bodies must be less than this limit, otherwise, the model will
have difficulties to converge, or won’t converge. Thus, like on Figure 4 the plate edge deform
-0,48mm, for the second model the penetration limit is fixed as 0,5mm.

Figure 6 – Contact penetration [mm] and pressure [MPa]

Figure 7 – Displacement in Z direction, enlarged 10 times [mm]

Proceedings of the XXXIV Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering
Z.J.G.N Del Prado (Editor), ABMEC, Pirenópolis, GO, Brazil, November 10-13, 2013
Fidalgo, Augusto M., Requena, João A. V.

Figure 8 – Von-Mises stress [MPa]

Figure 6 shows that penetration is very low, 0,0036mm, and contact pressure is located
between bolt and edge, like predicted on (Couchaux et. Al., 2010), z displacement on Figure 7
is low, 1,62mm, and the plate is in contact near the bolt, but there is a gap away from it, and
Figure 8 shows Von-Mises strees distribution, which is concentrate on bolts and weld. So,
considering these results, the conclusion is that the contact happened.


Using the same contact parameters of the last model, a full one is calculated. At Figure 9,
it's possible to see the displacement in x and y directions, it's symmetric, like was expected,
next, there is the displacement in z direction, showing to be consistent, because the maximum
value is 1,58mm and symmetric. At Figure 11, it's clear to see the plate curvature and the
contact happening near the bolts.

Figure 9 - Displacement in X and Y directions, respectively[mm]

Proceedings of the XXXIV Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering
Z.J.G.N Del Prado (Editor), ABMEC, Pirenópolis, GO, Brazil, November 10-13, 2013
Theoretical and Numerical Study of Circular Flange Connection in Hollow Steel Structures

Figure 10 - Displacement in Z direction [mm]

Checking the Figure 12, it's possible to see the Von-Mises stress distribution on flange,
without bolts. Picture's scale is from 0 to 485MPa, and the gray areas is out of scale, it's clear
that stress concentration happens near bolts and weld fillet, but the main joint is subject to a
stress lower than 250MPa, which is the yielding stress for this type of steel. To confirm that,
at Picture 13 there is the Von-Mises stress in plate, like the stress is lower than 250MPa in the
most area of the joint, the proposed design is safe, and it's possible to see that green lines, in
lower view, follows the yield lines too.

Figure 11 - Displacement in Z direction, enlarged 100 times [mm]

Proceedings of the XXXIV Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering
Z.J.G.N Del Prado (Editor), ABMEC, Pirenópolis, GO, Brazil, November 10-13, 2013
Fidalgo, Augusto M., Requena, João A. V.

Figure 12 - Von-Mises stress with scale [MPa]

Figure 13 - Von-Mises stress on plates, upper and lower view, with scale [MPa]

The picture below shows the Von-Mises stress distribution on bolts, there is no scale
here, and the maximum stress value is concentrate, so it is not representative. Looking Figure
14, notices that main part of bolt is subjected to a stress value lower than 825MPa, the limit
for high strength bolts A325, proving that design is safe.

Proceedings of the XXXIV Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering
Z.J.G.N Del Prado (Editor), ABMEC, Pirenópolis, GO, Brazil, November 10-13, 2013
Theoretical and Numerical Study of Circular Flange Connection in Hollow Steel Structures

Figure 14 - Von-Mises stress on bolts [MPa]


Tube's diameter is 168,3mm, and thickness of 7,1mm, Young's modulus for tube, plate
weld and bolts is 200000MPa, and stress strain relationship for bolts is at Figure 15. Heigh of
the weld is 8mm, bolt's diameter is 22,2mm, flange thickness is 13,53mm and the tensile
applied is 600kN.

Figure 15 - Stress strain relation for bolts [MPa] (Cubeiros, et. al. 2011)


It became clear how flange connection behave when subject to tensile strength, prying
mechanism, which happens in other type of connections too, the complexity of numerical
modeling, specially contact considerations. The proposed design for axial tensile, gather
analytically, shows to be safe, despite more tests should be done.
In these sense, the connection is considered calibrated and ready for eccentricity. To
complete this research, on author's master degree will have the design for eccentric tensile

The authors are grateful for Prof. Dr. Marco Lúcio Bittencourt and Prof. Dr. Alberto Luís
Serpa, who helped with contact problem, UNICAMP, Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes (V &
M Brazil) and Setepla Tecnometal & Sener.

Proceedings of the XXXIV Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering
Z.J.G.N Del Prado (Editor), ABMEC, Pirenópolis, GO, Brazil, November 10-13, 2013
Fidalgo, Augusto M., Requena, João A. V.


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de Aço e de Estruturas Mistas de Aço e Concreto de Edifícios.
Construction with Hollow Section 2008. For Circular Hollow Section Joints Under
Predominantly Static Load. V. 1 (CIDECT)
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Under Tensile Force. Tubular Structures XIII
Couchaux, M., Hjiaj, M. e Ryan, M. 2009b. Stress Concentration Factors for the Fatigue
Design of Tubular Flange Connections. Nordic Steel Construction Conference (NSCC).
Hirose, B. Kato & R. 1985. Bolted Tension Flanges Joining Circular Hollow Sections
K. C. Rockey, D. W. Griffiths. 1970. The Behavior of Bolted Flanged Joints in Tension - Ring
Flanges. University of Wales - Faculty of Applied Science.
Packer, J., Sherman, D. e Lecce, M. 2010. Design Guide n°24 - Hollow structural section
connection, (AISC).
Santos, Ana Laura E. de Figueiredo, 2003. Ligações de Barras Tubulares para Estruturas
Metálicas Planas. Dissertação de Mestrado FEC - UNICAMP.
Silva, Gabriel Hattori da. 2009. Escolha de Parâmetros para Análise de Contato entre Corpos
Elásticos Usando Elementos Finitos e Redes Neurais. Dissertação de Mestrado FEC -
Vieira, Rodrigo Cubeiros, et al. 2011. Numerical Analysis of CHS Bolted Sleeve
Connections. Eurosteel
Wardenier, J., et al. 2010. Hollow Section in Structural Aplications.
Wriggers, Peter. 2006. Computational Contact Mechanics. Hannover : Springer, 2006.

Proceedings of the XXXIV Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering
Z.J.G.N Del Prado (Editor), ABMEC, Pirenópolis, GO, Brazil, November 10-13, 2013

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